91 E:1 has nevertheless played an important sol9in civilization. - VICIAL NEWSPAPER '0F THE IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ,,r~ ,w~r' IhIMER SESSION shed every morning except Monday the summer session. er of the Associated Press. The As- : Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches to it or not otherwise credited in 3er and the local news ,published here- SOME OF this likker wich don't ed at the postofice, Ann. Arbor, take many prescriptions to get takes ii as second class matterl,$.0. a lot of prescriptions to get over. s% Ann Arbor Press Building. Todays Meal for the Flying Fish 7unications, if signed as evidenceof The bozo who parks a ham on your Jik will be published in The Summerpaky the discretion of the Editor. Un- pet sunburn. communications will receive no con- )i The signature may be omitted in * * * on if desired by the writer. The A Daily does not necessarily endorse A man who made the folks sit up iments expressed in the cotnrumunca- and open their mouths-The dentist. Rakio. EDITORIAL STAFF*- Telephones 2414 and 176-M Dear Tarik: Did yuh see that MANAGING EDITOR bunch of fellas in Tuxedos in -the HOWARD A. DONAHUE Nickels' Arcade post office yesterday? itorr,,..... ......William Stoneman I, asked one of them why he looked itors ............ Edward J. Higgins Robert: G Ramsay. so solemn and dressed up. Then I s Editor. ......Rosalie .Frenger discovered that it was Commencement Is............Paul I. instein, Assistants at their Correspondence school and Davis Ada Phelps they, were waiting for their diplomas. SGeddes .Andrew . Prop per Temi safldlyd eraper Regina Reichman The mail is awful delayed, y'know. Mitts Margaret Stuart Zekial. Moran Lucy Tolhurst BUSINESS STAFF Dear Tarik: I have been hearing Telephone 96o friends talking about baseball mus- BUSINESS MANAGER taches. Few players I have seen wear 1. BFAUMONT PARKS mustaches. What can they mean? 1 ..Hiel M. Rockwell In Doubt .on.................D. I. Pierce . A. S. Morton t >n ... ..........John C. Haskin Dear In Doubt: 'A o-called "base- Assistants '"bl mutceIsoclebcae h Bartkolomew aHelen Firestone ball' mustach eis so-a '' because ~eorge Stracke' there are "nine on each side." Ed.E My, my, my, and hev yoread thatt new book? Puffectly scandilis. Name'st ATURDAY, JULY 7, 1923 "The Cosmetic Urge." Anonymous, also author of "Wood That I Were,t Editor-NATHAN M. DAVIS But Aint," "To B, or Not 2B, That Ist the ?," and others. y- 1 Mr. Taik, 'My dear Sir: I believe1 EST R AY thi is arlittin' time to make some re- By iMYTHE marks as to the scientifik progress of man, (noat elygents of the frazeing,I dere reader.) Tother day I decided_ Ignoring the Ballot thet to keep up with things I'd hafta cal unrest assumes a new as- take a ride in one o' them there ary-E thiscountry 'through the ac- planes. They is a place where they ken ,in the convention of the will took you up abuv the clouds for ederated Farmer-Labor party $10. Well I went there and sed It ago. In refusing to pass eso- wanted a tiket. An impertinint brane-1 banning the use of violence 'less lady arsked: "Round trip?" l ans of obtaining and maintain- "Ono," I sez, "I'm jest agoing to atrol of the government, this stay over Sunday with Amy ded antc ation officially pronounces its Mabel." as a thoroughly radical and "Yur to old to be so fresh," she ' onary organization which pipes up. "An' besides, wat you wantt gnore the validity of the pop- is one o' them heldivin' submarines."e llot. I don't know yet wat slie meanta but the way she sed it was plainly And the Law turrible. As ever, Sir Ignatz. * * * ig Ahe leaders who are provok- Bluu Laws s upheaval of unrest in the of farmers and othertlaborers 1 "Detroiter has thrilling experiene -m such a great portion of the in enforced landing," says the Ann population are Charles Ruth- Arbor Times News, is commenting who was recently convicted upon the balloon rae. That's one of he synwicalism law and Wil- the legal landing places, we presume, ster. The danger of having and like' all legal things it must be astr.,The' dnge o- haingenforced. stigators at large in the coun- *w >mes apparent when one con- he trouble similar leaders in The Forbidden Fruit n countries have started be- According to