0, 4r #ummtr / X i "r-, 1 1 L %.~e AND FAIR DPAY 01k i4a ttl ; ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1923 PRICE FIVE C ern! HRATIONS MEET IITATION SLOW. COMING TO U. S, |After Effects Of Gas Used In /Great War Slight, Says Wartield In a rekcent lecture, Prof. Louis M. Warfield, of the Medical school, dis- cussed "The Effect of Poisonous Geses Ulpon the. Lungs." SHlNGTON FAILS TO GET PECTED NOTE FROM BRITAIN EX- E TO ATTEND IJNTED BY HUGHES Statesmen Appareitly rerican Refusal to Take Part Fear rashington, July 11.-(By A.P.)- remier Baldwin has suggested Am- an participation in a reparation ference, neither officials or diplom- circles here have been advised of decision. Heretofore, it was' point- out tonight, the allied statesmen e not cared to risk the chance of erican refusal of an invitation to e part in a conference on the sub- view of the attitude of the ad- istration in the past, it has been ected here all along that the Un- States would merely be inform- ompletely as to whatever the Grit- project may be, with ,the door to rican participation left open in this government itself desires to the initiative. So far askrevealed the American attitude remains the same as it was when Secre- Haighes, in a statement at New en some months ago, madethe gestion that a conference of econ- c authorities be organized to de- ine Germany's capacity to pay and "best methods of payment." Wesbrook Wins Net Match. dianapolis, July 11--(By A.P.)- ter Wesbrook }advanced to the d round of the national clay court mnament yesterday - by defeating /itchell of Indianapolis, 6-0, 6-0. ilden, Johnson, the Kinsey broth- and Manuel Alonzo of Spain al- urvived the second day play. en Man Receives Brass Buttons' 'nold IC. Busch, Keppler-ct., has appointed a patrolman on the Arbor police department, it was ounced this morning by Clarence Synder ,of the police commission. -itis Sculler Is World's 'Best EDITORI AL SHAKESPEARE AND ART Reigning for three centuries over the realm of drama, the art of Shakes- peare has survived the torment of crit- icism while the works of his contemp- oraries and many of his followers have been crushed beneath the merci- less hoofs of an exacting public. De- ified by the foremost dramatists of the 19th and 20th centuries, Shakes- peare has come down to us, not as a revival of 17th dramatic foibles, but as the live,moving drama of every day and age. Nothing is so hard a test of the merits of men as is time. Time has proclaimed the universal supremacy of the great Elizabethan favorite. It was the influence of Shakespeare that roused the germ of genius from dorm- ancy in Victor Hugo. So too with Goethe. It was Shakespeare who in- spired the greatest of English actors to their highest fame. Could the great master but hear the echo of ovations enthusiastically Wffered for gifted in- terpretations of his unsurpassed roles, his pride .would break the shackles of the tomb. His was a universal art. The gift of Shakespeare to the' world's great literature lies not alone in the fruit/of his genius.' It is his contribution' to the art of dramatic writing, his influ- ence upon posterity, which are the true marks of a great artist. ARBITRATION VS. FORCE Yesterday the British ministers ar- ranged their reply to the invitation to put the German debt question into the hands of an international commission. The document is a plain and impartial statement of the English stand on the question and any interested nation may offer advise in the settlement. This- move follows the trend of in- ternational, especially American, sent- iment toward the settlement of world difficulties; the use of arbitration as opposed to force. To France the Eng- lish note will come as a peaceful chal- lenge. The British believe that the persistence of the' French policy in the Ruhr will bring ultimately the I 'ruination of European trade relations as well as international good will on the continent. France, however, will probably not only refuse to co-operate in the new plan of settling the debt but may be expected to openly resent the English note. The new plan would relieve France of the duty of a debt collector until the commission had settled the solvency of Germany. It would also fre ethe Republic of the constantly in- creasing burden of maintaining an army of occupation-a burden which will certainly become a source of ag- gravation to the citizenry of France. The diplomatic world is awaiting with interest the answer of the French. Although Jack Dempsey didn't suc- ceed in knocking out his opponent in the recent fight, the fight knocked out one bank which supported the fistic exhibition as a second. John D. is 84 years old but still hasn't lost his voice. The New York Times appeared Mondy with the fol- lowing headline, "Rocke'feller, 84, Sings on Birthday."I "All the evidence from the Allies as well as the Germans goes to show that'except in very rare instances, there are no permanently bad effects from war gases," said Professor War kfield. He went on to show that there is a great misconception in the popular 'mind about this, probably due to the first chlorine gas .ued in the war. "There is absolutely no relation be- tween the use of gas in the war and the development of tuberculosis," he continued. "There were 70,552 gas casulties recorded during the eight years of warfare; of this number only two per cent died. Nevertheless, 200,- 000 men have -applied for sompensation basing their disabildties on the fact that they were gassed." Dr. Warfield declared that this popular fallacy has produced a very