F. L. D. GOODRICH, Associate Librarian. Discipline: By action of the University Discipline Committee, Fred H. Daniels has been dismissed from Ve University because of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. JOHN B. WAITE, Chairman. To all Members of the University Staff: Insofar as possible the July, 1924, issue of the telephone directory has been distributed to the University offices. Anyone not having received a copy of the above directory may have one delivered by notifying the Sec- retary's office. F" S. W. SMITH, Secretary of University. 11 Tf area, and the eastern and western Us OF TEXAS MAN STUcrouss I -timbers are in a way across from the central Texas prairies. Mr. ST T KT O Tharp's work stops with the chapar- IT At I.U YES L Til Urel situated to the west of these di- - - visions. Austin, Tex., Aug. 7.-B. C. Tharp, y In discussing his work, Mr. Tharp adjunct professor of botany ix? the said that the general causes of certain University of Texas, is working on the structure of the vegetation of East species of vegetation in certain soils Texas as influenced by habitat. Mr. are known. The subtle causes, how- Tharp has been studying this - pro- ever, of various growths and forma- blem since the summer of 1921. He tions are yet to be discovered and has about completed the preliminaries worked out to a plausible result. of the work. Practically any statement or explan- There are four large divisions, ac- ation at present would be purely hy- cording to Mr. Tharp. The coastalI pothetical because h'is, work is still I prairie, from Brownsville to Beau- in the formative stage.. They Speak Germany's Piece In Allied Reparations Parley .. - - With Germany finally given a voice in the allied conference on repara- tions, in London, Dr. Wilhelm Marz (right), chancellor, and Gustav Strese- mann, foreign minister, are installed as its spokesmen. The finance min- ister of Germany, Herr Luther, is also a delegate, but no more than two Germans will be allowed a voice in the parley at any one time. Read The Daily "Classified" Colmns ___ t x Eversharp Pencils 133 if AT WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 9 Vacation Needs There is nothing on sale here but is of the high- est grade--also every- thing reduced All kinds, Auto-Touro, Palmetto, Regulation Wall, "Pup" and children's Play Tents, $3.75 up. U. S. Army Mosquito Tents. Gold Medal Camp Furniture For Cot;tage, Porch, Lawn or Touring; Folding Cots, Stools, Chairs, Tables, Stoves, Army Axes, Navy Hammocks. Grub Stakes. Folding Water Buckets, Canteens, Duffel.-Bags, Army Canvas Trunks, Luggage Racks and Covers, Ponchos, Rain- coats, S lickers, in fact everything for camping. LIN IEN KNICKER while they last at only $3.29 All kinds of heavy wool Camp and BL[AN KET S Auto Robes, Steamer Rugs. etc. A wool camp blanket, new, at $4.38. Army Blankets special-- 64x84 Khaki. Poplin and Pongee Shirts $1.00 and up. Flannel, Br adcloth, O. D. Wool Shirts. Light weight Suede Leather Jackets are ideal for wear at camp or touring. Als light All kinds--light and heavy wool, khaki, whip-cords, 1REECH ES gabardines, linen, etc., for ladies and men, priced $1.98 and up. Khaki Trousers. In all wool or jersey, to close BATHING SUITS out at less than cost. Regulation Navy Hats, Navy Hammocks R g aBest men's and boys' dress, work and army Shoea. Packs, hiking Si O1ES or outingShoes. Puttees4 high tops and Tennis Shoes. CLOSING OUT SALE STILL ON! Surplus Supplies Store 213 N. Fourth Ave.