PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1924 f ---. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SU;MMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Preas. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the %se for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- in. Entered at the postoffice, Lrin Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carriereor mail, $.so Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Conmmunications, if signed as evidence of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive ,1o con- aid rtion. The signature may be uinitid in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the comunica !ions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY News Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board...... .............Andrew E. Propper City Editor.................Verena Moran Night Editor.......... Frederick . Sparrow Telegraph Editor.........Leslie S. Bennetts Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS Louise Barley Marian Kolb Rosalea Spaulding Weney B. Krouser Mario Walker J. Albert Laansma Dwight Coursey Marion Meyer Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller Wray A. Donaldson l atilda Rosenfeld Geneva Ewing Dorothy Wall Maryland E. Hartloff BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager.......Iiel M. Rockwell Copywriting Mlanager.......Noble D. Travis Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager....... C. Wells Christie Account Manager.............Byron Parker STAFF MEMBERS Florence E. Morse Florence cComb Charles L. Lewis Maryllen Brown TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1924 Night Editor-ROBT. S. MANSFIELD There are Cassandras who cannot change the habit of protphesying calamities; there -I are cynics who flatly deny the possibility of human progress; there are critics who have noth- ing to say unless it be destruc- tive; and there are idealists who simply will not have half- loaves. But most people, are willing to remember that Rome was not built in a day. It would be against all precedent if everything that should be happened at once, and the hu- man race would probably be more dissatisfied with the mil- lennium than without it. None contends that we have a whollyI changed world in 1924, and that f all that we hope for has come to pass. But it is possible to build up a pretty good argumentI for an astonishingly better world in 1924 than we had in 1914, and to affirm that the amelioration in international relations furn- ishes a justifiable belief that the stupendous sacrifices of the World War were not in vain. HERBERT ADAMS GIBBONS, -The New York Times. UROPE Ten years ago yesterday, there came the first of the declarations of war that grew into the Great War which ravaged the world for four years, and the conflagration that started first as a fight between Aus- tria and her tiny but sturdy neighbor, Serbia, developed until the blood stained waves covered the whole world. The ten years since that time have marked the most profound changes that have ever occurred in the history of the world, and mighty changes are at work even to change the very fundamentals of society. Premier MacDonald, in opening the Inter-Allied Conference, gathered in London to settle some of the perplex- ing problems harrassing the world today, said, "We are at the end of a momentous decade that has complete- ly transformed the owrld. Our work closes one era and opens another." It is only possible to grasp the great import of the change by comparing Europe of yesterday, and the Europe of today, or rather, the Europe we would hope to find. Europe of yesterday was a Europe of distrust and hate in which the Triple Alliance, the Triple Entente and all the secret diplomacy of years, combined to make her an armed camp, each suspicious of his neigh- bor, fearful of attack, jealous of power, and Germany, the leader of France Will Not Be Deceived v ~i To the Editor, Summer Michigan British and American bankers, far Daily: from supplying such assurance, ad-k I hope I may be permitted to com- vertises that if Germany chooses to ment upon the leading editorial of still further default on reparations af- your Sundays issue, which blaraes ter being granted material financial France for the "Crime of the Ruhr," aid, they will do nothing in opposition, and which though it follows the line since the only effective penalty would of much newspaper opinion seems to be invasion of her industrial heart. me both unwarranted and unjust. Without the slightest evidence that In my opinion France has taken, Germany has ever had or will have and seems determined to take, the an honest intention to pay the repara-j only sound position upon this vexed tions except as she is forced to do so, question of German reparations. If France must oppose the Dawes plan Premier Herriot should be so ill-ad- if it is proposed to abrogate the' vised as to recede under pressure penalty. It would not be in the in- from the approved French policy, his terest of Prance to oppose Germany in Government must certainly fall; for the Ruhr if and where she is doing though France has experienced an her best to pay the indemnity. The overturn in politics that has placed banking houses are not interested in Radicals and Radical-Socialists in Ithe Reparations, but only in opening power, yet on the fundamental is- markets in Europe, and any plan by sues of her foreign policy France is which this is accomplished will be! united. The French mind is clairvoy- satisfactory to them. ant and national security is placed Today France, victor in the war first. laulnled by Germany for her exterm- The Ministries of Lloyd George ination, is the most heavily taxed na- and Stanley Baldwin, while not deny- tion of Europe; Germany, the aggress- ing the legality of the French invasion or, bears one of the lightest burdens. of the Ruhr under the ferms of the The German landed aristocracy has Treaty of Versailles, yet joined with hardly been hit at all, and German Germany in default as to carrying out profiteers are today filling the grand its terms. With such scarcely veiled hotels of other European countries,I support by Great Britain it should where their lavish expenditures have have suprised no one that Germany become a world scandal. A verile and preferred to pour vast sums of money thrifty race, Germans are certain to into the Ruhr for "passive resistance" achieve their financial recovery, as rather than pay them in reparations; Ex-Premier Hughes with his keen in- and it was not to be expected that sight and his intimate knowledge of with this British support the invasion the situation several times pointed out should have been a success. However, during his stay in Ann Arbor. Un- General Dawes is authority for the checked by Reparations payments statement that but for the invasion of France sees Germany early restored to the Ruhr the proposed solution of power and with a fixed determinationI Reparations problems offered by the to retaliate for her humiliation Dawes Commission would have been through a renewed attack upon her