harmful effect. CESELL ACCEPTS New Departiment Head Was Formerly Professor at Washington University WILL TAKE UP DUTIES AT BEGINNING OF FALL TERM Dr. Robert A. Gesell, professor of physiology in Washington university, St. Lawrence, Miss., has accepted the post as professor of physiology in the University and will take up his work here at the beginning of the fall term. Dr. Gesell and his family are in Ann Arbor at present, but hie will not take active charge of the department until the opening of school. Dr. Gesell has been appointed to succeed to the position left vacant by the resignation shortly before the close of the spring of Dr. Warren P. Lombard who for many years headed the department. Dr. Lombard was appointed professor emeritus of phy- siology by the Regents in one of the closing meetings of the year. He will continue here in research work in the field of physiology. ANNOUNCER IL PLPNS f0R NIAGARAEXCURSION Niagara Falls excursionsts will as- semble at Packard and State streets Friday afternoon at 2:05 o'clock. Ar- rangements have been made for a spe- cial interurban car ;hich will conduct the party to Dgtroit at that time. At 5:30 o'clock the chartered steamer is scheduled to leave the Detroit dock, arriving in 'Buffajo early Saturday morning. By means of street car the excursionists will arrive at the falls that same morning. The party will take the Gorge trip stopping at the Whirlpool, Wintergreen flats, and Brock's monument. A visit to Horseshoe falls and Goat island will be made; from the latter place the excursionists will view the falls illum- inated. Those who so desire may go under the American falls, and will vis- it the "Cave of the Winds" and the "Maid of the Mist." More than 70 persons have made ar- rangements for taking the trip with Professor Rowe. Those who have not as yet secured their statroom tickets I should do so at once. Schooner Capsizes; Two Drown Halifax, July 11-(By. A.P.)-The 'schooner Arequiba of Shelbourne, capsized near here Tuesday and two women of Liverpool, were drowned. 'OUTDOR HPLAYERS GIVE"MERCHN1T OF VENICE"_TONIGHT SHAKESPEAREAN TRAGEDY TO BE GIVEN IN OUTDOOR THEATER IS FIRST OF FOUR PLAYS ON PROGRAM Collection of Famous Actors Assures Success in Second Ann Arbor Appearance Mr. Frank McEntee and his com- pany, from the Shakespeare Playhouse in New York, will give "The Merchant of Venice," the first of a group of four plays at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the campus open air theater. The program which Mr. McEntee iresented here last year, due to the quality of the actors was proclaimed the most charming and artistic en- tertainment which has been provided Ann Arbor's lovers of the drama dur- ing the past 15 years. The Shakes- peare Playhouse company has been 'brought here this year, for their sec- ond season at the University by the English department. Mr. McEntee, himself one of Amer- ica's foremost actors, has gathered about him a group of the country's finest actors and the company under his leadership has had an enviable re- cord. This year he is ably supported by a cast of such artists of interna- tional repute as: Elsie Herndon Kearns, who acts with Walter Hamp- den, Gertrude Linnell, famous for her unusual versatility in feminine char-1 acterizations, Harry Noeille, Le Roi Operti, of the well known theatrical. and aperatic family who has been for the past season with the Castle SquareE theater, Boston, Henry Buckler, who started his career some 2 Oyears agoq with Fredrick Ward and Kathery'i Kidder has ! for the past sev- eral seasons been a leading man with Robert Mantell wit hwhom he played Cassius, and Edwin Cuchman who1 played the Bishop in William Faver-i sham's production of Shaw's "Getting Married," are also included in the4 role of players. ' Pastor's Resignation Considered In a congregational meeting of members of the Presbyterian church in the church parlors last night ac- tion was taken on the resignation of the pastor, Rev. L. A. Barrett. Rev. Mr. Barrett's intention to resignr was made known in a letter which he1 wrote to members of the congregation a short time ago.1 Carpentier to Fight Beckett Again Loudon, July 11-(By A.P.)-The meeting between Joe Beckett and Georges Carpentier has been defin- itely postponed until September says Sporting Life, which gives the pro- moters of the bouts as its authority' for the statement. Another Montana Bank Closes Helena, Mont., July 11-.(By A.P.)- The First State Savings bank of Jop- lin, Mont., affiliated with the Stanton Trust and Savings bank of Shelby has closed its doors also according to a report issued here today. Begin Choral Union Rehearsals Rehearsals have begun for the Chor-; al Union program to be presented in Hill auditorium Wednesday, Aug. 1, according to George Oscar Bowen of; the University 'School of Music, in charge of the Choral Union. Naval Ace Picked To Command Z R-3 Capt. George -W. Steele Capt. George W. Steele, detail offic- er of the bureau of navigation in the navy department at Washington, has been chosen to command the navy dirigible ZZ R-3, now bein built by Germany as part payment of the war debt, on the flight to America this summer. SCHOLARSHIPS TO, BE GIVE NBY PENNSYL.VANIA WILL AID GRADUATE STUDENTS IN DIPLOMACY AND INTER- NATIONAL LAW Through the bequest of $80,000 to the University of Pennsylvania, left by the late Frederic Courtland Pen- field, former ambassador of the United States to Austria, there have been established two scholarships with an annual value of $2,000 each in diplom- acy, international law, and