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July 15, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-15

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. No. 20






Earth Two Billion
Y'ears told, Claims
British Scientist


The Booth fellowship to maintain
one architectural student abroad each
year is one of the most valuable and
best intended gifts ever received by
the University. Buildings and col-
lections of one kind or another are
most valuable for their intrinsic value
and influence on t1e intellect, but the
possibilities incumbent upon such
permanent fellowships as the one just
announced are infinite.



Tool Rooms,
fices of

Assembly Rooms and
New Building to be


gates Will Decide Germany's Ca-
aeily to Pay Money Demanded
at 'Versa lees
ndon, July 14-(By A.P.)--In the
i;fg of the British reply to the
tan reparations note reference to
ican representation in the sug-
d conmssion for appraising Ger-
's capacity to pay is possible
the Bitish press.
iile the government has given no
as to the contents of its forth-
ng note, some. unofficial sources
ss to have a certain aimount of
onation on the subject. The
Telegraph says:
order to. overcame jurisdiction-
jections which might otherwise
peted from Paris it is propos-
at the commission shall operate
n the framework of the Versail-
'eaty, by acting as a committee to
efarations commission. All the
could welcome the presence on
onimttee, and preferably in the
an eminent American jurist
as Willi m Howard'Taft or Eli-
oot or an eminent banker or
znist from Wall street.
Daily Mail learns that France
w perhaps somewhat more fav-
yinclined towards the proposal
heretofore but that she would in-
-n certain conditions. One of
would be that the suggeste
tission, be subordinate to the re-
ion body. Some of the commeif-
s suggested that the British gov-
ent would be inclined to concede
ocation Faculty
Plans Ball Gamnes
t year there were several series
loor baseball games played be-
the teams of the faculties of the
ent departments. Neither the Ec-
ics department team nor that
e school of Education were de-
I during the entire season but
was not a game between them
e championship was npt decided.-
Is year for the sake of keepingl
hie departmental interest there
>eries of five games bing played
en' the school of Education and
Economics department. These
s are played on Friday after-
The score for the first game,
d last Friday is 8 to 5 in favor
e school of Education.
econd series of games is being
O 'by the Ind..or Baeball league
en the faculty of the schoolof
ation and the superintendents,
pals, and teachers. Those games
layed on Monday afternoons.
rmer Governor of Ontaro Ill
nilton, Ont., July 14-(By A.P.)
John S. Hendri, president of the
[ton Brldge Works Co. and far-
lieutenant governor f Ontario,
)orted to be gravely ill in Johns
ins Hospital, Baltimore.
John has been in poor health
everalmonths. A few days ago
mt to Baltimore with his physi-.
Dr. James W. Edgar."
Who Would Believe It?
o would believe tAt in Ann Ar-
ate filling station alone sold
gallons of gasoline on the Fourth
.ly? It's a fact, -however. The
ge daily salt is 2000 to 3000 gal-
and on Saturdays, Sundays, and
dye usually 4000. Gasoline now
for 33.$ pe rgallon. (These facts
secured from Staebler & Son on1
Street. 'w

Floods Cause Damage
ntevideo, July 14.-(By A.P.)-
days of storm and floods have
ght damage to the city and har-'
of Montevideo estimated at $1,-
0 and have been responsible for,

