THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer:session. . . Y Member of the Associated Prema. The As- sociatedPress is exclusively entitled to the nse for 'republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail,. $1.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Communications, if signed as evidence of brdfaith will be published in The Summer ai at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive no con- aideration. The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily doe not necessarily endorse he sentiments expressed in the communica- ' tions. - EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY News Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board.....' ...........Andrew E. Propper City Editor........ .......Verena Moran Night Editor........rederick K. Sparrow Telegraph Editor......Leslie S. Bennetts Women' Editor...........Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS Louise Barley Wenley B. Krouser Rosalea Spaulding Marian Kob Marion Walker J.gAlbert Laansma Dwight' Coursey M$arion Meyer Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld Geneva Swing Dorothy Wall Maryland E. Hartloff BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis Circulation Manager..Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager.....C. Wells Christie Account Manager..............Byron Parker STAFF MEMBERS Vlorend If. Morse Florence McComb Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 Night Editor-ROBT. S. MANSFIELD '"What am I that I am called upon to have prejudices con- cerning the universe? It is high- ly probable that there are gods some sort or another, but I do not so far flatter myself as to think that any god would be in- terested in my poinion of him. In any event, I am Demeros." -James Branch Cabell.j JOSEPH CONRAD Beginning a chapter in his story The Duel, It is observed by Jospeh Conrad that: "No man succeeds in everything he undertakes. In that sense we are all failures. "The great point is not to fail in ordering and sustaining the effort of our life. In this matter vanity is what leads us astray. It hurries us into situations from which we must come out damaged; whereas pride is our safeguard, by the re- serve it imposes on the choice of our endeavor as much as by the vir- tue of its sustaining power." The world judges Joseph Conrad, howevr, not by what he undertook, for that he alone knew, but by what he accomplished. Hence in the eyes of the world Conrad was a great suc- cess and his loss an international one. It was his fortune to die in the plent- itude of hs fame, pre-eminent as the first active creative artist of his time For years Conrad gave himself com- pletely and devotedly to his high and constant aim. "To me," he once wrote "writing is extremely laborious, and I have often risen from my desk at 2 o'clock in the morning after a long night's labor, more exhausted than after my hardest day's work on ship- board, and I have done everything there-carried bags of wheat, shoveled coal into the furnaces and performed all the other severe forms of physical labor that are part of the routine of life aboard ship-to find that I had completed only a thousand words. " Hard work though it was, it war not in vain. His thousands of friends and readers prove that by following him over unknown seas and rivers, across archipelagoes, through jungles and forests, and into, the many strange scenes with which his books abound. Much has been said about Conrad's marvellous accomplishment, complete mastery of a language that he did not begin to learn until he was over 20; much hs been said of his unsurpassed style, hfs understanding of human psychology, and his all-prevailing sympathy with nature. Let critics of the coming generation pick the fSaws in his writings and discuss his merits and demerits as an artist. But let his friends and readers mourn him as a lost companion and teacher. "My task which I am trying to achieve," he wrote some time ago, "is by the power of the written word to make you hear, make you feel-it is before all, to make you see." And that task he nobly achieved. CAMPUS OPINION , A POPULAR MISCONCEPTION To the Editor:- In his letter of August 2, 'regarding the editorial on Socialism which ap- peared in the Daily recently, it seems to me that Mr. Brown goes too far1 in citing the Russian experiment. No one will disagree when he says: "While not completely satisfied with' present conditions, the American vot- er prefers the status quo in America to Russia." The socialist ideals, however, are' not those of the Russians. If the so- calists shared all the Russian ideas, they would be communists, not social- ists; and as such, they would not sup- port La Follette. Much too often the socialists are inaccurately character- ized as communists. Asatheeditorialsstates: the social- 4sts are backing La Follette because they consider him the most