tradition, Eve should Ay say, "Please,, my big cave man, take, a y could be checked by legal bite." But this time she looked on _ _ _ _with horor as her hero surveyed the fragrant fruit reposing in a cut-glass thigon to s am p-(relish dish. There were olives from teiniation of steaship op-sunny Spain, celery hearts from Kal- ih evidenced 'y the fact that amazoo, and even red radishes from the back yard. He had partaken of at Lakes Waterway project, all of these, but still there remained teamship service between Chi- one variety which attracted his eye d nothern Europe is to begin with its sparkling white color. ist 15. A fleet of sixteen two A spring ononi! He had not dared d ton steel ships will make the indulge in this 'favorite fruit. She ct fron the whi-western met- would not lift her eyes from the dish I to England and the Contin: for fear her idol would snatch the- s connecting for the first time, gem. Man that .he was, he gathered :ral part of the country with up his courage and issued the ultima- in a single link. tum of his life: which have seen phenomnal "Onion-eater have I been, 'and so because of the lak etraffic may shall I be married!" k forward to further develop- *ar * as international ports. The Today's Winner of the Gooseflesh oducts which have been man- Prize to Collich Comics d in these lake cities way soon He-I'm certainly going to kiss you rted direct. Then what will Chicago, Detroit, and Cleve-yo before I leave. She-Leave this house immediately. .y outstrip New York as ex- * * * and importing centers. "This southern exposure is wonder- ful," said the man as he stood on the beach at Palm Beach watching dainty damselles swimming so gleefully. THEY SAY whisky shortens a man's'life. Thet may be but he sees t'wice as much wile he lives. TARIK. [ CAMPUS OPINION Editbr, The Summer Michigan Daily: The members of the faculty of this University receive- salaries which have often been discussed in various places and from various points of view. The same thing is true of the faculties of other universities. After all the discussions, the same con- clusion is generally reached: namely, that the faculty-members are worthy men; and that they deserve, probably, more than they receive; but that it is impossible to pay them more, and maintain the standards set in other departments of the University. I daresay this is true. The older members of the faculty receive, generally, higher salaries than the junior members; this is only just, as most of -these men have fam- ilies-comprising a wife and some- times several children. Still, there will be few persons who will deny that any of the faculty, old or young, could use more money than the Uni- versity is paying them. The Regents affirm that they are paying the faculty as much as tley can afford to pay. All right-but it seems to me that they might at least allow the faculty children (those of them who are of collgiate age) to attend the University without paying tuition. And if it would be too much to allow them to attend the regular sessions withoutt payment of -tuition fees, perhaps they might be allowed to the attend the Summer session gratis. In some countries a premium is paid to the fathers of large families -by the state. There is no such pro- vision in this country, but it must be evident that even the smallest out- side provision for the nurture of-chil- dren will encourage faculty members to raise generous families. Much has been said about race suicide; that the best families are producing no chil- dren. The members of the faculties of the various universities of this country, taken by and large, may be said to include a fair percentage of the super-average intelligence of the country. They shold then be encour- aged by the state in every possible way to reproduce their kind. C._B. A. EMAN American League Cleveland 5, Boston 3. New York 5, St. Louis 2. Other games postponed; rain. National League Phillies 5; Pittsburgh 2. VISIT historic " :i" 'wlk~er cavern -- (CoR. CHiCAOO.AND MONROE PIKES) Gat oay to Irish Hills CHICKEN DINNER :: ETC. WE WISH to announce to "the general public that we are keeping open this summer. We solicit your patronage. _Text Books and Supplies for All ___ GRAHAM'S Both Ends of theDiagonal Look over the values in the. classi- fi eds.