114 r # ixtu mr x- THE WEATHER SHOWERS; COOLER TODAY C a ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SER It E VOL. XV. No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS PER'S PRESIDENT GIVES5 MICHIGN MEN WECOMEi U. O)F 31. STUIDENTS TOURIN4 S* AMERICA GUESTS OF PRES. LEGUTIA VISIT LIMA UNIVERSITY1 Special to Summer Michigan Daily Lima, Peru, July 29.-The Univer- sity of Michigan's party of students which is touring South America for the purpose of study and to promote a closer understanding between the Latin republics and the United States was given the warmesoof welcomes and extended every possible -courtesy by the President, government officials and students of San Marcos Univer- sity while in Lima, the capital of Pe- ru. From the head of the govern- ment down the Peruvians outdid themselves in the friendly treatment shown the Northeners and set a new mark for their already famous South American hos'itality.t President Leguia, who is pro-Unit-' ed States in policy, asked that the Michigan students be his guests dur- ing their short stay in Lima. His own launch was sent out at Callao to meet the men on the "Santa Elisa." It carried the official delegation of1 greeting which was composed of sev- eral distinguished men: Dr. Alberto A. Giesecke, Director General of Ed- ucation, Dr. John K. Breedin, Direc- tor of Examinations, Dr. Luis H. Bour- oncle, head of the Normal School, Dr. J. S. Garcia Rodriguez , a former Michigan man, George A. Salazan, and C. Alberto Arca Parra, representing the students of San Marcos Univer- sity. Visit Oldest University in Americai The majority of the afternoon af- ter arrival was spent in a tour of the famous University of Lima and in calling upon President Leguia and other government officials who asked that their best regards be carried back to the people of the Unied States. A visit was also paid to Ambassador Poindexter. San Marcos was established in 1551 and is therefore the oldest seat ofi learning in the two Americas. The students there, many of whom can spe#k English, are proud of their an- cient heritageand enthusiastically es- corted the Michigan men through the many picturesque patios and build- ings that make up the University. They regretted that time did not per- mit the visiting students to remain longer and exchange views with them, and later in the evening a delegation was selt to announce that special general assembly was to be held the next day in honor of the University of Michigan. At this time messages of good-will carried by the party from Presidet Marion L. Burton, of Michigan, were read to the students. Visit Other Points of Interest Besides visiting the beautiful old cathedral of Lima and the monastery of the San Franciscan monks-fam- ous for its cloister and decorative tile work-the party visited the Inca mu- seum of Sr. Victor Larco-Herrera. This is one of d&ie finest. collections of relics from the Incan and pre-In- can ages found any place in South America. The remains found by the expeditions sent out by Sr. Larco have thrown startling light on the little known civilizations which preceded the Spaniards in Peru. After a luncheon at which the American consul was present, the CURTIS E. PIERCE DIESATSAGNAW Curtis E. Pierce, '82L, a wealthy millionaire lawyer of Bay City, died yesterday when he drove his closed coupe into the Saginaw River from the dock at the foot of Sixth street. He had recently returned from the University Hospital in Ann Arbor, where he had recovered from an ill- ness and he seemed to friends to be in the best of spirits. Mr. Pierce was 68 years old, had traveled considerably, having gone twice around the world, and had al- so been active in Bay county politics and business. "Julius Caesar" Given With Great Success By Class "Julius Caesar" was presented yes- terday evening at 8 o'clock in lUniver- sity hall by the class in Shakespear- ecan reading, under the direction of Prof. R. C. Hunter of Ohio Wesley- an University. The players made no claim to hjistronic perfection, but gave the play in recital form. In contrast to the movies and many 1 productions, the audience had an ex- cellent opportunity to use their imag- ination, as the prdperties were of the simplest and the costumes were of today. The good lighting effects, however added much to the spirit of the thing. As the aim of the recital was to give each member of the class some important Shakespearean character to portray, the cast was changed in each scene. Thus we could compare the respective actors and see the dif- ferences of interpretation, which was a novel experience. The Casius of Act II was outstanding, as was the Caesar of the same act. Anthony's1 wife was likewise well portrayed in the orchard scene. The fact that there1 was no difficulty in following the characters through the scenes al-1 though they were played by differ- ent students showed the strength of1 the production as a whole. party of Michigan students reembark- ed on the "Santa Elisa" where fare-' wells were said. The continuance of their voyage around South America takes thetm to the following cities:j Cuzco, La Paz, Valparaiso, Santiago, Valdivia, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santos, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Trinidad and the Barbados. First Expedition of Its Kind This expedition is the first one of its kind and marks a step forward in Pan-American relationships. It was originated under the theory that so- cial contact between the young blood of the two continents will build up stronger ties of friendship for the fu- ture. Two instructors of Spanish at Michigan, Guillermo D. Herrera, son] of the Columbian ambassador to the United States, and Carlos Garcia-Pra- da, of a prominent family in Columbia, organized the party, which is made up of elemen men in all. The other members are as follows: Myron J. Sherwood and Myron L. Sherwood, Marquette, Mich., Francis