PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST $, 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Pres. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the -se for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- in. Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $t.5o. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. ,Communications, uif signed as evidence of godfaithi, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communica- tions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY NewsEditor..........Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board.. ........Andrew E. ropper City Editor................Verena Moran Night Editor..........redericK. Sparrow Telegraph Editor........ .Leslie S. Bennetts Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS Louise Barley WenleyRB. Krouser Rosalea Spaulding Marian Kolb Marion aker J Albert Laansma Dwight Coursey Marion Meyer Marthat Chase Mary' Margaret Miller Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld Geneva Ewing Dorothy Wall Maryland E. Hartloff BUSINESS STAFF Telephone g6o BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell Copywriting Manager......Noble D. Travis Circulation- Manager......Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager...... .C. Wells Christie Account Manager...........Byron Parker STAFF MEMBERS Florence E. Morse Florence McComb Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1924 Night Editor-J. A. LAANSMA AMERICA AND THE REST OF THE WORLD Prior to the year 1914, there an- cient and powerful dynasties had much to do with the happenings of events in Europe. But enter the war, and exit Hapsburg, exit Hohenzoll- ern, and exit Romanoff. "Sic transit gloria mundi." Of all the majesty of medieval European thrones, but two remain: A Guelph sits upon the roy- al throne of " Merrie England," a German, by ancestry; the ancient house of Spain has long ago disap- peared, as Don, Alfonso, the 15th of that name, is of a much newer dy- nasty. Does this mean that the world is on the way to universal democracy? Hardly. At the crest of every great movement, the feeling runs high that this will do away, once and for all, with the system for which the move- ment was agitated. Is the world any nearer democracy than in 1914? Not in the least! Mussolini^ rules Italy with as firm a hand as ever did a Caesar, Rivera guides the destines of Spain almost unmolested, France is almost powerless in the grip of her ministry, and America, "the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave," is a virtual beaurocracy. Wherein lies the cause? The great movement for liberation and equality has almost spent its force; the voices of Rosseau, Voltaire, and Thomas Jefferson are now but dim whisper- ings, used only by political spell- binders, and orators who tend to the rococo and florid. No thinking man now believes that all men were creat- ed equal, and the logic of Rosseau has been proven fallacious. What of the people-have they not benefited by the advantages of education? In ans- wer to this, is it advisable to teach chemistry to a skillful poisoner? Civilization rises and falls, but it must be admitted, each time it falls the ebb seems to be somewhat high- er than the preceeding ebb; democ- racy and the universal brotherhood of man are beautiful and profound conceptions, but it will be centuries before these can be realized, as actu- alities. America is a beautiful satire on democracy; American society certain- ly caters to the aristocracy of Eu- rope;' American society is snobbish; America is intolerant religiously: Witness the brawl recently in Madi- son Square Gardens; the people ci America delude themselves into think- ing they elect their highest execu- tives, whereas they have very little to do with the matter. It is not alto- gether improbable that the next pres- ident will receive fewer popular votes than his unsuccessful rival, but this is to be expected. And yet America is without a doubi the greatest nation on earth, and her people are the most prosperous, and perhaps the most well-off. For bad as matters may seem, all that is neces- sary is for one to observe carefully the European political machines. In no country on the continent, is the two-party system used, so that the party that receives a majority is real- ly representative of a small minority of poinion. England, with all her free- dom, comparatively, is far from being as progressive as America, and her people are not accorded the advant- ages such as are now being offered to Americans. Hence, if a few of our eternal pes- simists would cease functioning as such for awhile, and advance a little constructive criticism, matters would appear much brighter, and despite the bone-dry appearance of the coutry, legally, that is, we might have a little beneficial sunshine. America is at worst, better off than any other nation today, and