impossible. hereditary enemy. *We in America More than anything else the Dawes have been fed too much upon the tales program is today in need of assurance of hardships of German professors on the part of Great Britain and the and students to possesp any correct United States that they intend to have perspective of real condition in Ger- it honestly executed if put into force. many today. France is near and has Set up for the purpose of bringing had a long exerience of German de- about a stable financial condition in signs and efficiency. She will not be Europe with exaction of the penalties so easily deceived. of the Reparations, the attitude of the WILLIAM llERBERT HOBBS. IRVING WARMOITS, D.S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 N. University. Phone 5262 1 GROOMES' BATHING BEACH Whitmore Lake RefrCshments 0O All Kinds 1 FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 32S Maynard St. South of Maj Electric Refrigeration for the Home Kelvinator Fits Your Refrigerator The Kelvinator keeps your refrigerator at an even temperature at all times. It keeps it colder than ice and costs less to operate. Comie in and see it working. WM. HOCH REIN Plumbing and Heating 211 S. Fourth Ave. Phone 525 ~..1 e Dusty Roads arnd Dusty, Grass Are Trouble Makers for White Shoes Fr 'r DANCING Every Nite (except Monday) and All Day Sunday at I SLANVD LAKE Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton lii11111111 111#1111111i11i#111111 lfii#!#1 1111111111i1t1111 lilii 111 l1111 11111 Daily Excursion to P 8 C One Round Trip $1.25 Sundays 0 Way (Return Same Day) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m. (E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay goes to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point (After July 4th) A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven hours at Put-in-Bay! Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-bay at 7 p. m,.; arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.75 round trip; Put-in- Bay, 80 cents. Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folder Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m. Ashley & Dustin Fare. Wed., Thurs. 60c. Sat., Steamer Line y Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Foot of First Street. -\IDetroit, Mich. We have a good as- sortment of Liquids, Powders, and Pastes to correct this annoyance and bring happiness again into the home. lieved in the glory of war, believed it to be necessary to "purge humanity diseased." The war came, with a horror and a thoroughness that would lead one to wonder if the doctor ap- proved the medicine for "humanity diseased," or felt humanity improved by the scorching lesson of war. Outwardly today, Europe is still in the chaotic state left by the struggle.1 Racial hatreds still stir her people, jealousies, fear, distress, tear at the vitals of her civilization, but still there is a ray of hope. In the ten years that separate the present war from the day of 1914, great socialC changes have swept Europe and left her, no longer a land of aristocrracy and monarchy, but a haven of demo- cracy, young it is true, but still toI ,grow into magnificent flower. The decade has seen the rising of the common peoples of Europe, and the lessons of the French Revolution re- peated. Though the same emotions move her, though the same economic distress threatens to overturn her so- ciety, Europe today is far different from that old land of privilege and power for the classes, and opportun- ities are opening up to her, vistas of undreamed possibility. Europe is not I dying nor decaying. From the scorch- ing lessons of the war, she has arisen, purged of her sins, ready to begin again. YOU SAID IT The other day we heard a man say something. He was simply talking to another man, and saying the most commonplace things. And then he said one of them beautifully. His whole thought burst out through those words and we knew it. There \was rhythm and a happy sound to them. So we listened. What he said could have been spok- en in a dzen different ways, lacking inflection or metre, or something else that makes words live. If it had, weI would never have heard it. This car- ried purity of feeling with it and a spark of reinemberance. All that heI said he meant, and he meant it in the, way that he said it. Consequently we forgot that the day was hot, and that we had already met enough casual ac- quaintances. Of course, when we left him, we realized that he is just an ordinary person. But we's been wondering since. We'd like to know why it is that most of us when we open our mouths succeed only in making people yawn.+ EDITORIAL COMMENT I DON'T KNOW (The Manilla Times) The Free Press, unofficial organ of the estudiantes, has been carrying on a prize contest for the best answersf to the questions "What is Independ-C once and Why?" Six hundred replies were received, of which several are at 1 C. Claude Drake's Ipublished in the current issue of the periodical. Most of them, including the winning effort, are a striking com- mentary on the results of the educa- tional system here. The prize winner thinks that with independence, "foreign capital will pour into the country." Another says, "it will promote economic develop- ment, stabilize commerce and. indus- try, and encourage the investment of foreign capital." Views of some of the other contestants follow: "The patriotic people of the Phil- ippines will then become brave, in- dustrious, wise, and will have poten- tial 'commercial advantages." "We need independence so that our money collected shall never be sent to the treasury of our yoke's hold- er."f "We can then improve our army and navy." "When we have independence we can pass an exclusion act, excluding Chinese and Japanese for a certain number of years." "We can declare war at any time." "We can lower the salary of the Filipino chief executive, and will not j have to tay hin $100 a day or $36,- 000 a year" "We shall have a national holiday- that crowning blessing." And so on, ad lib. These reasons show a capacity for clear thinking on the part of the younger generation which ought to cheer the advocates of compulsory popular education. It is true that a few reel-W.- were a different note. One young woman remarks that "the majority of the i people are the easy prey of wily pol- iticans and rich caciques." A young man says, "many join the independ- ence chorus because they are afraid of being branded unpatriotic." But to our way of thinking the prize should have been awarded to the in- j dividual who stated that independence would mean more taxes, scarcity of monpvJ ity i nri p1 d o1.inn tlu ibl+i Drug and Prescription Store Cor. North Univ. Ave. and State St. Phone 308 "Thequarry' Fp ® I f- Kl ,. '} ..0 - .. __ ,;. , I money,i ghi prcesant no win u hi benefit. This pessimist winds tip his I What a difference Just a few cents make F FATIMA contribution as follows: Try Classified ads for big Results. "Do I want independence? I do." an Daily,-Adv. "Why? I don't know." the continent, ruled by men who be-' ig WN mi 11 "M m - mmovolpromm p - -- - ". - -1- --- - - .11101 wi