i FAIR ; CONTINED WARN TODAY the umrnr irt ian Dalit A PRE: DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE '1 XIV. Nc. 22, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1923 PRICE FIVE t N G LIS1H I#CHiLh EXT MPODY NIGHT' )TED EUCTORI NOW TENCH ING IN SlMMER SESSION AT CHICAGO" Prof. Winter Describes Ancient Rome In Illustrated Lecture White To Discuss Industry Problems F9MEABOG6NUS JOHNS ON INTO U1S, SEiiiTE BY LGE MJQl "Rome is the great lake from which all streams of Europe flow," began EDITORIAL ________________- PROF. BOAS TO TALK ON 'SHAKESPEARE TODAY"' Considered One of Greatest, Students of English Language in World Today Prof. Frederick S. Boas, inspector of English language and literature in the education department, London, who has been engaged by the Sum~- mer session to speak here next Mon- day, is considered to be one of the greatest authorities in the world on Shakespeare, and the English lang- uage. He will speak at 8 o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium on "Shakespeare Today". Professor Boas has been inspector in the Education department since 1905. He is a fellow and member of the council of the Royal Society of Literature and one of the vice-presi- dents of the English association. The English scholar was educated at Clifton college and at Balliol col- lege of Oxford University. He has been a lecturer to the Oxford Univer- sity Extension delegacy,. fellow of the Royal Un iversity of Ireland, Clark lecturer of English literature in Trin- ity college, 'Cambridge, and profes- sor of English in Queen's college, Bel- fast.} He is author of many works on Shakespeare and the English lang- uage, the editor of several volumes of: 1Shakespeare plays, and has also con- tributed to the Cambridge history of English literature. He was reprsen- tative from, England to the fnteria- tional conference of English teachers which met in June in Columbia uni- versity. At present he is teaching in the Summer session of the. University of Chicago. His lecture here is spon- sored by-the English department. 1I TORO TO, DISCUSS SPAIS EDCTO Prof. Julio del Toro, of the Spanish5 department, will lecture on- "La edu- cacion universitaris en Hispano-Am- erica, Las nuevas tendencias," this af- ternoon at 5 o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium. The lecture, which is to be given in Spanish, will be il- lustrated by slides of Spanish-Amer- ican institutions of learning. Professor del Toro will outline the history of education and the develop- ment of educ'ational institutions in Spanish-America showing the remark- able changes which have taken place in that country during the last few years. America's influence as well as the influences exerted by the influx of, women into the universities, the ac- tive part which the students now take in the affairs and government of the university, athletics and campus ac-1 tivities will be the subject of Pro-, fessor del Toro's discussion. Belgian Prince Starts Duties Brussels, July 17-(By A.P.)-, Prince Leopold, heir apparent, hasi begun his diplomatic schooling in a half hour session with Foreign Min- ister Jaspair; this is to be continued, a half hour wekly, until the' Prince gets a line on the international situa- tion.- Combustion Causes Fire , Belgrade, July 27-(By A.P.)--Spo- ntaneous combustion is blamed for an explosion of a large military am- munition depot at Kraguyevatz, 60 miles southeast, in which several per- sois were killed and injured. GOSSIP A coroner's jury holding session in ,the court hiouse down town, Monday, night, cleared a farmer of suspicion of murder in connection with his w'fe's death. The inquest was begun at the re- quest of 30 of the man's neighbor's- 13 of whom, appeared against him on the witness stand. For three hours the freedom of the quiet German hus- Landman hung in th balance. His only friends were the two coroners. The court room, packed with \women-old women, young women, and little girls who went to sleep in their mother's. arms, had indicted the defendant be- fore the procedings had ever begun. The 13 witnesses proceeded with their grim work-producing heresay evidence with an earnestness that showed their determination to bring a verdict unfavorable to the farmer. Now .where did this "heresay" orig- inate? In every case it was traced to womens' gossip. "Dropping in" on each other of an afternoon, or "when I was down to her house, doin' her sewin',"'were the days when the mag- got of scandal began its work. Today the farmer is a free mqn. He can never be accused again. But the nssnin t~on onues- which have ; Prof. John G. Winter in his illustrated lecture on "Ancient and Modern Rome," Tuesday afternoon. Professor Winter showed excellent taste in his selection of slides for his ;lectures. The many stretches of old walls surrounding Rome, including the 'famous Servion Wall which was con- structed in the fourth century B. C., were shown to an audience largely in- terested in archaeology and Roman history. It was a gradual filling up between these walls which developed the