It is generally recognized that the
field of architecture is the most prom-
ising of all the arts, at least from the
standpoint of achieving the aesthetic
in massive work. We have recently
seen what can and is being done by
the great architects of the country
through the Chicago Tribune contest
and the remarkable resulte it obtain-
ed. Newly erected structures here and
in Detroit also illustrate the heights
which these master-craftsmen have
Of'allthe professions, that of the
architect is the most dependent upon
adequate financial assets., The capac-
ities of his talent cannot be fully
rounded without extensive travel
which develops the discriminating
sense of artistic judgment upon which
rests his future. PerfectionIn at least
one type of structure must be achieved
in order to insure ultimate success for
the architect. Mr. Booth has aided in
finding future masters of architecture
by giving students a year to study
abroad, a privilege which is invaribaly
the great inspiration of every artist's
In calling the donor a true patron
of art, we consider his generous gift
to the University the embodiment of
genuine patronage. Encouraging art
is the ultimate achievement of one
who loves art but is not endowed with
the capacities for pursuig it.
~ The djscontinuing of the annual
symphony concert series at the Uni-.
vIrsity of Illinois because of a lack of
support which has been evidenced to-
ward this affair in the past two years
urges one to ponder over the accusa-
tion so frequently made that collegians
do not benefit, by the cultural environ-
ment in which they are placed for the
duration of their academic training.
This institution which has been the
chief musical event at Illinois for the
past decade is dropped because of the
tack of adequate patronage. With an
enrollment substantially the same as
our own, Illinois is not able to main-
tain this one seres where we support
two such events and a M ay Festival
besides. Thre problem presents itself
as to whether we are working in a
different environment than the stu-
dents at Champaign or whether there
is a* lack 'of support here too, but
which is obscured by other facts.
The' symphony series here has not
seen the fullest support from the stu-
dent body; not nearly as strong as the
Choral Union series. The latter has,
however, been the. recipient of unani-
mots approval, so great in fact that
the seating capacity is seldom suf-
ficient to accommodate all those seek-
ing admission. One might conceive 'of
almost anything failing to draw a
large crowd in Ann Arbor with the
three exceptions of the .Union Opera,
a Conference game, and a Choral Un-
ion concert..
This triad illustrates the atmosphere
which saturates the student mind at
Michigan. Enjoyment of the cultural
is not neglected in the, indulgence of
light amusement and physical activ-
ity. This same thing is true of other
schools but tie cultural side may not
Include the same activities as it does
here. Lectures are seldom the recipi-
ent of any phenomenal attendance;.
art exhibits similarly are neglected by
many who could appreciate their mer-
its. At Illinois the division is in fav-
or of the lectures, and they deserve
credit for maintaining this enthusi-
There is no fundamental difference
between the interest at Illinois and
that here. It is merely apparent be-
cause of the division of our cultural

The Detroit police must have been
kept on the jump yesterday. A big
nraid ad a tremendous liquor haul,
but the latter almost fizzled out. Next
time they had better try one big job
at a time.

Manufacture and assembly of parts
going into the construction of one of
the finest high class cars on the mar-
ket, the Cadillac, will be sbserved by
students who take the seventh excur-
sion of the summer session next Wed-
nesday. The Cadillac factories, com-
pleted in 1920, are nationally known
for their splendid construction, both
frbm the economic and hygienic
standpoints.. Lighting and ventilation
are particularly well taken care of in
these model automobile manufactur-
ing buildings
To Visit Machine Shop
At the plant the party will be eon-
ducted by a special guide through the
tool and machine-working depart-
ments on to the motor assembly
where, unlike the continuous belt
methods of large .scale production in
cheaper cars, one man does all of the
work on his own consgnement of mo-
tors. All the parts required are
brought to him to work upon, white
in the average motor assembly one
wokman does only a very limited
piece of work before passing it along
to the next man . This greater care
in 'assembly method i typical of the
processing of the various parts go-
ing into the complete Cadillac.
Assemkly Rooms in Program
After a tour through the several
part-manufacturing departments, the
group will be shown the final assem-
bly rooms, from the chassis to the
luxuriously finished machine ready
for the purchaser and the road. To
those students who are interested in
comparing large scale productioni
methods of such yplants as Ford's with
the more painstaking, more individ-,
nalized methods of the expens'ive cars
of high grade ,this excursion should]
appeal particularly. ,
Lpaving the Packard and Statee
street station at 1 o'clock Wednesday,
July 18, the University party will
reach the main Cadillac offices of the .
factory at about 2:30 o'clock. Prob-
ably two hours will be devoted to in-
specting the extensive buildings, four
stories high, and containing some 55
acres of floor space. Return by in-.
terurban will be shortly after 5 o'-1
Forty members' of the Young Peo-
ples' society of the Presbyterian
church will entertain the boys at the
University Fresh Air camp with a pro-
gram of vocal and instrumental num-2
hers this afternoon and evening at
the camp on Patterson lake.
The party will leave Ann Arbor this
afternoon in automobiles provided by
memnbers of the congregation. 'The
entertainment will be provided by
Miss I. M. Rice, grad, and Oscar Lake,,
'24, who will give a mandolin duet
and a quartette made up of members
of the society.
Charles R. Campbell, '25L, and
Frank Vreeland, grad, a member of
the S. C. A. cabinet will speak to the
boys. The party will \attend the
"campfire service" in the evening.
General Electric Gains $50,000,000
New York, July 14-(By A.P.)-Or-
ders received by the General Elec-
tric Co., for the first six months of
the current year totaled $164,263,755
as compared with $114,219,248 in the
corresponding period last year. Pres-
ident Gerard Swope announced Fri-
day. This is an increase of 44 per
Irregulars Escape Through Tunnel'

