04 0 ~untmer
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..........Andrew E. Propper
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cords that bind her very soul, and to
turn out the light at night after she is
through reading. No, a girl needs
little money at a co-educational in-
stitution. Girls. like cub bears, nev-
er fight with each other. What may
seem to be a fray to the outsider is
nothing of the sort, but just the girls'
way of showing their appreciation of
each other's attributes and girls are
very appreciative.
So, you see, even from this brief
discussion, that a roommate is almost
indispensible. It would be much
more expensive
without one.
and inconvenientI
She creates new forms with-
out end; what exists now, never
was before; what was, comes
not again; all is new and yet al-
ways the old.
Individuality seems to be all
her aim, and she cares not for
individuals. She is always
building and destroying, and
her workshop is not to be ap-
Nature lives in her children
only, and the mother, where is
she? She is the sole artist-
our of the simplest materials
the greatest diversity; attain-
ing with no trace of effort, the
finest perfection, the closest
precision, always softly veil-
ed. Each of her works has an
essence of its own; every shape
that she takes is an idea utter-
ly isolated; and yet all forms
To the Editor:
In your editorial on Socialism in the
Daily for Friday, Aug. 1, you seem un-
able to explain why the socialist back-
ing should be considered an obstacle
to LaFollette, and in explanation
give a very fair review of the object
or urpose of the socialism doctrines
which may be summarized, as has
been done by yourself, "From each
according to his ability, to each ac-
cording to his needs."
It must be granted that ocialism
has been, if it is not yet, in the ex-
perimental stage. We have all been
taught that every experiment has an
object, and a method which gives re-
sults from which conclusions can be
The conclusions must not be drawn
from the object but from the results;
otherwise why bother to make the ex-
periment? It should also be pointed
out that the results are entirely de-
pendent upon the method and not the
object. If a man desires to catch a
train at 6 o'clock in the morning and
proceeds to set his alarm clock for 7
and sleeps until 7:30, the result is he
does not catch the train. From this
experiment we may conclude that his
method was ill advised and does not
bring about the desired object, not
that the object itself was ill advised.
In considering socialism we must
realize that the methods used to attain
the desired result are the determining
factors, and for this reason socialism
must be considered as a doctrine of
political procedure whose object is
to effect equal distribution of econo-
mic goods. From your editorial, so-
cialism advocates as a plan of proced-
ure "the transfer of ownership of
land, factories, machinery, railroads,
and mines from individuals to the
people." The only place and time
that this method of procedure has
been followed on a national scale is
during the past seven years in Russ-
ia. The result is Russia as she is
today. The concluions arrived at by
all thinking people, even the socialist
enthusiasts, are that the methods used
in Russia are a complete failure in
accomplishing the objective at this
To summarize:
Object--"From each according to
his ability, to each according to his
n etliod-"Transfer of ownership of
land, factories, machinery, railroads
and mines from individuals to the
1Iesult-Eerybody has plenty of
needs but no ability.
Conclusion- The needs cannot be
satisfied because ability is destroyed.
This method fails.
Most American voters are acquaint-
ed with the results of the Russian
experiment and with the cautious ex-
periment of our own government with
the railroads in 1918 and 1919. While
not completely satisfied with present
conditions, the American voter pre-
fers the status quo in America to
Russia. (Page Emma Goldmon).
This may explain why the socialist
backing. is considered an obstacle to
Department of Chemical Engineering.
The same day that the Mason Hall
tablet was dedicated, two others were
unveiled in Alumni Memorial hall.
One of these was a bronze tablet, a
portrait relief by Karl Bitter, of Henry
Philip Tappan. It is more than life
size nd represents the first president
of the University of Michigan, from
1852-1863, as known familiarly on the:
streets of Ann Arbor over 60 years
ago, accompanied by his Great Dane,I
Nero. The relief is simple in lines
but boldly, almost aggressively, mod-
eled-a work of true art and a source
of pride. Mr. Luther Mendenhall, '60,
in his dedication speech, spoke of him
as a man" "ripe in scholarship, full of
dignity, gentleness, and courtesy. He
was the man for the position and a
ucation and was himself a thorough
On the wall at the right of the en-
trance door is another table indicat-
ing in appropriate terms the purpose
for which the Memorial building was
erected: that is, in memory of the
patriotic sons whe served in three of
the country's wars. Two took part in
the Mexican War, in 1847; 1,514 in the
Civil War, 1861-1865, and 426 in the
Spanish War of 1898.
Critics are divided into two class-
es-those who do the world at large
good, and those who detract from the
high regard for their class as a whole
in the minds of their readers. Thus,
there are critics and critics.
All of which is presumably mean-
ingless to you, gentle reader, but to
us it means a lot. In other words,
we have had no contribution from that
colossus of wit, Pheidias as yet, and
therefore we rank him with the rank
among the critics.
Dear Taman:
The great S. M. D. says this A. M.,
quoting the report on the Wednesday
evening recital, "She (meaning Mrs.
