OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday uring the summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The As- ociated Press is exclusively entitled to the ie for repubflication of all news dispatches redited to it or not otherwise creditedin is paper and the local news published here- entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, 4ichigan,. as second class matter- Subscription by carrier or mail, $.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Conrunications, if signed as evidence of cod fit, wilhbe published, in The Summer )aly at the discretion of the Editor. Un- gned communic tions will receive no co- ideration. The signature may be omitted in ulication if desired by the writer. The uWmer Daily does not necessarily endorse e sentiments expressed in the communica: oris. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M' MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHUE ity Editor..............William Stoneman sue Editors............Edward J. Higgins Robert C. Ramsay. Vomen's Editor.........Rosalie IL. Frenger ditorials ................Paul ,. Einstein Assistants athan Davis Ada Phelps [argaret Geddes Andrew 1E. Propper LC. Ileraper Regina Reichan rothy Mitts Mararet Stuart rerena Moran Lucy Tolhurst BUSINEss STAFF - Telephone g6o{ BUSINESS MANAG E R I BEAUMONT PARKS dvertising...............Iliel M. Rockwell ublication...................D. L. Pierce econts...............'....A. S. Morton rculation...John C. Haskin AssistantsL lizabeth Bartholomew George Stracke 'FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1923 ight Editor-ROBERT G. RAMSAY YESTERDAY By SMYTHE1 Ruman Ballast1 From Fort Stanley comes an hero- epic of lake and air that sounds ke a tale by Jules Verne or JosephI onrad. The story is glimpsed fromt ie few decipherable 4entries n thet ater-soaked log of the A-6698, the -fated balloon piloted by Lieuts. L. Rot and T. B. Null in the naticoialG .imination race that began at In-G anapolis, July 4. . The fishermen of Port Stanley, trac-1 g the log as best they can, believe ey ^ave reconstructed the story the flight, the storm, the wreck- g of the balloon, and the death of e. two officers. A storm on Thur- ay night or Friday morning drove the1 .g bag perilously close to the waters the lake. The two lieutenants toss- d overboard every bit of ballast andz ill the bag, caught in the fury of1 e storm, sanledown toward the wat- '. Clothing, everything remaining3 at, could be thrown overboard, were ien discarded but the danger stilli Leaened. Then Lieutenant Null, aped overboard, giving himself as hu-j an ballast in an attempt to save the fe of Lieutenant Roth, the pilot. The heroio sacrifice same to naughtf ir the bag, buffeted by the gale, wast ragged through the water and Roth as tossed about inside the basketc ntil he drowned. The basket with1 1e body of Lieutenant, Roth has been covered. But scores of small craft re still scanning the rippling sur-c ce of Lake Erie for the body of the allant officer who sacrificed himself s human ballast.c Relief, The announcement that' the Amer- an Relief Administration is definitely1 lanning to withdraw from Russia ithin the next two months marks theI nd of one of the greatest human- arian ventures of mercy in all his- >ry. The reports of the Administra-J on jeveal the tremendous task that Lvovled the saving of the people of nation from wholesale destruction. The conditions that the crusade had o meet and overcome- are full of un- peakable horrors Children by the undreds abandoned by their parents o die of starvation by the roadside; 'hole communities fleeing in horror rom pestilence and famine; hospitals 1ll of patients who could receive no elief because of the lack of equip- nent and instrunents; and a thousand ther indications of demoralization The service of The American Relief dministration is a direct challenge o those who claim that the United tates and her citizens are motivated olely by the claims of selfishness T ROLLS AT LAST!.THE GREAT JOOL (-u2*YSTERL TODAY YOU will find in this col-. umn the first installment of THE GREAT JOOL MYSTERY, wich is, as we have said before, a tail of the hairbreathin' variety, and strictly well-rit and not in oppostion to facks of cases which are mentioned Dear Tarik: I think ,it is postiv justice that the Law Club should have to win a suit in order to be able to build their club house. Rakio Yes, dere Rakio, and in the end landowners will get the poem and the club will get the justice. THE GREAT JOOL MYSTERY By ex-Baron Pell Mell*) Chap. I The harsh clanging of a bell awak- ened Nik Arter from his metaphor. He sprang from his mawriss chair and before the door wias trowed open to admit a stranger he was bending over a table with his back to the door, apparently carousing a paper. But in reality he was'staring into a little mirror which showed him a tall, gaunt, sad looking man who stood waiting the attention of the great detective. Nikolas Arter swung about facing the stranger. "What can I do for you ?" he asked suavely, for by now he was assured that his visitor was perfectly harmless. Just as the stranger was about to ans- wer Nik Arter strode swiftly to the door and as he gave the knob a twist to the left the door swung open, al- lowing his ,landlady to - fall on her face on the floor "Always peeking," muttered the de- tective as he restored the outwitted landlady to her feet and escorted her from the room just as he had done every time