--Adv. DETROIT UNITES LINES Ann Arlor and Jackson TIME TABLE t (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:oo a.m., 7:oo a m., 8.oo a.m., 9:o5 nm. and hiourly to 9:05 p.m. J:i:kson f press Cars (local stops. west of Ann :11101-"--9- 47 a.m., and r wo i. urs t1J 9:7 m.m. Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a-in. aOnevery two hours to 9:oo pm, t-oo p m,. To Ypsilanti only -- i r :4o oSaine-Ciange' at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7:5So a.m., 12:10 V.i To Jackson and Kalamazoo - Lim- ited cars 8:47, Eo:47 a.m., 12:47, 2.47, 4:47 P.m. To Jackson and Lansing - Limited at 8:47 p.m, SUPERFLUOUS F ACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS Electro- Cosmetic Service 224 Nickel's Arcade GARRICKMATS. Tues. 2550c Thurs. & Sat2 5 14th AnnualSeason Nights 25-50-75e-$1i THE BONSTELLE CO, iu the Adlenturous, oan tic Mclodrama "THE GREEN COODESS"i Next Monday-THE "WIDOW" SHANNON h l 1 TYPE WRITEI OF IBEST 71AKES BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, EXCHAN CLEANED AND REPAIRED. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store Dealer: Ts. C. Smith and Corona Typewriters 1111111 illllii111111f ill III [ifH 0Q1i 1111111QlI 111 1Q1111InIn IIIIIilu n lilll llll IA neat J SPORT OXFRD for en Smoked 'elk toe caps, saddle and back-stay with brown calf vamp and quarter. The medium weight leather, single = sole and Goodyear Wingfoot rubber heels make this shoe r especially comfortable for summer wear. A Quality Oxford Very Special at $795 J. J. O'KANE 335 S. MAIN ST. f=1l1 l111 11l1111111111ill11I1111l lllllllllll11I1111111BI11l1111 - ,: : STUDENTS' LUNCH 409 EAST JEFFERSON ST. P. HOME COOKING , r, SALADS - LUNCHES Georgie porgie, puddin' and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry. Made up though as quick as scat rly treating to CONNOR'S; They all liked that. I,.. BATHING ' I / ICE CREA x rt 4 >l1 ti 3 1 y + a ! ^'' , /,Q,,,y, t 10;0 ""° 04 8"I: ql+O! ." live CAPS Next Sunday Special Brick k i * -V A , JVT P Ia c e a sadinug order with yoiiIrr dei - en for every Sunday. Do itNOW Everyone who has ever tasted CONNOR'S likes it. Delicious flavor, velvety smoothness, satisfying rich- ness-all these things make enthusi- astic friends for CONNOR'S. But the reason they 'like' it most is because they know it is pure. Special Surprise C. A. CONNO ICE CREAM CQ. Eat ic cream often; It's a healthful habit. But be sure it is CONNOR'S- We are surprised our- I,a, Selves, sure and we are you will be Daily Excursion to p U . N-AY C One Round Trip Way (Return Same Day) Sundays Holidays each while they last, at Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m.{(E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom,.makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- Igroves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay.with steamers for Cleveland. Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, groves, and all outdoor amusemrents. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven hours at Put-in-Bay! Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. i. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. mn.; arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in- Bay, 80 cents. TUTTLES' LUNCH ROOM Maynard Street 1 ' En d I thlI JWIJJW edition to raise the torpedoed' from her grave"f off the Irish coast has set forth from ngland. Whether gold lies athe ill-fated ship or not is but the lure is powerful cause the salvage company ie lives of many expert div- will attempt to work at a almost 300 feet. sire for gold has led men to langerous undertakings; to strange continents; to cross ed seas; and to overoome tacles. It is that desire that the discovery and exploita- hie New World and that about the manv cmeca WHITE SWVAN LAUNDRY CO,. Launderers, Cleaners EILf Dancing Moonlights Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. i. Fare, Wed., Thurs. 64c. Sat., Sun. and Holidays, 75c. /ja Write for Map Folder Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line Foot of First Street Detroit, Mich. Dyers, Pressers Eu A a U. EU G Claude Drake's DRUG' AND PRESCRIPTION STO RN ONE DAY SERVICE ON REQUEST e '. , ; . « :. PHONE 308 PHONE 165 The Quarry" II,