JUNE 16, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY ..,.. CENTURY EDITOR GIVES ADDRESS (Continued from Page Two) continued. "Ministers of God cannot turn themselves into hysterical press ragents of generals in war time and expect men to take them seriously as T IS WIUm" CLOWE 9T 3 P.Ms LASSE I FOR RENT DOCTORS, Lawyers, Dentists, Archi- tects, offices in New Columbus. Building in new northwest section of Detroit, low rental. These of- fices include light, heat, hot and cold water. Apply R. T. Reaume, Columbus Bldg., Detroit. PRIVATE Guest House. Lake Straw- berry, Lakeland, Michigan. Open June 21-Sept. 1. Write for terms. B. R. DeWitt, Ypsilanti or Lakeland, Mich. FOR RENT- Suite and double and single room. Summer prices. Stu- dents and business people. 425 S.! Division. 1565-J. FOR -RENT-Furnished home, good income proposition. 205 North In- galls. Subscribe for The Summer Mich- igan Daily.-Adv. authentic representatives of Jesus of was one of his statements. "If in the Gospel of Christ, but the opinions of Nazareth the day after the Armistice." future the church- is to be more than a mass of nominal Christians. Dr. Frank then discussed the de- Ian exhorting ambulance driver in Third, by trying to apply ruthlessly moralizing spiritual influences of war. world politics, it must choose now be- and realistically the teaching of Christ "Vast masses of men and women who tween Jesus and the generals," was to the problems of industry, politics, before the war were sensitive and another. war and peace. I shrinking at the thought of brutality The future of a pacific church, Dr. Dr. Frank found the obstacles to a are today bringing a firing squad mind Frank found in one of three attitudes: realistic state in ancestor worship, to the issues of peace. . . . Social First, cultivate the inner spiritual or inability to .see changing condi- revolutions, labzor wars and the mad- life of men and women, ignoring moral tions; the lack of a scientific study of ness of Ku Kluxism are certificates issues of politics, industry, war and social problems; and a wider human- that show how well the race learned peace. ism that will give men a better under- its lesson of conquest by cruelty," Second, frankly admit that institu- standing of racial differences and tional religion does not represent the limitations. _ _. ,;iii 1111i111111111E1111!111 U1 IIIIIIIltIIIII~ 11I11I1 lII11IIIIIlII1II111111111 It t 1i~11~llltl. Week Beg. Nights TODAY 25c-50c-75c-$1 IF EI W~A POP. MATS. MONDAYL Tues., Thurs., Sat. NISI'NG UNE16th 25c-50c LOST ieenth Annual Season LOST - Gold, engraved Eversharp Fourth Week pencil; initials H. M. R, on barrel.o t Lost the evening of June 5 at the Library or Union Reading room. THE k Please call Rockwell, 960 or 3104. LOST--Plain Manila Envelope con- taining records of the class of '94. E Return to J. Raleigh Nelson, 927 Forest Ave. Phone 2996 TYPEWRITING Crl~ TYPEWRITERS Will Prove One of the IN By Mary Roberts of all makes = Outstanding Rinehart Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged Presentations of Co-Author of - O. D. MORRILL- thr Present Season THg -ar 17 Nickels' Arade The Typewriter & Stationery Store = Dealer: Corona & L. C. Smith Watch Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 23-" WHAT A WIFE " Arnold's State Street Jewelry. I= 1111!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111@111111111111U1Ii 11111111111111111111ill !1!111!1 flllllilir~illl l lilllfll 11U i11111i11|11111!1111111111111llllililllll1111 11 11 DANCING Every Nite and All Day Sunday at ISLAND LAKE, _ Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton 11 1 1 1 i1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I Ili il11111111111111 LICHTY'S I A Cool, Invigorating Breeze Any Time With an electric fan - $10 - $35 It's not at all necessary to swelter in the oppressive heat that summer brings. Night or day, any place, an electric fan gives refreshing comfort at the touch of a button. Rigid and oscillating types, in 8 to 3o-inch sizes. Many cost about one-half a cent an hour to operate. The Detroit Edison Company CAR, TIRE and TUBE REPAIRING ,\ '\ ;\ Student Work A Speciality 623 E. Libertyat Maynard 1 block off State Main at William Telephone 2300 1=----- . HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED? 11 11a STUDENTS Part of the day's business is keeping posted on the events of the day. To do this you will Mid I While you are not in Ann Arbor physically, you can be here in mind and spirit if you will see that you get the Summer Mich- Igan Daily. Foreign subscriptions, $2 find no better medium than the SUMMER MICHICAN DAILY 11_ __ ____I__ __ Subscribe Today $1.50 At the Press Bldg. $150 . I MMWAMMOMMOMIM.Wo Minn 1