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August 07, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-08-07

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not forego the customar- and tra ditional kisses when he decorated Mi

Must Register Rooms
Landladies of the city who,
( have rooms to rent to men stu-
dents of the University for the
next year, must register their
rooms with the office of the
Dean of Students if they desire
any cooperation from the dean
in the matter of recommenda-
tion. The system to be used this
year which is similar to that used
last year, will do away with the
house to house canvass as was
the old custom, and will in-
volve the necessity of personal-
ly placing the room to be list-
ed. This may be done by tele-
phoning Dr. Fred B. Wahr, As-
sistant Dean of Students from1
whom the announcement of the
change is forthcoming.
The listing of the rooms ought
to be complete at least two weeks
prior to the beginning of the
school year so that adequate lists
may be prepared in the office
of thec dean of students for use
by University men. Dr. Fred B.
Walhr, in commenting upon the
rooming situation and the new
plan of proceedure, expressed I
the belief that there will be no
( shortage of rooms this fall.
Wier Pleases
Audience WithI
Cello Recital
Before a good sized audience Prof.
M. C. Wier gave a novel but delightful
'cello lecture-recital last night in the
auditorium of University hall. Despite
the uncomfortable warmth of the eve-
ning Professor Wier kept his audience
interested and the hour's program was]
finished before most had realized that
the time had passed.
Professor Wier opened his enter-
tainment with a brief talk on the his-
tory of the 'cello. The 'cello is said
to be a descendant of the viola, one of
the older stringed instruments. Pro-
fessor Wier displayed a "viola de
gamba" which he obtained from the
museum of musical instruments in
b iill auditorium and pointed out the
points of difference between that in
Itrument and the modern 'cello.
Professor Wier had two 'cellos of
his own which he described. One was
an old instrument made in 1670 an*
the other a modern product of 1923
lie explained that an old instrument
is much easier to play and told how
it was valuable for more than senti-
'mental reasons. The things most de
sired in a 'cello, according to Profes-
sor Wier, are evenness of tone and
tone quality.
After his talk on the instruments
he gave a short program. He played
the first number on the "viola -d
gamba" and then repeated, on his owr
instrument to illustrate the difference
between the two instruments. He then
played a selection on his newest
'cello to show how that differed from
his old one. The selections were
,played in a charming manner, th
'last number on the program being es-
pecially pleasing.
An important change in require-

ments for teacher's certificates will go
Into effect in the School of Education
when it opens for the fall term on
September 16. Heretofore, out of the
fifteen hours necessary for a certifi-
cate, seven or eight were required,
the rest were allowed to be elective
by the student. . Under the new rul-
ing the student will not be allowed to

.More Than 50
To Report For
Fall Football
Varsity footbal practice will offic-
5laly begin on Sept. 15. Between 50
and 60 candidates are expected to re-
port on this date.
It is known that with Captain Steg-
er there will be Rid Babcock, Mearle
Baker, Robert Brown, Charles Grube
Harry Hawkins, William Burns, Walt-
er Kunow, Philip Marion and Jim Mil-
ler on the list who will report early.
In addition to these Varsity men
there will be a formidable list of
players made up of Harold Steele:
Howell White, Ferdinand Rockwell, E
R. Slaughter. ,
Henry Ferenz, Lowell Palmer, Fred-
erick Parker and John Witherspoon
were also on the Varsity squad las
year but failed to make their letter
It is expected that these men wil'
make additional effort to win the em-
blem this year.
Missing from the ranks of last year',
championship team will be the names
of eight regulars. Four of these eight
were athletls of outstanding nation-
.al reputation. Kipke and Blott were
chosen on All-American teams, Uter-
'itz was rated among the leading
quarterbacks of the country, an6
74uirhead was ranked as one of th/
best tackles in the West.
While not coming in for such wide-
spread recognition as the above four,.
Vandervoort, Cunard, Neisch and Vick
were regulars when in condition and
played very important parts in Mich-
igan's series of 'victories and will be
greatly missed in the fall.