city of Rome. Ancient Bridges in Use One of the noted features of Rome is its island in the city. It is a beaut- iful spot which has always withstood the action of the river. A 'bridge on each side of the island connects it with the land. These bridges were built ind the 62B.C., repaired in 21 B.C., and are still in use. Professor Winter also showed some interesting scenes of the Palatina Hill, the first hill to be settled and the home of the wealthy class. Cicero had-a fine villa on this hill, and the Imperial Palace, a building of extra- ordinary complexity is located there. The original Roman Forum was also compared with the Forum as it is to- day. "The Forum today," said Pro- fessor Winter, "is disappointing to tourists unless they can look upon those impressive old ruins and re- construct-seeing the massive build- ings as they used to be." Unknown Soldier Buried in Rome Among the other interesting slides shown by Professor Winter was the Status of Victor Immanuel II, in front Prof. A. E. White Professor White, of the engineering college, will speak at 5 o'clock on Thursday afternoon in the auditorium of the Natural Science building on "The Industrial Situation." SPOTLIGHTPLN N1 ERCOMPLETION/ Annual Sumniner Vodvil Will be Staged in Hill Auditorium Thursday, July 26 MANAGERS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ARE APPOINTED blackend, isomlybof the capitol. The construction of blackeed his homely, b it comfortable this statue was started in 1889 and the With the appointment of managers The officrs who conducted the in- work is not finished yet. and committee chairmen yesterday the ,quest as well as the jury, are to be This site gained new dignity in Nov- first steps were taken toward the pro- .ie oli ember 1921, when the body of the un- duction of the annual Summer Spot- omplimented upon their clear vision known soldier was buried there, and light which will be presented at 8 ment of the disgracefulmmaffair. Rome witnessed the most magnificent o'clock Thursday evening, 4uly 26, in mand impressive assembly in her recent Hill auditorium. i MAGNUS ET PARVU pages of history. From present indications this year's The malignant growth of mid-west- -- show promises to eclipse all former productions of its kind both in variety ern politics, ignorant radicalism, hasof acts andotinva achieved anot her victory through the1SIUl N HTfofatan finish of performance. election of Magnus Johnson to the Un- Several of last year's opera "stars" ited States senate. Thus the entireRT have signified their intentin of giving representation of the great grain pro- brief skits and it is expected that the ducting state in the senate is taken ---- best talent on the campus will be se- out of the hands of rational minded TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE cured to make this summer's vodvil citizens and placed in thie hands of IN OFFICE OF SUMIMIER the besi ever. . uneducated "dirt farmers," who ac- Circus Act to be Given quainted only with the affairs of their SESSION Several groups have been rehears- ow-n class, are intent upon motivating ing their acts for some time and it is .'on sclaeinltenionotivtingb only such legislation which will be Tickets for visitors night at the ob- urged that all those planning to pre- beneficial to themselves. servatory are being sought very rap- sent skits begin work its soon as possi- Just previous to the ballot, the New idly according to statement from the ble. Although the character of the York Times expressed the following office of the Summer session where acts has not yet been determined, it sentiment on the two candidates.h has been definitely decided to again. sentmenton te to cadidaes.they are being distributed. No more "u n h i icsat hc "There is no doubt of the fitness oft sai put on the. Big Circus act, which Governor Preus, of the unfitness of tickets for Fridays nght are available met with such great success last year, Magnus Johnson, to be a senator. The for the early hours of the evening, as the grand wind-up. latter speaks with a most miraculous and very few are available for the Jack Briscoe, '24E, president of organ, but if he know's what he is later hours. Monday and Tuesday Mimes, will again supervise the work. talking about he carefully hides his ICharles W. Merriam, Jr., '25E, Rich- nights of the following week are stillad HKus,'4,ndRcrdL knowledge from his hearers. As to open. Tho'ugh the tickets are goingard H Krause, 24E, and Richard L. the means of bringing about the pro- fast, the Summer session na.going Underwood, '25E, have been appointed gram he has borrowed from Mr. La- tion is confident that there will be Cgeneral managers. e n Follette, no ancient oracle ever suc- plenty to accommodate all ho wis T Committee Men Appocinted ceeded in being so vague." pe to acomdaealwh ih The publicity will be taken care of ceddi en ovge"to go. by Edward J. Higgins, '25, and Town- The precise fault of the newly elect- Only 150 people can le taken carebyeda .Hfggn La rd B. ed senator is brought out perfectly in of in one evening at the