XT KLANERS A TTACK SELVES TO PARADE WHEN PE-fRMIT'S DENIED PtrikM against the high cost, of Waror j - - - is; now being carried on. in New Yorki, the sT)eaker pOite1 out, "youl lAI' i O your hoUse. With ithe equa i h vt4 7_______ of other material it is no wonder that iDA duilding Rany way is at austandstlL" ld S d jKwl&r' Al " :Weiturn Where llcldti nd Hp- -indu1stry naturially settles n the ligion Meet." Profecssor AV. 11 For- (center1of)popltion, anl i im tkI1_ , Iythe.' ever increas..ing dri ft'01We jpopulat,ion "0 -4'eiirp, '"Alt- 111iiriy lxlpe- westwardlr thes centers of indlustrvy are ( tion Wo the Near East, 1919-207" is the leadingstate," 00e peakerS:I ilr'NhtitteO era said,~~, _!enyvnacms etadJIpy AiiiOn 1)y ticket only. aftter them, Ohio, Illinois, anid -i< iji- th,;t onily 4per (nC ut1ofthMeole ;Uof 1 Net 1'Bank l lng ({2_ >atonl es, his~~~~~~ conr aeoer$00prya lm? edin 1922), including ;roof while 9 Percent of tllc inhab.~i it=s ve n u~aeetbra~ro o~the Ii'ted St,a make li[ttl1 oe a, Lnheni Bn' dnn ;.0r1d1itself along wltithfthe othe(.r i'- JIve (P M).Leae obi ;11i ]li'UC.:nllnt Tii the coutr.In 5J 30.P. M. $20111t per mounth, in i 1919 i, it wan'1.i '. $96.50, -N OTCE. ________Summer sc, sssioni studnts desiring 1a Look over the values in J~ie cas. ute nUnion Bu31ilding; this smme'r fieds.-Adv. muilst obtain card! at desk. Al di- . .Il Every aftern oon. . Also Su~ afternoons and evcienings Brown's 1Pavilion, Lakeland, Mi FACU LTY ME If you wa',nt a fine A BA RM ly1ing WiiITHIN T1 CITYV7,IMITS in an excellc location wt a goo hri hiouse on it, here's hace There are mainy fi-uit Ar Onl it and the soil is cel for berries and lgairde(n truci This~ is whaltt you hav,%e alwt weanttd. Call 2022-M for 2a apoi reent. Don 't wai1t. h 'Si34iRlLM7l4Q'.,tFf6'.1" : ': n.., ,^.s .'f .Y: lr.'." S _{.^ -, i: .' . . ,..'. i..',2 k::i1: "i9lT.Ei:PV tliWl( Ru Rluxers follow Stocktlon, CL., pwaade" The Kut Klux Klan out in Stockton, Cal., recently, decided to don their sheets 'and pillowcases anhd havye a parade. But a permit was refused them. Nothing daunted, they put on the said bied, linens and trailed another! which did have a permit to march.- ° r T F f F i41 I a Barga, AlILY OP IGI'A LB0U L L ETfI N blication in the Bulletin is consftuctive notice to aill mem1bers of the iversity. Copy 'received in the Offile, of the Suinamer Session ni 3:30 p.,im. (11:30 a. n, SAturdaty.) ume 3 FRIXY JUL1Y 20, 1923 'NuIIbler 14 mnsEuainlCu:Regular meeting on Monday, July 23, at 7 p. In., at Betsy B arbour ise. Mr. Clarence Kingsley, State Inispector of Schools in MaIssaehlu-, :s, will speak. BLANCHD HOWELL. virsiont No,8: A morning visit to the 25 story First National Bank Buiildinig, on Cadil- Square, Saturday, July 21. Various, departments explained by bankil de. L~uncheon will be obtained not at the Bank dIining roomrs, but at odward Avenue Cafeteria. Party leaves on boat for lBob-Lo Islandl, an .r's ride toward Lak'e Erie. Return to Detroit by 7:30 p. mn., to Anin A.-- 9:45 p. mn. Total expense about $2.60, including lunch 'on Island.. CARLETON F. WELLS. While of the u may Students and Others Interested: the office of the Graduate Schiool will -b olpen for the remain- summer at the regular hours, those desiring to consult wvith the do so today, Friday, fromt 10 to 12. WH1TE STRESSES GROWTH" (Continued from Page One) The introduction of sanitary features into factories and plants that previ- ously harboured conditions .not hit for, humnan beings' to work in them, the introduction of locker rooms, of lunch rooms, ire all the large factor-a ies in the country,. where the ens- ployee can obtain a warm meal at a comparatively low figure, the sensible- legislation which this state and other progressive states have carried through in