THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY YOUNG ASSUMES INTERNA TIONAL ROLE ________------ -- - - - I ~~- 4:, 4 A -~J A~ -i -_ 1r. t r ..-. 1- t + /- / ~ -- - CLASSIFIEDS TYPEWRITERS TYPE WRITERS-All makes Sold, rented, cleaned and repaired. Ha"'e you seen the new CORONA Four? The greatest typewriter pro- duced in the last twenty years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade LOST LOST - Key, Tau Beta Pi, bearing name S. H. Hulse, on or around campus. Finder return to Michigan Daily office. Reward. LOST-One black leather glass case, containing two pairs of glasses. Telephone 3168 or 1463-R. H. Bus- sey. LOST - Small Gold Fountain pen. Downtown Thursday. A. T. O. crest. Finder please call 1287. TYPEWRITING . THERE is always a last minute rush. Take your work to O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade, at once, have it type- written and avoid disappointment. HELP WANTED WANTED-Young man or young lady for photographic work. Phone 108. 324 S. State St. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. STUDENT wanted to earn big pay after school. Apply 714 Monroe St., 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Watch Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street Jewelry. FOR. SALE A STANDARD typewriter for $10. Good condition. Call at rear of 719 Oakland. GROOMES' BATHING BEACH Whitmore Lake Refreshments Of All Kinds - -- Now Playing ON THE STAGE- Cliff Nichols and his orignial "YOUNGER GENERATION" ON TH SCRIEN- Milton Sills in "THE LAST HOUR" Coming Sunday Ralph Lewis in WESTBOUND LIMITED" Now Showing Jack Hoxie in "The Red Warning" Comedy and Pathe Review Comedy and Pathe Review Fri-Sat. Hoot Gibson and Laura LaPlante in "Ride For Your Life" Century Comedy and Fox News Coming Sunday-Dustin Farnum in "KENTUCKY DAYS" "The Leather Pushers" Fox News 1' Owen D. Young is apidly becoming a sort of international handyman. With the conference in London in full swing, an extremely important event has happened outside the conference which is destined to have a consider- able influence upon it. This is the reported acceptance by Owen D. Young of the post of agent-general for reparations payment. His reported acceptance of the post when the Re- paration Commission will formally proceed to his appointment is said to have caused great satisfaction in both Paris and London, Among leading European states- men it is felt that the role of agent for repaation payments is that of an intermediary of the greatest possible importance between the Reparation Commission and the various commis- sions which will survey the different souces of receipts in Germany. It is further reported that if M. Herriot and Mr. MacDonald agree on this point Mr. Young will be the arbitrator on many important subjects, including the possible application of sanctions in the event of Ferman failure to pay.- It clearly requires a big man who can inspire confidence that is world- wide; and Mr. Young is regarded as such a man. Subscribe for The Summer Mich- igan Daily.-Adv. HEALTH SERVICE OPEN The privilege of the University Health serviee will be extended to all students of the University Summer session. The Health service is located at the corners of Washtenaw and Volland ave- nues and will be open from 9 to 12 o'clock daily except Sundays and from 2 to 5 o'clock, Satur- days and Sundays excepted. All students who care to tale ad- vantage of it are given free med- ical service. Physicians are available at all times by calling the Health ser- vice infirmary, University 186-M. Washington, July 22.-The post- offie department announced that Post- master-General New had authorized CA R R i C K Pop. Mat. Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 25c & 50c Nights 25c - 50c.- 75c and $1.09 9th Week -15th Season THE BONSTELLE COMPANY in the American Historical Romance "The Awful Mrs. Eaton" 2nd Week Owing th his Big Demand FRANK McGLYNN, Creator of Role of Abraham Lincoln, PlaX s Andrew Jackson NEXT WEEK-LEAH KILESCHNA the appointment of 160 new clerks iiq Try Classified ads fortbig Results. the New York postoffice,20 in the Los igan Daily.-Adv. Angeles postoffice, and 20 in the St. Louis postoffice. Watch Page Three for real values. |1 |1#1 111 1 ilIIIllllllflil|t1111 I1 Ull t itli ilitl lil ttilil ltll talllllt lllli ll _ DANCIN'G Every Nite (except Monday) and All Day Sunday at ISLAN D LAKEL Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton O-b- X&M-M" mono= t- ia SILK DRESSES, SHIRTS WHITE SWEATERS, COATS Summer wear of every kind is thoroughly, and safely cleaned by White Swan. Call us about it, 165 or bring your clothes to our Station in the Press Bldg. White Swan Laundry HETHER art and a ham sandwich-or a head waiter and a la carte-is your lot, Budweiser fits either occasion equally well. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUTS Budweiser Ann Arbor's Leading Cleaners mommoommommoun N"NWMWMNMMNMM j I