irl, THE WEATHER FAIR AND COOLER TODAY T -4.r ,'ummr at iauV a ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIR SERVICE VOL. XV. No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS T CYCLING MARATHON HONORS CAPTURED BY FR ENCH RIDERS EBOTH TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL lON- ORS TAKEN BY FRENCH IN LONG GRIND BEST AMERICAN TIME MADE BY POULICAl.UT European Riders Prove Superior to All Others, Taking First Eight Places Paris, July 23.-(By A. P.)-France today captured both team and individ- ual honors in the Olympic "Cycling marathon," a grueling grind of 188 kil- ometers, approximately 117 miles, over a road course starting and ending in the Colombes stadium. The European riders proved superior to the riders from the western hemisphere. European nations took the first eight team places, with Argentina ninth and the United States 10th. Dlanchonette of France was first, covering the difficult course in 6 hours 20 minutes, 48 seconds, nearly ten min- utes better than his nearest rival, Ho- evenadrs, of Belgium. Handul of France was third, Skold of Sweden fourth, Tarfondry of Belgium fifth, and Bohlin of Sweden sixth. In the team scoring, Belgium was' second, Sweden third, Switzerland fourth, Italy fifth, and Holland sixth, The best of the American time was made by John Poulicault, who covered the distance in 7 hours 15 minutes, 15 3-5 seconds. HARVEY C, EMERY TO JOIN' COACHING STFF Harvey C. Emery, former Princeton football and track star, is to be added to the Michigan coaching staff next fall, Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics, announced yesterday. Emery was agreedupon for the pos - tion by Coach Yost and Dean Whitney of the school of education after in- vestigating and iiterviewing a number of candidates. Emery will assist the coaching staff in football, basketball, baseball, and track in the athletic courses of the school of physical education. He will glso assist in the coaching of the var- sity football, wrestling, and track teams, The new coach was captain of the Princeton 'track and wrestling teams last year, and vms among the leading weight men in the east, specializing in the hammer and discus throw. He played at tackleaon the football eleven. In addition he engaged in many stu- dent activities, being voted by his classmates at the close of his senior year not only the best all around ath- lete in his class, but also the best all arouRN man, the most popular man, and the man who had done the most for Princeton. Coach Emery will assist in the work of coaching the Michigan eleven nexto fall. 100TION OF 20 CRES MAE TO FRRY FEL Twenty acres of land south of Fer- ry field have been added to the ath-j letic plant of the University to pro- vtde for the growing intramural ath- letic department. The Athletic as- sociation has already graded andi seeded the new ground. The transferring of the intramural sports to the new field will make pos- sible the addition of a baseball dia- mond for the exclusive use of the freshman squads. The diamond will be almost as good as the present Var- sity diamond, jud is expected to give unusually good facilities to the fresh- man teams. The new concrete tennis courts are also being built to provide for the Varsity net players during the early spring and in wet weather when the clay courts cannot beused. In addition to these changes, a new gallery will be built in Yost field house, making the seating capacity for bsaketball games 10,500. U. S. Suggestions May End London Parley Deadlock ,a Suggestions of the unofficial U. S. observers, Frank B. Kellog (above), ambassador to Great Britain, and Col. James A. Logan, may end the deadlock in the inter-allied conference in Lon- don on the Dawes plan for solution of the German reparations problem. Although first American proposals failed to effect the deadlock of Great Britain and France, it is indicated the two counitries are likely to be brought together in a middle course laid out by Logan and Kellog. Summer School Becoming More! Infellect u al Summer school students are becom- ing more intellectual according to a survey of the sales of the various book stores on State street. More booksj have been purchased this summer than ever before in the annals of summer school trade. Summer school has ceased to be the haven of those whose home towns lack variety. It is no longer a para- dise composed of girls, men, and dilap- idated Fords. People are no longer "attending summer school." They are studying and studying hard, if the book' sales mean anything. Book iperchants have various theor- ies to explain this phenomenon. Some say that the increase in enrollment in the School of Education has something to do with it. Some claim that the recent increase in the salaries of school teachers enables them to buy snore books. All agree that the literary collegebuys more books than any other school. This would seem to indicate that Michigan summer session is tightening up-that Ann Arbor will no longer be the rendezvous of those who "can't be bothered" going to a summer resort for their fun. TO APOINT MINISTER FROM IRISHFREE STATE Washington, July 23.