L. Tilden, Douglas Flood and Norman Vissering, Kenilworth, Ill., Cass S. Hough, Ply- mouth, Mich., Robert Kohler, New York, Frederick Colby, Detroit, and Alfred B. Connable, Jr., Kalamazoo, Mich. SUMMER CHORA UNION GIVES CONCERT TONIGHT Tonight at 8 o'clock tlij summer Choral Union will make its appear- ance in a concert in Hill auditorium. The admission will be free, and the general public as well as the stu- dents are invited. The following pro- gram is announced: Summer Choral Union George Oscar Bowen, director Virginia Tice, accompanist Marion Struble-Freeman, violinist Mrs. George B. Rhead, accompanist Instrumental Trio from Cass Technical High School, Detroit Program Salutation (Choral Prologue) . Gaines Beautiful Savior (12th Century Melody)......... Arr. Christiansen Massa Dear (Arr. New World Symphony)........Dvorak-Loomis The Chorus Serenade, Op. 15 ............Muller Orvis Lawrence, flute William Baker, French horn Laurietta Kenk, piano Night Song.................Clokey River, River ......Chilean Folk Song The Ladies' Chorus Introduction and Rondo Capric- cioso................. Saint-Saens Marian Struble-Freeman Monteuma Comes (A Tribal Ritual) ...............Suni Indian Would God I Were the Tender Apple Blossom ..........Irish Air Under the Silver Stars......... . Cuban Folk Song Mariannina .......'Italian Folk Song The Chorus New Lawyers' Club To Be Ready For Use Of Law Students By September Fifteenth Work on the first unit of the new law Club now under construction will be completed and the building ready for occupation by September 15, Dean Harry M. Bates of the Law School said yesterday. Applications are now being received for rooms next fall. Between 160 and 170 students will live al the law dormitory next year, acording to present plans. There are sevoral single rooms, a number of double suites, and a few rooms for three students. All rooms in the building will be fully equipped, bed- rooms being supplied with bedding and linen. The furniture has been made to order in the style of the per- iod represented by the architecture of the building. Accommodations for 300 students will be offered by the dining hall. In- terior decorations will bear out the general Tudor atmosphere, the dining hall being finished with imported oak beams. lMiss Inez Bozorth will be the di- rector of the club. Miss Bozworth has ohad wide experience in the manage- ment of university dormitories, and during the war 4he held a responsible position in the operation of army camps. WLLI)DCONFERENCE LITTLE NEARER TO REPARATIONS COA L FIIE CI 1DELEdATES EXHIBIT FOR FIRST TIME WILLING NESS TO SURRENDER HOPE SOLUTION FOUND London, July 29-(By A.P.)-For the first time since the interallied con- ference assembled, the French dele- gates tonight indicated a willingness to surrender under certain con- ditions: their right to separate action against Germany in case of a repar- ations default under the Dawes plan:. If the allies cannot unanimously agree whether a flagrant default has occurred, France is willing to lead an arbitration board on which there will be experts of the original Dawes commission to decide the question. One question is that Germany's pay- ment in goods be linked with the ques- tion of default and that France ac- quire new rights relating to payment in kind which are outside the pres- ent reading of the Versailles treaty. These and other ' conditions the French experts are embodying into a proposal which they hope will end the ten days conference deadlock. Since yesterday's convening which was featured by the timely interven- tion of Col. J. A. Logan, the Ameri- can observer, which the delegates to- day as having saved the conference from possible breakdown, the French delegation has been working to co- ordinate with Col. Logan's suggestion with ideas of their own in an effort to produce a formula which will solve the problem of how default under the Dawes plan is to be declared and what penalties the allies'intend to in- flict therefore, and at the same time satisfy the international bankers who will be asked to recommend a forty million pound loan to investors in or- ier to launch the Dawes project. Whether these new French propos- als in which there will be, a depart- ure from the unyielding stand on sep- arate action, will be acceptable to the other delegates' cannot befully de- termined until the draft is laid before the experts. But the American ob- servers who have an intimation of the conditions, France expects to impose in view of her surrender of her jeal- ously guarded theoretic right to act as she deems necessary, if Germany does not live up to the Dawes plan, are. not overhopeful that a solution has been found. Rubber toys, balls and baloons made in the United States are becom- ing more popular in foreign coun- tries. Diesel engines are taking the place of windmills in Australia. ANNOUINCE CHANGES IN, MUSIC FACULTY MAIER, HARRISON ARE ENGAGED FOR COM- ING SEASON There are to be several additions to the University School of Music faculty this coming year. Mr. Guy Maier will become the head of the piano department, taking the place made vacant temporarily by Albert Lockwood, who will spend the year in Europe traveling and writing. Mr. Maier's coming to Ann Arbor is an event of more than ordinary signific- ance. He is a young musician who has made an international reputation as a concert performer of extraordin- ary attainment. Mr. Maier is a teach- er of wide recognition-having had many years experience in Boston and New York City. Besides private teach- ing in Ann Arbor Mr. Maier will.con- duct classes in the principles of inter- pretation. Mr. rrison will be the head of the vocal d partment for this coming year, succeeding Mr. Wheeler who re- cently resigned. Mr. Harrison left Ann Arbor five years ago and since then has won great distinction in Chicagoas a teacher and public per- former. He has sung annually with the Appolo club, the foremost Choral society of Chicago, besides being so- -loist at the Evanston Methodist church. As a teacher he has had un- der his guidance, a great many pro- fessional musicians. SUPERINTENDENTS LEAD CAMPUS BASEBALL TEAMS The superintendents' baseball team of the school of education is still un- beaten after its game on Monday af- ternoon with the engineers. The score was 2-0 in favor of the educators. Preliminary games were played at Circus To Give Performance For Hospital Children "Fat" Redding, the large clown of I eidman & Pollie's circus will headline the six acts that will be given this afternoon at the University Hospital for the sick and crippled children, who are unable to come out to the shows on Packard avenue. Clowns, acrobats and the large band of the circus will complete the other acts of the program.