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VOL. XV. No. 31
Kellogg Says Question of Securtly
Need Not be Settled at Lon-
don Conference
London, July 25.-(By A.P.)-Al-
though the inter-allied conference
marked time today, there was observ-
able tonight an unmistakable hard-
ening in the attitudes of all the dele-
gates against submitting to the dicta-
tion of the international financiers in
formulating a protocol to launch the
Dawes plan.
The French spokesman in express-
ing the views of Premier Herriot,
were more unyielding than ever to-
ward the surrendering of any of the
rights whicl France enjoyed under
the treaty of Versailles. In American
circles, it was stated that the Dawes
plan was of such importance that it
could not be jeopardized by the rela-
tively unimportant disputes between
the bankers and the delegates.
The British continued confident that
a compromise would be reached on
the question of security for a Ger-
man loan that will satisfy both the
bankers and the French politicians.
Among all the experts-observers,
advisors, and delegates, there is a
concerted effort to settle the difficul-
ties which have beset the parleys
for weeks and which at times have
seemed to threaten the very existence
of the conference. This afternoon,
Frank D. Kellogg, the American am-
bassador went so far as to say that
the problem of defaults and sanctions
under the Dawes plan and their rela-
tion to security for the German loan
would not necessarily have to be set-
tled in London. This view, however,
is not shared by the other delegations,
where it is was said the issue the
bankers have injected into the pro-
ceedings is paramount, and that as
soon as this is settled, the conference
can consider its work completed.
Despite the delays which have oc-
curred, the atmosphere of the ne-
gotiations is described as not pessim-
istic, but as "cautious confidence" and
"restrained confidence." British of-
ficials tonight said the technical work
of the conference had been completed
and that the conferees were ready
for their next pleniary session Mon-
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
President Marion L. Burton, Mrs.
Burton and their son and daughter,
Paul and Jane, returned to Ann Arbor
yesterday after a motoring trip
through the east. They plan to remain
in the city until Tuesday when they
will leave for their summer home on
Cass Lake, Minnesota, where the
President will work on his annual re-
The money provided for the fellow-
ship in creative arts has been renewed,
President Burton stated, and it is
hoped that it will be filled for the next
year before the opening of school in
the fall. There is some probability
that the holder of the fellowship next
year will be a dramatist, President
Burton said. The donor of the fellow-
ship fund is a Detroit man who pre-
fers to remain anonymous.
Few Cases of Contagious Disease
Records of the Health Service for
last year show that among the com-
municable diseases treated, there were
20 cases of chicken pox and mumps,
14 cases of scarlet fever, 11 cases of
diphtheria, 7 cases of measles, 4 cases
of small pox, and 1 case of typhoid
This percentage is very small con-
sidering the number of students that
are enrolled in the University.
Park Row is wrangling about who
coined the term "sob-squad."
* . .
An American, Frank B. Kellogg, of Minnesota, ambassador to Great
Britain, has been called upon to play the delicate role of mediator in the
allied conference on the Dawes reparations plan.
Control Of Press Necessary
To Democracy Declares Reed
Largest Group to Make Excursion
Leaves This Morning at
7 O'clock
Two hundred fifty students were
scheduled to leave Ann Arbor at 7
o'clock this morning to ipake the an-
nual summer session excursion to Put-
in-Bay on Lake Erie. Prof. William
H. Hobbs, head of the geology depart-
ment, is in charge of the group which
is by far the largest which has ever
made the trip from the University.
There were many more applicants than
tickets, Prof. Hobbs said, and five spo-
cial cars were required to take the
group to Detroit.
Students of the course in geology 3s
will' be given an opportunity to study
the caves on the island, and the wave
action which is studied in connection
with the course. Chief among the
aves to be visited are Perry's Crystal,
and the Mammoth caves, the second
f which is particularly interesting in
view of its peculiar crystaline struc-
The party will return to Ann Arbor
tonight, reaching the city about 10
Four Year Curriculum in Decorative
Design Recently Authorized
by Regents
A complete curriculum in decorative
design leading after a four year course
of study to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Design was authorized by
the Board of Regents at their last
For a number of years decorative de-
sign has been taught in the college of
architecture, but no opportunity to de-
velop detailed and special work has
viously been presented. Courses on i
design and allied arts will be combined
and extended, and so organized as to
afford continuity, according to plans
being made br Prof. Emil Lorch of
the architectural faculty.
Work for the new degree will cover
subjects related to textiles, costume,
furniture, glass and metal, and inter-
ior decoration. With this technical
training will be offered a maximum
amount of cultural study, including
drawing, painting and modeling, and
architectural design and history.
There has always been a consider-
able demand for such instruction in
the University and indications are that
.the course will be highly favored this
fall by students who are interested in
"The field of politics is peculiarly
woman's game and she has the facil-
ities to play it well," declared Prof.
T. H. Reed in speaking to the Insti-
tute of Politics at- 2 o'clock yester-
day in the University High School
auditorium. She introduces a new
element of gentleness into the game
but she gets her own desired end
in, her own way, the speaker contin-
ued. A man will run from a fracas
with a woman any time-unless it is
with his wife.
