VOL. XV. No. 26
Interpretation of Shakespearean Trag-
edy Called Best of Playhouse
Work During Stay
Frank McEntee and his New York
Players presented Shakespeare's Ham-
let yesterday afternoofl before an
audience that almost filled University
Hall. The play was undoubtedly the
best work done by the players during'
their Ann Arbor engagements
Mr. McEntee brought to his interpre-
tation of Hamlet a carefully studied;
characterization, nurtured through
long experience of ShakespeareanJ
acting. For many years, an associ-
ate of Ben Greet, with whom he play-
ed more than seventy five roles in the
Shakespearean repertoire. He plays
flamlet with a poise and finesse that
js marred only by his imperfect artic-
Illation. The rest of the company were
as usual well cast.
Hamlet, to many is the favorite and
the greatest of the Shakespearean
plays. Presenting as itdoes the pi-
ture of a youth, upon whom te Gods
have placed a severe test, who be-
cause of the sensitiveness of his nat-
ure is unable to meet the strain, and
under it goes mad, it is universallyc
appealing. the beauty and grace of the
Elizabethan language, the richness
and the elegance of their manners, the
mnagi wonder of the blank verset
of Shakespeare render the play for-
ever eternal. The cast, and especially
Mr. McEntee, yielding to the newer,
idea of impressionism, spoke theirt
lines in a way in which the natural
poetic beauty was lost.
Present "A Doll's House"
Ibsen's play "A Doll's House" was
the last play given by the players last
night. The play is the greatest writ-
ten by this author, and it opens great
possibilities for fine acting and inter-
pretation. It is full of dramatic sit-'
uations and some tense situations
The parts were taken in much thel
manner as in proceeding productions
which have been given here by thist
company. The acoustics of Univer-
sity hall prevented fine enunciation,3
and made the players hard to under-
stand. Miss Elsie Herndon Kearns
seem to overcome the situation better3
than any one else in the company, and1
it is easy to understand her. She has
poise and grace, combined with a sense
of the dramatic which makes her an
Thesplay is a difficult one to inter-
pret and the company showed that
they had carefully studied the pro-
duction. The acting done by Nora
and her husband gave rise to some
scenes which had strength and person- I
These players have come to Ann
Arbor for the last two years, and have
delighted audiences in out-door theat-~
ers. It is to be hoped that when they
visit here again they will be furnish-
ed with a better place in which to
show their talent than in University
hall. It seems like an almost utter1
impossibility to present a play with
any great success on that stage, and it,
is to the credit of the Shakespeare
players that they played to full houses
for every performance.;
Moscow, July 19. - Three persons,
were reported killed and many housesr
destroyed by an earthquake at Tash-.
kent, Wednesday.1
That's the Latin for the abbrevi-
ation "N. B." and in this case its
translation is "Watch the Classi-
fied Column on Page Three,"
Press Bldg. Maynard St.
Represents Japan
McEntee Says Movie Is Driving
Drama Back Into The Library)
"The Amoving picture is driving the
lrama back into the library," stated
Mr. Frank McEntee, of the Shakes-
peare playhouse company, of New
York city, when questioned about the
:miovie vs. drama situation in this coun-
Mr. McEntee continued to point out
the significant factors which bring
about the popularity of the moving
pictures. The most important cause
is an economic one, according to Mc-
Entee, who believes that the price of
the movie, which is within the reach
,f all classes of people, attracts the
oublic and at the same time satisfies
them. The moving picture has all the
advantages in the world. The prod-I
act of the picture industry may be
!oxed in a small package and sent to
all parts of the world. In this way,
it is continually bringing in box office
At the same time, continued McEn-
ee, the drama has every obstacle to
overcome. There are personalities,
human ills and moods to deal with,
is well as the expenses, scenery and
stage hands to arrange for in the
drama. Mr. McEntee believes that
without a doubt, the moving picture
,as taken the place of the drama but
that it never will wipe the drama out
of existence.
In speaking of his work, Mr. Mc-
E7ntee said that his best acting has
>een done when he was so tired that
me wondered where Jis voice was com
nig from. His favorite role is that of
Hamlet which he played yesterday af-
The Shakespeare playhouse company'
will go to Lansing from here to play at
Michigan Agricultural college and will
hen play at Madison, Wis., and Bloom-
ington, Ind., before returning to New
Isaburo Yoshida, counsellor of the
Japanese embassy in Wasington, is
now in charge of his country's affairs
in the United States. The Toyko
government is not expected to send
a successor to M. Hanihara soon.
