PAGE TWO THE, SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1924 . . , .... .. ... ... .5 ugetm . t r t1 ,y lt 'a-IV OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- .in. Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $t .. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Comrunications, if signed as evidence o[ good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor, Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. The signature may be omitted in publication if desi ed by the writer. The Summer D~aily does not necessarily endrse the sentiments expressed in the communica- tions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board.... e ..........Andrew E. Propper} City Editor................Verena Moran Night Editor ..........Frederick K. Sparrow Telegraph Editor..........Leslie S. Bennetts Womens' Editor .............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS Louise Barley Marian Kolb Rosalea Spaulding Wenley 3. Krouser Marion Walker J. Albert Laansma Dwight Coursey Alarion Meyer Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller Wray A. Donaldson Matildla Roseneld Genaeva Ewing Dorothy Wal Maryland E. Ilartloff BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager ......hIie M. Rockwell Copywriting Manager..... oble D. Travis Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie Account Manager..............Byron Parker STAFF MEMBERS Florence L Morse Florence Mccomb Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1924 Night Editor-C. ROBERTSON "There is a quality in cer- tain people which is above all advice, exposure or correction. Only let a man or woman have dullness sufficient, and they need bow to no extant authority. A dullard recognizes no bet- ters; a dullard can't see that he is in the wrong; a dullard has no scruples of conscience, no doubts of pleasing, or succeed- ing, or doing right; no qualms for other people's feelings, no respect but for the fool himself. How can you make a fool per- ceive that he is a fool? Such a person can no more see his own folly than he can see his own ears. And the great quality of dull- ness is to be unalterably con- tented with itself." -THACKERAY. THE iEW AND OLD What is education? Who is the ed- ucated person? How often these questions are asked! Much is being said and written these days about the "new education." The old method of teaching the three R's is considered a "venerable tradi- tion." Today, educators aim to per- mit children to direct their own stud- ies, within limits. They realize that children differ profoundly and that education must minister to the needs and capacities of each. The work- study-play or Gary plan has been widely adopted, replacing the former rigid curriculum. Always, the ques- tion arises: "What is education?" In Webster's dictionary, we find "ed- ucation" defined as: "1. The impart- ation or acquisition of knowledge, skill, or development of character, as by study or discipline. 2. The sum of the qualities acquired through indi- vidual instruction or social training. 3. Pedagogics." G-nerally. people link the idea of education wt schools and colleges. Nevertheies, a man may have a uni- versity degree and still not be an ed- ucated person. He may have been merely a bookworm. If he does not or cannot make effectuAl use of the - knowledge acquired at college, he is not an educated person. To be con- sider.d an educated person, he must be able to amiju t himself to new or changing environnents and society; his judrwnt niust be good; and, as a result of his studies, he should be able to think for himself. On the other hand, a man is educat- ed who, although never having attend- ed college, can ba:e his judgment and actions of the present upon his past experiences; can efficiently carry on his business in life; and knows how profitably and pleasurably to utilize his leisure time. Education was originally the priv- ilege of the priesthood; later, only x A Crisis In The Affairs Of Rivera --- The Spanish Mussolini Toward the fall of 1923, a great movement of unrest spread through- out Spain and at length found its culmination in the establishment, in that country, of the Fascist govern- ment. This was due outwardly to dis- satisfaction in the Army over the management of the Morrocan cam- paign-a dissatisfaction which later extended to the whole of the Span- ish people and culminated in a wide- spread movement for reform. On September 12th of that year, the Catalans, a province long known as the home of the Spanish Republican movement, rose in revolt, demanding complete independence and separation from Spain. Captain-Gen- eral Ferdinand de Rivera, with the support of the entire army, headed the revolt and siezed Barcelona. Popular sentiment was behind Rivera and the dissolution of the Cabinet was at once accom'plished. The King, however, somewhat partial to the Prime Min- ister attempted to retain him until the later demanded the banishment of Rivera. This was refused because of Ferdinand's popular support and the{ Prime Minister was likewise forced tol resign. On the 15th of September Riv- era was appointed military dictator, three days after his sudden rise into power. Rivera immediately grasped the reins of government with the proverb- ial mailed fist. He levied enormous taxes on the wealthier classes, effect- ed no small number of minor reforms, and began a campaign to stamp out profiteering which he deemed a crime punishable by hanging. That same, month he held a diplomatic meeting with Mussolini but what terms