he had had avisitor for the last ten years. The great detective stooped to flick a dust from his tweed trowser cuffs. No sooner had he bent over, however, than he received a stunning blow on tie cerium, felling him semi-senseless. The tall stranger grabbed a package which the mailman had just brought and was still awaiting Nik unopened, and sprang through the closed win- dow, taking much of the glass with him. "Skads" groaned the man-hunnter, as he lept to his good feet and grab bing his trusty six-shooter and fore- an-aft peaked cap he was ready for anything. Leaping gracefully (for in his younger days the skill of one Doc- tor Nay had learned him to'block'and tackle), he cleared the broken pane and dashed down the street waiving his gun and warming it up by shooting holes in peoples straw hats as he whizzed by. Rounding acorner onto East Uni- versity avenoo he came face to back with the flee-er. The mighty arm of justice was stretching out to grasp its meat!' Up one street and down another the chase kept on. Night lowered its grimy paws over this little town which tho colled an harbor was really but a cove in the great Ilpron River. They had been running for three hours straight: Nik was just about to light a cigarette when he saw his man dart into what appeared'to be a empty house to the left. After a glance at its deserted win- dows the great detective hurdled the rickety stairs and grasping the door which gave to his touch, he stepped into the utter darkness within. He heard the door close itself behind him with a metallic click. He dropped his hand into his right pocket! But an- other hand, a cold, slimy, hand was alredy there. He tried to grasp the hand as it was removed carrying with it Nik's trusty six-shooter, but in vane. Just then there appeared not fifteen feet in front of the detective a tall, luminious and withal ghostly figure, which swayed ominiously. In its up- raised hand it carried a gleeming dagger! Not to be phazed, the nearly feinting, Nik charged at the figure. But when he reached it it dissolved and he fell headlong into what seemed to be empty darkness. He felt himself falling, falling.... (To be Continued) *Former head of tke Russian Royal Secret Service. "BROAD WAYI SPEA KING Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges. (By Leo J. Hershdorfer) New York, July 12.-"And the for- tunate shall be wealthy, and the wise shall be elected to Phi Beta Kappa!" So runs the slogan with which am- bitious parents fill the minds of their young sons about to enter college. Phi Beta Kappa is set up as the aim of all things scholarly. It is an em- blem of distinction, a token of honor. So let these young sons set their minds on this holy of holies, that the hearts of their parents might be joy- ful and glad. During the course of examination of newly-arrived immigrants, Commis- sioner Curran, who is in charge of the tedious work, found occasion to reject a young Italian, who was refus- ed permission to enter this great coun- try of ours because of illiteracy. As the sorrowing son of Romulus- was leaving the examing room, Com- missioner Curran observed something. bright and dazzling dangling from the watch chain of the rejected one' Upon closer inspection, the commis- sioner announced, in a tone of surprise and amazement. "Why, that's a Phi Beta Kappa key!" He paused a moment, then, "where did you get it?" he asked. The Italian youth replied through an interpreter, "I bought it from a man who said it was the key which would ,unlock America. Isn't it any use?" The brave commissioner staggered, then recovered his official poise, and in his answer sent a message of en- r couragement to ambitious parents whose'sons go to college, "Not on this case, except to confirm my suspicions of some of my classmates who won similar keys when I didn't." Are New Yorkers wide-awake? Are they keenly interested in world af- fairs? Does the Ruhr district situa- tion hold concern for them. What significance do they attach to the out- come of the Near East fracas? A vaudeville actor in a New York theater announced to his audience that if they would call out the events of importance he would put them into rhyme Here are sme'f the "import- ant" events: "Bucketshops." "Henry Ford for president" (This brought a laugh.) "Will Jack Dempsey give Gibbons a' return match?" "Will the Yankees win the pennant?" "Bootlegging." (Applause,- turning to hearty laughter when the next hug- gestion was made.) "Police, and Mayor Hylan." (Cat- calls and hisses.) "Al Smith for president." (Wild shouting and stamping, of feet.) Twilight and Battery Park. Hund- reds of tenement dwellers sprawled out on the grass, seeking refuge in the cool breezes which come from the ocean, cloak-makers and foundry workers. The ship's orchestra play- ing "Annie Laurie." On the shore two tittle girls of dark complexion danc- ing to the tune. An old man, sitting on a park gench, drops his newspa- per to watch the dancers. The boat leaves the harbor, gliding majestically down the bay. But the little girls do not stop dancing-the old man has produced a harmonica, on which he plays old melodies for them. A trainp walks about, picking up stray newspapers, in which he wraps up an old, torn overcoat, relic of wintry days. With this for a pil- low, he lies down under a tree. The Battery is his summer resort. Even though the United States is out of the running in the competitive field of whiskey distilling, a Pittsburg house received a