I THE WEATHER a4r *'ummtr FAIR AND COOLER TODAY 4ir 04# AW t It ttl ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XV. No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS LIEUTENANT WDE0 ABANDONS BOSTON ENDING FLIGHT AMERICAN AVIATORS RESUED BY RICHMOND AFTER THEY WERE FORCED TO SEA ITALIAN WORLD FLIER REACHES HULL,ENGLAND Washington Officials Take Up Prob- lem of Dispatching New Plane to Wade Hull, England, Aug. 4-(By A.P.)- Lieutenant Locatelli, the Italian avi- ator who is attempting a flight to the polar regions, arrived here this ev- ening from Amsterdam, Holland. Aboard U. S. S. Richmond, Aug. 4- The "Boston," the airplane piloted by Lieut. Leigh Wade in the American army world flight, was abandoned early this morning. The plane was taken in tow by the Richmond yes- terday after Lieut. Wade and his me- chanic, Sergt. Arthur M. Ogden had been forced down at sea by engine trouble while negotiating the hop from Kirkwall in the Orkneys to Iceland. The Richmond's effort to salvage the wrecked plane was abandoned when the machine, which had been gradu- ally filling while being towed in a heavy sea, capsized. Seeing the hope- lessness of attempting further to save it, the officers cut it adrift. The Richmond then turned about and made for Reykavik, Iceland. Chagrined Over Fate Lieut. Wade on board the Richmond was chagrined over the fate that had brought his plane to grief and stop- ped the participation of himself and Sergt. Olson in the flight when it was so near a opnclusion, but he took the disappointment well. Washington, Aug. 4.-The question of despatching another army airplane to Iceland to permit Lieutenant Wade whose plane was wrecked to continue the journey was taken up today by army and naval officials. No decision was announced, officials waiting for more come complete de- tails of the accident which forced the abandonment of the flight by Wade. MICHIGAN TO SEND I TO GENEVA CONFERECE Fifteen delegates from the Univer- sity will attend the annual student conference of the national Y. W. C. A. which will be held for 10 days be- ginning Aug. 15, at College camp, Lake Geneva, Wis. The Michigan delegation is larger this year than in previous years due to the fact that facilities at the camp have been enlarged in order to ac- commodate the increase in number of women desiring to attend. The conference will be devoted to a study and discussion of the various problems which confront the, women in colleges and universities today. All of the western schools will be rep- resented at the conference and dele- gates will exchange campus ideas and standards with one another. More than 10 foreign countries were represented at the conference last year, including: France, Germany, Russia, Persia, China, Japan, and South Africa. The morning hours of the camp will be devoted to open forums and lectures while the after- noon will be given over to sports and recreation hours. Several trips in- cluding one through the Yerkes ob- servatory of the University of Chica- go and a trip around Lake Geneva, which is supposed to resemble the Sea of Galilee, will take up the aft- ernoons at camp. Miss Mary Ross, secretary of the University Y. W. C. A. will attend the conference with the group of Michigan delegates. Rome, Aug. 4.-In the first half of 1924, 210,000 Italians emigrated, 20,- 000 more than the same period of 1923. Increases in emigration to Cen- tral America and Australia-were not- ed. Novelist Dies Of Sea In England 'FORMER SENATOR --AWCr_ DIES SRDDENLI Townsend, Victim of Heart Disease at Jackson; in Public Life for Twenty Years SERVED AS MEMBER OF BOUNDARIES COMMISSION Jackson, Aug. 4.-Former Senator Charles E. Townsend died suddenly of heart disease late Sunday night. He, with his wife, was visiting at his home here. While chatting he suddenlycol- lapsed. At the time of his death Mr. Town- send was serving as a member of the international boundaries commission. He was appointed to that post fol- lowing his defeat in the bitter cam- paign that resulted in the election of Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris. He has been prominent in the public and political life of the state for more than 20 years. Mr. Townsend was married to Miss Nannette B. Loomis of Jackson who survives him in March, 1921. His first wife died in 1920. He was 68 years old. Charles Townsend won his way up from the ranks by unceasing appli- cation and industry. Born and reared in poverty, he picked up scraps of an educationas sbe could get them be- tween seasons of work. Studying law at night and teaching school by day, he gained admission to the bar at the age of 39 and