THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DALY .... . ;MA MAJESTIC Iomas Meighan in "The Conflid- Man" will open at the Majestic y. It is a crook story of the of the "Miracle Man"' which ight this actor so much fame. In e plays the part of a confidnce .Virginia Valli has the leading Ian's role opposite the star in this Ywhich is an adaptation of the yby L. Y. Erskine and Robert s. The plot deals with the selling ome worthless oil stock. SAl C~hristie feature, "Hold Your tth" will open on Thursday.. It ill of thrills, and surprises, and s room for some exciting ac- .Besides Dorothy Devore and ,de -Adams, the cast includes_ er Hires, Tully Marshall, Pris- Bonner, and Jay Belasco. Colonel Hus ton Would Pur chase Brooklyn Team I lb.. . ----- i Bargains in USED CARS! Ij FOR BETTER 1I ,t 1920 1915 1919 1920 1921 1922. 1918, Ford Sedan - Ford Runabout Buick Touring Ford Touring Ford Runabout Ford Sedan Ford Touring- - - - - X140 - - 25 - - - -250 - - - - 80 100 - - - 250 - - 30 SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of, Maj I, 711 N. University Ave. lip Up-stairs PHONE 296-R Across from the Campus FOR QUALITY PRINTIM SEE' 91k wftj~fesf5 Tio'inisJr 6"tr ipessions I - 0 H - "- - ----- Ill. i Henry S.f Platt 316 E. Hur* St. FORD SALES AND SERVICE 11 Phone 727. A mmmmw® WUERTH "The King of Wild" Horses," a Pathe picture, will be the feature at the Wuerth opening today. for a four day run. It is the story of a wild !horse, Rex, whose story of love and fidelity is an extremely interesting one. The horse, untamed and power-- fut, performs many' daring stunts. Without a rider on his back he leaps across a broad chasm; fights of o white stallion who tries to steal his mate; Pushes into forest tire, and many other exciting features. The picture is unusual and out of the ordinary. "Hoodman Blind" will open at the Wuerth on Thursday. 'David Butler and Gladys Huplette play the leads: The story deals with a man who un- justly suspects his wife of infidelity: and whose jealousy brings on a trag edy which is overcome only by a kind fate. Col. IThlingast Huston According to word from New York Col. Tillingast Huston, formerly half- owner of the New York Yankees, is eager to buy the controlling interest in the Brooklyn National league club. G~ARRICK Miss Bonstelle will make her sea- ond new production of. the current season at the Garrick next wee;-of- fering a new play owned by A. H.T Woods, from the pen of Martin Brown. Plastic surgery, as developed during the war, evidently gave the authorI the idea for his theme. The play be- longs in the crook class, but withal the author steps into the realm of science, home life and dope. It is a powerful story, its love interest deep- grained and its characters varied and clear-cut, affording- distinct opportun ities for the Bonstelle company when they present this play, "The Claw and the Wing."; Read The Daily "Classified" Columns 2WEEK BEGINNINGO AINNights TOMORR El El25c-50e-75e-$1 7G ~ flPOP. MATS. AUGUST 1 w ues., Thiurs., Sat. Fifteenth Aninual Season c-O - Twelfth Week STONIGHT Lat -Perform- " ayTef 3r" P (SUNDAY) ance iiy r = THE S r= r In stenth Bstansforer fothed r -o-rleognzain Summer wear of every kind is thoroughly, and safely cleaned by White Swan. SILK DRESSES, SHIRTS WHITE SWEATERS, COATS Call us about it, 16 5 or bring your clothes to our Station in the Press Bldg. White Swan Laundry r Ann Arbor's Leading Cleaner's Must RWgster Rooms ILandladies 'of the city who have rooms to rent to men stu- dents of the University for the Inext year, must register their rooms~ with the office of the Dean~ of Students If they desir~e Jany cooperation from the dead} In the matter of recompAenda- tion. T'he systemi to be nse4 this_ Syear which is simlilar to that nsed Slast year, will do away with top hious~e t to 9s~e cvass as was Ithe old custpV, and 'will. in- volve the necessity of personal- ly placing the roomi to be !it- _I K .This ?nay be doUe by tole- # phonin~g Dr. IWpfe4 -B. Wahr, As- Isistant. Dean of Students 'from whom the announcement oUf the phange is forthcoming:.I The listing of the rooms