observatory send H Wolfe, 24, and Leonard B. this criticism. A delegate of the Farm- These will be divided into three Parks, 24, will have charge of the er-Labor party in congress is not to groups, the first coming at 8:15, the hrogam. Robert W. iilkins, '25, be abhored, however an ignorant mem- second -coming at 9:15 and the t has been appointed chief electrican. ber of any group, whoever he be, has coming at 10:15. Henry Hubbard, '24E, has been ap no place in the main legislative branch pTickets can be obtained in the of- of our government. Johnson is a man fico of the Summer session upon the Suggestions are still open for acts untrained in the ways of legislation, presentation of . treasurer's receipt. and anyone having skits or ideas are without the capacity to bring any Owing to the great numbers who avail requested to communicate with Jack measures successfully through sena- themselves of this' opportunity to Briscoe at 131. Tryoutsare still need- torial controversy, study the methods used i observation ed and all those resirous of participat- 1 inguthishyeartshouldsnotifyooneroftthe He is but another wind-bag annexed I work ,only students will be allowed ing this year should notify one of the to an already long-winded body of trn Ad l i . -will hby tik general managers as soon as possible. NEW SENATOR PLEDGES SUPPORT TO FARMERS AND LABORERS OF STATE FARMER LABOR CARRY MINNESOTA ELECTION Preus, Supporter of Harding, Defeated Election Taken as Slap at Administration BULLETIN Madison, Wis., July 17-(ByA. P.)-Senator Robert M. La Fol- lette, accompanied by Mrs. La Follette, arrived here last night from Battle Creek, Mich., where the Senator has been resting for several weeks. WVen informed that Magnus Johnson had de- feated Gov. J. A. 0. Preus in the Minnesota Senatorial election, Senator La Follette said: "Isn't that fine ;that is a mag- nificent victory in behalf of the people." St. Paul, July 17--(By A.P.)-Min- nesota's representation in the United, States Senate has been turned over to the Farmer-Labor Party as the re- sult of another political transition which the state went through in the special Senatorial election yesterday. Magnus Johnson of Kimball, a "real dirt" farmer, gained the post vacated by the recent death of Senator Knute Nelson. In 1,814 of the state's 3,502 pre- cincts, Johnson has a lead of more than 28,000 over Gov. J. A. O. Preus (Rep.) with James A..Carley (Dem.) a poor third. The figures were: John- son,'176,314; Preus, 147,753; Carley,, 14,180. Senator-electeJohnson will sit with Henrik Shipstead who was elected last fall over Frank B. Kellogg (Rep.) Both Johnson and Shipstead are\Far- mer-Laborites land have announced their intention to affiliate with the "followers of Robert M. La Follette" in Congress. Preus May Try Again Gov. Preus was running as a sup- porter of the Harding Administration. Pressed for details of his organiza- tion plans, Mr. Johnson repeated an1 excerpt from his campaign keynote speech: " Iwill do this because I be-j lieve the farmers and the workers andl the business men can, by united ac- tion, better their conditions." Charles R. Adams, chairman of the Republican state central committee, attributed the defeat of Gov. Preus to the fact that the best efforts of 'Re- publican workers were unable to ov- ercome the evident feeling of unrest and dissatisfaction with economic conditions which found its vent in a protest vote against the party in pow- er. Gov. Preus had nothing to add today to his statement thanking his sup- porters for their votes.l He will continue as governor unti] the expiration of his term, Jan. 1,l 1925. He has not indicated whether he will try for the long term senator- ial election in 1924, for yesterday's1 election was for the unexpired term of Senator Nelson, or until March, 1925. Mr. Johnson expects to be a candidate for the long term, friends said. Senator-elect Johnson, while an-.. nouncing adherence to the pinciples for which the La Follette group are banded together, has qualified this affiliation with the statement that he does not intend to accept dictationE "from any man" in Congress. The Senator-elect insists he "is nothing but a plain farmer," not worried "whether his pants are pressed, so long as he is backing the interests oft the farmer." While serving in ther Minnesota legislature, he followedE the practice of scrutinizing every bitE of legislation before voting on it. Defeated for Governor Mr. Johnson's first venture in poli- tics was in 1912 when he brought the Meeker County Republican delegation in Minneapolis for Senator Robert M. La Follette of 'Wisconsin, for Presi- dent., Thereafter he served two terms in the Minnesota house of represent- (Continued on Page Four) . LA FOLLETTE DECLARES PR ATE MONOPOLY UST BE DRI EN FROM GOVERNMENT PROMINENT LABOR ME . SPEAK WELL OF RESUT Committeemen Con4ment on Res as Warning to Republicans For Next Year New York, July 17-(By A.P. Senator Smith W. Brookhart of Io back from a ten weeks survey of riculturaf conditions in Europe, to declared that the election to the Se ate of Magnus Johnson of Minnes was a warning to the Republ< bosses that something was about happen in the political situation tle United States. The Senator, a republican, elec with the support of the farmer-lab ite lot to the seat previously held Senator William S. Kenyon in first public statement since his : turn to the United States touched the Presidential situation, asserti that he had read only three speec which President Harding had delive ed on his tour. Mr. Brookhart sai Wants Man for People "I should think that about thi more speeches like this would ee Henry Ford by about ten million m ority if the President is a candida It is time the Republican party , looking for a candidate who will fi for the 9ommon people and agai Wall stret.