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July 13, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1923-07-13

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oon Features Puppets


Puppeteers W ill I the export cities are located. The Lion collars-10c, thre efor
I PaBritish suggestion as understood here J. F. Wuerth Co.-Adv.
Play For Pari y would contemplate the use to a limited
ECT1ON Atlartha Cookextent of naval resources that would'Guaranteed sox, 6 pair-six
not necessarily involve the military -no darning, $1.50, at J. F. WA
forces, Co.-Adv.



I' 5

The attention of the medical world
is at present centered on diabetes.
Most of the knowledge of lthis sub-

ject has been gained in the last ten
years.. The advance has been so rapid
that most physicians have not been
able to keep up with it.
Discovered i Toronto
The isolation of insulin has greatly
improved the treatment of diabetes
which it has complicated rather than
simplified. Insulin is used in an
aqueous solution. It is obtained from
the islet of the pancreas of animals
and regulates the amount of sugar in
the blood. It is an over supply of
sugar in the blood which ;causes dia-
betes. The use of! insulin was discov--
ered at the University of Toronto and
is effective in the treatment of dia.
betes and mellitus.
A course in the use of insulin is now
being given by the department of in-
ternal medicine of the University hos-
pital. Twenty-two practicing physici-
ans are enrolled. It is the first formal
course for graduates that has been
given by this department for many
years. If it is successful, it is very
probable that similar courses will be
offered in future summers. The course
lasts two weeks and is repeated in the
next two weeks. It has thorough in-
struction, including lectures, clinics
and practical work in the laboratory,,

The Fairy Tina

The Fairy Tina is one of the beauti- i dance at the puppet performance to be
ful dancing puppeteers, belonging to given at 4 o'clock this afternoon at
RobertjHenderson, '26, Forman' Brown, the Women's'league party on the ter-
'22, and Harry Burnett, '23, who will j race of Martha Cook dormitory.

Exchange Notes
WisCOnsin - Some 9,000 concrete
seats afe being added to the athletic
stadium of the University of Wiscon-
sin this summer.
Ohio--Ohio farmers far, outnumber
any other group in sending their sons
and daughters to college according to
enllment statistics.
Wisconsin- Six graduating classes
have donated, as class gifts, $12,000 to-
ward a set of chimes for the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin-Abut 25 deans of wo-
men and advisers of girls in high
schools and colleges are now attend-
ing an open forum discussion class
that is being conducted during the
Summer session of the University of
Wisconsin, under the leadership of
Miss F. Louise Mardin, dean of women
at the .university. Among those enroll-~
Classifled Adertising t
Rates: Two cents per wordt
per day, paid in advance ; fif-
teen cents'per reading line per
day, charged.c
WANTED-Three or four room un-
fu,rnished apartment, by young cou-
ple without children. Desired aboute
Sept. 1; write F. L. Troost, 510 Hick-
ory St., Niles, Mich., giving descrip-
tion and rent -asked. 12c-6
WANTED-To buy June 1923 num-
ber of National Georgraphc maga-
zine. Phone 631. 17-p-2
FOR RENT- Large room available
Sow and for next year, if desired.
Students or business men. 1194-M,
or 422 E. Washington. 18-p-3
FOR SALE -Frame garage, several{
hundred feet of trellised wood fenc-
ing, and chicken house. Very cheap.
Mutt be removed from property at
once. Call 1104 or 2006 Washtenaw
Ave. 18-p-2
Latest models, high grade machines,
rented and sold Hamilton Busi-
ness College, phone 342-R. State
and William Sts. 10c-21
Typewriters of standard makes
boight, sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned and repaired.-
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 1718
LOST- Schaffer fountain pen, gold
band on cap. Reward for return to
325 Fifth Ave. or call, 3104. Bren-
nanm 16-p3
WILL THE person who took the
wrong package of shoes from the
Lyndon Shop please return the
same. 18p
LOST-Diamond shaped'sorority pin
with letters Alpha Theta. -Finder
please call 100-W. 18-p-2 E
LOST- -:lmna Phi Beta sorority pin.
Reward Dorothy Hartshorn. Phone I

ed are representatives of schools from
Texas to Maine.
Wisconsin-More than 175 persons
are living in 38 tents in the Summer
session tenti colony at the University
of Wisconsin. The colony is located
on the shore of Lake Mendota about
two and a half mls west of the gym-
nasium. The campers furnish .their
own tents, and the platforms are furn-
ished by the univ ersity. The members
go to and from their classes in cars,'
bicycles or launches. Groceries, milk,
and mail goes to them once a day;
and a passenger boat" stops there on
signal. The occupants of the colony
are students who wish to enjoy a sum-
leer outing with their families, while
they attend the university summer
Prof. Charles Scott Berry, of the
School of Education, and Prof. Charles
E. Lewis, who is to be next year's
superintendent of schools in Flint,
were the speakers. at the Phi Delta
Kappa reception given last evening at
the Michigan Union. The members of
the honorary educational fraternity
honored the out of town faculty of the
School of Education. The subject
chosen by Professor Berry was, "The
Ideals of the Organization, and the
Service it Can Render." Professor
Lewis' subject was "Education as a
Faculty Baseball Game
The faculty of the department of
econonics will play the faculty of the
School of Education at 4 o'clock this
afternoon at south Ferry field.

