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July 11, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-11

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No. I6,



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Roth Will Be Given
Rapids, Iowa, For


Cleveland, Ohio, July 10-(By A.,
.)-The Navy Balloon, A-6698 piloted
in the National elimination balloon
race at Indianapolis, July 4, by Lieut..
Louis J. Roth, with Lieut. T. B. Null
as aide, evidently dropped into Lake
Erie late Thursday night or early Fri-
Lieut. James H. Strong, United
States Navy, who went to Port Stan-
ley today and shipped the wrecked
balloon and its basket, which, with
the body of Lieut.,Roth, were recov-
ered from the Lake, to the Naval Air
Station at Lake- Hurst, N. J., said on
his return trip tonight that he had,
come into posession of a journal giv-
ing the account of the flight. The last
entry was made at 11 o'clock Thurs-
day night. It showed that the bal-
loon was flying at an altitude of 12,-
000 feet.
The balloon passed over' some isl-
ands at 10 o'clock according to an
entry in the journal and flew over
(Continued on Page Four)


The American student is often ac-
cued of being an intellectual sponge
by his European brother. The same
accusation is often heard from the lips
of the young skeptics (most of whom
we know are middle-aged, however),
i, this country. Is there such a mark-
ed devouring of knowledge administ-
ered in doses, measurable only by cel-
lular capacity? A year in a democra-
tic university will furnish sufficient
evidence to the contrary. The Am-
erican student does think as he learns
and the young skeptics are the victims
'of a super-consciousness aggravated
by their own mental condition.
The sponge brain is in evidence,
however, and markedly so in the stu-
dent reader. He swallows news re-
ports in large quantities without de-
termining whether they are concocted
from the proper ingredients.
During the past two weeks rticles
have appeared in The Daily which
.have excited the opinions of persons
on the campus. In reply to these ar-
ticles, only three intelligent commun-
fcations were received in The Daily
office. Two of these were written by
The' question has arisen in the past:
"Have students opinions and, if so,
are they capable of expressing them?"
From the experience of campus pub-
lications, including Chimes which was
established as a campus opinion mag-
azine, the answer is no: students do
not have opinions. If they had them
they would express them for an opin-
ion is a form of thought which is most
apt to "out."
The Summer session, thus far, ,has
seen a disappointing lack of regen-'
eration of campus opinion, in that it.
might be expected' from the older stu-
dents. There is no reference made
here to the professional skeptic or
the habitual pessimist, but to the aver-
age student, who takes 'and takes but
never gives an opinion.
Revolutionary movements in every
walk of life received a share of their
impetus from the war, so say the psy-
choanalyists and the socioligists. It
is certain that the war did effect
changes in many institutions, notably
the English language. Words which'
had fallen into disuse wete given new
life and significance. "Atrocity,"1
"Hun," "Patriotism," Expeditionary,,,"
"Hypenated,' and the most popular of
all war words, "Propaganda," receiv-
ed a new lease of life through the Al-
lied press.
The word propaganda came to mean
something akin to the word "plague"
in the eyes of the American public
and when it was preceded by the word
"German" it referred to something es-
pecially abhorrent. The singular point
to this is that while the words of our
erstwhile enemies were banned, this
country was being floo'ded with pro-
paganda favorable to the Allied cause.
Propaganda, then, is a war measure
as much as a machine gun or a bayonet
or a hand grenade and if we are to
forget the war we must forget the
word propaganda, in its war meaning.
The power of propaganda was real-{
ized during the war and its effective-
ness was such that it is still retain-
ed as a soothing balm and as a meas-
ure to effect closer international bonds
between countries. A striking ex-
ample of this "peace propaganda" is'
seen in the English publicity that is
flooding the country at the present
time. Such a type of propaganda is
(Continued on Page Two)

Two Drown as Boat Capsizes
Indianapolis, Ind., July 10-(By A.
P.)-Carl Fritz of South Bend, Ind.,
and Will Roth of Stevensville, Mich.,
were drowned 15 miles east of here
late Monday. The boat in which the
two young men were riding capsized.