Maj~or Robert Imbrie, Vice Consul at
Teheran, Persia, Attacked
By Mob
London, July 19.-(By A. P.)-Brit-
ish officials today confirmed the death
of Maj. Robert Imbrie, American vice
consul in charge at Teheran, Persia.
Washington, July 19.-A message re-
ceived today by the state department
from American Minister Joseph S.
Kornfield at Teheran, Persia, said that
Vice Consul Robert Imbrie died from
shock at 3 o'clock yesterday after hav-
ing been brutally kicked and beaten by
a mob.
London, July 19.-A dispatch to the
Evening News from Teheran, Persia,
says Maj. Robert Imbrie, American
"consul" there, died As the result of a
severe beating administered by a mob.
Another American, it is said, who was
with Maj. Imbrie, was taken to the
hospital after being seriously wounded.
Other advices from Teheran had it
that the "American consul, with his
oriental secretary," were photograph-
ing a public fountain when a mob
suddenly attacked them.
It is said the American official was
killed and his secretary and several
policemen injured.
Beginning Sunday and continuing
through Wednesday, a vaudeville act
will be presented at the Wuerth theat-
er together with the regular screen
features. Cliff Nichols' "Younger-
Generation" will 4present a juvenile
act entitled "Cab-Arabian Nights."
11 children from the age of 7 to 12
years take part in the skit which is
a miniature musical comedy instead
of the usual review. This act was
presented in Detroit for 17 weeks.
Tom Mix in "Ladies to Board", is
the story of a hard-boiled cow pun-
cher who inherits an old ladies home
with all the attendant trials. Gert-
rude Olmstead playes opposite Mix.
"Younger Generation" will present
an act the rest of the week. The
children will give another musical
comedy entitled "Jessie James, jr."
The screen feature for the latter part
of the week is "The Last Hour", a
thrilling mystery drama starring Mil-
ton Sills, Carmel Myers and Pat 0'-
"Jack 0' Clubs", a play starring
Herbert Rawlinson begins at the Or-
pheum today. The play is laid in the
picturesque East Side of New York.
The story deals with John Francis
Foley, an Irish patrolman who single-
handed, has won the respect of the
denizens of the district. He wins the
title of "Jack 0' Clubs" from his fight-
ing ability. A big fight is staged in
the Rathsiteller cafe which is re-
Church of Christ
"The Church Christ Meant" will
be the topic of the sermon at 10:45
Other services during the day will be
Bible school at 9:30; communion ser-
vice will be held at 10:30; and at
6:30 there will be a young people's
round table which will discuss the
topic, "Being a Good Neighbor." All
services will be held in Lane Hall
Unitarian Church
Rev. Sidney S. Robins, minister will
preach on "Fundametnalism" at 10:30.
This is the minister's last Sunday be-
fore he will leave on his vacation.
His place next Sunday will be taken
by Dr. J. T. Sunderland, for twenty
years a minister in Ann Arbor.
First Baptist Church
Worship and sermon will make up
the usual Sunday morning service at
10:30. Mr. H. R. Chapman, minister
for university students will preach on
"Shunning the Sociab Debt." At 12
there will be Sunday School services
at the church. The students class
will meet at the Guild House, oppos-
ite the church to discuss the topic.
"Can Christians Longer Sanction
War?" Mr. Chapman will be in
charge of the discussion.
First Presbyterian Church
"The True Rest-Cure" will be the
topic of Dr. Anderson's sermon at
10:30. There will be a young people's
social hour at 5:30, and devotion and
discussion groups will meet at 6:30.
First Congregational Church
Morning services will be held at
10:45 and "Religion and the Home"
will be the subject of the sermon. It
will deal with the quetion "Is Home
Life Sacred?"At 12 there will be
open forum. Dean M. M. Kalaw of
the University of the Philippines will
speak on 'The United States and the
Philippines." Student social hour in
the church parlors will be held at 6
o'clock. "Back Home and Broke",
starring Thomas Meighan in this play
of George Ade's will form the motion
picture service at 8 o'clock.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
A Sunday school picnic will be held
today. The autos will leave the
church at 9:30. At 10:15 there will
be services in Wolter's Grove, with
the weather permitting. This service
will be held in English. If the weath-
er is unfavorable the services will be
held in the church at 9:30.
produced with great regard to details.