while the position of leader in mediocrity is by no means al that can be desired, we cannot help but recalling "Honor and shame from no condition rise, Act well your part-there all the hon- or lies." GEN. VALERIAU WEYLER The man whose regime at Havanna as governor-general, was immediately responsible for the Spanish-American war, Valerian Weyler, has become the central figure of an army camarilla in Spain, which wants to overthrow the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. The former autocrat of Cuba is declared to be the only man who can save Spain from the fascism of the de Rivera ab- solutists. The loss of Cuba is not remembered against Weyler, Since the Spanish- American war he has engaged in pol- itics to such advantage that he is now the real political leader of the old time army chiefs. He is the only man in Spain who dares face de Rivera. Last1 March Weyler was appointed presi- dent of the supreme war council, where he stands, in reality, between de Rivera and the dictator's possible use of the army to overthrow the monarchy. King Alfonso has personal faith In General Weyler, and the aged com- mander is noted for his loyalty to the royal family. General Weyler, now 85 years of age, is too old to take the field in person in the event of civil war. General Weyler's full name is Don Valeriano Weyler Nicolau, first Mar- quis of Teneriffo, Duke del Rubi and Grande of Spain. Weyler has served 70 years in the Spanish army. He got his baptism of fire in San Domingo. He wore an of. ficer's uniform in the Crimea and through the Indian mutiny. He was a general at 33 and a marshal at 35. It was Weyler who was called upon to crush the Carlist Basque and Cat- alonion uprisings. Then followed his Cuban service. Recalled, he became: minister of war under two premiers and then minister of marine. He was named captain-general in 1910 and is the last man to bear that title-a proud one in Spanish military history. for particular types of instruction. The gymnasium, which is 693d90 feet will be on the third floor. Here also will be situated the office of the physical director, storage space for the gymnasium equipment, rooms for free-hand drawing and design, and two rooms for the commercial depart- ment. Besides a few classrooms, a lunch room and rooms for cooking, serving, and sewing, the rest of the fourth floor will be turned over to the School of Education for use as psy- chological laboratories. EDITORIAL COMMENT TEN YEARS AGO YESTERDAY (New York Evening Post) Ten years ago yesterday the Aus- trian empire, ruled by the Hapsburgs, declared war on Serbia. Behind Aus- tria stood Germany,hready for the work of death. Within ten days a four year hell was let loose on earth. It was followed by a six year pur- gatory that still endures. The House of Hapsburg has gone. So have the House of Hollenollern and the Glucks- burgs of Greece. The Romanoffs have passed to explore the shadows of ob- scure graves and the dust of a dead empire. Europe's map has changed. New little states struggle for life in the war wreckage that covers more than 10,000,000 fighting men's graves. In part Europe is a world of phantom cities, ghostly villages and the wraiths of men and the life of yesterday. The eruption that shook the world has ended; but the crust forming over the lava beds of hate and fear is very thin, and the fires underneath cool slowly. The stability of that remade world is uncertain. Ten years since the beginning of Armageddon and nearly six years aft- er the guns fell silent find many of its issues unsettled. ยข Germany's dream of world power has faded and the Teuton lives within a war forged ring. Yet at the end of this moment- ous decade Germany stubbornly strug- gles to escape the just penalty for her sins against the world; and France and Belgium, the two nations most aggrieved by German acts are al- most despairingly asking for justice. It was the just judgment of the world in 1919 that Grmany should pay, for the injuries done and the damages wrought. The story of her evasion is written in the record of San Remo, Spa, Geneva, and the in- numerable and weary conferences of London, Paris, and Brussels. Default after default and evasion following evasion have dragged on the present conference over the Dawes repara- tion report in London. The mourning wreaths are gone 'from memorial statues of Alsace and Lorraine, but for France these later years have been Years of Illusion. The Allies of France have failed her and left her to brood over the white crosses of her head and to restore her own ruined cities and her own shell-damned fields. Always the Ger- mans have evaded and France has been forced to find the money for the reconstruction that Germany was to sternly ordered and had so solemn- ly pledged to pay. Under Mussolini Italy is repaying herself in the Adriatic and the Medi- terranean for her war sacrifices. Had