There are four popular ways of
teaching government, of which the
newspaper is by far the most im-
portant, said Professor Reed. This is
due to the fact that the paper reach-
es almost everyone in the community,
and that it moulds their opinion
whether or not they are themselves
aware of it, because it uses the most
effective form of emphasis which is
iteration. That is the secret of its
power with the politicians, according{
to . Professor Reed. To be entirely
satisfactory the newspaper must be
financially successful, or it will oth-
erwise engender public distrust. "If
democracy is to survive in America we
must control this Frankenstein of a
press," said Professor Reed. This
may be best illustrated by the papers!
controlled by W. R. Hearst, whose
attitude towards a public speaker al-
most determines his standing in the
Such a situation may be corrected in
small communities by sending to th6
paper a report of the speech. This
will be accepted because reporters
are scarce. The other papers must{
be handled by bringing. pressure tof
bear on the editor, or the owner. This
is the place where the women may 1I
most effective because she has weap-
ons the man does not have. She may
approach an irritated editor and with
her sweetest smile insist that an ob
jectionable article be corrected and,
according to Professor Reed, although1
he may feel like throwing her down
stairs as he would certainly do with
an equally irasciibe male, he will not
accord her that treatment.
The leaflet, containing the facts;
the personal call; and the school of
citizenship are the other three forms
of popular adult education.
Player Classes
To Give Dramas
For F~estival
Four one-act plays have been pro-
duced this summer by the classes in
play presentation, play direction and
stage-craft, under the superivision of
Earl Emery Fleischman, and several
others are scheduled for production.
"The Box," and "For God's' Sake,"
the latter written by Professor Ever-
'ett of the rhetoric, department, will
be staged Monday, "The.Wonder Hat"
on Tuesday, and others will be an-
nounced later. These plays will be
given at 1 o'clock in University Hall
and are free.
Outdoor performances are planned
for Aug. 12, when the classes in play
production are holding a Play Fes-
tival. The party will start at 4 o'-
clock, carrying their audience with
them and stop at selected points to
present the plays ecpecially adapted
to outdoor presentation. A picinic
at Riverside Park is planned as a
grand finale for the day.
"Far Eastern Relations" and "Law
Making Bodies" Are Subjects
of Discussion
Let the United States and the Philip-
pines agree on a course of action and
then carry it out faithfully, is the so-l
lution of the problem of the Philip-z
pines, as presented by Prof. Joseph R.j
Hayden of the political science depart-1
ment at the round table discussion of
Far Eastern Relations held by the In-}
stitute of Government and Politicsf
yesterday. Tile discussion was oft
especial interest as Professor Haydent
gave the American viewpoint as con-
trasted to that of Dean Kalaw, of the
University of the Philippines, who
spoke on the same subject Wednesday.
The present restlessness in the
Philippines is due, stated Professor
Hayden, to trouble stirred up by polit-
ical leaders, who turn the inhabitants
against the United States to further
their own interests. If the American
and Philippino leaders would get to-
gether and agree on a definite course
of action this would be avoided and
the independence of the Philippines
Continuing his talk on "Law Making
Bodies" before the Institute at 3:00
o'clock Friday, Mr. William P. Lovett,
director of the Detroit Citizens League,'
discussed the relationship of the exec-
utive to the legislature, compensation
f representatives, the relation between
the press and the lobby, corruption in
the legislature, and need of executive
Mr. Lovett suggested the following
improvements: abolishment of the two
chamber system of government, re-I
duced *size in the national congress,
law requiring executives to sit in with
the legislative body to give information
and to debate questions, a raised level
of compensation by increase of pay
and recognition of public services, and
abolishment of representation of small
units and consequently by small men.
Sixty-four women, representing five
states in the Union, namely Illinois,
Indiana, West Virginia, Missouri, and.
Michigan, are registered in the Insti-
tute, which closes here today. In ad-
dition to those registered for the en-
tire course, a large number have been
attending single lectures.
Prall and Stimson will meet Duna-
kin and Jerome in the doubles finals
of the campus tennis tournament
sponsored by George J. Moe. In the
singles, Greiner will meet the winner
of the Jerome-Moore match for the
Refuses to State Whether Aceptance
Address Will Differ From
Party Platform
Stark Harbor, Islesboro, Me., July 25.
-(By A. P.)-Treaties should be rti-
led by a majority of both houses of
Congress instead of by a two thirds
majority of the senate, as the consti-
ution now requires, is the view of
John W. Davis, democratic president-
al nominee.
In giving notice to this belief, here
today, Mr. Davis made his first declara-
tion of policy since his nomination, but
he was. only reiterating a statement to
he American bar association made
more than a year ago at the time he
was president of that organization.
Mr. Davis declared in replies to
questions as to whether he had made
such a statement, "I believe with John
Hay, the forefathers in their wisdom
'ixed it so that the kickers could rule.
If -I had my way, the kickers would
not be able to rule.
