Z Election -" , U I Washington, D. C., July 2-(By A. )-A pre diction that there will be revision of the tax laws at the !xt session of Congress was made !re today by Senator Smoot of Utah, ho is to become Chairman of the nate Finance Committee. "There will be no revision of, the venue laws at the next session of )ngress," said the Senator. "I was ore than delighted with the results tained in the way _of revenue ditr- g the last fiscal year. Instead of a ficit, as many predicted, we closed e yeair with a surplus which on fin- revision will show about two hun- ed eighty-seven million on the right le of the ledger. Such a surplis uld not justify a revision to our x laws. Nearly all of it camb from sport duties which exceeded our for- r hope. 'Railroad legislation," said Sena- Smoot, "is certain to be one of the st considerations of the new Con- ess. Our farmers in the west will t be satisfied until freight rates are justed." Cummings Wins Golf Title Mount Vernon, N. Y., June 30-(By P.)-Playing a superior game of f, Dexter Cummings of Yale won eintercollegiate title today by de- ting Rudolph Knepper of Prince- a, two up and one to play in the al matgh of the annual tourna- nt. Library Closed Sundays The Library will be closed all day Mday throughout the summer, It L1 also be closed on the Fourth of ly. Will serve dinner July 4th frooW 30 to 1:30. Phone orders Tpesday, I Tody- Today- "'fTho Lights of. New York" l"The Man Who Played "Snub" Pollard in Where Am I?" f With George Ariss I Wed. -Thurs.- "Cameron ot the Rloyal Mounted" Ivonty Banks in "EFast is Worst" Fri.-Sat.- Tom Mix in '"ADO AND DARE" Stan 4aurel in "Under T o Jags ' Wed. -Thu rs. MitchellI 'Lewis in "Cads of thseYAM Bert Roach in "The Jazz Bug' Fri. -Sat. - OWeN-Moors IDA"THE POOR SIM Century Comedy 7 rnr!rrrr1r111nur111r11rn1rr(111111111' irr ir11111111111111111111111 lii SUMMER TERI SHORT'IHAND, T'YPEV SECRETARIAL T RA COMMERCI.AL TEA( JUNE 25--AUGUST[ - STATE AND WILLIAMV JVRI'TING LINING, CHING I '17 COLLEGE ISTS. Above, left to right: Senator Robert M. La Follette, President .Harding, Senator Hiram Jolinson, Henry Allen and Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Senator WHIlim E. Borahi BelAow; Barring revolts, insurrections an d plague, it looks as if the renomin ation of President Warren G. Hard-' ing as the G: 0. P. 'standard beare r in 1924 is in the same class of cer tainty as death and taxes, PJompared with the convention of 1920, when the Ohioan was nominated after the :Row ,famous "2 a, in. con- ference," engineered by Attorney General Daugherty, then his campaig n manager, the next convention is ex- pected to be or lens of a cut and dried. affair., Despite the outcroppings of numn erous petty differences during the I arding era the trend during recent months bas, developed a striking tend ency toward unity in the Republican ranks. Classified Advertising I Rates: Two cents per word ier day, paid in advance ; fif- een cents per reading line per lay, charged. WAJTBl vTED-Roommate- Front suite, ,erything new, leather upholstered lairs. 1 1-2 blocks from campus. Ltp $3.00 per week. See Albert H." lard at Chubb House, 209 S. State. Phope 3083-J. thi, FOR SJ ING ltQcii and kitchen equip- ent pufliie4 for eighty people can bought. for $7,OQ. Call 3290. 10c-2 SAE- Small rooming, house, eblock from the campus. Will Li to good party for ;1,000 down. M1 3223-J. 100-2 SALE---8x roomi house directly I'1lIIIIIIIlltHlltl llllIIIIIIll 1tiIIIlll lt II!I gillllIIIItggi1ii TOAWN ENSA W Wi.DWil' W 3 8 TOA COIGNHRDAYWTHEESDAU "MASTERSll omaneN"?eno .. _ 1 oath of the campus. Will 500 a.s first payment. accept Phone SALE-Set of "HTarvard Class- 71.8 Monaroe St. lop TYPE WRITERUS "s of standard makes ht,_ sold, rented, e ned and repaired. 0. D. MOILRIbL. clkeis Arcade P exahanged. 'one 1718 1-tfr Educators Open IFaculty Baseball, Season Today Faculty baseball will swing out this afternoon' when the "Educators" league takes off on its season's sched- ule with two hard games: the Faculty of the School of Education pitted against the State school superintend- ents, and state school 'principals stacked up against the state. "teach- ers. All of the four teams will play six games each, during the course of the season, two sessions being slat- ed to take place every Tuesday after-+ noon] unless the teachers vote to; change the date to Wednesday. + Final organization of the squads+ will take place shortly before the combats begin at Ferry Feld -at 2:30 o'clock this :afternoon.' Although the "supers" may spoil1 the dope vhen the two squads meet the Faculty ball-marvels present a lineup that looks unbatable, as least1 on paper. "Snap" Lewis is slated to do the twirling and is said to be the greatest soft hall' artist that the cam- pus has seen since the days of "b~ike" Knode. "Tag'" Davis is the only man who has been found good enough to do: the catching for him. "'P4abbt-foot" Fallon and "Snail" brim, the fastest man in_ the league, have been chosen to hold down the two short-stop positions. Litchel, Woody, and