-(By A. P.)- Under agreement with the British em- bassy the state department made pub- lic tonight correspondence exchanged. between Secretary Hughes and Am- bassador Hloward providing for the appointment in Washington of a min- ister to represent the Irish Free State in diplomatic intercourse with the United States. Colorado Gas Well on Fire Fort Collins, Colo., July 23.-(By A. P.)-The Mitchell gas well, which came in last Saturday night, caught fire late today. - The well had been flowing between 20,000,000 and 25,000,-l MAES APPEAL FOR CLEAN GOVERNMENT Reeds Says Responsibility for Better Government Rests on Popular Acquiescence SAYS CORRUPTION EXPOSURES NO SURPRISE TO POITICIANS Wifh the declaration that he might as well be speaking upon the com- mon dishonesties of life as upon com- mon honesty in government, Prof. T. H. Reed, of the political science de- partment addressed an appeal for bet- ter administration of government to an enthusiastic audience yesterday in Natural Science auditorium. He scor- ed recent scandals, calling them the result of popular acquiescence, and laid the fundamental responsibility upon "us easy, slack, lack-a-dasy, cynical folks." Investigation explosions in Washing- ton have not been a surprise to those- acquainted with politics in the Unitedt States, Professor Reed added. Those exist who buy favors from the gov- ernment, and within the sanctum, those exist who sell them. That the public has set a different standard of guilt for those two classes is one oft the facts which demonstrates our in- tellectual dishonestyt "We are a lawless peoplle,'' the speaker declared, "ready to defy thatI law which interferes with our busi-f ness and with our pleasue. We pro-t pose to cheat when we can; although I each one of us in choosing the lawsN that he will violate is leaving only the basis for anarchy. Corruption among officials on the whole is sel- I dom encountered but the opinion that anyone who gets away with breaking 1 the law is not only reputable but extremely clever is omnipresent.s And that is the demoralizing factor. Life and property are less safe hereI in this most civilized of countries > than they are anywhere else on the r globe." The consent of the governed places the mattr finally within the handst of the people. GVaft in reality de-° pends upon public favor; it will cease to be when the public raises to a high-e er level of honesty. "It is very doubtful that in thea courts as they are now organized' any man as wealthy as Doheny ort Sinclair could ever be convicted," Professor Reed stated. "Most judgesa are not corrupt; few juries can be bribed. But the camouflage of pub- licity through the newspapers can bec used to throw handfuls of dust into .the eyes of justice. And that can be a done most easily with money." A few years ago Roosevelt wass somewhat ridiculed for his "rediscov-t ery of the Ten Commandments." They d need to be rediscovered again; thec time has come for another era of re-3 fom. The prime requisite of the pol- itical prophet henceforth must be notI his ability to make everyone thinkw that he agrees with them, but hisc leadershp in making common hones- ty prevail in government and in tpe life of the people, HOOVER WANTS BUILDING cTIME SPORAD0OVERSYERL To prevent seasonal ups and downs in industry, Herbert Hoover, secret- ary of commerce, advocates that the building season be extended. This will prevent the building trades fromt idleness and unemployment during! more than three-quarters of the year. This report was a suplement to a recommendation of the committee onG seasonal operation in the construc- tion industries, and a result of thet unemployment conference called byt President Harding in 1921.c This extension of the building seas-i on is important to the country, Sec- retary Hoover said, because construc- tion is the balance wheel of Amer-I ican industry. The value of this in-f dustry amounts to more than five bil- lion dollars and the men employed in the industry amount to millions. Ac- tivity in the construction lines bear BRANOT TO JOIN SPEECH FACULTY Former Instructor in Public Speaking and Law Departments to Return in Fall WAS ACTIVE INUNDERGRADU- ATE AFFAIRS AT UNIVERSITY Carl Gunard Brandt, former instruct- or in Public Speaking in the Univer- sity, is to return in that capacity this fall. Mr. Brandt will succeed Pro- fessor R. K. Immel, who has accepted the position o Dean of the School of Speech at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles. In order that he might accept this position in the Public Speaking De- partment, Mr. Brandt recently refused the opportunity of running for Prose- cuting Attorney on the Republican ticket, at his home city of Ludington, Michigan. And it is understood that if he had consented to run, the opposing party would not run any candidate for the office, and Mr. Brandt's election would have been assured. Both part- ies were backing Carl Brandt to clean up the liquor situation that existed in Ludington. Mr. Brandt is prominent; in the civic and social