( To those crippled children that are able to walk, a special show will be put on by the circus on next Friday afternoon, the Kiwanis club of the city providing transportation for the 1 youngsters.I Zeidman & Pollie's circus, whichl are playing in Ann Arbor this week under the auspices of the Veterans ofj Foreign Wars, do this for the crip-J pled and sick children of every town1 they visit. "Fat" Redding and the large band, features of the program that will be presented this afternoon, are both} headliners in their special acts. "Fat" is under contract to play each winterI In Havana, Cuba, at one of the large amusement parks of that city, and the large band, numbering sixteen pieces, under the leadership of Con H. Jes- persen, is one of the best bands that play in ciruceses. BANK OF ENGLAND GIVES PAPER REPORT FORBJUE According to the report of the First National Bank of England production of all grades of paper in June was slightly below the previous month and 30 per cent under that of May,' 1923. LECTURE ILLUSTR ATED BY SLIDES OF AGEAN LIFE Intimate and artistic details of Ae- gean civilization were revealed in well-selected words that enriched the subject, by Prof. J. G. Winter of the Latin, department, who spoke at 5 o'- clock yesterday in the Natural Science auditorium on "Aegean Civilization and the Homeric Poems." The works are so fine that they explain them- selves and an understanding of the background is not necessary; yet those who made up one of the most num- erous and appreciative audiences of the summer felt that they had been transported to the pleasantest realms when they viewed the historic sites. Until 890 the background for these masterpieces was enshrouded in darkness; but during that year Schlie- man, a German archeologist, began his momentous excavations which gave the world new information re- garding these treasures. At the pres- ent time many clay tablets are un- deciphered which will undoubtedly reveal many of the details which are yet a mystery. Crete was first considered as the center of Aegean culture, and many of the scenes from the palace at Cnos- sus were shown. That building was revealed as of gypsum with wooden stairways, and can be distinguished from the palaces of the mainland by its open court which is in marked contrast to the megara of the latter. The 'typical Minoan column tapers from top to bottom, thus providing another distinct characteristic. The art of that period is quite novel and its effects are always daring. A not- . .' _f °' C, s M k ,,, { _I the first of cipals and the summer between prin- superintendents. The re- sult of these first contests was to prove the superiority of the super- intendents, who then were challenged by educational faculty. The faculty team was organized with Prof. Clif- ford Woody as captain and played its first game with the students a week# ago, the score being 16-5 for the lat- ter. Another game with the engineers' nine has been scheduled for next Monday, Aug. 4, at 6:45 p.m., and ar- rangements are being made for a sec- ond game with the faculty. Mr. J. S. Page, of Howell, Mich., is captain of the superintendents' team. For the first six months of the year, able subject of the time was the leap- the production and shipments of news- ing bull which constitutes the orna- proximately the same as for the cor- ment of so famous a treasure as the print in the United States was ap- Vaphio cups. The legend of the Min- responding period in 1923 but stocks atur probably arose from the over- on hand June 1 were about 65 per lordship of theCretans in this region, cent higher than June of last year. which necessitated the sending of Newsprint prices were reduced $2.00 stated sums of money or a number of a ton recently on account of this weak men from the subjugated states. Since statistical position. the latter was the line of least re- Advertising, however, has been sistance these men were the victims maintained at a high volume. For'of the bulls in many cases. the first six months of 1924, maga-I A succession of delicate vases, fres- zine advertising was 8 per cent high- coes, cups, seals, dagger blades and en than for the first half of 1923 and death masks were presented in a de- 33 per cent higher than for the first lightful array that gave a most sat- half of 1922, indicating a continuous isfactory picture of life at that time, satisfactory consumption of book and and made one again review his mem- writing paper. Fine papers are hold- ories of Agememnon, the eternal king, ing steady and coarse papers showing and Helen the incomparable. an improvement during the last weeks.I Indications are that there will be A Japanese concern plans to put out a marked improvement in the indus- a line of footwear under the trade- try in the latter part of the year, mark "Harding." Boston Lawyer New Adviser To Ruler Of Siam } }. ... nape ..: ' . . vL . ": & Courtenay Crocker, Boston lawyer, will succeed Francis B. Sayre, son-in- law of the late Woodrow Wilson, as legal adviser to King Rama VI oJ Siam. He will sail for Bangkoli shortly,