grand prize at the Brazilian Centennial for having the best whiskey in the world. Pretty good for a country with the lid shut tight. -Bring back a few drops .of the Falls for your friends who have never seen them, for every one cannot be privil- eged to take the trip to Niagara. Now Jack Dempsey has another contender ready to render the chal- lenge. Paving Nears Completion Paving on State, Fourth, and Ged- des avenue is approaching comple-, tion, and it is expected that these streets will be thrown open to traffic not later than August 10. The bases of Fobrth and State are finished and asphalt is being laid on the latter; the base on Geddes will be finished tomorrow. With these streets the city's paving program for the current GRAHAM'S . Both Ends of the Diagonal 1 '. ,1,,. I o. -- -, smmmmi $3.50 shirts. Wuerth and $3.00 Men's fancy dress{ Special for $2.45 at J. F. Co.-Adv.j DAN CING EPery afternoon. .. Also Sunday afternoons and evenings Brown's Pavilion, Lakeland, Mich. SUPERFLUOU$ FACIA L HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECT ROLYSIS Electro-Cosmetic Service 224 Nickel's Arcade DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Eastern Standard Time (Effective July 10, 1923) Limited and Express Cars to Detroit -6:0o a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 a.m. and hourly until 905 p.m. Limited Cars to Jackson-8:47 a.m., 10:47 am., 12:47 p.m., 2:47 p.m., 4:47 p.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 Pm Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops west of Ann Arbor)- 47 a.m. and every two hours until 9?47 p.m. Local Cars to Detroit-7 :00 am., a.m. and every two hours until 8:55 p.m., 1:oo P.m. To Ypsilanti Only-r:4o p.m., 1:15 a.m. Local Cars to Jackson-7:5o a.m. and then 12:1o a.m. Connection made at Ypsilanti to Saline and at Wayne to Plymouthi and Nor-thville. I 11 I Daily Excursion to fC One' Round Trip $1.25 Sundays Way (Return Same Day) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. #6. (E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, ;and Perry's . historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland. Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare- $1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, g roves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven ours at Put-in-Bayl Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. m.; arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in- Bay,80 cents. I %W "'A j-.,aoh IlL Dancing Moonights Leaves Detroit 8:45 P. m. Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60c. Sat., Sun. and Holidays, 75c. a lmlm Emma I Write for Map Folder /Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line Foot of First Street Detroit, Mich. ~ iM4 The Paws" l fidg kachin IT'S ;SO 5MPL~ 0,11s MORRILL 17 Nickel's Arcade s $50 wth case v mks ' hR+wMr " " - " I I 11 _. *m I . J Iow lIi11111111111111111111111!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 ii 111111111111111-111111111111111111111111111111lij111111111111 r - JU.LY SHOE SALE E.7 Correct r ' Footwear, .. For WhtWums2iss College Sandals White. PUMPS Red and Green $$ 3*9545 r Modish white pumps in a one The popular red and green strap style with a medium sandals are included in this toe and Spanish heel, or with sale. Their popularity has a military heel, originally been unsurpassed by any priced $5.00 are now avail- other shoe mode this season able at $3.95. and now they may be se- a t lected at this reduced price 1 -$6.45. .Novelty Pump White, trimmed in gray White Oxfords An extremely modish whitey , . pump with green kid lacing. C drawn through bands of White cloth oxfords come in white kid as trimming, with two styles, one with a mihi- a, military heel, originally tary heel and medium toe priced $7.50 may now be had and the other with a flat heel at $4.95. Shoes that combine good quality and and broad toe, originally good taste-the expression of refine- priced $6.00 and now on sale r." - iment, wherever one may be are in. at $4.95. ( eluded in this July Shoe Sale. - As varied as - the occasions of the student's busy day is this presentation of Footwear for summer and early fall, taking heed of every need, and qffering excellent quality at sale pricesr - ' White Kid Pumps A few of the models offered in this Colonial Style r lack and rown sale are described here-but there are For dress wear there are --numefrousais in shoes unmen- Fo drswertreae For walking, out - of - door bargains white .kid pumps in a gore - sports, and general wear, tioned here. Shop early and insure Colonial style with Junior this Dorothy Dodd oxford obtaing your choice. Louis heels, just the thing to which is available 'in brown wear with light summer and black calfskin, originally dresses, originally priced priced $5.00 will be very at- $8.50 and now on sale at - tractive at $3.95. $6.45. (Mack's Main Floor) (Mack's Main Floor) greed. I, One of the boys was telling us the other day that what with all this$ rainy weather it was nigh on impossi-! ble for a fella to get a good cigar on the campus.I French Ambassador to England1 admitting his decided interest actions of the English parlia- for it was yesterday'that he at- the first official meeting of1 There really is not the customary year will have been carried privacy in the gutters that there used Eighteen thousand feet of curb, to be, with all this mud. I gutter are to be built this year, TARIK. this work was begun last wee. out. and. and