-Someone like Judge Ke yon should be drafted for this p pose" Elsewhere in a statement Senat Brookhart declared that the Russi Soviet government was second in si bility only to that of the United Stat and that Russia soon would be ma ing inroads upon the grain mark of this country. "The thing that demands imme ate attention is an extra session Congress in the agricultural situ tion", declared Senator Brookhart. Washington, July 17-(By A.P.) Commenting on the election of Ma nus Johnson, farmer-laborite, Cha; man Adams of the Republican 1i tional Committee in a statement 1 night declared that "in a general w the result- in Minnesota was a vo of protest against the nation temp arily affecting the farming interes adversely. Agricultural conditio are bound to improve," he stated, ad ing to that, the American farmer "c be depended .upon in the long run support. the cause of good gove ment, sound economics and stable stitutions." Democrat Discusses Election Chairman Hull of the Democra National committee also took oc< sion tonight to discuss the electi result, declaring in a statement t it constituted "a general, condefnr tion of dominant Republican Natior leaders'hiip s nce 1919-a leaders that has resulted in the affrairs of t nation and of the world drifting ai: lessly along while our domestic cc ditions are temporary, artificial a uncertain." Madison, Wis., July 17-(By A. -In the election of Magnus Johns to the United States Senate yest day "the people of Minnesota fired shot which will be heard in eve section of the country" according a statement today by Senator Rc ert M. La Follette, who supported j\ Johnson. La Follette Champions Johnson "The people of the great nort west have again spoken their conv: tion that if representative gover ment is to survive in the Unit States, private monoply must be dri en out of control of their gover ment" the statement said. "The voi of Minnesota is the voice of the con mon people of this country. The c Lincoln spirit is again sweeping t west. It will find its echo in the ea south, and middle west just as so as courageous and able leaders of t type of Magnus Johnson arrive champion the cause of the comm no^^i^ " legislators. The Detroit News certainly mounts! into high figures; here are the ban- ner headlines on the first page yester- day. "Wife Says $1,000,000 Heir Qoit After Week." "Gem Hunters to Aid ini only. GINIRICH WRITES BOOK, 1ON WHIOOROH POETRYI SPOTLIGHT ACTS WANTF 1) More acts are needed for the Summer Spotlight, which will be eld July 27 in Hill auditorium. knyone who has an act or an dea for one is requested to com- aunicate same to Jack Briscoe. $200,000 Bandit Hunt," and "Suspect in $1000,000 Swindle Held." We al- ways did think that there was a lot "Selections from Wordsworth for of "trouble money" in Detroit. College Students," the new book by S. IF. Gingerich, professor in the English The latest answer for the Bok con- Department, is now in the hands of the test proposes that excess riches of proof readers. Professor Gingerich private individuals be used to buy [staed that the book will probably be world peace. That might not help to published in September. It will be buy world peace but it might be the'( put in the College Classics Edition. means of bringing peace into the The introduction consists of a bio- ,homes of the overly-wealthy. biography and a criticism. Each poem has an individual introductory note. Horses may be very uncommon in In addition to a large selection of these days but we can say this much, poems teh volume will contain a large there are almost as many run-aways part of the ."Prelude" which no other{ as hosses. collection has included. UNION COMPILES STUDENT DIRECTORY Union officials have compiled a di- rectory of Summer session students which has been placed on the desk in the lobby of the building for the use of members of the Union. Students who wish to enjoy the privileges of the Union must obtain their membership card from the re- cording' secretary it was announced yesterday. The card will be given to members upon presentation of treas- urer's receipt at the main .desk. French Liner Carries Liquor Plymouth, July 17-(By A.P.)-The French Line steamer, France, has sailed for New York, having aboard what is understood to be a liberal supply of mild and strong drink. FA