Dublin, July 14-(By A.P.)-Forty
Irish irregulars, imprisoned in Clon-
mel barracks, escaped daring the
night through a tunnel which they
had bored. The guard was aroused
.as the prisoners were getting clear
and fired, wounding one of them. Free
State soldiers today were searching
for the fugitives.+

Production of Old Romance of Arden
Fails to Measure up to Former

Rain Faal lo su due. Ethiusiasm
of Audience For

Lord Ra1eighi
Lord Rayleigh, the scientist, declar-
es that the earth is two billion years
old, in a report submitted to the
Smithsonian Institution in Washing-
ton, D. C. He bases his estimate on
a study of the rate of the earth's de-
s 9orning services will begin at 10:30
o'clock in the Congregational church
and Mr. Jump wil'l conclude his ser-
ies of studies in "The Deeper Mean-
ing in Some Recent Novels," taking
up Robert Keable's "Peradventure".
At 12 o'clock, noonday open forum
for summer students will be held.
Prof. Thomas Reed, formerly city
manager of San Jose, California, will
speak on "My Adventures in Politics".
A social hour and an open air meet-
ing, conducted by Mr. Mitchell, will
be held at '5 o'clock., The topic for
discussion will be "My Creed".
St. Andrew's Episc6pal church will
give Holy' Communion at 8 o'clock,
and morning prayer and sermon will
be at 10:30. The sermon will be "Is
It Healthy to Remember?"
Morning services at the First Bap-
tist church will begin at 10:30 and
Mr. Sayles will preach on the "Min-
istry of Relaxation". The Guild Bible
class for students will be conducted
by Mr. George Biggs and the met-
ing will be held tin the church at
Community Vesper service will be
conducted on the plaza in front of the
general library at 7:30. Dr. A. W.
Stalker, of the First Methodist Epis-
copal church will talk on "The Will
and Religion", and mass singing will
be held under the direction of George
Oscar Bowen. Summer school stu-
dents and all other Ann Arbor people
are cordially urged to attend.
The last church service or the sum-
mer, in the Unitarian church, will be
at 10:30. Prof. Henry Wilder Foote
of the Harvard-Andover Scehool of
Theology will preach.
Dr. Leonard A. Barrett will preach
on "Can We Communicate With God?"
at the morning services of the First
Presbyterian church. Following the
morning services Dr. G. Carl Huber
will speak to students in summer
school on "Religion and Science". The
young people will have charge of the
services at the S. C. A. camp in the
Services in the Church of Christ
(Disciples) in Lane hall are as fol-
lows: Bible school at 9:30, morning
sermon, 10:30; Service club and Stu-
dents' class at 10 o'clock and Chris-
tian Endeavor at 6:30.
In the First Methodist church Rev.
A. W. Stalker will preach on the
"Golden Rule For Today" at 10:30.
Student classes will be held at Wesley
hall at 12. The Wesleyan Guild devo-
tional meeting, conducted by Beryl
Wright will be held in Lane hall at
Reception of a 4ew member through
the rite of confirmation at St. Paul's
Lutheran church will be at 11:30.
German at 9:30 and Bible school at
11 : 30 as sual.

Sy Verena Moran
With a true Forest of Arden as a,
background, Frank McEntee and his
company frci the Shakespeare Play-
house company in New York City pre-
sented "As You Like It" in the cam-
pus theater Saturday afternoon.
Although the play dragged to some
extent in the beginning, interest- and
artistry increased as the play got well
under way, and the cast succeeded in
projecting the charm, witchery and
reality of Shakespearian characters
across the stage which was banked
with fresh pine and cedar boughs.
McEntee Miscast
Elsie Herndon Kearns was a per-
feet Rosalind. She was, indeed, the
life and soul of the Forest of Arden
and her clever masquerade in a shep-
herd lad's outfit was .a huge success.
Frank McEntee, as Touchstone, a
clown, was not as well suited to his'
role as in previous performances. It
seems rather a lamentable fact that
a man of Mr. McEntee's talent for
parts of a heavier nature should at-
tempt to play the light and flrivolous
role of a jester. .
Frances Homer as Celia, the pretty:
daughter of Frederick, won the hearts
of the audience by her frank 'and sin-#
cere appeal.
Production DisappoiningE
f P. J. Kelly was a typical Jacquesi
'and William Norsa displayed his tal-
ent in singing although his voice lack-1
ed volume.l
Henry Buckler acted his part of Or-,
lando with intense feeling, and Gert-N
rude Linnell and Mary Carlisle in
the roles of Phoebe and Audry were
amusing and added much to the life
of the play. .

