THE WEATHER FAIR AND WARMER TODAY C, 4 #'ummitr ti ;g, tl :i* w ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XV. No, 37 AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1924 EXPERTS DECIDE TO ADOPT FRENCH REPARATIO N PLAN INTER - ALLIED CONFERENCE TAKES ON OPTIMISTIC NOTE GERMANS OPPOSED London, Aug. 1-(By A.P.)-The ex- perts of the inter-allied reparation conference indicated this afternoon that they expect to settle all the out- standing problems of the conference up to them for solution before the af- ternoon was over. The experts who did not leave Downing Street until 2:15 o'clock, this morning returned to their task at 11 o'clock and during a two hour session adpted the French proposals for the modification of the Dawes plan. They adjourned to reassemble later in the afternoon. Owen D. Young of the Dawes com- mittee who has maintained an at- titude of restrained hopefulness ever since Premier Herriot's'plan was pro- duced was enthusiastic when he left the foreign office.f "We'll finish up this afternoon," he said. If the experts conclude their re- ports this afternoon, their reports will be submtited to a plenary session of the conference tomorrow. The Americans believe the invitation to Germany will be dispatched. Berlin,'Aug. 1,-The proposal made by the French at the London confer- ence to evacuate the Ruhr within two years, conditional upon the success- ful disposal on the international mar- ket of the railroad and industrial bonds to be issued under the Dawes plan has been received with consid- erable astonishment and strong oppo- sition in German official circleswhere the French decision is devoided of any just basis. It is contended that Germany's con- sent to the Franco-Belgian occupation plan, is impossible because such an agreement would amount to tacit ap- proval of the legality of the Ruhr oc- cupation. Fg GELAYS AMERAN ROUNO-WORUM AITORS Kirkwall, Scotland, Aug. 1.-(By A. P.)-The American Army round the world fliers were unable to hop off today for Hoefn, Hornaford, Iceland, because patrolers renorted a heavy fog off Iceland. Hoefn, Hornaford. Iceland, Aug. 1. The 80 inhabitants of this little fish- ing and farming village were keyed to the highest pitch today in antici- pation of the arrival from Kirkwall of the American world fliers. The United States cruiser Raleigh arrived here yesterday and found all preparations complete for the coming of the airmen, down to the erection of a big red sign, lettered in English: "Welcome to Hornafjord," The village nestles in front of huge barren mountains and great ice fields that sweep to the edge of the mirror- like fjord where the planes will be moored during the brief .halt. On their arrival the officers of the Raleigh learned that the sea between Iceland and Greenland is probably completely free of ice, which will be a most important factor in the flight across that expanse of water. STATE US RAL L YT LAW 1EFOE RAILROAD Tallahassee, Fla., Aug. 1.-The far- sightedness of Florida's legislators of the Nineteenth Century is disclosed in ap old law unearthed in the archives of the state capitol here. It is an :act which became effective in Janu- ary, 1855, and provided heavy penal- ties for employes of railroads found guilty pf being intoxicated while in the performance of their duty. At the time of its enactment there were no railroads in Florida. Will Complete Course Begun 32 Years Ago More than 32 years ago Mrs. Harry D. Jewell, of Grand Rapids, came here to study; this summer 'she re- turned to take up the work which she started then. She will be graduated next June. "I'm Scotch, so I really couldn't give up the dream that my health made impossible years ago," she de- clared laughingly. Mrs. Jewell came here in the fall of 1891 from Olivet college. She had been taking classical studies, and intended to enter journalistic work after the transfer. A heavy schedule resulted, after the first year, in brok- en health, and Mrs. .Jewell returned to her home in Grand Rapids. Since then she has assisted her husband in his work among delinqu-. ent children through the juvenile court. Child psychology has been her particular field of investigation; and she has lectured throughout the state on that subject. Several of her plays, chiefly domestic comedies, have been produced in Grand Rapids. "Women are going to turn, not to mah-jongg, but to study when they have completed their part in the com- munity's service," Mrs. Jewell thinks The influence of the war remains with us and consta tly demands that wo-! men shall be more fully prepared for efficient living. Every woman should study for some definite vocation, she declares. The change in the University was at first incomprehensible