progres- sive candidate. Hillquit, the New York sd ialist, defines a progressive as "one who has a definite program 'of economic and social reform, the test being the positive, constructive char- acter of such a program." Moreover, the editorial, It seems to me, pointed out that La Follette is not a socialist. Nor is his movement a "radical" one. Without party ma- ,chinery, it is, however, a protest against out two major parties which are sadly lacking in identity. In this 'connection, I recall the following de- finition which recently won a $100 proze (offered by an Eastern newspa- per-perhaps the Baltimore Sun?): "A Democrat is one who thinks the Republicans are bad for busi- ness i a Republican is one who thinks the Democrats are bad for business; both are right; both are wrong." Many Democrats as well as Repub- licans are bolting their parties and ,will vote for La Follette. The Social- :st backing should, therefore, not be any more of an obstacle than such Democratic or Republican support. M. R. This old country of our must have a lot of lives. A few of the things ,that have killed it in the past year have been bobbed hair, short skirts, modern dancing, cigarets, strikes, rouge, and prohibition. And now a southern revivalist says, "Jazz is going to kill the country, slowly but surely." Maybe there is nothing to the old prophesy that the world will be con- sumed by fire. KNOW THE CAMPUSf THE NEW LITERARY BUILDING The new Literary building is a mas- sive structure of cream stone built on the Renaissance type with the front formed and upheld by eight Ionic columns each weighing 75 tons. The plans provide for 44 classrooms and lecture rooms, with a seating capacity of 4000, and rooms for 58 offices. Th offices of the dean of Literature, Sci- ence, and Arts, Dean Effinger, and of the dean of the Graduate school, Dean Lloyd, will be the only dean's offices in the building. They are to be situa- ted on the first floor. Most of the oth- er offices will be on the upper floor. The first three floors will maintain the classes in English, rhetoric, class- ics, semitics, political .science, mathe- matics, geography, public speaking, and astronomy. On the fourth floor the School of Business Administration will hold forth. One wing will be de- voted to the Modern Language socie- ties and four rooms have been set aside for the use of the literary so- cieties. Space has also been planned in the other wing for the location of two of the smaller telescopes of the astronomy department to enable the students to gain some experience with the instruments without going to the observatory itself., These plans are set for the near future, but at present the roof has been made water-proof. Besides the bureau of statistics, which will be maintained by Prof. James W. Glover, of the mathematics Vand insurance department, there will ,be a bureau of government in connec- tion with the work in political sci- ence. . The structure as it now stands in 300x70 feet and has been built at an approximate cost of $1,050,000. in -addition to $100,00 for the equipment. Because of the enormous amount of .constructing being carried to comple- tion, it has been necessary to erect a new power plant, which will be com- pleted by fall. It reaches 250 feet in- to the air and is the tallest stack in Ann Arbor. OA~sTW ROLL SPECIAL PRIZE SHORT STORY (Editor's note-Olaf has recovered from the sadly injured foot which tied up his last work, and has produced for us a work of the highest sort-a perfect marvel of the author's pro- fession.) Huns Hanson, or What You Will I Now it came to pass long ago that a youth of three and twenty summers and as many winters lived in the little seaport town of Zcvbnmasdf on the rock bound coast of the Scandin- avian peninsular, and the name of the youth was Hans Hanson. For several years, altogether 24, Hans had lived in Zxcvbnmasdf, and he had grown at- tached to the place in more senses than one. His long attachment was ;to be severed, however, in a manner unknown to himself and unguessed by others. What was his fate to be? Hans had, as had most boys of his ;tender years, a father and a mother They raised him carefully, as should all good parents, and as he grew to manhood, his mind became formed In- to that of a righteous and an upright Iman. He was a splendid figure of the human animal, standing six feet five and one-half in his unmention- ables, with a crop of curly blond hair topping a strong face set on a thick neck which rested upon broad should- ers surmounting a torso of rugged build which was supported by massive legs-prostyle peristyle peripteral en- closing-but I digress. With the first appearance of down upon his swarthy cheeks, he felt a great urge. He could not identify the urge, but it was none the less great. ,It troubled him for long months-even years, and then at last he discovered that the great urge was the urge of