TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TH8E Where Brazilian Revolutionists Hold Ground Ilb Mt . CGA R R I CK Pop. Mat. Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 25c & 50c Nights 25c - 50c " 75c and $1.00 91h Week i~th Season TE BONSTELLE COMPANY in the A merican Historical Romance "The Awful Mrs. Eaton" 2nd Week Owing th his Big Demand FRANK McGLYNN, Creator of Role of Abraham Lincoln, PlaX s Andew Jackson NEXT WEEK-LEAH KLFESCIINA I IRVINE WARMOLTS, D. S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 N. University. Phone 2652 Now Playing " ON THE STAGE- Cliff Nichols and his ii Clever Kiddies ON THE SCREEN- Ton Mix in "LADIES TO BOARD" Coming Thursday ON THE STAGE- Nichols' Kiddies in A Complete Charge of Program Milton Sills in ''he Last Hour" NEXT WEEK-Ralph Lewis in " aestbound Limited" Dickens' "David Copperfied" Now Showing Herbert Rawlinson in "JACK O' CLUBS" "The Leather Pushers" Fox News Wed.-Thurs. Jack Hoxie in "The Red Warning Fri- Sat. Hoot Gibson and Laura LaPlante in "Ride For Your Life" Comedy and News FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of Maj II ' i '7 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns II i'r ~ w A F, GOLD wrist watch- on river roads Sunday.iither beiweeii boat house and Whitmore Lake ro.d or on Cas- cade Glenn road between Whit- more road and Miller ave. Tel. 4656-XW. TYPEWRITING THERE is always a last minute rush. Take your work to 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade, at once, have it type- written and avoid disappointment. FOR RENT ONE SINGLE room, 1 double room with sleeping porch. Nurses or business people. 334 E. Jefferson. Watch Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street Jewelry. TYPEWRITERS-All makes Sold, rented, cleaned and repaired. Have you seen the new CORONA Four? The greatest typewriter pro- duced in the last twenty years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade WHO ARE YOUR ASSOCIATES? That is a question that means much socially. It means a deal more in business and finance.dThis bank 3ffors you bank connections that will be valuable to you in the busi- ness world. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 S. Mai St. 330 So. State St. Member of the Federal Reserve A strict censorship is keeping the actual situation obscure, but it is known that ^Brailian government forc- es have had little success so far in their efforts to subdue rebels who are using Sao Paulo, chief industrial city of the country, as a base in a revolu- tionary movement which has secession as its subject. Hundreds have been killed on both sides and the huge number of wound- ed has caused the luxurious Esplan- ade Hotel (left, above) to be converted into a hospital by the revolutionary forces, who have Sao Paulo's muni- cipal theater (right, above) as their headquarters. Below is a view of the main streets of Sao Paulo. SPECIAL SALE ON ENTIRE STOCK OF LINEN AND DUCK KNICKERS *.1 uLI : TODA Y Thos. H. Ince's GREAT DRAMA '1 eA "T HOSE Energine Odorless Dry Cleaning The more a suit is soiled the more we may be of service to you; It's just the kind we're looking for in making clothing good as new. Garment Cleaning "Th e H om e o f E n e rgime $4.00 4.50 5.50 7.00 Knickers, $3.20 3.60 4.40 5.60 wo 3.00 DUCK KNICKERS, 2.40 LUTZ CLOTHING STORE (DOWNTOWN) DANCE" POODLES HANNAFORD IN "THE BONEHEAD" SOON 11 POLA NEGRI in "MEN" Patronized Daily Advertisers. r 209 South Fourth Ave. Phone 2508 What 11 Will Your "me Be? I Read the Want Ads Read The Daily "Classified" Columns] Inco If you will save $50.00 per month BASED on 8 per cent interest, it will mature to $10,000 in 128 months and yield you a monthly income of $66.66. Based on 10 per cent interest, it will mature to $10,000 in 118 months and will yield you a monthly income of $83.33. Based on 12 per cent interest, it will mature $10,000 in 111 months and yield you a monthly income of $100.00. I "What a difference Just a few cents make FATIMA 11 Michigan Mutual Savings Association .I Phone 3571-M 315 E. Washington I Hl " 'Under State Superisin" 1111