ought Ito be complete at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the Ischool year so that adequate lists may be prepared in the office Iof the dean of !students for use Iby University men. Dr. Fred B. IWahr, In commenting }upon the [rooming situation and the new Iplan of proceedure, expressedI Ithe belief that there will be no Ishortage of rooms this fall. I A En . ., . Read The Daily "Classified" Columns C~burcb Zvce CONGR EGATI ONAL CH URCH HERBERT A TUMlP, Minister E. IKNOX MlIT iCIIEIL, University Pastor LUJCY HITBERi, Secretary for Women Students "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARM WELCOME" 'a STARTS TODAY NTH COO r STARTS TODAY I SUNDAY, AUG. 10, 1924 10:45 Morning Service of Worship. "THlE MIRACLES:" HERE'S TOM'S ANSWER To PUBLIC DEMAND to See Him in Anotber Crook Picture T HE CONFIDENCE Man" promises you the b est "j Meighan picture since "The "I couldn't ignore Miracle Maln." the fans," lie' ex. It's crook-and-love melo- plais, "o wedrama of the same high cali- plais, pso e rbre. Blood-stirring, Heart- hunted up the touchiit pure-gold entertain. best crook story ament. we could find." ma ARE THEY OF ANY VALUE? 12:00 Open Forum. Prof. C. E. Griffin, of the Commerce and In- dustry Dept. will discuss "REPARATIONS AND THE DAWES PLAN" The CHURCH will be CLOSED for the rest of August and 'until the middle of September. I AT THE THEATERS 'I 3creen--Today Majestic-Thomas Meighan in "'rho Cfid ice n;' l j en rf's topical sketchs; Mermaid comedy, " Weddin- Showers"; Aesop fable. Wuerth =- "The King of Wild Horses;" "Fighting 'Blood" comedy, "The Comedy of Ter- rors;" "Olympic. Mermaids;" Pathe news. .1 Holy Communion at 8:oo A. M. Corner Catherine and Division Streets ]4orir g rayeT .au sermon by Rev. H. C. R binson at 9:30 A. M. The above schedule will be followed for the rest of the summer. NOTE-Through a misunderstanding the notices printed in the church page of Saturday's Daily for this church were incorrect. The notices should have been as above. Ii 'I ' ., Attend Church Sundayl iAage; -Thias Week Garrick (Detroit)- The stelle company in "The and the Wing." fl Bon- Claw CLASSIFJ IS FOR SALE 'I£ E set of Law Books, The North- western Reports. Cost $060.00. Price $200.000, at your own terms. Mrs. George H. Morrison, 127 Div-j iston St., S. .W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Watch Repairing [NEST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street jewelAry. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IL Edward Sayles, Minister ' owaird R Chapman, Minister of University Students SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 R30--Morning Worship and Sermon, "THE Ministry of Hope" Mr. Chapman. 12:00-The Church Sunday School. Classes for all ages. Students will meet in Guild House (across the street.) Mr. Chapman, Leader. Special musio Sunday morning. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30. Note-Regular Sunday morn- ing services~will continue thruout the sumrmer. Mr. Chapman will be the vacation pulpit supply. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod.) Corner Third and W. Huron Sts. CARL, A. B AUER, Pastor. 420 W. Liberty St. 1006-n 9:00 Preparatory Service. 9:30 Sermon, "The Unjust Steward." wm I . 1. Cy' zot~iw ~S~f LASW alltES's Holy Communion. Bible School, 11:00 o'clock. Ill ------- CHURCH OF CHRIST, J. ALLEN CANBY Phone 1145-J. (Acting Pastor) SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 9:30 A. M. Bible School. 10:30 A. M. Morning Service, sermon by Rev. C. A. Hanna, of Cleveland,- Ohio. Special Music by members of Cleve- land Festival Quartet. No evening Service. All serv- ices held in Lane Hall until opening of the new church home corner Tappan and Hill. 11 POLICY Matinee 1:30-3--4:30 Evening 7:30-9:00 Olendorf's Topical Sketches ANDM AJESTIC SHORT SUBJECTS "WEDDING SHOWERS" .A MERMAID COM1EDY With a Cloud Burst of Fun A New Aesop Fable. Cartoon POLICY Matinee anid Evening All Seats 35c Clildren lac I II .. , I 11 iI in Coming Soon-"BETWEEN FRIENDS," Robert W. Chambers Monumental Love Story ____________________________II I- _9