Marian Struble-Freeman) shows a
perfect mastery over her violin and
beau." I quite agree with respect
to the violin, but being in no posi-
tion to judge respecting the beau,
take your word for that. Maybe so,
but why put it in?
Fair Play.
We didn't write the article in ques-
tion, Fair Play, but we hope she
didn't take offence at it. It must have
leen a typo,-or mayber the reviewer
knows whereof he speaks. It's all in
the spelling, you know.
And speaking of spelling reminds
us that we were caught up on a
technicality of the sort today, and
we feel so ashamed. Just think-if
we had read "Perfect Behavior," we
should never have fallen into such
Once upon a time there was a lit-
tle boy who lived in a small town on
the railroad, and ever since lie had
been three years old it had been his
ambition to become a railroad engi-
neer. Now it happened that every
afternoon a train came through the
little town where Remi lived, and lie
would go down to the tracks to watch
it sweep by, and to wave at the engi-
neer. j
Day after day, until the days grew
into months and the months into
years little Remi would stand by the
tracks and watch the train and wave
at the engineer, but never once did
that great man take any notice of I
him. Remi felt crushed, but kept on,
hoping almost against hope that some
day he would be noticed.
Then one day he went down to the
tracks with a great resolve in his
mind. He would he recognized that
There he stood, a sturdy little lad
of ten, fired by a great ambition. The
locomotive came roaring down upon
him, and as it drew near, he raised his
hand aloft.
"Hello, -Mr. Engineer, he shouted.
The engineer looked down-"Hello,
little boy," he replied.
* * *
"Well, I passed the Fine Arts blue-
"What difference does that make?"
"Ah, ha, woman, I have found you
"Not this time, but you will the
next time you call."
With some of the light weight sum-
mer trousers men are wearing now,
petticoats are almost a necessity.
Read the inscription on the new
Lit building.
"Women at the University of Mich-
igan are treated abominably!"
Hypothesis: Women must kick
about something-axiom.
Women at Michigan have nothing to
kick about--see Dean's report.
There fore women had to think up
a new excuse to kick about.
Conclusion: Women at the Univer-
sity of Michigan are treated abomin-
Q. E. D.
Today's Helpful Hint: Some lip-
sticks are poisonous - have it an-
Watch Page Three ror real values.
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socially. It means a deal more inj
business and finance. This bank
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T'he Song of the Builders
Roommates are awfully handyl
things to have around. There are a
thousand and one different uses thatl
they can be put to. A roommate is,
the one person you get to know well.
Too well, you say? Maybe. Of course
they have their little drawbacks, but
as a rule their advantages outweigh
their disadvantages. You can always
lend or give them things and once in
a while they will do the same for you,
and in either case the contented mind
that the donor is in is full recom-
pense for the good deed. It usually
has to be.
Consider for instance a boy's room-
mate. They are usually of a very
considerate nature. They will buy
the toothpaste, the tonic, the shav-
ing creamy the brilliantine, and a
thousand and one little miscellaneous
articles that are indespensible to the
comfort of the family. One never l
should hesitate at using his room-
mate's toothpaste, for it is perfectly
sanitary. And there is a certain satis-
faction experienced in using some-
one else's things. It make for a
more kindly feeling, especially on theI
part of the user.
A roommate usually has a few shirts
that are just the thing for a Friday
night, and if you get in before he does
he never insists that you take off
his dressing gown or slippers. It is
awfully convenient to have someone
to go down after midnight and get the
bottle of coffee and rolls. Et cetera.
And now consider the many fine
points of a girl's roommate. Always,
sweet, kindly, obliging, complaisant,
accommodating, affable, deferential,
and yielding, There she is in a nut
shell. A girl would die without a
roommate. A girl's mind could not
bear the strain of not having some onea
near her to talk to, to pour out her
O N every hand is heard the
rattle of the builder's hammer
and the rasp of his saw. Over-
night, it seems, buildings rise-
new streets appear.
And the thousands of new
homes and great buildings in-
crease the problems of the public
Service companies.
This Company attempts to fore-
see the great growth of service
demand and extends Its plant in-
to new districts as rapidly as pos-
sible,i n an effort to most efficient-
serve the people of Michigan.
However, sudden unforeseen popula-
tion and industrial growth frequently
iake it impossible to furnish utility
O rvlce at all points immediately upon
d.Hundreds of new telephones are
~ntd.The Telephone Company's prob-
Sis the same as that of the water,
er, gas, electric, street, and school
But Telephone Plant expansion is
breaking all records. Thousands of new
Instrument eare being installed, miles of
Pwclrcuits are being built and additional
etcha~ft f dlltls are being provided, to
ecallfor service.
vElrw~thfn possible Is being done to
Pro'v &serviceforallwho desire it.
f I
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Michigan Bel4 Telephone Co.
AM".I L ^ 5 /,r.+ I
sorrows to, to ease the many cruel leader among men. He believed in ed-