Harding Arrives -
AtJuneau Alaska
--Greeted By Salute
Juneau, Alaska, July 10--(By A.P.)
-Greeted by the Presidential Salute
of 21 guns, from Chilkoot Barracks,
President Harding, Mrs. Harding, and
members of their party landed here
today to spend the day as guests of
Governor Scott C. Bone, and territor-
ial and city officials. The ideal weath-
er which had attended the Alaskan
trip gave way today to ram and fog
here but the towns lpople paid no at-
tention, gathered on the wharf in the
business section to give the party a
hearty welcome.
Offiical Statement of Plans Made Pub-
lic; Will Build Up Air
Paris, July 1.-(By A.P.)-The
official plan for th ereorganiation
of the French army in preparationi
for war, was issued here late to-
day, The announcement is report-
ed to have state that although the
,French government would do all
In Its power to prevent war, it
would not bear the risk of military
weakness in any department.
Paris, July 10.-(By A.P.)-The plan
for the reorganization of France'c
army of 660,000 men was distributed
among the members of parlamtent to-
day by Col. G. Fabry, reporter for
the chamber army commission. It con
templates an organized force based
on-the 'lesson of the Great war, with
serious attention to- develoments in
aviation and war materials. Aviation
and gas, the record says, ,are men-
aces of the future. Germany, by
force of circumstances, must seek her
field of action in the air and therefore
France must be strong there.
"We are preparing the arny for
war, which we are resolved to pre-
vent," continues the report, "but must
be ready to strike the first blow.
France is now superior to other na-
tions in aviation except perhaps bomb-
arding planes, but she cannot rest sat-
isfied an dmust not be content with
machine guns in the air, for perhaps'
the time is near when aerial can-
nons will appear."
Alton, Ill., July 10.-(By A.P.)-
At least half a dozen persons were,
reported killed and a score injured in
an explosion this afternoon at the
plant of the Western Cartridge com-
pany in East Alton. The explosion
occurred in the salvage department.
It was characterized by officials as
one of the most serious accidents in
the history of the company.-
Some of those injured are stated
to be in a critical kondition and ex-
pected to die. The plant has several
hundred men and women employes.-
Those killed are reported to be
women. The actual cause of the ex-
plosion is not yet determined. Coron-
er C. M. Streeter, of Alton, was sum-

moned to take charge of the dead. A
gu-ard was thrown about the plant and
no one was permitted to enter.
Rum Runner Shot At; Escapes
Highland, N. J., July 10.-Fift.een
shots were fired by a coast guard cut-
ter at a speedy rum running boat.
None of the shots took effect.-

Suggests That M. A. C. Agricuhural
Dean be Appointed Director of
Lansing, July 10-(By A.P.)-A re-
port submitted to the state adminis-
trative board today by Secretary of
State Charles J. Deland recommend
ed that county agents hereafter re-
ceive their entire salaries and expens-
es from either state, federal or coun-
ty funds.
It also suggested that the dean o
agriculture of the Michigan Agricul
tural college be given the direction
of the college extension work, of
which the county agents are a part.
In effect the report demanded that
the practice followed in the past of
paying county agents partly with
money advanced by county farm
bureau organizations be abolished.
Mr. Deland was named by the admin-
istrative board to investigate the
manner in which county agents were
paid following the controversy which
recently resulted in the resignation of
Dr. David Friday as president of the
Michigan Agricultural college.
In his report Mr. Deland mentions
that three members of the state board
of agriculture are directors of the
Michigan State Farm bureau.
During the Friday controversy it
was charged by Gov. Groesbeck and
others that the county agents, paid
partially by farm bureau organiza-
tions might have devoted some of'
their time to furthering the interests
of the farm bureau members on the
state board of agriculture, which ac-
cepted Dr. Friday's resignation.
The report devotes considerable
space to pointing out that county
agents appear to be working for the
county farm bureaus rather than for
the state.
The report suggested that the dean
of agriculture of M. A. C. be required
to submit immediately a revised bud-
get of salaries and expenses, and if
there is insufficient money available
to carry on the county agent work as
recommended that further action be
taken by the board to insure county
agents .being paid entirely by the
state, the federal government and the
Mexico Recognithin Rumor False
Washington, July 10.-(By A.P.)
Officials at the state department to-
day made the statement that they
knew of no basis for rumors current
in Wall street that the American rec-
ognition of Mexico was imminent or
that negotiations in Mexico City had
been successfully concluded.
The last of teh reports from the
commissioners, it' was said, reached
the department more than three days
ago. It was to the general effect
that negotiations were proceeding in
what the American commissioners re-
garded as a favorable manner. The
commissioners gave us no indication
as to when they hoped to be able to
reach a conclusion, and report to
Washington for approval..
Cruel to Child; Sentenced