to her, al- though the men and women here now have the same spirit that prevailed 32 years ago. "Youth hasn't changed, and I thoroughly sympathize with its ideas," she said. Mrs. Jewell expressed her appre- ciation of the Michi an League pro- ject, and announced her determina- tion to support it. She is glad to be here while the active drive is in pro- gress, Next year she will specialize in rhetoric and in June will get her teacher's certificate together with her A. B. Divides Students' Characters In 3 Main Categories Al4 teachers are interested in the personnel of their classes and fre-_ quently make little private classifi- cations of their students which are as illuminating as they are amusing. One such category has been made by Doc- tor Willet, who is conducting class- es in the School of Education this summer-whether it applies to any of his present classes he did not say. Therein he made a three-fold division, the conformists, the belligerent, and the group who say, "What's the use?" The conformists are those who a- gree with the teacher either in truth or in seeming. They are always pre- pared, seldom question any proceed ure of the class, and very often get the high grades. It is often suspected that a desire to attain such a grade is the reason for their conformity. But, of course, this has not been prov- ed The belligerents question everything he says, either from a mistaken idea that in such a way is class interest attained or from a really disagreeable attitude; and acquiese only when their own ingenious minds can, de- vise no other solution. By far the most numerous class is the third, for many seem to be indif- ferent, others are lazy, and some have, by a laborious process, figured out what they do is of no avail; and that it would be better, therefore, for them to save their energy. This they pro- ceed to do very efficiently. However, all of these classes are in- fluenced by the personality of the teacher, which seems in many cases to be the iost important feature in education. Indianapolis, Aug. 1.-An experi- ment in replacing steam-drawn trains with gasoline motor cars will be in- augurated on the C.C.C. & St. L. Rail- road within a few weeks, according to B. C. Byers, general superintend- ent of the Indianapolis division. Three gasoline cars have been ordered by the railroad, Tries To Beat Time Of U. S. World Fliers Major Pedro Zanni Argentine's premier aviator, has organized a round-the-world flight on which he aims to better the time of the American globe circumnavigators. The flight will be made in Fokker planes of the type Major Zanni is shown trying out.- TOTAL ENOLiENT HAS BIG__tINCREASEP NUMBER OF STUDENTS IN ALL SCHOOLS NOW 12,291 Attendance at the University of Michigan increases every year and with each increase a large number of co-eds may be found. According to figures relEased from the office of the registrar Thursday the total increase in attendance, during the year 1923- 1924 over the previous year was 841 and 566 of these were women. During the past school ycar; the University had an enrollment of 12,- 291, the report show', tincludig the Summer session of 1923, while 10,506 were enrolled during the regular ses- sion. FIl ' of the schools and colleges showed increases wliil' slight losses are noted in the other four. T'he lit- erary college jumped from 5,561 to 6,019, the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture from 1,912 to 1,951, train- ing school for nurses from 163 to 168, Law school from 429 to 497, and the Graduate school from 02' To 709. Those which showed decreases dur- ing the past year include the Medical school, which dropped from 664 to 602, the College of Pharmacy, from 88 to 80, the College of Dental Surgery, from 410 to 362, and the School of Ed- ucation from 466 to 374. Women students are now enrolled in all of the schools and colleges on the campus. The largest number of co-eds is to be found in the literary college where the are 3,606 men and 2,413 women. There are 168 women enrolled in the training school for nurses, 34 in tlbe Medical school, 24 in the Colleges of Engineering and Arch- itecture, 5 in the Law school, 8 in the College of Pharmacy, 8 in the College of Dental Surgery, 216 in the School of Education and the same number in the Graduate school. STORM DELAYRJS CIH FLERDIN_1NORTH PACI1FIC New York, Aug. 1.