then after seven years of successful practice was elected to the House of Representatives and subsequently to the Senate. He was born on a farm in Concord, EXAM SCHEDULES ARE ANNOUNCED Examinations Will Begin Wednesday, August 13, to End Friday, August 1I. CLASSES WILL CONTINF TO MEET UNTIL WEDNESDAY NOON All students in the colleges of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts, Engin- eering and Architecture, Pharmacy, School of Education, and Library Me- thods who expect to receive credit for their summer work will be expected to take examinations according to the schedule announced in the catalogue of the Summer Session. The examinations are scheduled to take place Wednesday, Aug. 13 -Fri- day, August 15, in accordance with the following plan: classes that meet at 7 o'clock will hold examinations on Wed. from 2-4 o'clock, those meet- ing at 8 o'clock will be examined on Wed. from 4-6 o'clock; 9 o'clock class- es will hold examinations Thurs. from 8-10 o'clock; 1 o'clock classes, Thurs. from 4-6 o'clock; 11 o'clock classes ,will be examined Friday from 8-10 o'- clock. Classes meeting in the after- noon will be examined as follows: Those that meet at 1 o'clock will hold examinations on Fri. from 10-12 o'-* clock; 2 o'clock classes will be ex- amined Thurs. from 10-12 o'clock; classes meeting at 3 o'clock will hold examinations on Thurs. from 2-4 o'- clock; 4 o'clock classes have exam- inations on Fri. from 2-4 o'clock. Ir- regular classes will meet on Fri. from 4-6 o'clock for their examination. . This same schedule can be found in the Summer Session Bulletin. The examinations will also be held in the same rooms in which the classes are Chosen Manager For Dems In East Joseph onrad Bishopbourne, Eng., Aug. 4.-Lov- ers of literature today mourned the passing of Joseph Conrad, eminent au- thor of sea tales, who died at his home here yesterday in his 67th year. Jospeh Conrad was born Dec. 6. 1857, of Polish parentage. His early life as a sailor and as a sea captain formed the background for his en- thralling stories of the south seas. Conrad visited America last year in response to repeated invitations of his publishers. He was not well at the time and was compelled by his ill- ness to curtail his stay to about one month. The author had intended coming to America in 1915, but the war interfered with his plans. 'AT UNIONTONIGHT Dean Kraus, Superintendent Croty of Detroit, Butler of Grand Rapids Will Speak REED WILL TALK ON "THE SCHOOL XAN AND POLITICS" More than 200 faculty, students, and former members of the Men's and Wo- men's Educational Clubs will meet to- night at 6 o'clock in the large Union dining room for the fifth annual ban- quet to be held under the auspices of the two organizations. Many of the invitations extended to educators about the state have been accepted, and a large number of interested stu- dents will be present. Dean Edward H. Kraus will act as toastmaster. The principal address is to be delivered by Prof. Thomas, H. Reed of the department of polit- ical science; he will speak upon "The School Man and Politics." Mr. Frank Cody, superintendent of Detroit schools, will give a brief talk. Other speakers on the program are Mr. L. A. Butler, superintendent ofI schools in Grand Rapids, Miss Fran- ces Speaker, teacher of English at Birmingham, and Prof. C. S. Berry of the education facultys Music will be furnished by a quar- tette consisting of S. R. Phillips, E. D. Pierce, L. H. Clark, and R. J. Arm- strong. ARHTCTJECOLLE -WORK TO BE EHITED According to a report received from Prof. Emil Lorch, of the Architectur- al school, the college of architecture has just received a cablegram from the Royal Institute of British Arch- itects, asking permission to place this school's exhibit in a traveling exhi- bition. The college of architecture is one of the group of American archi- tectural schools invited to exhibit in the First International Congress on Architectural Education now being held in London. Mr. Ernest Wilby, a member of the architectural faculty, who is abroad with Mrs. Wilby is rep- resenting the school at the congress. 