Sioux City, Ia., July 10.-Found
guilty of chaining his 4-year-old son
to a cot in a barn ,Carl Grinsavage
yesterday was sentenced to 30 days in
jail. During the first and last five
days Grinsavage will receive only
bread and water.

Speaks Saturday



and John Carmon Die
[gan Central Tracks Near



rpsilauti, July 10.-William Cami-
n, 56, and his brother, John Car-
1, 54, of 216 Maple street, both
rner section hands, were killed in-
ntly at 9 o'clock this morning by
west-bound through passenger
in No. 17 as they were walking.
ng the Michigan Central tracks
r the Peninsular Paper company
nt on their way fishing.
'heir nephew, Roy Hubbard, who
s accompanying them, narrowly es-
ed death, the locomotive passing
se enought to him to brushoff his
H'e sustained no serious injury.
e train stopped for about half an
ir after the accident.
[ubbard immediately notified offic-
3 at the Peninsular Paper company,
o in turn called Chief Connors of
police department and Constable
est Maddux. Samuel Burchfield of
n Arbor; coroner, was notified and.
. fori Ypsilanti to determine wheth-
an inquest would be necessary. The
lies, horribly mutilated, were re-
ved to the undertaking parlors of
ck & Mack.
lard and Firpo 'Finish Training
ew York, July 10.- (ByA. P.) -
apleting their training program and
,h but light exercises needed during
next two days to keep them on
'e, Jess Willard, former heavy-
.ght champion, and Louis Angel
po, South American slugger, were
lared tonight by their handlers to
in the proverbial pink of condition
the battle at Boyles Thirty Acres.
ursday night.

Prof. A. H. Blanchard
Professor Banchard, head of the
highway engineering department, will
lecture on "Our Transportation. Prob-
lems from the Highway Viewpoint,"
next Saturday afternoon. He is
known throughout the country, as an
authority on highway problems.
LTocal Professor to Speak on "The
Ideals of the Organization and
Its Services"
Phi Delta Kappa, national educa-
tional fraternity will hold a recep-
tion to the members of the out-of-
town faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at 7:30 o'clock this evening in
room 302 of the Union.
Prof. Charles Scott Berry of the
School of Education will give a short
talk on "The Ideals of the Organiza-
tion and the Service it Can Render"
and Prof. gharles E. Lewis who will
be superintendent of schools in Flint.
next year will speak on "Education as
a Science".
All members of the fraternity,
whether from the local chapter or
not are invited to be present at this
evening's gathering. Those who are
not as yet acquainted with the local
chapter are requested to call T. L.
Purdom at the School of Education.
St. Joseph, Mo., July 10.-Lieut.
Russell L. Maughan, halted yester-
day on his attempted dawn to dusk
flight from New York to San; Fran-
cisco when a short turn in avoiding
a cow as he was forced down near
St. Joseph to correct engine trouble
wrenched away part of the landing
gear, probably will fly back to New
York Wednesday in preparation for
a fresh attempt at the transcontin-
ental flight within a week.
Maughan, who left New York yes-
terday at 3:56 a. in., eastern standard
time, was forced to descend at 12:03
by an obstruction in the gasoline flow
pipe of the airship.
His ship will be reaired in the
pasture where he alighted. But for
damage to the landing gear he could
probably' have had the gas pipe oh-
struction removed and continued on
Pershing to Tour Camps
Washington, July 10.-General Per-
shing will make a tou rot inspection
of summer military camps fver the
country beginning today.