Early this spring .Harry Burnette,______
'23, Forman Broiwn, '22, and Robert
Henderson, '46, mutually interested In
puppetry fo.rmed an organization now
known all over the state as "The Pup-
peteers." The marionettes, stage,- and
scenery were all made by these three
men and after giving several local
performances which they state were TToday-
successful, they ventured forth during Today-
spring vacation on a tour of surround- "THE GRAY DAWN" NORMA TALMADGE in
ing towns. The puppeteers gave 22 By Stewart Edward White. "THE WAY OF A WOMAN "
performances and were received en- The Dippy Doo-Dads in . Century Comedy
thusiastically by audiences in 15 "EHE WATCHDOG" Sun.-Tues.-
towns. Sun.-Tues - Constance Talmadge and
This summer they wvill make a sei- Doris May in "THE UNDERSTUDY" Johnny Hines in
eral weeks' tour of the summer resorts, "OUR GANG" in "BOYS TO BOARD" "THE STUDIO GIRL "
including Saugatuck, Traverse City, Wed.-Thurs. Bull Montana in "A LADIES' VAN"
Charlevoix, Alpina. and the, Grand John Gilbert in Wed.-Thur.-
hotel, Mackinac island. . "THE LONG GAMBLER" Conway Tearle in "ROAD OF AMBITION~
At 4 o'clock this afternoon the pup-
peteers will give a varied program at
the Women's league party on the ter-
race of Mai'tiia Cook dormitory. The
program for the marionette- show is
as follows: Tony the Fiddler, Dutchj_
dancers, play "On the Road to Bomi
bay," Negro Jubi-dancers, play "The -
Three Wishes," the Fairy Tina (an
Italian toe dancer), and George Ber-
nard Shaw's "Androcles and the=-
There will be music during the aftJ TOD Y AND SATUR DAY -
ernoon and punch and wafers will be =
___r___._Another Majestic acquisition to our
long list of stars.
Germans Publish Figures
Berlin, July 12.-(By A.P.)-Accord-
ing to figures coming from a well in- TEDDIE GERARD
formed German source, there are nowoN ra in
80,000 French and 70,0-,. Belgianea
troops in the Rhur and 97,000 French-IN
and 17,000 Belgian troops in the old
occupied territory. In addition, 10,000""
have been sent into the Ruhr. During
six months, the period of occupation, First the Flapper and her drama.
92 persons are stated to have lost
their lives while 17,145 were expelled. Or>itiesJ
zChristie Comedy BU TO
2 A Novelty Reel
Britain Proposes Ato 3 Graphic Cartoon The Cave Girl steps sky-high in
Washington, July 12--(By A. Ps Maj. Orehestra a drama of youth gone wild.
Joint actions by the powers was un-
derstood to have been suggested by E RU
destodt hvebensugstd y I '4 R BERT SUNDAY
Great Britain as a means of restoringBRFENol*"H
normal conditions along the Chinese THE WOMAN WITH FOUR FACES
sea coast by the great river on which J - Featuring BFTTY COMPSON and RICHARD DIX
'bI1i1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III ll 11U111 111111111111111111111111111{111

diet kitchens and wards.
No Increase in Wheat Expected
Washington, July 12.--(y A.P.)-
Increase in the domestic denand for
wheat and ther farm products can
hardly be expected at the present time
but there seems no prospect for a de-
crease in costs for the remainder of
the year, a committee of economists
and statisticans announced today after
a two-day session at the department of
Foreign demand for American food
stuff during the marketing season will
apparently not be so great as it was a
year ago due to some larger European
food production and smaller buying
Italians 1W1,91to 11grate
Rome, July 12.-(By A. P.)-The im-
migration department has 450,000 ap-
,plications for permits to go to Amer-
Stoddard 3IR
We make up hair goods
to order-
Pomps, Side Waves, Curls
and Snitches
Bring in your combings or
cut hair.
707- N. IIIERSITY tV IN E-1:
WE WISH to announce
to the general public
that we are keeping open
this summer. We solicit
your patronage.





Cbe hiummer


fIl) chigan


Maejstic--"The Cave Girl."
Orpheum-Norma Talmadge in
"The Way of a Woman;" Cen-
tury comedy.

Maynard Street

Wuerth-"The Gray
Dippy Doo-Dads

Dawn;" the
in "The

Stage-This Week

Farmers & Mechanics
1Ot-105 S. Main St. 830 S. State St
Nickel's Arcade

S HOULD be paid by July 15th.
Othe $2.00 rate will be


Garrick (Detroit) - The Bon-
stelle company in The "Widow"
C Shannon.


Send in your check "to The


Press Building, or come over to the office
-any time before Sunday, the 15th. 4

Launderers, Cleaners

Dyers, Pressers

EU ma
mm mmO



' be

.summer fIIichigan ab



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