'township, Jackson county, Michigan, ;conducted. Ndtice is called to the on August 15, 1856. Until he was 19 fact that all classes will continue up years old his farm duties kept him until Wed. noon, Aug. 13. out of reach of any but the country _ school; then he entered Jackson highl school, working for his board as a BaDley elivers stable boy. Two Years later he went_ to the University of Michigan and paid his expenses by outside work during one winter there. PLAY CLASSES WILL GIVE OUTDOOR PERFORMANCS A play festival will be given by Earl H. Fleischman's class in Play Presentation next Monday, August 11, in a number of the city parks. A ser- ies of five one-act plays will be given. The first will take place at West Park at about 4 o'clock, the second will be given at Burns Park, and the third at the park at the intersection of Washtenaw and Baldwin streets. From here, at about 7 o'clock, the class will go to the island where a picnic will be held. At about 8 o'clock two more one-act plays will be given at the isl- and. The public has been invited to1 see all of the plays. Names of the plays to be offered will be announced later. ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT SPEAKS__IN LIRAR Mr. Harold Wheeler, librarian of the Hackley public library at Mus- kegan, and president of the Mich- igan Library association, spoke yes- terday morning at the University Li- brary on the subject of "Library Pub- licity." Mr. Wheeler's lecture was di- vided in two parts in which he dis- cussed the reasons for desiring pub- licity and the methods of getting it. He stated that the people of a com- munity should be taught to konw the resources of an institution which they supported, and that a library would secure better support by advertising its facilities.. Exhibits in store windows, at local fairs or industrial exhibitions, or in banks are among the best methods of obtaining publicity. Other methods are the use of stories given to news- papers, the printing of library notices on the backs of telephone or gas bills, the sending of special lists of books to people interested in certain lines of industry, and the use of pla- cards and bulletins in public places. a Lecture About Electric Ships "The Electrified Ship" was the sub- ject of the illustrated lecture given by Prof. B. F. Bailey at 5 o'clock yester- day afternoon in Natural Science audi- torium. In order to illustrate the recency of this application of electricity, Pro- fessor Bailey asked the audience to imagine time speeded up so that man could review the entire history of the world in 24 hours. On such a scale, the use of electricity would not ap- pear until the last ten seconds, he said. Professor Bailey explained that there is no ship on which the prim- ary power is electric. The storage battery is far too heavy to be easily stored. This is why the electric au- tomobile is not a great success. By an electrically propelled ship, we mean one in which the primary is the steam engine, furnishing electric power in a roundabout way. On battle ships it is of great im- portance that the ship be efficient at crusing speed. The use of electric propulsion has extended the rage of action 40 percent. Professor Bailey stated that all the battle ships and cruisers of the fu- ture will be electrically propelled. At the present time there are more than 20 American battle ships with electric priv.es. Following the lecture, pictures il- lustrating the progress of different types of engines were shown. The regular summer excursions ha ENGINEERING STUDENT DROWNS__AT OTSEGO William B. Nagel, '25E, a student as- sistant in chemistry at Camp Davis was drowned Sunday at Otsego Lake when the canoe in which he was crossing the lake was overturned dur- ing a sudden storm. Blakeman Qua, '25E, who was with him in the canoe was rescued after three hours in the water clinging to the capsized canoe. Nagel was a member of Quad L, anl engineers house club.J Thomas J. Spellacy of Hartford, Conn., has been named eastern mnanager of the Democratic campaign. Attendance On Summer Tours D Decreases The regular summer excursions have not been as well attended this year as they have in former years, accord- ing to Carlton F. Wells who has been conducting them. Although Mr. Wells could not state any definite reason for -this falling off in attend- ance he did trace part of it to the fact that there has been a great in- crease in the number of graduate students in Summer school whose school work demanded so much of their time that they were unable to take advantage of the excursions. The two geological excursions, one to Niagara Falls and the other to Put-in-Bay, have had larger attend- ance this year and if the attendance at these excursions is averaged with that of the others the result will be about the same as in former years. Mr. Wells said that he believed the excursion plans would be revised be- fore next summer. He did not be- lieve that any new places would be added to the list although he did think that the list might be shortened. A number of the places visited, this year were not seen to full advantage because the plants were not operating With