Russia not wandered away into the Red madness she might have her long- desired warm water gate into the Me- diterranean. As for England she has forever ended the meance of the German high seas fleet, now rusting under the tides of Seapa Flow. She has added for her goods in mandates, colonies and islands. So far as the results of the war could assure safe- ty, it is assured. France comes to the beginning of a new decade, the second decade since the guns spoke at Belgrade ten years ago today, in disagreement with her Allies. They are weary of her de- mands for justice, tired of her pleas for what is due France and French- men. Because of this her Allies have drawn apart from her. The Entente that held through four years of fight- ing has not endured six years of peace. ;Meanwhile, the iron ring forged around the Teuton grows rusty and wears thin. Italy may be safe and Great Britain may be safe, but France is not safe. The scars across North- ern France have not been healed by the ointment of German reparations. Nor is Belgium safe; nor has she col- lected for the damages and the humil- t lation of the years when the Teuton user her as a road and an artillery yard and not as a country. Grass covers the graves stretching from the Channel to the Baltic; from the Baltic to the beechwoods of Buk- owina, that fringe the Isonzo and the Piave and are sown along the Sank 1 11 W ill Text Books andSupplies - _ _ _ _ _- - z I _I --I GRAHAM'S Both Stores f'. mo.momm..v. rte. Watch Page Three for real values. Patronized Daily Advertisers. of the Eastern Alps. The memory of the days when death walked under and on the waters and the shore and brooded in the air, of all that time of terror and tears, is fading with the years. But at the end of ten years it is plain that lasting peace can be assur- ed only by the removal of the real ob- stacles to peace. The injustice done France and Belgium by their was comrades Ind by the un4edentent German is such an obstacle. The failure to give France the security she must have against another aval- anche of steel from the north is an- other. Six years of conferences have not availed, nor will sixty years of talk without action change a situation that is vital with human feelings and with human history. Try Classified ads for big Results. ,. 1 FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of Mai I FOR QUALITY PRINTING SEE 'V.A~Jr 6.Xer imjressions" 711 N. University Ave. Up-stai2r PHONE 296-R Across from the Campus p. % i WINIMM I Lunches, Dinners and A La Carte OPEN DAILY 11:00 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. SUNDAY HOURS 5:30 P. M. to 7:00 P. M, Ii~un~gn ~'I, Printing and Developing our Developing and Printing depart- ment is especially well fitted to give you the best possible results from your pic- tures. :: Twenty-four hour serbice. LYNDON & COMPANY 719 North Unikersity Avenue : I 307 E, University. Phone 3093-M Oh, on ejcuation 61 joy $t- tered upon first tasting Henry! l combination of deli. Cious favors, a blend of tch batter cream, soft amel, nuts and sweat El Ana t'ancty lWe Eveywhere t 3 t t 3 1 E 3 _ _ 3 , I i ; s KNOW THE CAMPUS THE MODEL HIGH SCHOOL The new model high school, which is situated just south of the campus on East University avenue, will be opened this fall. The purpose of the school is to aid in improving instruc- tion and to:achieve greater individual- ization of instruction. It plans to have one or more teachers in each depart- ment who are familiar with the work of progressive groups in different parts of the county-that is, what they are doing in the way of good practice, experimentation, and invest. igation. The general style of the building is like that of Martha Cook, its nearest neighbor on the west. The arrange- ment of the building, which is L-shap- ed and consists of four floors, has several ideas in mind. The maximum number of pupils to be accommodat- ed is 500, and the plan is to use the school for all six grades which are in- cluded in the junior and senior high schools, to aid in the carrying out of plans for greater emphasis being plac- ed on the study of science, to supply the necessity of an auditorium for school assemblies, and to emphasize the importance of physical education and household and industrial arts in secondary schools. The first floor will contain the au- ditorium, lecture rooms, lockers and dressing rooms for boys, and shops for work in household arts, industrial and auto mechanics. On the second floor there will be many classrooms. as well as a beautiful library, a printing shop, and lockers and dress- ing rooms for girls. In the front of this floor is an exercise room which will take the place of a gymnasium 'I "What iwhale of ad ifI~renice. Just a few cents M'ake!I" I I 111,111 J CT. I . . _ . . --all the difference between just an ordinary cigarette and-FATIMA, the most skillful blend in cigarette history. ._