Figures from the office of the Sum-
mer session show that 81 more stu-
dents are enrolled this year than were
enrolled in 1923. But this increase
comes from only four of the schools:
the Graduate school with an increas-
ed enrollment of 135 students, the
School of Education with 87, the Med-
ical school with 22, and Public Health
Nursing with an increase of 39. All
of the other schools report a decrease
in enrollment, the case of the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecture being
the most extreme with a decrease of
103 students.-,
The enrollment by schools for this
summer is as follows: the School of
Literature, Science and the Arts, 1118;
the Colleges of Engineering and Arch-
itecture, 411; the Medical school, 298;
the Law school, 156; College of Phar-
,macy, 14, Graduate school, 721; School
of Education, 437; Library Methods,
89, Biological station, 46; Embalming
and Sanitary Science, 5; and Public
Health Nursing, 57.
This gives a total of 3,352 but as
the last four schools mentioned are
included in some of the others, 205
must be deducted leaving a total of
Reykjazik, Iceland, Aug. 6.-(By A.
,P.)-A conference was held, today by
Rear Admiral Magruder on board the
*U. S. cruiser Richmond with Lieut.
Lowell 1. Smith and Eric Nelson, the
U. S. army aviators who have reached
Reykjazik on their round-the-world
flight, with regard to pressing on to-
ward their next stop in Greenland.
It was decided at the conference that
the aviators should refain here pend-
ing the receipt of reports from Ang-
niagsalik regarding ice conditions off
the Greenland coast, which are said
to be bad.
Carved furniture from Italy, that
is becoming popular in this country
is mounted and finished in the United

"1Present Situation in Philosophy" is
Topic of Lecture by Campus
Indicating the general movement in
philosophy at the present day, Prof.1
R. W. Sellars, of the department of
philosophy, in his lecture in the Nat-
ural Science auditorium yesterday af-
ternoon on "The Present Situation in
Philosophy," gave a brief survey of
this field.'
The modern tendency in philosophy,
Professor Sellars said, is partially to-
ward realism and partially toward na-
turalism. There are two aspects from
which this subject may be consider-
ed, feeling, or the reactions. of the
world in general on each individual
upon which personal philosophies of
life are built, and technical philoso-
phy, the decision on the general na-
ture of philosophy gained by years
of reflection and research. Philoso-
phy, the speaker declared, is closely
related to religion and science, and
has always been influenced by these
factors to greater or less degrees.
Professor Sellars proceeded to give
briefly a history of philosophy inI
America from the old school of real-
ism, through the idealistic period man-
ifested in New England transcenden-
talism, the later reaction against this
phase, to the present day new real-
ism and the influence of physical sci-
ences on it.
The controversy between the ideal-'
ists and realists deals largely with
epistemology, or the relation of the
mind to known objects, he declared.
The hostility of science toward phil-
osophy formerly so prominent here
has never been felt in Europe. Here,!
Professor Sellars believes, the two
have not been sufficiently acquainted
with the work of the other to appre-

Free Hand Drawing to be Shown in
Alumni Hall, Other Work in
Engineering Building
Exhibition of the work done by sum-
mer school students of free hand draw-
ing will take place in west gallery of
Memorial hall, and of the students
of . general arts and industrial arts
courses, in Engineering building, room
203, Aug. 12, from 9 o'clock in the
morning to 5 at night, and Aug. 13,
from 9 o'clock in the morning to 10
at night.
,Probably the exhibit interesting to
the great majority of people will be
that of the course in general art, un-
der Miss Emmna Grattan. This course
is a course in public school art and
the new color theory, developed the
last four years, and is mainly for art
(teachers and supervisors.
Miss Gratten, who has been at Mich-
igan for five summers, has Jad a great
deal of experience along these lines.
She is supervisor of public school art
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and has had
the satisfaction of seeing the refiec-
ton of her efforts noticeable in most
of the homes of the town. Cedar Rap-
ids is known throughout the state
because of her work.
The industrial arts exhibit will show
the application of the newly discover-
ed principle of dynamic symmetry.
This, though newly exploited, was ap-
plied in the famous and beautiful ex-
amples of Egyptian and Greek art.
Queer boxes of reinfoced portland;
cement, that look as if they were dug
up from some ancient tomb, textiles,,
represented by chenille rugs, book;
ends, and innumerable suggestions forI
the study of art in the grades, will be
on display.i
Mr. Leon L. Winslow, supervisor of;
art education, the state department of
education, the ,university of the statet
of New York, is the instructor of these
Classes in free hand drawing and
painting have used water colors, char-3
coal, pencil and oil as their mediums.
The work is still life outdoor studies
of the spots of interest on the campus
and the region around Ann Arbor.
Mr. Slusser is spending his fourth
summer as instructor here. He is a
graduate of one of the first architec-
tural classes of Michigan and has kept,
a studio in New York City since be-
fore the war. Fifteen or twenty water;
color studies of Mr. Slusser's will al-
so be on exhibition.
Tonight the Harvard Workshop
play "You and I" will be presented in
the University Hall auditorium, by
the classes in play production and
"You and I" was originally produc-
ed at the Belmont Theater, New York
with Robert Milton in the leading role,
and its recent production in Detroit
by the Bonstelle players enjoyed
marked success.
Prof. E. E. Fleischman, of the pub-
lic speaking department, is directing

