PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Preos. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the %se for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- Mi. Fntered at the postoffice, An Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $.5-o. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Comnnunications, if signed as evidence of d faith, will be published in The Summer f)aly at the discretion of the Fditor. Un- signed- communications will receive no con- sideration. The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communica- tions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones ,2414 and z76-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY News Editor ..........Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board...... ..........,.....Andrew E. Propper City Editor............. .. Verena Moran Night Editor..........Frederick K. Sparrow Telegraph E~ditor........ Leslie S. Bennetts Womens' Editor.........Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS Louise Barley Wenley B. Krouser Rosalea Spaulding Marian Kolb Marion Walkery JAlbert Laansma Dwight Coursey Marion Meyer ' Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld Geneva Ewing Dorothy Wall Maryland E. Hartloff BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell Copywriting' Manager...Noble D. Travis Circulation Manager.. Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager......C. Wells Christie Account Manager...........Byron Parker STAFF MEMBERS Florence E. Morse Florence McComb Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1924 Night Editor-ROBT. G. RAMSAY games can be seated directly on that line or even very close to it. By far the greatest number of seats in the stadium are quite a distance from this coveted spot. Science has not yet discovered a way of crowding 50,000 people in the limited space to ten ,yards. Another occasion for discontent on the part of the student body seems to lie in the fact that strangers, out-i siders, always seem to be occupying1 the better seats; people who are not vitally interested in the team, who do not feel the intense desire for a Michigan victory that is characteris- tic of a true son of Michigan, but who "are interested in the whole af- fair as a magnificient spectacle. Stu- dents cannot seem to understand how the spectators manage to get the best seats, and since they do not under- stand, they immediately jump at the conclusion that unfair methods of ticket distribution have been employ- ed. But it must be borne in mind that jumping at conclusions is a dan- gerous exercise and one not to be often indulged in. Only a little thought will bring the realization that these strangers, or the vast majority of them, are parents, relatives and friends of other stu- dents or alumni. Every student has a chance to get a number of extra tickets and it is for these visitors that the extra tickets have been obtained The policy of first come first served is used in this case and investigation will show that there is no unfairness to complain about. . The new seating plan which goer into effect this fall will give under- graduates an opportunity to obtain better seats than they formerly have had. The cheering section plan ap- ipears to be a good one and its tria this fall will indicate just how much .it will satisfy the student demand for better seats. The fate of the plan ,rests in the hands of the students themselves. Their co-operation will make it work successfully while just as much dissatisfaction as ever will be current if the student body fails to co-operate. THE SWAN SON( f! 50-50 ON THE PRESENT, CYNTHIA Dear Taman: Can you help me out of a fix? There are four men in my education class that want to get their names in print, and I said that I might be able to help them. I was only fooling about my pull with your paper, but they swallowed it whole and prom- ised me all kinds of nice things if I would print them. Can't you use your | influence in 'printing their names. They are awful nice, and cute, too, and they promised me a present if I would get them in. Please help me. Their names are O'Leary, Phillips, Cummings, and Garber, and they all sit next to me in Education 101s which meets at 8 o'clock in the morn- ing under Prof. J. B. Edmondson. Per- haps a word of explanation about each might be interesting, so as you will know that it is all right to print their names. Mr. O'Leary is a French- man, come to this country to 'learn the language. Mr. Phillips is dark and has nice eyes and a cute laugh. Cummings and Garber are just sweet Help me out and put this in. Cynithia. P. S.-Cummings and Garber both wear knickers and mustaches. If it isn't too darn personel, Cyn- thia, may we respectfully ask how all four of those estimable gentlemen can sit next to you? Sorry that the per- sonal couldn't get in-that they were all in class at once is unique, to say the least. Wish you had sent in a picture. PRIZE SHORT STORY Chap. 3. OUR HERO "Why sould any man who writes, even if he writes things immortal, nurse anger at the world's neglect? Who asked him to publish? Who promised him a hearing? Who has broken faith with him? If my shoe- maker should turn me out an excellent pair of shoes, and I, in some mood of cantakerous unreason, throw them back up- on his hands, the man has just cause for complaint. But your poem, your novel, who bargain- ed with you for it? If it is honest journeywork, yet lacks purchasers, at most you may call yourself a hapless tradesman. If it comes on high, with what decency do you fret and fume because it is not paid for in heavy cash? For the work of man's mind there is one test, and one alone-the judgment of generations yet unborn. If you have written a great book, the world to come will know it. But you don't care for posthum- ous glory. You want to enjoy fame in a comfortable armchair. Ah, that is quite another thing! Have the courage of your de- sires, admit yourself a merchant, and protest to gods and men that the merchandise you offer Is of better quality than much which sells for a high price." -GEORGE GISSING. _. 