THURSDAY, JULY 81, 112t THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGN TRZ Ireland Wonders What He'll Do AT THE THEATERS Screen-Today - Majestic - Betty Compton in "Miami"; "Royal Pair," a Cen- tury coiniy; Kinograms. Wuerth- "David Copperfield," by Charles Dickens; Com- edy; Pathe news. Orpheum - Matty Mattison in "North of Alaska"; Comedy; Pathe news. -I Stage-This Week Garrick (Detroit) company gives cha." - Bonstelle "Leah Kles- HEALTH SERVICE GIVES WOMEN MEDICL EXAMS' Dr. Gertrude Jones, medical advisor of Ohio State university, has stated that Public Health'service work here at Michigan had "stimulated a very' large number of women to take ad- vantage of the Health service to have thorough medical examinations." This is a most desirable result of the work' of the Health service. Dr. Jones is enthusiastic about her work here. She C AR RI C K Pop. Mat. Tues.Thur s& Sat .2c & 50c Nights 25c - 50c - 75c and $1.00 loth Week 151h Season THE BONSTELLE COMPANY In One of the Most Notable Crook Plays Eer Produced - "LEAH KLESCH NA" selodrama/ Comredy I Thrills! Sup erlaut', Romance! Next Monday-"MARY THE THIRD" When at Whitmore Eat at Rane's Steaks and Chops SPECIAL Chicken Dinner Sunday 1.00 Ice Cream and Soft Drinks 1 ; :. . _ i.rrrr.rrorr w. , Now Playing Charles Dickens' famous novel "David Copperfield" Sid Smith in "LUCKY RUBE" Pattie News Coming Sunday Ralph Lewis isn "THE WESTBOUND' LIMITED" H. C. Witwer's "THE WAGES OF CINEMA" Soou-"THE KING OF WILD HORSES" Now Playing Matty Mattison in "NORTH OF ALASKA" Comedy and Pathe Review has found Michigan an interesting field. During the remainder of the summer, Dr. Jones is filling the place of Dr. Bell, who is spending her va- cation at a camp in California. II Friday and Saturday Lucille Ricksen in 'BEHIND THE CURTAIN" Billy Sullivan in Last chapter of 'The Leather Pushers " Fox News W IRVING WARMOLIS, D.S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 N. Univeraity. Phone 5202 U r, .. .. . :. -.._.._ What will De Valera do? That is the qu'estion in Ireland since the re- lease of the Irish republican leader and his followers from prison by the Free State government. His opposition to the present government is un- questioned. He is shown (right) outside of Sinn Fein headquarters in Dublin, with his chief aid, Austin Stack, since release. Read the Want Ads WAGNER LECTURES ON SPAIN'S__LTERATURE Prof. Charles B. Wagner of the romance language department gave an interesting lecture yesterday at five o'clock in Natural Science audi- torium, on the subject of Spanish lit- erature. "Spain for eight hundred years has had an honorable and distinguished career in letters," said Professor Wagner. "At one time she held an undisputed place in letters in Eur- elists who will compare with those of ope, and she now has a group of nov- any country." The reasons for the neglect of the study of Spanish literature are main- ly two: -First, because of Spain's ge- ographical isolation, and second, the baneful effects of the inquisition which have lingered a long time with the men of letters of that country. Professor Wagner presented the six main periods of Spanish literat- ure. Then he studied very careful- ly with his audience the different types of Spain's literature and in clos- ing summed up the unique character of Spanish letters. New Zealand is having its winter and merchants are finding a good de- mand for heavy textiles and clothing. Ca.sified Ads work wonders. Try The Summer Michigan Daily for re- sults.-Adv. CLASSIFIEDS TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITER1S-All makes Sold, rented, cleaned and repaired. Havle you seen the new CORONA Four? The greatest typewriter pro- duced in the last twenty years. 0. D. MORRIL, 17 Nickels' Arcade LOST LOST-English shepherd puppy, three months old, light brown with white face and neck. Strayed from 1037 BZaldwin Ave., Saturday morning, July 26. Pleace call 3104. TYPEWRITING THERE is always a last minute rush. Take your work to 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade, at once, have it type- written and avoid disappointment. FOR RENT COTTAGES, beginning Aug. 1, in East Grove, Whitmore Lake. Finest lo- cation on the Lake. Phone 212-3. 312 S. Division St. WANTED-TO RENT SINGLE' room, where there are no other students, for the next school year. Phone 394, Mathews. Watch Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street Jewelry. TYPEWRITING and MIDEOGRAP.- ING promptly and neatly done. Any- thing from a postcard to a book. Sixteen years experience on college work 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nckels' Arcade Little investment - big returns, The Summer Michigan Daily for re- ouilt.-Adv. 1 4 .Illillillllliiilllllliliill!!l11111t1llllilllllil illllllllllllllit1l111Illt11115 s DA NCINGw Every Nite (except Monday) and All Day Sunday at ISLAND LAKE Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton GO TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK AND SEE Zeidia lAPlieSows At Packard Street Show Grounds. AUSPICES VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS i STARTING TODAY I THE coop 2 :00-3:30-7:30-9:00 What Fate Awaits the Gir Who Makes a ReligIon of Being 'I 1HILD MFMP9WM----edk7=M INIM wmmomm The World's largest Carnival 25 highest class shows and rides. I Positively the ever to greatest amusement surprise appear in Ann Arbor. pNEW ka 1 p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F 1 I ATT '' 6fA "4"L T T- % - v - i [ADDEDIA A ROYAL P-AID." A( INTIUY (COMED)Y-HEWS-ORCHE STRA I I s i + ais i A aaiY. - 1 ..... - - .. .,,i v+ vsa.u ivrs ' I CaOMING SUND)AY ''THE W HITE MOTH" Co-Starring BARBARA LaMARR and CONWAY TEA RLE I t ,~Ju/I Ii 1A Noble Profile" © O. E. CO. The Bush Building, New York City HELMLE & CORBETT, Architects / FAR more strongly than most churches, this great tower of com- merce bespeaks the real spirit of Gothic architecture--aspiring. rugged, virile-an inspiration for the thinking, creatingarchitect of today. Contradicting the antiquarian, this great tower declares that the spirit of Gothic architecture is a living, organic thing, adaptable to modern problems of accommodation and engineering, and en- dowed with a future as magnificent as its past. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill -nd organ- ization, will prove more than equal to the demands of tale architec- ture of the future, Ai FATIMA O T I S E L E V A T O R C O M P A N Y Offices in all Principal Cities of the World I I . Read The Daily "Classified" Columns "What a difference Just a few cents make !" '"-