the play here, while the staging is{
handled by the class in stagecraft un-
der the direction of Prof. R. C. Hun-
ter, of Ohio Wesleyan University.
A general admission fee of 50 cents
wil be charged. Tickets are on sale
at the State Street bookstores. There
will be no reserved seats. The cast
chosen from the class in play produc-
tion is as follows:
Veronica Duane, Lucille M. Shalla
Roderick White, James J. Weadock,
Nancy White, Virginia L. Gibbon.
Maitland White, Jack M. Bennett.
Etta, Syble Clark.
G. T. Warren, Laurens Packard.
Geoffrey Nichols, Harry Graves
Floors of railway cars may be made
of concrete instead of iron and wood
if experiments recently conducted in
Germany continue to. prove success-

Damages Reach MiIions, Eight Are
Known Dead as Seven Inches
Of Rain Fall
Milwaukee, Aug. 6. - Wisconsin's
most severe storm in years has taken
a terrific toll in property and life
and the end is not yet, according to.
surveys made this morning.
Property loss will run into millions
of dollars and eight deaths are .trace-
able to the storm. Blasting of larger
expensive concrete bridges near West
Bend, Wis., to permit a faster flow of
flood waters as a necessary measure
was going forward today under the
direction of the American legion.
More than 15 bridges on the Chi-
cago and Northwestern and Chicago
Milwaukee and St. Paul railroads be-
tween Milwaukee and Green Bay are
washed away, all train service on
northabranchesrdiscontinued indefin-
itely and hundreds of volunteers ar
aiding in the work of repairing.
Waters in swollen rivers and
streams from Milwaukee to Oshkosh
continued to rise, flooding low. lands
and taking toll of bridges, buildings
and crops. Just. as the volume of
water was receding after the storm
of Aug. 3, heavy rains of yesterday
afternoon added heavier burdens to
the already overtaxed streams.
Hundreds of tourists are stranded
in cities and towns of the flooded
area, while in Milwaukee, many per-
sons are waiting an oportunity to
continue journeys northward.
A milk train went into the ditch
at Kewskum with no casualties. Cities
and towns in the flooded area so far
have been able to take care of all of
the families made homeless by the
rushing torrents.
The heaviest toll was taken in the
area between Milwaukee and Fond du
.Lac, where water lies in vast ponds
in places that were but recently show-
ing promise of yielding bounteous
crops. In the face of their huge crop
losses, farmers appear stotical and
are waiting for the water to subside
that other farm work may continue.
Seven inches of rain fell at Nee-
nah since Sundayfi it is reported.
Other vicinities in the same area re-
port unofficial rain measurements
varying from 3.5 to 8 inches.
Near Campbellsport, 2 miles of con-
cete road has been washed away, ac-
cording to latest reports.
A serious health problem is found
in the malnutrition of children, ac-
cording to the report of the New York
Association for Improving the Condi-
tions of the Poor. This society has
been experimenting for the last four

years on methods of combating this
In its experiments the society dis-
covered that 30 per cent of the 2,000
apparently healthy children that they
examined were suffering from malnu-
trition. This condition is not due tc
insufficient food, but to the constant
use of improperly chosen food or the
Inability of the body to make use of
'the food eaten because of insufficient
air, rest, sunshine, or' some physica'.
defect. The society has published a
mongraph entitled "Food for the Fam-
ily," containing suggestions for prop-
er feeding as a means of insuring
proper nutrition.
Malnutrition affects the earning
capacity of the individual and thus
becomes a problem of impertance tc
the whole country, since the reduction
4n efficiency increases the cost of liv-
Ben Davis, the Welsh tenor, is giv-
ing song recitals at 65,

ciate it. elect any courses, the entire fifteen
hours now being filled with required
Ballroom dancing in some cities of subjects.
Europe is becoming faster and Span- Under the old ruling, the seven or
ish orchestras are being introduced eig'It hours which were required,
to give more sprightly music. were divided into courses of Secon-
__--dary Education, Psychological Educa-
Reservoirs similar to those built tion and Observation or Practice
near Dayton, Ohio, may be used in teaching. In the new ruling, going in-
France to prevent floods along the to effect this year, additional courses
Seine. in teaching of special subjects, the
History of Education and Introduc-
Popular priced automobiles are tion to Experimental Education must
greatly in demand in France and fac- be taken, if the student wishes to se-
tories are operating at capacity. cure a Teacher's certificate.

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