On Wednesday and Thursday "The
Red Warning" with Jack Hoxie and an
all star cast will be presented. Hoot
Gibson and Laura La Plante share the
title honors in "Ride for your Life"
which comes to the Orpheum on Fri-
day and Saturday. This is a comedy-
drama of the west.
(Continued on Page Four)
Melbourne, July 19.-The govern-
ment of Sir Alexander Peacock, pre-
mier of Victoria, has resigned because
of the want of confidence motion of
Tuesday in the assembly. G. M.
Prendergast, labor leader, is expected
to succeed him.
Divergence of French, British Views
Perturbing Feature of Allied
London, July 1.-(By AP)-Diver-
gence in the French and British views
as to manner of dealing with possi-
ble German defaults under the Dawes
reparations scheme is one of the per-
turbing features of the inter-Allied
conference in session here. An un-
successful attempt was made yester-
day to thresh out the fundamental
differences between the two nations
but it is hoped that a compromise
agreement may yet be reached.
There will be somewhat of a lull
in the conference over the weekend,
many of the delegates going to the
Wembley exposition and making other
Americans who are in the closest
touch with the conference proceed-
ings are of the opinion the fate of
the whole meeting depends on the de-
gree of understanding to be reached
by Premiers Ramsay MacDonald and
Edouard Herriot.
Unofficial American suggestions of
the matter of German defaults were
laid before the experts yesterday but
they did not produce a compromise
Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of the
observatory, who conducted an as-
tronomical expedition in South Af-
rica during the past year, will speak
on "The Proposed South African Ob-
servatory of the University" at 5 o'-
clock tomorrow in the auditorium of
the Natural Science building. His
Slecture will be illustrated.
The purpose of Professor Hussey's
expedition was to locate a site for
the new 27-inch refracting telescope
which was presented to the University
by Robert P. Lamont, '91E, of Chica-
go. A definite location for the new
observatory has not been decided upon
as yet and a decision will not be made
until the data which Professor Hussey
collected and the results of his in-
vestigation have been gone over by
those in charge of the expedition at
the University.
Sofia, July 19.-The Sobranja has
voted full amnesty for the cabinet of
Vaseil Rodoslavoff, former Bulgar-
ian premier who was convicted with
his ministry of having brought Bul-
garia into the war on the side of the
central powers.
Stockholm, July 19.-Mrs. Kathar-
ine Tingley, American theosophist
leader, who arrived at Gothenburg
Tuesday, was received by the chief
Swedish theosophist, Gyllengerg. Her
visit caused hostile criticism by the
Universities In
Like Says Kalaw
"The various universities of the
Philippines, are in all essentials,
very similar to American universi-
ties," said Dean Maximo M. Kalaw,
of the University of the Philippines,
in an interview Friday. "There are,
at present in the islands, three higher
educational institutions exclusive of
normal colleges. The oldest of these,
St. Thomas, was founded by the Span-
iards in 1611. The University of the
Philippines was founded in 1907, and
now has an attendance of over 5000
"The student bodies of these insti-
tutions are made up mostly of Phili-
pinos, though there is an increasing
number of Chinese and other nation-
altiies. All of the universities are
co-educational, with large. numbers
of women in attendance. The Uni-
versity of the Philippines is a metro-
politan institution similar to some of
the largest American universities,
with seven schools and colleges, in-
cluding agriculture. liberal arts, eng-
ineering, education, and others. Mil-
itary training is compulsory for two
years for all students.
"Fraternities, though there are some
in existence, are still young, and do
not in any case keep houses, although
we expect to see fraternity houses
soon," said Dean Kalaw. "We have,
of course, all sorts of student activi-
ties, including a variety of student
clubs of which the debating clubs are
at present the most popular, American
sports are widely indulged In. W
emphasize the idea of athletics for
all, rather than place stress upon in-
dividual stars. We have an official
student publication which attracts in-
terest. Dancing is also growing in
"Naturally at this early stage the
staffs of the various colleges mst
have American professors in some
subjects recently introduced," he
stated. "However, it is only in such
subjects as science, English literature,
and so on, that this is necessary,
since in the other fields Philipino teach-
ers are available. The spirit of our
universities is much the same as at
yours, although our devleopment must
naturally be influenced somewhat by
our different environment. We aim to
make our universities thoroughly up-
to-date and metropolitan institutions."
11:00-Institute of Government and
Politics, under the auspices of the
National League of Women Voters.