"Treaties have been ratified in the
same way that laws are made. One
strikes at the vitals of the government
no more than the other. I do not
know of any other civilized govern-
ment that requires more than a ma-
jority and I do not see why it should
be required in this country."
Asked if his acceptance address
would disagree with the party plat-
form especially with the reference to
the plank proposing a referendum on
the league of nations, Mr.-Davis said
it would not "dissent from it."
Pressed on this point, the nominee
said, "Wait until my address is com-
plete. We then can lay it and the plat-
form down together and see how they
Lorch Presents
Development Of
A rchitecture
Regarding the works of outstanding
American architects as representative
of the period in which they lived, Prof.
Emil Lorch, of the School of Architec-
ture, outlined and illustrated, by means
of slides, the history of American arch-
itecture, last night, in Natural Science
Thetspeaker began with the civil war
and traced the development to the
present day. The first influence was
the classical. The sub-treasury build-
ing in Washington is a good example
of the Greek treatment.
Professor Lorch stated, "Architec-
turally, as well as socially, we are a
nation of borrowers."
In proof of this, America next bor-
rowed the Gothic style. The great
christian style, manifested in churches
is Gothic.
Then the Centenqial exposition pro-
duced a great change. It was, mainly,
another instance of borrowing. It was
a great "dream picture" of adaptations
of former architectural attempts.
However, terra cotta was introduced
as a new decorative scheme. Former-
ly, it had been used' only in construe-
tion though it is, structurally, not suit-
With the advent of steel as a build-
ing material, there was a long period
of experimentation. This resulted in
a new type of architecture. The ma-
sonry was "hung" on the steel. Per-
haps the most successful treatment of
the steel building, with the tower, is
the Woolworth building in New York
"The essential thing of a high build-
ing is its height, and the thing to do is
to emphasize this feature," affirmed
the professor. "Architecture tells its
own story in its own language, which
all may learn."
Bucharest, July 25.-A treaty of ex-
tradition between Rumania and the
United States was signed Wednesday.
Women's Future In Politics
Assured Says Mrs. Miller
"There were two features of the Re- Ieveryone had joined in and the entire
decoration and design and who
spend more time on cultural
than would be possible in
wish to
an art
publican convention at Cleveland that
stand out in my mind, and they both
pointed to that fact that down under-'
neath the sophisticated exterior of the
American people there is an inward
reverence," said Mrs. Craig Miller,
of Marshall, president of the Michi-
gan League of Women Voters, in dis-
cussing the convention from a woman's
"The first event came when the con-
vention was opened. There were 13,-
13,000 were united again by song. Af-
ter the singing it seemed to Mrs. Mill-
, r that the feeling of irritation, and
dissention had disappeared and the
convention began to transact business
"I did not see a bit of drinking at
the convention. Whether this had any-
thing to do with the presence of
women delegates I do not know. But
here was not even any smoking dur-
ing the business sessions. During the
000 people gathered together with one I banquets at the hotels if a flask ap-
ultimate purpose,-the nominating of peared or a woman took out a cigar-
a man for president. The session was i ette a card was laid at the place read-
opened with silent prayer which lasted ing "The guests of this hotel will re-
for several minutes. Then the Lord's frain from drinking," or "Women are
prayer was repeated, and 13,000 people requested not to smoke in the dining
joined in. There did not seem to be room." Mrs. Miller did not see any
one man or women who did not join in. drinking during the entire convention.
The most hardened politician, and the "Did the women take any great part
youngest delegate all knew the words, in the convention? They did not play
and the gathering was carried back to a large part but they had their place.
a sense of cleanness and reverence for There were only a few who took a very
the duty ahead." active part. The woman who seconded
The Wisconsin forces were standing President Coolidge was from Californ-
for LaFollette against the rest of the ia-a lovely looking old lady with
convention. A feeling of irritation white hair, and wearing a lavendar
was arising, and everyone assembled, shawl, a most grandmotherly looking
except Wisconsin, began singing "Hail, person. Another woman was chair-
Hail, the gang's all here" and the man of one of the important commit-
meeting was becoming boisterous, tees. The rest merely did their work
when the chairman started the singing as delegates. Women are new in the
of "Onward Christian Soldiers." Soon field of politics, and their education
Memberships have been sold rapid-
ly in the University Golf Club, which
will occupy the course now under con-
struction south of Ferry field. There
are only a few memberships left of the
250 to which the club was limited.
Membership in the club is sold on a
yearly basis, dues being $30.
The new course is expected to be
ready for play by September 15. It
comprises 40 acres of land, most of
which is already covered with blue
grass. The property is owned by IT.
E. Hastings and O. II. Clark, graduates
of the university.
will come gradually, but they will as-
sume their place more and more.
"The convention was very interest- title.
ing. Now that women have taken a This year's summer tournament was
part in the work of running a nation's the most successful yet held, accord-
politics they cannot be kept out. They ing to Mr. Moe. Many of the matches
will enter more and more into the were exceptionally well played, and
work. Their future in this is assur- everal close scores resulted. The final
ed," concluded Mrs. Miller, matches will be keenly contested.