Chan'ge Between Offspring and Pare
Show -Process of Evolution
at Present
Branding Bryan's attacks on t]
doctrine of evolution and the rece
much discussed acts of several sta
legislatures and church councils
barring the study of evolution fro
the schools as attempts to gag fre
dom of speech and freedom of thoug
in this country, Prof. A. F. Shull o
the biology department said in a le
ture yesterdy afternoon on "The St
tus of Evolution," "It is just as r
diculous for a fundamentalist of t
type of Bryan and his allies to o
pose the doctrines of evolution on t
grounds that biologists themselve
disagree about evolution, provided o
.course that they mean the fundame
tal background of evolution, s
would be for them to say that Joh
nie who has been playing with t
mud has hands as clean and sweet
a baby's because his mother and s
ter disagree as. to how he got h
hands dirty."
"Bryan's belief that scientists As
disagreed as to evolution is true," 1
went on, "in so far as biologists dis
gree only as 'to the cause of evoli
tion, the direction that the progre
takes, or the time that It has take
to bring animals up to their presei
state through the process of evol
tion. No scientist of any repute," M
Shull asserted, "will deny the funda
mental background of the theory
Bryan's assertion, therefore, that tI
biologists disagree that there, is at
such thing as evolution is false at
ridiculous. Added to such a state
ment the fact that the right of fr
speech and free thought are beit
stifled by legislative bodies and l
church 'councils in this country, at
you have 'the attacks of che fund
mentalists becoming serious, then
is time to champion the theory of e:
"The great fundamentalist and h
henchmen have branded the do
trine as a figment of the ipmaginatio
purely a theory, which has no ba
ground in fact and no proof that su
,a thing goes o," the speaker d
cldred, "and they declare that no o
has seen evolution in process."
The speaker then showed by mea
bf slides that evolution .his ocou
red often and is occurring even no
The presence of vestigral, orga
those organs which are still prese:
in animals but are of no use indica
that they are remains of prehistor
forefathers. Mutation or chang
arising between offspring and pa
ents show that evolution is going (
even now." In May of 1910, a frt
ence in the laboratories without, a
fly with white eyes came into exis
indications that such a thing wou
occur. It was evolution or chan
The similarity of animals in the sta
of embryology is another argume
for the doctrine. By means of figur
he showed that the doctrine was i.

deed a fact.
"It is ;a poor time now to say th
there is no such thing as evolution
the speaker concluded, "and I leav
it to this intelligent audience if th
belief in this doctrine is dangeroi
to the religious beliefs of people."

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HAKESPEARE PLAYHOUSE Presents in Open Air Campus Theatre, at POPULAR PRICE!

URSDAY NIGHT, July 12th, 8:15 o'clock, Shakespeare's
"Merchant of Venice."
[DAY NIGHT, July 13th, 8:15 o'clock, Jerome's "The
Passing of the Third Floor Back."

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, July 14th, 3:30 o'clock, Shakec
peare's "As You Like It."
SATURDAY INIGHT, at 8:15 o'clock, Shaw's "Candida.

50 cents.

Reserved seats for four nerf

In case of rain, performances will be given in University Hall.
ormnances, $2.50. Advance seat sale at Wahr's Book Stor
1111I IIIIlIlI111111 l i Ia llt[111t1 I~t 111111111ii CN.11UIH I I II1111111111III1inH HHHfull l~n n

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