circles of his town and his election would mean many reforms in the existing condi-I tions of Mason County. During his undergraduate days, Mr. Brandt was active in University af- fairs, as a member of the debating teams, and as a representative of the University in Oratorical contests. He was a member of Alpha Nu debating society and president of the Oratorical Association, serving in the latter ca- pacity during 1919-1920. He is a member of Delta Theta Phi, law fra- ternity, and also a member of Delta ' Sigma Rho, national honorary forensic society. Mr. Brandt received his degree of LL.B. from Michigan in 1921 and his LL.M. degree the following year. After receiving his master's degree in 1922, ie resigned his position on the faculty of the department of Public Speaking,' to begin the practice of law in Mil- waukee, Wis., in the offices of William Morgan, Esq., a former Attorney Gen- r eral of Wisconsin. In December, 1923,e Mr. Brandt returned to the University t and became an assistant in the Lawa School faculty. Owing to the resigna-I tion of Professor Immel, Mr. Brandt f has accepted the vacancy thus causedI and will take up his work this fall. i Mr. Brandt has acquired an enviable reputation as a teacher and it will i prove an added feature of the Public Speaking department to have him re-I ume his teaching. His classes arec lways filled to capacity, and their pop-I ularity never decreases. le is a con-r scientious teacher, whole-heartedly in-t derest'ed in his work. And Mr. Brandtf deals with his subject from the practi-I cal point of view. During his previous years as a teacher, he was in charge, of the Michigan High School Debating League. In that capacity, he was in- strumental in developing the splendid organization of that work inaour public schools in Michigan. As a coach of success and his teams have seldom debating teams he has met with great been defeated.. The University is to be congratulated upon securing so able a successor to Professor Immel as Mr. Brandt. SUMMER SCHOOL AM SCEHOULE ANNOUNCED1 All students in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts, Engineer-1 ing and Architecture, Pharmacy, Dent- al Surgery, the School of Education, and in the Library Methods Course, who desire credit for work done in theI summer session will be required to pass examinations at the close of the term according to the following sched- uile. The first part refers to the hour of recitation, and the second part des- ignates the time of the examination. Seven o'clock-Wed. 2-4; 8 o'clock- Wed. 4-6; 9 o'clock, Thurs. 8-10; 10 o'clock, Thurs. 4-6; 11 o'clock, Fri- 8-10; 1 o'clock, Fri. 10-12; 2 o'clock, Thurs. 10-12; 3 o'clock, Thurs. 2-4; 4 o'clock, Fri. 2-4; Irregular, Fri. 4-6. All Japanese commercial aviation is under the control of the govern- ment. Last night witnessed the perform- ance of Andrew Haigh, pupil of Josef Lhevinne, the eminent pianist. The uncomfortable heat prevented a large attendance at Hill auditorium. This proved unfortunate, because Mr. Haigh found difficulty in adjusting his pedals to suit the acoustics of the quarter- filled hall. The Prelude and Fugue (Bach) was somewhat confused. "Andantino and Variations" (Schubert-Tausig) proved little better. Schumann's "Papillons" and Medtner's Sonata in G minor showed a gradual improvement, al- though the left hand movements in both were blurred. Brahm's Rhapsodic (op. 119) and In- termezzo (op. 118) marked the turning point. Mr. Haigh exhibited the dainty, light touch of his teacher. The two Debussy numbers which followed were very well executed. The dreamy atmosphere of "Reflets dans l'eau" was beautifully and clearly portrayed. Lizt's "Sonotto del Petrarca" was still better rendered. The final number, Lizt's Hungarian Rhapsodie No. 15, was capitally played. Here Mr. Haigh caught the true Hun- garian spirit. His wristwork was es- pecially commendable. It was supple,+ enabling octaves to be played with re-+ markable ease and rapidity. The tor- rent of applause gave proof of the au- dience's appreciation. D. W. F. FINNIER SAYS DAWS PLAN 6GOOD Amerlean Authority Asserts Inter- Allied Conference WHil Be t SuccessfulS EFFORTS TO BREAK DEAD- t LOCK OCCUPY DELEGATES TIME t i London, July 23.-(By A.P.)-The o inter-allied conference undoubtedly s will be successful and the Dawes plan will be given its chance to solve Eu- i rope's economic ills, despite the pres- 1 ent differences between bankers and c the conference delegates over guar- v antees for the 40,000,000 pounds sterl- t ing German loan, a leading American p financier today told the Associated Press before sailing home after hav- e ing for several days been in the clos-c est touch with conference proceed- p ings. This authority, who has followed the P Dawes plan since its inception, de-c clared there was no question among t bankers regarding the existence ofa ample guarantees which will insurer the comparatively small sum required for the service of the loan. The prob-r lem is, he added, to reduce the poten-f tial guarantees to definite forms whichI w-ill stand as a solid basis of credit.t Efforts to break the apparently ser- ious deadlock which has arisen in the1 conference over the financial guar- antees for the 40,000,000 pounds sterl- ing loan necessary to put the Dawes plan into operation today occupiedt the entire time of the delegates, t In the present impasse, the Amer-{ ican ambassador, Frank B. Kellogg, has presented a proposal which is un- der consideration. It is not concerned with the manner of application of sanctions to Germany. It proposes that sanctions may not be applied until recommendations forr a default have been made by the1 agent general of reparations and thec bondholders' trustee and also by five members of the Dawes committee whoc would be called in. London, July 21.