of agreement were reached at the con- ference are at present unknown. It is to be noted as significant, however, that the careers of these two contin- ental dictators, Mussolini and Rivera, present a striking parallel; and al- most every step Mussolini has taken in Italy has been re-echoed by Rivera in Spain: The more recent acts of this Spanish post-bellum dictator include a strict censorship of the Spanish press- a move which has given rise to consid- erable agitation and dire threats. The Catalans who engineered Rivera into the dictatorship are now once agair clamoring for reform complaining with some truth that the Liberal gov- ernment lie promised is but a creature of his imagination. Added to this, the banishment of one of the leading Liberals, a man of great educational and scientific repute throughout Eu- rope, has increased the agitation greatly, and Rivera's position is be- coming more and more precarious. Whether Rivera will be asked to resign, or whether the Catalans will precipitate a civil war, or whether he is sufficiently a diplomat to smooth matters over is a matter of conjec- ture. The future alone holds the ans- wer. But of all his danger, it is ob- vious that the Catalan situation is the most alarming. The Revolution of 1874, which made Spain a republic for a period of approximately a year, was, for the Catalonian point of view, the Golden Age of Spanish govern-- ment. The Spanish mind is more or less addicted to three favorite pas- times: bull-fights, cock-fights, and revolutions; and at no other period in the history of Spain has the opportun- ity for the independence of the Cat- alans seemed more favorable. Rivera's resignation is by no means an improbability for while he has the support of the Church, nevertheless, the "Wall Street" of Spain is decided- ly antagonistic and his popular sup- port now rests on a very frail found- ation which the forced exile of many Liberal leaders has helped undermine. Rivera's position in the annals of diplomacy has yet to be established, and, judging from recent events, he is very likely to stand or fall on one throw of the dice. Needless to say, that decision will have a 'profound effect upon Spanish history for the coming century, at least. WHO ARE YOUR ASSOCIATES? That is a question that means much socially. It means a deal more in business and finance. This bank offers you bank connections that will be valuable to you in the busi- ness world. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 S. Main St. 330 So. State St. Member of the Federal Reserve HEALTH SERVICE OPEN The privilege of the University Health service will be extended to all students of the University Summer session. The Health service is located at the corners of Washtenaw and Volland ave- nues and will be open from 9 to 12 o'clock daily except Sundays and from 2 to 5 o'clock, Satur- days and Sundays excepted. All students who care to take ad- vantage of it are given free med- ical service. Physicians are available at all times by calling the Health ser- vice infirmary, University 186-M. Subscribe for The Summer Mich- igan Daily.-Adv. Read the Want Ads IRVING WARMOLIS, D. S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 N. University. Phone 2652 an ejaculation of joy ut- tered upon first tasting Henry!, a combination of deli- Cious flavors, a blend of rich butter cream, soft caramel, nuts and sweet ,ilk chocolate. A Fine Candy 10c Everywhere FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of Maj I a- - --- those of royalty and wealth were for- tunate enough to receive it; but to-a day, education is available to all. Aside from formal studies under su- pervision, education can be acquired by those who have seen and read much, as well as by those who have travelled and gained practical knowl- edge. To be truly educated, one should be progressive; should have an un- derstanding of and sympathy for his fellow-men; and have personality as well as character. iNTUERNAI'IONAL SPORTS International sports are increasing steadily in popularity. The spirit in which most of the civilized countries are participating in the Olympic games and the ideals they will carry away froni these games promise to create a very desirable effect on the future relations between these coun- tries. The outstanding element in all ath- letic events is sportsmanship-- the ability to win or lose gracefully. Sportmanship requires that there shall be nothing more than friendly rivalry between participants and spec- tators.1 It credits every man with doing his best and encourages admnir- ation for work well done rather than hard feeling for losses. It frowns on unfair tactics. It is a high nioral code which so permeates the con- sciousness of all those who take part that its influence extends beyond the playing field into the everyday affairs of life. Sportmanship has been predomin- ant in the present Olympic games. Only in a few instances have feelings iun high. The rules of the games have been lived up to by practically all of the participants. The intense national feeling which formerly ex- tended itself to most international events seems to have bowed in sub- mission to the code of fair play. Peo- ple not well known and little under- stood have been given equal consider- ation with people who have been in the limelight for a long time and they have shown that athletic ability is a universal characteristic which is not dependent on race or geography. Almost everyone will agree that in- ternational gatherings such as the 01- ympic games cannot