full forces. LABOR OFFICE DIRECTOR WILL GIVE LECTURE HERE Mr. Leifur Magnusson, director of the Washington branch of the Inter- national Labor office, will give a lec- ture to Prof. A. E. Wood's class in so- ciology at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Mr. Magnusson will speak on the economic basis of the international labor organization, the political situ- ation which called it into being, the work of the international labor con- ference and will give an outline of the activity of the international labor office itself. He will also deal with the present and future problems con- fronting this office, its competence and its research work. After two and a half years of ex-, perience withthe organization at Geneva as English editor of the In- ternational Labor Review and 10 years of research work with the A- merican department of labor, Mr. Mag- nusson took up his position as di- rector of the Washington branch of the International Labor office on Jan- uary 1 of this year. PHYSICIST Will LEAVE FOR TORONTO MEETING Dean W. L. Brag, of Manchester University, and Mrs. Bragg will leave Ann Arbor Wednesday for Toronto where they will attend the convention of the British association of the ad- vancement of science. Dean Brag will give a series of lec- tures in the fall at Franklin Institute, Philadelphia and at Johns Hopkins. GERIMAN OBJECTION WILL CENTER ON RUHR EVA[1CUTION AMERICAN EXPERT BELIEVES SETTLEMENT NECESSARY TO PEACE TWO ISSUES MAY BE GROUNDS FOR TROUBLE Question of Extension of Delivery in Kind and Financial Maneuvers to be Knotty London, Aug. 4.-(By A.P.)- Ger- man opposition to the program for launching the Dawes plan' which the inter-allied conference has already to lay before Chancellor Marx and his colleagues at noon tomorrow, is not expected to be directed in the main against the actual plan arrived at in the Downing Street conference room, but rather against an issue which has been kept entirely outside of the conference, that of military ev- acuation of the Ruhr. Two Points of Attack According to high American au- thority, there are but two points in { the program to which the Germans can raise even a technical objection. One is the extension of delivery in kind of coke, dyes, and coal, beyond the first Versailles arrangement. The other is arbitration of the, question with the commission whether financi- al maneuvers are taking place in Ger- many to restrict the functioning of the Dawes plan. One technical ground, both of these objections would have to be consider- ed, according to the American expert who is considered to have the greatest knowledge of the Dawes plan. Ex- tension of deliveries in kind beyond 1930 were anticipated neither in the treaty nor in the Dawes plan. Un- der the new regime, however, such deliveries is to be paid for by the funds bf the agent general and not by Germany as heretofore so that the Oer man objection could hardly he justified, according to the American authority. Ruhr Settlement Necessary Similarly, technical objection could be raised on the other point but this would be an admission that financial maneuvers to frustrate the provision of the Dawes plan are going to take place in Germany. Despiter theabsence of moral ground for objection to the work of the inter-allied conference, the Am- ericans believe these two points will be raised by Dr. Stressemann, the German foreign minister unless an agreement is-reached between the Allies and Germany on the question of military evacuation of the Ruhr. If a satisfactory settlement is forth- coming on this issue, the belief pre- vails that the Germans will not men- tion other technical issues. RURALWOMEN'S, CAMP POES RECRETION Under the auspices of the Wash- tenaw County Farm bureau, the first rural women's camp of Michigan is now being held at Big Silver Lake, Dexter township. "Health, efficiency, and happiness for self, home, and community through better habits of living, better housekeeping practices, and wholesome recreation" is the aim of this next experiment. The subject matter presented will deal directly with farm and home problems, pre- sented by experienced teachers in a practical and interesting way. Among thhi special speakers are* Prof. John R. Brumm, who will speak on "Education and Life";Mrs. Edith Wager, director of the State Farm bureau; Mrs. Dora Stockman, Mich- igan State Grange; and Mrs. Louise Campbell, M. A. C. Metals, it is said, suffer from fa- tigue. A razor, which has been in use for some time and becomes dull can be more easily sharpened it rest- ed for a week. Fortunes often have been found be- tween the pages of discarded Bibles.