establishing laws of em- ployers liability, child labor laws, and laws to regulate the hours of woman labor, have all tended to make the cworking man a hum~,n being interest- ed in his work, and willing to serve his company, "Industry today," the smeaker- said "is s:omenwhat lxindicapped by the faucti that contractors, and home ibuilldErs refuse t'o build. What is ffectiv'ely a FO00 D always tastes njuch better' if the surroundings are right. There is no pleasanter place in Ann Arbor in which to eat than, TUTTLE' S LUNCH ROOM MAYN ARD s tR e;, T VISIT. his toric (COR. CH CAGO AND MONROE PIKES IGate vay to lI-n h Hills CHICKEN DINNER ETC II STDENTS'" LUNCH ii : . ';refs WANO WE ] ARE OFFERING AkACKEl IN THlE STORE -A 25per cn ICUNT , f { py ? " , '.y~lST4 PRICES ( I 'Suits~ 30 Suits $350 to $6.0 G ,:,, Now= / A. H. LLOYD. Our two piece 'Bac"inWhite anid Nav~y combination, all Navy or- Tan and Seal n most ideal B3ath1ing Sits frmn One1pi ece sui ,)in large var cd colors whlile for ladies xve have imany styles, shades colors inl ru"l-I and xtra: s-: r at prices thai;t will sit'the most caireful buyers. Kickers t1: and reChes o ladies and men, S42~25 up. Navy uck Trouers tors' Night at the Observatory:. The supply of tickets has been exhausted. E. II. KRAIJS. dents. College of Literature, Sciencee, and tdle Ats: While the office of the Colleg-e of Literature, Science, and the Arts wviil pen for the remainder of the sum mer at the regular hours, those desir- to consult with the Dean should do so by Saturday of thiswek Con-, .tion hours. Friday and Saturday, 16O to 12, July 20 anal 21. JOI~N I. EFFINCER. rc ]~ n ge'N ote I classes of the college. G dents ranking highest Avith full-tuition schola Iscof-sin --The national eonfor. ' two next in -order with on the Scienice of Politics will Ad at the university, Sept. 3-8. is"'conference is held to bring to-! DETROIT UNITE all those interested in political, ANN ARBOR. TIM' ems and in discovering new meth- fi Ea stern Standarc I ~(Effective July ic y whch theories of modern poli- Limited and H %presst ma18y be worked out. Prominent -6:oo ."k-., 7 :o0o a.m.1 I i's will be in charge of round mitend Car' touna 9: s, each one being given Over to yzo:47 am., i-:47 P.?. p.m., 6:417 P-1m.,° 8:47 V'~ Special topi1c. Exprnesa,,rs to. *n1,rc The' two stu- lin nh l rships hurd the Palen-Beach, .Linen and Khaki Trousers, wuits, Hats, Caps, etc. 0. D. Kkaki and Pc Aninp Slhirt's, Pongee Dress and Sport ;shirts,1 Coats, Ponchos, Calivas Covers, .Rubber Boots All Kind's, Wall Tents, F "TentesMosquito and AUT-TOvufiU 0 TNT Niclkel Steel U. S$ . Army Axes with carrier..........SI M L INES AE TABLE .( Timel 0, 1923) Cars to Detroit son-ti'-7 .a.mn., - :47 pU,4:47 II 409 EAST JEFFERSON -ST. is-Four students have been d full-tuition~ scholarships and re been given half-tuition schol- in the law college of the uni- for the coming year. yyear these scholarships, are to students in the two lowest P , ,., %,a,.,toja ci ut ea cop west of Ann Arbor-)9:47 am and eery two houI-S until 9:47P.1m. Local Cars to Detroit-, :0,) a.mi.. 8:55 a.m. and every two hour1is until 8:5s p.m., i t :oo p7.m. To Ypsilanti Oly-l1i :40 p.m.,, 1.15 a.mu. Local Cars to JacksOn---7 :50 dA.1- and then I2:10o:1. Connctiion ripade at Ypsilanti to Saline and at 11..yne to, Plymouth and N orthville. HOME COOKI[NG SALADS - LUNCHES ..® . .... .. GoldedalCamp Furnioture. Poor Cottage, porch, Jalawn or touring, Folding Cots .P.25 Sto ols, Claire, 'cables, Grills, boldinkg Buckets, Blankets, in fact everything for Campa. Surplusu ics ore 213 N. 4"h .'1 ay o w %al k a few blocks" itudents Supp Iy 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVlENUlE Store I! ..- " t U I Dailes Vry atrdy /EOI ft 11 BEST F:.. < IN TOWN U- TID O ..._ _ , .