belles let- tres, known as the Penfield scholar- ships. Candidates for these scholarships are required to hold a baccalaureat 6. gree and to have had at least one year of graduate work. They are also re- quired to present letters from at'least one member of the college or univers- ity they have been attending to the ef- fect that they are especially fitted to pursue advanced work in interna- tional law and diplomacy. They must also present evidence that they possess a sight-reading knowledge of two modern European languages besides English and that they possess suffici- ent knowledge of the language so that they may pursue with profit the work which they take up in any par- ticular country. Candidates should accompany their' applications by a plan -of the work which they intend to pursue whild abroad, and the country or countries in which they expect to study. Dean. Herman V. Ames, College Hall, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Pa., is in charge of the applications. - These scholarships will ordinarily be awarded candidates desiring to study abroad but special action of the f executive committee of the University of Pennsylvania graduate school will determine whether a candidate is- to study there or abroad. Hoover Will Attempt Comeback London, July 11-(By A.P.)-Wal- ter Hoover of Duluth, Minn., who last week lost his title to the diamond sculls is quoted by Sporting Life as saying that he hopes to qualify to represent America in the Olympic sculling in the Seine in 1924. In case he is selected Hoover asserts he will also appear in the diamonds. HUMAN QULTE DE CLARES RANI RHETORIC' PROFESSOR GIVE QUALITIES OF GREAT WRITING STRESSES LACK OF WORTHY CRITICI Pessinistic Representation of Life I Called Charcteristic of Cheap Writing (By Verena Moran) "Every good book is a book of lif -one which fills its 'readers with en ergy and makes them feel the spur o vitality," declared Prof. T. E..Rankin of the rhetoric department, in his lec ture, "What Is a Good Book?" yester day aftebook penetrated with the con sciousness of human value Is a gre book," continued Professor Rankin as he pointed out in a general way the requirements of a worth whil book. Defines Worthy Subject "The life of a mind and the life o: a human soul as we actually exper ience it is a most worthy subject t write about," said Professor Rankin "A good book is never one which F written by a man who is wedded t his art, but by one who, in his mind IF wedded to the life of humanity, an who has a generous share in the hopes passions, ideals, suffering and joy 01 mankind. The business of all literature Is t communicate, to convey something t< the readers. Not only should a good bookpicture what the author sees ii life,, but what slife ough to be it all its beauty, grace and charm, foi there is nothing more cheapening that a pessimistic presentation of life only as one sees it," asserted Professoi Rankin. "Imitation Not Natural" "It his a general tendency of authors to look into the pages of some write whom he admires and then write lik him. Imitation is not natural and does not tend to produce our best in literature. We should not seek t find ourselves," advised Professo Rankin, as he explained that the pro- fessors here in the University are aiming to help' the youth find out ne thing-whether he is shallow or not If a student discovers he has dept instead of this wretched shallowness then Ihe is advised to attempt t write. Professor Rankin also spoke abou the critics. "The Reviewers ar worse than the reviewed," he explain ed, "and what we need is a leader i the critics whose mind is exalted, i the consciousness of the fundam'enta strength of our humanity. A grea number of our critics are suppress ing their minds in a struggle to be lik someone else, to belong to a school but criticism is a delicate operation o. the mind and should not invade th field of imitation. Readers At Fault "The life of the smi-sporty clasi is what we are getting in our novell today, and this is not a great theme If we haven't many good books, it ii the faulit of the readers," said Pro fessor Rankin, "for the power of th writer mes from the response o the readers and if we had a more solic demand among intelligent readers w would have more good books. "A good book," continued Professor Rankin, "is also one which is written in a style that unfolds itself, one which follows the rhythms of the mind." Style alone never made a book great, but it has much to do with the result. . Good style is obtained by (Continued to Page Four) ............ ..., D. H. L Gollani 4. I. Gollan, British sculler, deaf lumb, defeated Walter Hoover, luth, at Henley and won the 's title for which he has been y struggling for the past four of of July seems to be as much a month prize-fights as June is a month weddings. That's allowing a pret- short interval. Yes? l' ty KEPEARELAYHUSEPresentsI llinOeiilifii111 n AirCampusTheatrellalltll lPllOlPllllilflillAR1 PRICES:i1111111111111g1,111111111 AKEmS PEARE PLAYHOUSE, Presents in Open Air Campus Theatre, at POPULAR PRICES: SDAY NIGHT, July 12th, 8:15 o'clock, Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice." LY NIGHT, July 13th, 8:15 o'clock, Jerome's "The 'assing of the Third Floor Back." SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Jdly 14th, 3:30 o'clock, Shakes- peare's "As You Like It." SATURDAY NIGHT, at 8:15 o'clock, Shaw's "Candida." In case of rain, performances will be given in University Hall. ormances,_$2.50. Advance seat sale at Wahr's Book St 50 cents. Reserved seats for four perfl