education, and he turned his back at last upon his birthplace, and took passage for America. Chap. 2 Now when Hans had reached Amer- ica, he went straight to his Uncle's home in Minneapolis, and after stay- in gthere a week, he followed the ad- vice of many folk who told him to pack his carpet bag and go to Michi- gan to the great University located at Ann Arbor. It was a bright and shining day in September when he hailed a Red Top (Adv.) and was whisked away to his rooming house. He met the land- lady who said something like: "Five- aweek-payinadvance." He gave her .five dollars and went to bed. Olaf the Great. (Continued Saturday) What Happens to Hans? Read the Daily on Saturday. m* s SECOND PRIZE PIECES OF EIGHT By Bil (Editor's note-This little parting lecture is addressed esecially to those fair teachers who have been our guests during this past Summer ses- sion-May they be blessed!) Dear Teachers-You will soon be returning to the fair hamlets from whence you sallied forth, seven weeks ago, in search of further knowledge to impart to the rising generation (may they all grow up to be called Mr. or Madam President of something or oth- er, because you know the experience is so broadening.) But as was' remarked, you sallied forth in quest of knowledge, and what have you found. Here, on thb sam- pus of the Greatest University in the southern-central part of the-state you have found a group of bloodthirsty feminists demanding that the world in general and the University of Mich igan in particular is cruel, terribly .ruel, to the poor, lonely girl who unsuspectingly finds her way through the portals of the Ann Arbor station. You have found this one-sided con troversy, and you have laughed. At least we hope you have laughed, 'cause Prof. What's His Name says that such going's on are enough to make any normal human being laugh. And as you leave we hope that you will not carry with you a bad impres- sion of the eager and ambitious man- hood of our campus. Yea, further, we hope that you will not consider these who have furnished us with plentiful material for our Opinions column a- representative women of our cam- pus. In parting we hope that you have enjoyed your short stay on our cam- pus as much as we have been dis- mayed by the way your scholarship boosted class averages, and that you will come back again, or at least don't send us any of your militaristic fem- inine scholars. IRVING WARMOLTS, D.S.C Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 N. University. Phone 5262 WHO ARE YOUR ASSOCIATES? That is a question that means much socially. It means a deal more in business and finance. This bank aff rs you bank connections that will be valuable to you in the busi- ness world. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101105 S. Main St. 330 So. State St. Member of the Federal Reserve 0t N a one ev getstired Mei achrinos f*their unfa ll 4quality is a c * stantsatsfacd(o "I ORIGINAL +11 1 1:64 v -a r-- !d ver l of Ing )nI. on. FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of Maj MELACHR OINC Th One Cigarette Sold- the, World, Over nrings you d uenuine aawn U 1N IDE RWOOD 3 T Y 'P E W R 1 T E R 10 DAYS FREETRIAL Yo i t d 3W1 days yon are sot satisfied with this late model UNl DERWOOD typewriter rebuilt by the famous Shipuien Ward process. GREAT PRICE SAVING Ze ttoyrot tory of it kind in the world by our money saving methods. EASYMONTHLYPAYMENTSsaltm notice it while you njoy the ue of this wonderful machine 'FREE BOOK OF FACTS Epang m system of rebuilding typewriters and aso valuable information apout the typewriter industry both lostructiveand entertaining. STUDENTS Under our Special Student Customers EARN MONEY Sales Plan you can not only ay for your own typewriter, but earn cash besides. Be Sure to Get Full Information on this Syecial Plan. Act Today! Mail Year Coupon Guarantee Shipan Ward Plows 8= me M1fg. Company f ree book of !scts. 3248 Shipman Building ezplalnlngbargaoffer. Atcntros &Ravenswood A &t. Chicago vuwo Name.......................... St. and No............................. city .........................State...,......... Oh Hen ry! Porthos-Aramis-nmy friends, at tend met A new treasure that ol' Doc Dumas neverthought of-Oh Henry " A Fine Candy-Wc Everywhere . . ... Dancing III AT Pavilion and Cabaret Every. Evening From 8:30 to 12 Twenty-five cents per couple, table with dancing free. cover char Anything from Frog and Chicken dinner to a Ham Sandwich can be ordered while dancing. Finzel's Orchestra From Detroit will furnish music every Saturday and Sunday night. One dollar per couple table cover charge, dancing free. For information call Jim Burke, proprietor and manager, phone 53, Whitmore Lake Ex. "What awhale of a dkfference just a few cents maike" -af o m v. . 7r r , . lb --all the difference between just an ordinary cigarette and-FATIMA, the most skillful blend in cigarette history. Towsa.I