9 Q - THOSE WHO CLAMOR With the coming of fall and the football season, the question of the distribution of tickets to the foot- ball games again becomes a matter of discussion and dispute. The pro- blem of distributing somewhere in the neighborhood of 50,000 tockets for each game in such a manner that everyone will be pleased is one which we venture to predict can never be fully solved. It is human nature to want the best of everything; and it is also a human trait to raise a cry of unfairness when the best is not secured. The Athletic association, in this connection, must be awarded a word of praise for its valian efforts to keep everybody pleased. Heaven knows it needs the praise-the knock- ers are always in the majority. This, however, is not intended to be a criticism of the way in which tick- ets to the games are distributed; nor is it a song of praise for the Athletic association. The criticism is aimed chiefly at the spirit shown by a great many people, all ardent football fans who yell loud and long about crook- edness and unfairness in connection with the allotment of tickets. Those who raise this hue and cry must realie first of all that there is but one 50-yard line on a footbali field and that only a small fraction of the large crowd which attends the * SIR ROBERT BADEN-POWELL The gathering of Boy Scouts from all over the world in an international jamboree serves to draw attention to l Lieut-Gen. Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the scouts, or the chief scout, as he is more briefly known to millions of boys throughout the world. He was born in London, Feb. 22,1 1857. His father was an Oxford pro- fessor. While awaiting his entrance to Ox- ford, he filled in time by trying an army examination and, much to his own surprise, he passed so high in both infantry and cavalry papers that he was attached to a cavalry regi- ment without the usual two years at Sandhurst and found himself at once a full-fledged subaltern in the 13th hussars bound for India. From the point of view of the Boy Scout movement the important thing is that it was while serving with this regiment he realized the ordinary peace training of men for service in ,the field lacked training in individual- ity and character. He therefore car- iried out classes of instruction for his own men on lines that were at that time quite unknown in the army, giv- ing them individual training is scout- ing, observation, and- sampaigning. t In the South African War, when, as vdefender of Mafeking, Robert Baden- Powell's name first became a house- 4iold word, he made a further experi- ment-this time with boys. Under his staff officer, Lord Robert Cecil, the boys of Mafeking were organized as a corps for general utility, with a ing them individual training in scout- 'ing, observation, and campaigning. In 1907 he organized an experimen- tal camp for scout training, and the following year the handbook, "Scout- ing for Boys," was issued in fort- nightly parts. Long before the series was completed, patrols and troops of scouts had sprung up throughout the country and the movement was in full swing. In 1910 it had grown so that its originator left the army in Order to take it in hand. For the last 12 years every talent he possesses, every inspiration of his wonderful intellect, ( all his time and hobbies and much of his small income, have been devoted to the service of the Boy Scout movement, of which he qis the center. In 1912 he married-and married #,perhaps the one person in the world who had the ability and faith to carry pn the Girl Guide movement, side by side with that of the scouts. Relieved jby her of all detail work in connection with this great organization, he is ,still its inspiration. They have three jolly children of their own to "prac- tice on," Q1 We promised a cut of Olaf, and - therefore feel constrained to give you one. OLAF, THE GREAT It was dawn when he awoke, and within ten minutes he had register- ed, classified and bought his emapus tickets. The next day he became managing editor of the Daily, and took his seat in the Student Coun- cil. After a week of indolence, he accepted the lead in the Michigan Un- ion Opera for the year, and had been !elected captain of all the athletic teams. The residency of the Union followed soon, and he would have been chairman of the J-Hop commit- tee had not his youth in the Univer- sity hindered him. Pot, Frosh! THE END Olaf, The Great. ACCIDENT Bulletin--Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 8. - By special correspondent. All rights reserved. A. A. T. N. please copy.-Terrible was the wreck which occured at the corner of Liberty and -Division streets at 6:06 last night. The Ford (Adv.) touring car driven by a prominent senior in the Engi- :neering school was hurled over curb- inng and through hedge by the force of a blow from the Oakland six (Adv.) which was driven by person or per- sons unknown. The above was written by us after we saw the mess. Hearing the crash while eating at a prominent State St. emporium, we leaped madly into our QCaddilac (Adv.) and drove at 15 miles an hour to the scene of the disaster. We Sprinted Arriving at the designiated spot, we sprinted-(see cut)-to the demol- ished chariot and asked a few well