PAGEl TWO TLHE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY ......... .. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session.l Member of the Associated Pres The As- sociated 'lPess is exclusively entitled to the1 ,ise for republication of all news dispatchesj credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- in. Entered at the postoffice, t~nn Arbor, Michigan, as secoi'd class matter Subsciption by carrier o mail, $i.o. Offices : Ann Arbor P'ress Building. Conmunications, if signed as evidence of. good faith, will be published in '[he Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed commuunications will receive nO con- sideratio'i. The signature may be Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1924 Night Editor-FRED K. SPARROW ART IN THE USE OF Elegance of language LANGUAGE may not be in the power of all of us, but thoseI who possess it will never begrudge the hours spent in acquiring it. Words are the tools of language, and just as any other great artist must master the tools of his art, so too, the writer or speaker must master the words of his tongue. If one is to speak Eng- lish, then, it is necessary to con- stantly broaden the vocabulary. Edward Harlan Webster gives this excellent advice on how to accom- plish this: 1-Find synonyms for words you have a tendency to over-use. 2-Record words with which you are familiar but you never use-and "work" them. 3-Make a list of important, unfam- iliar words which you hear, or discov- er in your reading. 4-Listen carefully to the conversa- tion or addresses o feducated persons. 5-If possible, try to translate from a foreign language. In this way a -fine perception of shades of meaning, almost unattainable by any other method, is acquired. 6-Get interested in the dictionary, where you can trace the life history of words. Practice is the first aid in broaden- ing a vocabulary. Actually get hold of new words and use them. You will perceive that you will not startle others so much as yourself. Gradu- ally the words will begin to assume a standing in your vocabulary and before long they will seem like old friends. Not only are words important in the artistic use of language, but also their proper selection is paramount. Ruskin once called attention to. the fact that a genuinely great artist can usually be known by what he leaves out of his pictures as well as by what he puts in. A great artist, hc says, will choose one central figure that is fine and dominating, and sub- ordinate all other features of it. Stev- enson said something similar when he pointed out that in writing the hardest thing lies in the process of elimination. He was apparently troubled by the number of words that swarmed around him, puzzled as to which one he would take, and he lab- ored hard to secure mastery at this point in his expression. One recalls. too, the immense energy that Bernard Shaw expended in earlier days upon# mastering the technique of his art. He literally wrestled with his pen. ! Nothing has contributed so much to the art of language and to the art- istic use of words as the compara- tively recent development of the short story. A short story is really a long one that has been thought out. iip- ped out, rehearsed, boiled, reboiled, twisted this way and that, passed through the finest mental sieve, writ- ten and rewritten till the ultimate ex- cellence has been reached. There is delight in Poe and Kipling, in O'- Henry and Walter de la Mare, in{ Stacy Aumonier, MissdDell, and Kath- erine Mansfield. From the first brisk sentence to the dramatic end we are I writing. Here we see every word used thrilled. The short story may thus be called the highest form of prose to the utmost. Every shade of mean- ing is utilized and beauty is not as- serted but rather assorted and sug- gested. The advice given most oftlen to those who would speak and write I good English is to be simple, unaf- fected, and honest. Thomas Carlyle always told those who came to him "Be true if you would be believed. Let a man but speak forth with gen- uine earnestness the thought, the em- otion, the acual condition of his heat; and other men, so strangely arec we all knit together by the tie of sym- pathy,' must and will give heed to A VALUABLE ADlITION With the announcement that Guy Maier, American pianist of note, has been secured as a member of the fac- ulty of the University School of Music for the coming school year, there comes occasion for those interested in the continued progress of the Univer- sity to add a smile to their already beaming faces. With-this announcement, the School of Music heralds a decided step in ad- vance. Already of great benefit to many students on the campus, the School of Music will now be prepared to offer ever greater opportunities for' study than before. Mr. Maier has made thousands' of friends during the course of his concert experience both as a soloist and in conjunction with Mr. Pattison with whom he has received his greatest fame in the two-piano re- citals. Now that Mr. Maier is coming to Ann Arbor it is only natural that Mich- igan will benefit. Additions of this nature to the University are always to be encouraged and the School of Music is to be congratulated upon its suc- cess in securing the services of Mr. Maier. EDITORIAL COMMENT - 1 GOVERNMENT BY MINORITY By Sir A. Maurice Low The writer of this article is the Washington orrespondent of the Lon- don Morning Post. (Christian Science Monitor) The more an Englishman under- stands the political methods and sys- tem employed in America the more he is impressed with the fact that the minority exercises greater power in the United States than in any other country in the world. It is a curious development. Theoretically the voice of the majority is the will of God. Whether a question, in poltiics or morals, is right or wrong is determin- ed by the votes of the majority; it is the only way a question can be de- termined in a republic, it was the the- ory on which the American Govern:. ment was founded; but in practical application a minority in the United States can actually nullify or defeat the expressed will of a majority. Take, as an illustration, the ratifi- 'cation of a treaty, which must com- mand the affirmative votes of two- thirds of all the cenators present. Here, then, one-third has the power to nullify the expressed wish of more than a majority. Assuming a full at- tendance of the Senate, a majority would be forty-nine, but while sixty- three senators, or fourteen more than a majority, might vote in favor of rat- ification, their