-Major A. Stuart MacLaren, British round-the-world flier is still probably still storm-bound Michigan-Illinois Football Game To Be Classic Of Fall When Michigan's football team faces Illinois in the dedication- game at Champaign, Oct. 18, it will oppose what will probably be the most dan- gerous eleven in many years. With the ever-threatening Grange in the Illinois backfield, the Wolverine elev- en will have to play a perfect defen- sive game in order to check Coach Zuppke's team. Michigan's team next year will be largely a fast and evenly balanced, machine, but it will lack the brilliant play of individual stars as in form- er years. Whether the result will be an improvement over past seasons Eich Presents Ri Van Winkle In Recitation Great enthusiasm and hearty ap- plause welcomed Prof. E. M. Eich's recital of the play "Rip Van Winkle," at 8:00 o'clock in the Auditorium of University hall last night. Professor Eich prefaced his recital) of the play proper with a short his- tory of the play and the career of Jo- seph Jefferson, the great actor with whom it is always identified. Joseph Jefferson, the best loved of American comedians began his stage career at the age of four. During his seventy years on the stage he por- trayed eight-five different characters.' Among these Professor Eich cited "The Rivals," "Our American Cousin," and "The Cricket on the Hearth.' But "Rip Van Winkle,' best known of all was played by him for forty years. In fact the great man himself lost track of the number of times. Sta- tisticians were not prevalent at that tine but an estimate of 6,000 times has been made. Joseph Jefferson, said Professor Eich, seems to have been the first American comedian to conciously cul- tivate the taste of American audi- ences. He soon discovered that what is wanted above all is a character in which humor and pathos are com- bined. The success of the plays "Lightnin' " and "The "The Music Master" illustrate this point. Joseph Jefferson found his ideal character in "Rip Van Winkle." Both in his preface and characteri- zation Professor Eich showed us 'Rip' as a character of unfailing good-hu- when one of two men were depened1 upon to carry the brunt of the at- tack is yet to be seen. One disadvant- age will be to a large extent elimin- ated-that arising from the fact that the individual star is generally close- ly watched by the opposing eleven, and his usefulness, therefore, mater- ially checked. With a large humber of men who can be depended upon, a greater variety of attack can be evolv- ed. This is likely to prove most ef- fective against one or two star teams. The success of the Michigan eleven next fall will depend for the most part upon the quality of the defense The backs are fast enough to carry a good attack against any Conference team, and if backed by fast line play, should encounter no difficulty in scor-I ing in any of the games. But the de- fense must be practically perfect in order to check the dangerous offen- sives of the stronger Conference teams, particularly that of the Illini. The Illinois game, dedicating as it will one of the largest stadia in the world, will attract in the neighbor- hood of 80,000 spectators. Unless the prospects of one of the two teams un- dergo considerable change, this game will be one of the classics of foot- ball history. Dawson Reports Gain Of Favor For Ec Courses Speaking on the subject of "The Social Studies in the Secondary Schools," Prof. Edgar Dawsong of Hunter college, New York City, ad- dressed those gathered in the Natural Science auditorium at 5 o'clock yes- terday afternoon. Professor Dawson spoke of the Am- erican Historical association from an historical point of view. The re- ports of the National Education com- mittee appointed by this association, hie believed to be the most able crit- icism of any aspect of American edu- cation. The curriculums of the social studies advocated by the report of this committee in 1899 and 1916 were shown and contrasted. Since the first report the studies of government, ec- onomics, and sociology showed a great gain in popularity. In the first report a connected study of the evolu- tion of society was advocated, while in the second a cross section study of present times and problems only is taken up. Professor Dawson said the idea of current events in the secondary schools was not in his opinion con- ducive to real thought and informa- tion. The discussion of international affairs in high schools cannot be based on any real information. The tend- ency of today deals with evolution of social institutions without laying the emphasis on the wars, lines of kings and politics, to, such an extent that the teachers are confronted with the problem of whether or not there will be any history in the schools. No one ever has discovered the secret of perpetual" motion, although scientifically, nothing in existence is ever still, HAYNES APPOINTED B E UNIVERSITY HOSPITALDIRECTOR CABOT APPROVES SELECTION OF LAPEER TRAINING SCHOOL hEAD FITTED FOR WORK Dr. Harley A. Haynes, medical su- perintendent