Registration in Barbour gymnas-
ium. Morning and afternoon ses-
sions, auditorium of University High
School. See special program.
3:00 - All graduate nurses taking
courses at the University Summer
session are invited to attend a meet
ing at the Island.
4:00-Epidemiology and Sanitary Con-
trol of Preventable Diseases. Dr. L.
L. Lumsden of the U. S. Public
Health service. Natural Science au-
5:00-The Proposed South African Ob-
servatory of the University. (Il-
lustrated). Prof. W. J. Hussey. Na-
tural Science auditorium.
S:00-The Progress and Opportunities
of Civil Service Reform. Mr. H. W.
Marsh, secretary of the National Civ-
Mrs. May Wood .Simons Is General
Chairman of Institute; Group Will
Hold Six Courses
The Institute of Politics of the Lea-
gue of Women Voters will open to-
morrow with a luncheon at 12:15 on
the south porch- of the Michigan Un-
ion. All women who are interested
in the school are invited to attend this
opening evnt. Courses offering in-
tensive study politics, legislation, and
international relations will be given
the women from July 21 to July 26.
The University will be represented
at this conference by Prof. Edward
H. Kraus, dean of the summer ses-
sion, who will be one of the speakers.
Addresses will be given also by Mrs.
May Wood-Simons of Evanston, Illin-
ois, Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse of Chicago
and Mrs. Craig Miller of Marshall,
Mrs. Wood-Simons Is Chairman
Mrs. May Wood-Simons is general
chairman of the institute and state
chairman of citizenship training for
the Illinois League of Women Voters,
She is a graduate of the University
of Chicago and has a Master's degree
from Northwestern university. Dur-
ing the war she was chairman of Am-
ericanization for the Milwaukee coun-
ty Council of Defense. From 1914
to 1920 she taught history and civics
in Wisconsin and did much lecturing
for the extension department of the
University of Wisconsin on citizenship
and Americanization. She is credited
with being one of the most popular
women speakers in the middle west.
Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse, another
speaker, secretary of the fourth reg-
ion of the National League of Women
Voters, became secretary after sever-
al years apprenticeship in Minnesota.
She was for over a year a member of
the board of Minnesota League, and
only resigned to become manager of
the Minneapolis League, one of, the
most enterprising local leagues in the
country. On moving from Minnea-
ed with Mrs. William G. Hibbard of
ed fith Mrs. William G. Hibbard of
Winnetka, the director of the fourth
region, and has served as secretary
for more than a year.
Six Courses To Be-Given
Mrs. Craig C. Miller, state president
of the Michigan League of Woman
Voters, will preside at some of the
sessions. Mrs. Miller is a member of
the Michigan Corrections Commission,
state chairman of intitutional relations
for the Michigan Federation of Wom-
en clubs, and has an unusual record of
service during the war, having been
state chairman of placement for the
women's committee of the Council of
National Defense.
There will be six courses given dur-
ing the meeting of the political school.
the work will include a study of state
and county administration, political
parties and nominating methods, law-
making bodies, legislation and social
progress, international relations, and
the popular methods of teaching gov-
Fee Is $8 For Series
Members of the Detroit bureau of
governmental research and several
university professors will conduct
courses. Among them are Prof. T.
H. Reed, of the political science de-
partment; Prof. A. E. Wood, of the
sociology department and Prof. J. R.
Hayden, of the political science de-
partment. Dean Maxime Kalaw, of
the University of the Philippines will
also deliver a lecture before -the mem-
bers of the school.
All of the courses will meet in the
auditorium of the new University high
school. A fee of $8 is required for
the entire series of lectures and round
table discusion. The fee will be pay-
able on registration at Barbour gym-
nasium. from 10 to 12 o'clock Monday.
All women who are interested in the
institute are invited to attend the lun-
cheon. Reservations may be made in
I advance by calling Mrs. L. M. War*
field, phone 1842-J,
il Service Reform League.
al Science auditorium.
the Up-
4:10-The Fall (or Rise)
Upper Room Bible class,j
per room, Lane hall.
4:00-Organization Activities and Re-
sults of Whole-Time County Health
Service. Dr. Lumsden. Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
5:00-The Control of Immigration.
Prof. A. E. Wood. Natural Science
7:00-Choral Union rehearsal. School
of Music.
8:00-Educational Motion Pictures-
(a) Working for Dear Life, (b) One
Scar or Many, (c) In Florence
Nightingale's Footsteps, (D) Waste
Disposal in Cities.