votes would count for nothing because they were one vote short of the necessary two-thirds. It is to be presumed that the sixty- three affirmative senators represented the sentiments of their constituents. Hence more than a majority of the people of the country was asking for ratification, and the minority is made ^ubservient to the minority. Even more striking is the minor- ity control over legislation. A bill passes Congress by excessive major- ities in both houses and goes to the President, who vetoes it. The bill may have pased the house with-to use an extreme illustration- a 90 per cent majority and in the Senate with 65 per cent of the total membership; yet although it may again be passed in the House over the President's veto it fails to become a law because it cannot obtain the one or two neces-P sary votes in the Senate. It may be presumed that, both in the Senate and Uouse, senators and mnembers repre- sent the demand of their constituents, but one man, the President, and a fraction of Congress can thwart the will of the country, So wedded are Americans to minor- ity control that they have firmly en- grafted the idea upon extra-constitu-I tional instiutions. In the recent Dem- ocratic convention the political mathe- maticians, after hasitly scanning the first ballot, said that, while McAdoo might not be nominated, his control of one-third of the delegates made it possible for him to defeat the nomina- tion o fany candidate objectionable to him; and the Smith accountant, fig- uring on the back of the ballot, were able to point to a sufficient numer of votes to prevent McAdoo's nomin- ation even if they were not strong enough to put their own man over, A minority is always obstructive. It cannot be constructive, but it has the power to be destructive. By blocking tactics it can force the more power- ful element in its own party or the oppostiion to come to terms or com- promise. I do not comment, which would be improper, upon the virtues or vices of a political system which Americans have seen fit to adopt, but I may with- out impropriety point out the perver- ion of the original intent of the sys- tem. It has lost its meaning. It has ceased to be representative govern- ment which, whatever the methods employed, rests upon the will of the mapority to act, and has become min- ority government resting upon a frac- Oion to prevent action. ,there was sub- stantial reasons, as Ilamilton explain- ed in the federalist, why more than a majority was deemed necessary to ratify a treaty, It was the counsel of prudence; it was the safeguard against rash or dishonest motives, and- so on; but neither Hamilton no anyone else could contemplate the time when a President, representing the majority and more, would find himself impotent because of the mal- ice or stupidity of the minority. It has often been said of recent years that an organized minority can exercise greater authority than an uncohesive majority. Is it to be won- dered at when the Constitution gives encouragement to and magnifies the minority? Congress and the White House are almost daily examples of the falsity of the formula that the whole is greater than its parts. A third can defeat two-thirds; a frac- tion has more weight than its unit. 7hinority rule is dangerous because it imposes no responsibility. Under a system that, theoretically at least, rests upon majority control, the min- ority cannot be held to account, while the mapority, technically wielding power, is powerless, yet answerable for the crimes of commission or the sins of omission. In government an irreponsible min- Sority brings confusion and may be more dangerous to the people's wel- fare than an autocratic majority. KNOW THE CAMPUS At the time of commencement in 1919, there was unveiled on the north- west corner of the campus a bronze drinking fountain, the gift of an alumnus and citizen of Ann Arbor, which is unusually beautiful and sig- nificant. It is the gift of the late Francis M. Hamilton, mayor of Ann Arbor from 195-1907 and was ded- icated on the 50th anniversary of his graduation from the literary college. When he died, in 1914, he left a bequest of $1000 to the city for the erection of a drinking fountain. This beautiful work was first sketch- ed by Robert Aitken, but when he entered the army in 1917, Mr. Albin Polasek, of Chicago, took over the work. The three basins of the fountain are sunk in the top of a circular drum of bronze surrounded by a procession of figures in relief representing Youth, Labor, Poetry, and Philosophy. First come boys with cymbals, trum- phets, and pipes, then two graceful women bearing water-jars, a child with a basket of flowers, a young man with a scroll in lland and a maiden leaning on his arm, a grave young shepherd with his sheep, and finally a youth spreading a scroll of f'igres before a sage of noble and kindly mien. The sculptor's intention of de- picting "something dignified with a touch of youthful delight" is admir- ably carried out. Large automobile trucks are barred from Japan by a police regulation Pprohibiting the length of any vehicle, other than government owned, from exceeding 18 1-2 feet. Panama hats women entirely by hand by Indians and natives of Ecu- ador, are priced at from $2 to $11 a dozen there. GRAH AM'S _ Both Stores ® .. ... ._._. I Greenwood & Kilgore The Mans Shop State Street Over Galkins & Fletcher FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of Maj FOR QUALITY PRINTING SEE C~rook gresi&, "7our.Ar Satter iMpremisons 711 N. University Ave. Up-stairs PHONE 26-R Across from the Campus I i Watch Page T''hree for real values. LUNCHEONS DINNBS and A LA CARTE OPEN DAILY 11:00 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Sunday Hours 5:30 P. M. to 7:00 P. M, Watch Page Three for real values. Patronized Daily Advertisers. = tlllllltllitllltllllllltllllllllllllllllllillillllillllllillll 1111111111 11111111111i 11IN II It . - Every Nite (except Monday) and All Day Sunday at ISLAND LAKE Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton =llititllll l l l' tllllll ll tl1111111111111111111illllitillllll ilisl gt illt llillli li lls 1. _- Text Books and Supplies 703 E, UNIVERSITY Phone 3093-M *Idock After the after-dinner coffee, try this dessert -oh Henry! sliced. Eight generous slicesI to-the bar that every- one .lkes. } Henry! A Fine Candy 10c Everywhere - - it I :'l! "What awhale of a difference Just a few cents make!" x NA Q , ' . i IMF- - all the difference between just an ordinary cigarette and -FATIMA, the most skillful blend in cigarette history. l :.. I