-As result of a 10- minute under-water convulsion in the Azovza Sea near Kertch Strait, a small island has been produced less than a mile from shore. The Azovza Sea is a northern arm of the Black Sea, almost entirely surrounded by Russian territory. Miss Helen Wills will defend her title in the national women's tennis championship at the West Side Tennis -club, Forest Hills, L. I., Aug. 13. As a feature of class day exercises at Vassar, girl students defeated their fathers in a baseball game. The score was 18 to 10. KALAw, REED, WAOOO DEAN KALAW ADDRESSES GATH- ERING ON FAR EASTERN RELATIONS ELEMENTS OF POLITICS DISCUSSED BY T, H. REED Prof. A. E. Wood Talks to Group on Minimum Wage for Women in Industry Solution of the problem of the Philip- pines lies simply in the adherence of the United States to the principles she has always followed in her foreign re- lations, according to Dean Maximo M. Kalaw of the University'of the Philip- pines, who addressed the Institute of Government and Politics yesterday. It is in the fact that up to date the American government has ignored these principles to a greater or less degree that the trouble lies. "Far Eastern Relations" was the subject of Dean Kalaw's lecture. He stated that there was a general lack of interest and information in Amer- ica regarding the Far East, which has contributed in part to the present back- wardness of that part of the world. Dean Kalaw began by tracing the chief points of importance in the evo- lution of the Far East of today. He emphasised the point that Asian civil- ization was the first in the world to appear. During the last half century or so, the attitude of the European nations toward the Far East became one primarily of exploitation, all the powers striving to gain a foothold here. During this time the United tates secured possession of the Philip- pines through the war with Spain. Dean Kalaw said that the general at- itude of this country toward the Phil- ppines, while better than that of the ther nations toward their possessions till left much to be desired. In closing he said that as regards nterest shown by the public, the i- ands were in a better state than this. ountry, as 92 per cent of the eligible- oting population turned out for elec- ions, as compared with perhaps 50 er cent in this country. Prof. T. H. Reed of the political sci- nce department spoke at 2 o'clock on dramatic elements in American politics. Citing the recent oil scandals and the 1920 issue of the League of Nations as examples Professor Reed commented on the odd psychology of the American people, whom he char- acterized as influenced by emotion rather than by intellect. Non-voting is not undesirable in many cases, contrary to the general feeling of alarm expressed by those who would call attention to the fact that many eligible to vote in the Pres- idential elections fail to exercise this privilege. Four reasons for this non-voting were assigned by Professor Reed, (1) intimidation, such as the treatment of the colored race by the white race in the south; (2) prevention, by illness or out of town business; (3) protest, which is abstention from voting on an issue that is not agreeable and (4) indifference. The remedy suggested by Professor Reed is the very vital problem of arousing the interest of the public in its own affairs. At 4 o'clock Prof. Arthur E. Wood lectured on the minimum wage and its connection with women in industry. There is a real need for regulation of wages, which is done in many in- stances by legislation-in other cases by trade unions-where they are pow- erful enough. This minimum wage is for the purpose of insuring for the laborer at least a subsistence. It was pointed out that women in trade do not have the bargaining power that men do, and women in particular have a need for such a law. Editor to Be Liberf4ed Santa Fe, N. M., July 23.-(By A. P.). -Carl Magee, Albouquerque editor, sent to jail at Las Vegas by District Judge Leahy for contempt of court, will be liberated as soon as the er- roneous case numbers of the pardons granted by Governor Hinkle are cor- rected, according to word received at the governor's office late today, Haigh, Pupil Of Lhevinne G ies Piano Recital INSTITUTE HERS 0 ;i I 000 cubic feet of gas a day. It is lo- a general relation to national condi- cated 13 miles north of here. I tions, Secretary Hoover added.