ng league &tilding 1,1oyd( will holdl his last office hours of the. summier next Friday. from 10-11 o'clock, in the office of ,the Graduate school. liNeils' Educational Club MFeels The Mlens Educational club will meet. at 7:20 o'clock Tuesday on the second floor of the Union. All persons who are interestedl are invited to attend the noel ings. Our offer of a pair of extra tros- ors wvith every suit expires Aug. 6th'. Saves you fromd $12.00 to $20.00 on a fouir piece suit.,/- Tinker & Company, So. State St-adv. i- Today-r Doris May in "THlE UNDERSTUDY" "OUR GANG" iii "BOYS TO BOARD" Wed. - Thurs.- ,john Grilbert in "'THE LOVE GAMBLER" Stan Laurel in "THE EGG" Marguerite LpeL-a Motte in "JUST LIKE A WOMAN" Paul Parrott in "PICK AMW SHOVEL" Today- Constance Talmadge in "THE STUDIO GRL " B3ill Mvontana' in "A LADIES' MAN "" Wed. - Thurs Coniway, Tearle in " ROAD OF AMBITION' Universal Star Comiedy Fri -Sat. - Elaiiine ammerstein in "THE WOMAN GAME" ? Century Comedy re of the, canipus ever taken from a IlanI~ )Iepltnby a woman . .,olling the -ite of tnuiding . was tak~en by Howvard Texas, while his wife tflier piloted~ the ma- ,row in the picture ite reserved by the Re- site for the Michigan League building. t is tlhe large square block diagonally opposite Barbour gymnasium, bounded by Nort~h Uni- versity avenue, Twelfth street, and-the p o o e Mal w i h wl be e tned down Ingalls street,: according to present plans. Note further theMich- igan Union, and Alumnni Memorial hall in the upper left hand corner, then take out our spyglasses and see if you can make out President Burton. Tinging a horse shoe in a f-ri~ndly game of quoits in his back yard. IThe way to rent a room is with a 'Daily Classified".-Aczv. Sh ield yoursel from loss~ by Fire'. Don't wait 'till after the Fire to give' the matter, your consideration; now is the time to think about it. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES issued for very moderate rates. Reliability is the foundation of all our business dealings. BU--TLER INSURANCE ,29First Nat. BA. Rldg.-Phone 401-X- STIARTING TODAY Her)ert Brenlon presentS with r ces She'll steal your heart away., Watch her- RI*cha r(' .ix T' Wash., July 14.-(By A.P.)! owns of Mace and Bruke, daare reported destroy- t fires sweeping up the e of Bitter Root miountain.' for the lives of, tourists llowstone trail highway,-! od from reports conveyed f~ the flames. and persons are reported the twvo towns. M~ace is the business 'section of flamies~ and little hope is ig what remains of the 4 o'clock this afternoonj iloss was bet ,een $3 00,- ,000 and the progress of id toy be unchecked. =At- ck the fir~e by dynamiting les houses, and fire traps le because of the high th'e business section of letely gone and a large he resident section. burn- ing efforts at 4:30 o'clock short distance up the SBurke, where the larget hotel of the :Hercules Mining coin- pary, together 'with the miners rec- reation center 'is located.I The miners of the Rich' Shoulider lead mines inI~ he district, estimated' at several thousand, have turned to fight- ing fire. Our offer of a pair of extra trous- ers wiith every siuit expires Aug. 6th. Savjes you from $12.00 to ,$20.00 =on a four piece suit. Tinkqr &, Company,l So. State St.--Ady. A' very direct and cheap form of advertising-classifieds. '-Adv. DEAIN LLOYD TO LEAVE ON } VACATION NEXT MONDAY Dean Alfred H. Lloy d, of .the Grad- ~uste school, will leave one week from. tomorrow for Piseco, N. Y., where{ he will spend his vacation at his sum- mer home in the mountan ith're. He will be gone until September. Dean B3etty Coimnpson0 - ALSOT e Christie Comtdy I C tions-ti "Cold Chills" ime, a 1 _________________ attorney CROOK melodramia ever reached the ,gl Hightls of this one. H-ere you have the mostfasci rook, heroine ever createdp- the most intriguins, :he most surprising climax, Betty Compson, the lovely as she is lawless. Richard Dix, the hoal nlv ihhr WITH Coming 'Soma-"T HE MAN' NEXT D00. 