Frank Mc intee and company clos
their three-day suries of performance
here with a brilliar.t rerfcrniance
Geor'ge Bernard Shaw's "Candida
last night in the campus open-a
theater. Athough rain began to fa
at the end of the last a"t, the acto:
obliged those who were willing t
stay by finishing the play.
Mr. MeEntee played the most difl
cult role of Eugene Marchbanks ver,
well; he has the happy trick of re
minding his audience of the type hi
is representing. "Why that's Perc
Montesquieu to the life!" . And then
of course, his audience is with him t
the man.
Miss Kearns did well as Candida
the good wife of the Reverend Jame
Morrell; she was clever enough t
manage and understand him perfectly
and yet dull enough to love him. Mi
Cushman was excellent as Morrel
Mr. Neville bettered his own Cock
ney of Friday night in his role of Mi
Burgess, the model employer; an
Miss Linnell as Prosperine was als
very good.
The points most clearly brought
out by the play, (whether Shaw so
planned it or not I dont' pretend to
say) was that a wpman can be in
triguing enough to capture a young
ass of a poet, and , still ordinar:
enough to be iru love with a person
who was "captain of his eleven a
school". Then again the play may
have been a satire of shyness. I don'
15now what it was, I'm sure, but it
was most enjoyable.'
Sharks Route Bathers
New York, July 14-(By A.P.)-
Hundreds of bathers at Coney Island

Taking the production as a whole,' yesterday rushed
one cannot feel that it succe-edEd in when a school of
living up to the standards hitherto es- porpoises appeared
tablished by the company. safety ropes.


the wat
sharks a
beyond t

University Catalogue Contains
Classified List Of Student

"Bigger and better than ever," the'
University catalogue for next year
makes its appearance, and can now
be obtained in the office of the regis-
trar for the asking. The catalogue
contains a complete list of announce-
ments for next year, the lists of the
faculties, the names of the students,
special announcements, and, as a new
thing in catalogues, a summary of the
attendance for the year 1922 and 1923.
The grand total of students attend-
ing the University in all departments
and schools ,including the summer
session for 1922 reaches the figures
11,450, which places Michigan close
to'the top in the matter of attendance
in the United States. Of these 3,201
were women. This shows an increase
of 330 over the attendance for' last
China Sends Most
1Vchigan contributed 280 of - this
increase, numbering completely 7,159
regular students in the University.
Ohio sends the next greatest number
to the University, 866 representatives
of tlW Buckeye state attending the
University. New Ydrk, Indiana, and
Illinois coine next. Nevada sends one
loneNseeker after knowledge to the
historic halls of Michigan. Of the
foreign countries China has the larg-
est Michigan pdpulation, 109 attend-
ing the University in the -last year.
All together 36 foreign countries send
students to Michigan ranging from
China's 109 followed next by Ontario
with 88, to Switzerland's one. Among,
those countries who have students
studying here are: Siam, Russia, Si-
beria, Sumatra, Rumania, Java and
many others.
The literary school is by far the

largest school in th University, out-
numbering by almost 4000 the next
in size, the college of Engineering and
Architecture. There are no women in
the college of engineering, and only
20 women it the school of architec-
ture swell the total of the combined
colleges to 1912. Attendance in the
Medical school totaled 664, in the
training school for nurses, 163, in
the Law school, 429. Pharmacy had
88 students, Dental surgery numbered
410, the school of Education had 228
men and 238 women making a total of
466 while in the Graduate school 474
men and 151 women made a total of
Situation in Law School
In the Law school, the situation is
peculiar, Only three women were in
the Law school for the past year, two
of them were third year women, one
was a second year student. There
were no women enrolled in the first
year class. Unless some enroll next
year, there will be, no women in the
Law school after two years.
The book is complete in every way,
a model a. its kind, except that it
lacks an intelligible map ii the front.
On the map they have, a small arrow
announces the fact to anybody who
hiappens to find it that the Michigan
Central station is situated down that
way; somewhere. No streets south of
Monroe are shown, or West of State,
east of Forest or north of Washing-
ton. Those who remember the handy
maps that used to be in the front of
former catalogues cannot help but de-
plore the evil genius that suggested
putting such a thing in the book to
guide people about the city.

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