help but have beneficial results. They turn national feeling into a safer channel. They tend to break down national exclu- siveness and they teach people that other nations have characteristics very similar to their own-that others are just as likely to excel in sports. as they themselves are. The most promising thing, however,. is the fact that the ideals of sports- manship will be raised all over the world. If people doubt the ethics of fair play and apply them to their rec- reation, they soon learn that this code makes a very good standard on which to base all of their relations. The Olympic games are the most pot- ent force in the disemination of these i deals and as such they deserve all of the encouragement they can receive. EDITORIAL COMMENT I AT THE LONDON CONFERENCE (The New York World) Approval of the Dawes plan has been expressed by all parties in ad- vance of the interallied conference in London. They have accepted it in principle. It remains to reach an agreement in putting it into effect. Toward the adjustment of what were the British and French positions Pre- miers MacDonald and Herriot have earnestly co-operated. The negotiations between London and Paris have had for their object the creation of conditions under which the $200,000,000 loan to Germany can be raised. That is why the British Government has insisted on having certain details arranged from the start. It has been unwilling to leave them open for possible disputes in the future. Its purpose has been to as- sure satisfactory security for the creditors under the German loan. It could not consent to take chances on the future or to enter into a rash speculation on political uncertainties. With France as its partner, it wanted a clear understanding, equally fair and binding. The people who will decide the mat- ter are the people who have to raise the money for the loan to Germany. That is right and reasonable. It was to meet their requirements the pro-4 posal was made that an American member serve on the Reparation Com- mission. Official authority for any such appointment from Washington was not to be assumed. But the same ends will practically be met if an American representative is the fin- al arbiter in the event of the issue be- ing raised as to whether Germany is to be declared in default in the pay- ment of reparation. To any such disastrous policy as that to which M. Poincare committed France in the Ruhr the Dawes planr should not leave the gate to be opened at the bidding of a French Premier playing to French passions. If Ger- many is to be helped to its feet, if .it is to be enabled to discharge its obligations, if the Allies are to re cover what is justly due them, saner counsels must be enforced than have yet prevailed. Women to Learn a Business of Happiness The happiest occupation in the world is showing women how to improve their appearance. It brings happiness to them-untold happiness. It brings satisfaction and fortune to you. You can learn this business of happiness in a few weeks of fasci- nating work. First we teach you how to improve your own person- al appearance. That brings hap. piness to you. Then you learn how to improve the appearance of others. That brings happiness to them. Complete course in Facial and Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Manicuring, Marcel, Water and Permanent Waving, Hairdressing, Electrolysis. Attractive surround ings. Easy terms. 4" The time is past when women have to be contented with meager earnings just because they are women. In almost any point on the map we have Marinello Shop Owners earning from $3,000 to $20,000 a year in a highly respected calling. More salaried positions are open for trained Marinello graduates than we can fill. Right now decide to look into this business of happiness, it is the onoortunity of a lifetime. Write for catalog and complete booklet The Marinello System «3-3Tower Court 366 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO Dapt. Col. l NEW YORK Read the Want Ads a11di1111111111 N11111111111111111El1111111101111#111111111111111fi1111111111i#111111U111111tL' a - DANCING - Every Nite (except Monday) and All Day Sunday at ISLAND LAKE Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton 111111 1111111111111111110|100t111111111 01 1111111||111111 1101lilil i 1111011111110110illill Daily Excursion to PUT-IN-BAY 8 0lC One Round Trip $1 .25 Sundays Way (Return Same Day) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m. (E. .) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- goves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's hitrcmonument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay goes to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point (After Suly 4th) A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven hours at Put-in-Bay! Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. i.; arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.75 round trip; Put-in- Bay, 80 cents. Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folder Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m. Ashley & Dustin Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60c. Sat., Sem rLn Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Steamer Line Foot of First Street q, Detroit, Mich. Ic ofa.diferenc 'I _______________________________________________________________________U "What awha just a fewcc le oI a differenCe - -z ,/ -F r r -all the difference between just an ordinary cigarette and-FATIMA, the most skillful blend in cigarette history.