1Cburqb 'rics I. F=... -- - i I i , wwws.. / 'I ^wr ' '°t.> , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST (DISCIPLES) LANE, IIALL, F. P. ARTH.TR, Pastor r . UNITARIAN Attrub State an~d lluron Julyi15 H. EDWARD SAYLES, Minster HOWARD R. CTIAPIIAN, M1inlster for Studtnt. ( urr. eruirgii C 10:3;0 12:00 6 : 30 Bible School, Mornling Sermoni. lervice Club., Students' CLs ;;. Christman Endeavor. Ii 1( XO0:30 Morning Worship. -"The MIiiist ry of Sermon1 Relaxa- per word :e; fif- ne per T EE COLORS3 in our awnings will not fade under' the hiot rays of the sun nor will they "run" during a heavy- rainstorm. They arer guaranteed against the elemnents. They are re- Itable. "We Keep Out the Sun" FOX TEXTILE CON, 11:45 The Guild Bible Class for Students will. be conductrnc by Mr. +1eorge ;Bigge, lM.A. It will meet in the churcki. tion" by Mr. Sayles. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAkN CHURCH (.Missouri Synod) :Corneor Third alid 11". Huron Sts." CARL A BRtAUERI, Pastor FIRST METHODIST CHUR~CH cor. S., State and iE. washhiigton Sts. Rev. A. 11. Staler1 1). P., P,. stor 10:30 A. M.: Morninig Worship. Pastor's Subject: "THE GOLDEPN PRULE FOR TODAY." 12:00" 1W. STUDENT CLASS 'at WEST4EY HALL.~ 6:30 P. -M. WXESLEYAN GUILD DEVOTIONAL MEETING at' WVESLEY HALL. Leader: MIR. B3ERYL WRIGHT. 10::,0)Orgmin Period. 10:40 A. Mf. !1orrninlgServic fes ,or HEN'RY W FOOTJ'., of the H, Andover School of ogy, will preachi. 9:30 10:30 11:30. Students are invited., Gecrman. l7i;le School. l eception of a new member \throuigh the rite of con- fi rmoation. The chtirchi close s for a vaca after this Sunday=. i __ - Iii S n 'arge room available next year,. if desired. usiness men. 1194-M, hington. 18-p-3 IRSALE rame garage, several )ftrellised wood fenc- en house. Very cheap. ved from property at! 04 or 2006 Washtenaw- 18-p-2 A wnings'and Tent's 603 W. Michigani Ave. Ypsilanti, Mich. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIVISION AND HURON, i Cornaer Catherine and Diision, Street MA CK' Rev. L. A. Barrtt, D.D.,- Minister Lewis. C. kebnann,' Secretary Men Students Henry Lewvis; Rector SUNDAY SERVICES 10:34 A. Sermon by Dr. Leonard A. Barrett. Theme: "Can We Comniunicate with tGod 1" Following the morning serviced Dr. G. Carl Huber spea;ks to studenlts in summer scho ol. Theme: "Religion and Science." 8:00 A. M. H~Iy Communion. ard 'makes exchanged, Phone 1718 1-tfr - Male' -young and ghing about 150 lbs. ty Hospital for bloodl .zloRiML r'. Morrill. 20-c-3 WY phonograph for e in good condition. .in answering. BOX' ichigan Daily. Isiand Wolf Lake Michigan's most delightf ul Summer .. Resort "" An IdealI Plae To spend a day or week-end or to geta a Frog and Chicken Dinner. A pleasant motor trip of 28 miles from Ann Arbor. Take highway M-17 to Grass Lake, passing thrn,' turn left 4 1-2 miles (following signs) to Mack Island. Bathing, fBoating, Pish- ewing, Dancing NwDinner-dance room may be engaged by private parties, Reserva- tions for dinners may be made by tele- phone. The Young People will have charge of the service at the S. G. A. Camp in the evening. Wednesday Thursday Open House 4 to G Holy +Commnunion, 7:15 A. 41. "Willialls TMemorial C y._ _. ,. vti 7 ,. h On tie plaza In front of the University Library 10:30 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon b7y the Rector. Siibject: "Is It Healthy to Rennber?" HARRIS RHALL Corner State and Huron Streets 1 11 CONGEGATIONAL CHURCH "THE STONE CHURCHI WITH THE WVARM W ELCOMAE" State and 1111h,11111s Sts., Opposite R'e ILaw Buihlig hlerbert Alchinson .Jumip. minister-E. Knox Mitchell, Univer~ity pa 10:30. Morning Worship. Mr. Jum\ will conclude his series of stir inv"The Deeper Meaning in Some Recent Nv s"tating up R( Keable's "Peradventure." ' ' 12:00 :Noonday Open Forum for Sunmmer Stu~dents. Prot. Thomas, R formnerly city mnanager of Sain Jose, Calf., will speak on "M1y venture in Politics." 5:00 Social Hour for Students. Open Air Meeting conducted by