Blanchard, will take care of the three bases in case "Snap" happens to allow someone to reach first. Densmnore, Dean and Forsythe, all of 'them diamond experts of con- siderpgble, note have been signed, up for the garden positions. Dean Whit- ney will act as score-keeper and Pro- fessor Jackson as coach. Rooters or the squad will be. Professors Berry, Yokum, and Kingsley. TEN STATES REPRESENTED IN WOMEN'S EDUCATION CLUB Ten states were represented ,in the first meeting of the Women's Educa-. tional club yesterday afternoon. The initial meeting was devoted to intro- ducing (non-resident members of the local club. A committee composed of Elsie Toles, former superintendent of instruction of Arizona, Rhea Cverdale, '24, and Blanche Howell, social di- rectol' of Adelia ChepverĀ° house, were appointed to take charge of the club's affairs. The club -will meet every Monday night during the session. ".Michigan's Favorite College Songs" MONTANABEST STT "Montana is the best state in the universe from a geological stand-j point~," Prof. J. P. Rowe, of the Uni- versity of Montana, declared. "Mon- tana is rich is undiscovered resources. The recent oil boom has resulted in the discovery of 150. wells producing the highest grades of gasoline, 0l Ilentiful Six distinct fields have been discov- ered and the entire central part of the state is now literally, covered with derricks used in connection with the, oil industry.. Cromite, used in the hardening of steel, and the mineral whigh played ~m Qst important part in the manufacture of munitions in the World war, is found abundantly within the state," According to Professor Rowe, the University of Montana is doing some geological research this summer in the Mission Mountains, but because of having received only $11,000 to car- ryon its project, the department will be able to accomplishi comparatively little. Author and Teacher. Professor Rowe has peen at the University of Montana since' 1901 where he is the head of the depart- ment of geology. Hie is' the director of the University of Montana geology survey and the author of numerous books on the Volcanic~ Age, Economic -Geology and Minerology. A lecture oni the {Geology of Niagara Falls, by Professor Rowe, will be giv- en at 5 o'clock today in the auditorium of the Natural Science building. The lecture is especially given for the benefit of those who are going on the excursion to Niagara Falls on the 13th of July. Peru Makes "IFourthi" National, Day Lima, Peru, July 2.-(By A.P.)- July 4 has been proclaimed a full na- tional- holiday in tribute to American independence. '; ; tlliott Dexter o'as Wilson :LEST KIDS OWN COMIN' and Sam" rrrrrrrrirriirrrr riru rrrrrrirtirrrrrnrurtnrnrrrr rrrr unrnrrrru rururttcruu Mt Daily Excursion to / PUT-IN-BAY dels, high grade machines, and sold Hamilton Busi- Lege, phone 343-R. State F'OR REN~T I. 1)RY CLEANING flO O Round Trip $1}5Sndays 8 V Way (Retarn Same Day) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a i. (E. T.) Thie Anest: exclusive excursion steamner, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its, large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dapcing aboard, without extra charge. Gafeteria aboard. Fnur hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing--- groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wondefful Caves, and Perry'a histori;Fonument. Connections put Put-in-Bay with st eamaers for Cle veland, Toledo and Lakeside. Damiy to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sand usky every-day. Fare - 1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point A apeeili excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival tq A tlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels. . rAVe ,an pd ail outdooramiusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven pc tt P lut-ti-Hoyt Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p.,m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. n.; arriebpk in Detroit 1Q:30 p. mn. Fare-Cedar Point. $1.50 round trip; Put-in- Bay, 809 cents, , BnDancla e onflchts 61 Write for Map Folder Have .A New. Suit For The Fourti. without the expense of buying one. Send us your, light' suit, duck, annel .or Palm Beach. We'll dr ' clean it with NT-3 room furnished heat and cold running apart- water, ENERGINE ivate bath, $35 per month for lease for year if desired. arch. $- ITT-$60 monthly-furnished ient. Living room, bedroom, te, bath. Unitl Sept. 1st. and press it so it will look as if 'it had never been worn 'at a price which will mean a new suit ,at a ridicuously low cost. Swezey, Phone 3184. 10c-31 LOST Gold fountain pen. Call 904-R. 9c-2 MISCELLANEOUS :NG-Sanquist Inn, 615 Church k good place to eat. Rates for two meals, $7.00 for three Mrs. E. M. Batdarff, man- 9p-3 VTS make five dollars an hour spare time while at Summer Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer "Me }Come of Sneryinc' PHONE 2508 209 SOUTH FOURTH AYE. We Call and Deliver East-Don't go IAn O'TT?.l...J -S A ., home without, a _copy. Re