of the Michigan Home and Training school at Lapeer, has been appointed director of the Uni- versity hospital, according to an an- nouncement made by Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the university, to- day. Dr. Haynes will fill the posi- tion formerly held by D. Christopher G. Parnall, whose resignation took effect June 30 of this year. During the interim, the position has been filled by Robert G. Greve as acting director. Mr. Greve formerly was business officer of the University hos- pital. Dr. Haynes was born at St. Albans, Vt., Dec. 1, 1876. He entered the un- iversity in October of 1897 and was graduated from the Homeopathic med- ical school in 1902. He acted as in- terne at the Homeopathic hospital from July 1, 1902, until Jan. 20, 1903, when he accepted a position as phy- sician at the Michigan Reformatory at Ionia, remaining there until Aug. 1, 1907. He then became assistant me- ical superintendent at Lapeer and, since January of 1912, has been med- ical superintendent of that institution. In speaking of the new director, Dr. Hugh Cabot, dean of the medical school, made the following statement today; "I think that the board of re- gents is entitled to be congratulated upon the wisdom shown in the selec- tion of Dr. Harley A. Haynes of La- peer. "This position requires a man of ability quite beyond that of the av- erage hospital superintendent. He should be a man of broad vision and wide knowledge of social and econom- ic questions in addition to being a capable administrator. The Univer- sity hospital has many factions among which are the training of medical students, the teaching of physicians in' advanced and post-graduate work, the care of patients from all classes of society and a very wide dut in exemplifying the modern develop- ments in medicine to the general pub- lic. I believe that Dr. Haynes brings to this position unusual qualifications. His work at Lapeer as director of the school for feeble-minded has stamped him as an administrator of first abil- ity, as an educator of unusual attain- ment, as a specialist in the care of the feeble-minded, equal to the best in the country, and as a wise guide and counselor in many difficult social situations. "He is widely known to the medi- cal profession of the state of Mich- igan and by them held in high re- gard. During his long service at La- peer he has of necessity seen much of the legislative and administrative departments of the state governmen and has come to be much trusted by the men holding these positions. He will, I believe, be able to assist the board of regents in working out the many problems of satisfactory ad- justment of the hospital to the needs of the state, and I am confident that under his administration the new and enlarged University hospital will sat- isfactorily perform all of its many functions." LA YERS' VIIT HELPS BRLATIOSSYSHUGHES Paris, Aug. 1.-The visit of the mem- bers of the American Bar association to France will be of immense benefit to the relations between France and the United States, Secretary of State Hughes of the United States, declar- ec Thursday afternoon just before he left for Brussels where he will be entertained by King Albert and Queen Elizabeth, later continuing on to Ber- lin. Mr. Hughes closed his visit to Paris, which have consisted of three days fill- ed with what he termed agreeable and useful experience, in a most hap- py frame of mind. at Petrapavlovsk, Kamchatka. A de- mor and his wife Gretchen not quite layed wireless message to the North the shrew she is usually pictured as American, Newspaper, Alliance and the being. His characterizations of the London Times was received today two children was especially fine. from the aviator who was reported! in press dispatches as unheard of since last Thursday. Vder date line of Petropavlovsk, last Sunday, Maj.U fi U MacLaren wirelessed: "We are storm- H bound but are leaving as soon as pos- sible. The Canadian trawler "Thlep- I val" is standing by. All well." Washington, Aug. 1.-The national campaign in support of the Independ-1 MacLaren and his companions ar- let-Progressive Ticket headed by rived at Petropavlovsk on July 25 Senator Robert M. La Follette as from Paramashiru, Kurile Islands, and Presidential candidate, and Senator expected to leave the same day for Burton K. Wheeler as Vice-Presiden- west Kamchatka. They encountered tial candidate, organization leaders, dense fogs on their flight from Par- asserted today, will be in full swing! amashiru. by Sept. 1. A director of publicityt will be chosen soon, Robert M. La Fol- We beg to announce the last laij lette, Jr., vice-chairman of the nation- of the Summer session. al executive committee, declared. ,