, TODAY ERS z 1. I Pr rt x t at PREE DAY AND NIW SERVI -t XIV. No. 10 $ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1923 PRICE ,.. , -T ENCH WILL TAKE ON REPARATION PLANT AND OTHER DUSTRIES ARE SEIZED IN- PE ORDERS DAMAGES RUM BERLIN PRELATE lie, Curtailed on Rhine and Ruhr Railroads; Soviet Segds Delegates Rome,' Italy, July 2, A.'.)-Stefani Agency, 1928--(By semi-offi- cial organ, declared that, accord- i to information obtained at the Vatican, Pope Plus has instruct- ed the Papal-Nuncio in Berlin to make reparation to the German Government with a view to secu- ing a cessation of the passage re- . sistance in the Ruhr. Dusselderf, July 2-(By A.P.)-The ft order or General Degougettes de- ee, 'giving the occupation forces wer to take over private property r reparation purposes was announc- today. Three camps were taken er by the French. + The first being branch of the Krupp ILocomotive orks at Segeroth, a little station ar Essen. Krupp Taken I our new locomotives were seized. sports from Berlin said that the pital was greatly excited today by e" messages that the Krupp works Essen had been taken over but the spatches were founded upon a seiz- e of a comparatively small plant. The other plants, seized were the el works near .Odeithausen, with anches throughout the Ruhr, em- >ying 100,000 meniand the Heim- nsfield factories, part of the great >rks near Gortmund. ' Round-houses Seized In addition to taking over these ree private .plants in the Ruhr, the ench seized the German govern- nt round houses and repair shops Nihr - in the Frankfort district. ght locomotives were found in the und house. Four coal mines have so been taken over in the Landen- er district, Essen, July 2.-A sharp curtament traffic on the, Ruhr and Rhineland erurban tramway lines over which e Germans have been moving mer- andise, mail and some coal since e seizure of the steam railroads has en ordered by Gen. Degoutte as a nalty for the bomb explosion at disburg last Saturday. ,The decree ls for the establishment of the in- rurban service on a pre-occupation Eis which means that it will be cut half. rhe French announce the arrival in e Ruhr of Karl Radek, Official agent the Russian Soviet government. rman officials, however, profess to ve no knowledge of Radek's pres- ce in dccuped territory, pointing t that since the recent Communist turbances at Getseukircheu, the ams are being closely watched for issians whose visits are not author- d. TT FL QUIRES SITE1FOREW THETER Announcement was made yesterday at W. S. Butterfield who controls e Majestic and Arcade theaters, that has secured a 99 year lease on the Lughn property at the corner of ate and Liberty streets where he 11 erect a theater. Work will be arted September 1. The new theater will have a seat- g capacity of 2,000 and will be uipped with a stage which will Ike possible the showing of cir- it programs. Mr. Butterfield stat- that it would be possible to stage mus nroductions at the theater. EDITORIAL EXPERT "FIXERS" - Amid the stores of applications for .admittance into the United States un- der the new immigration quota which was opened July 1, reports of scandal- ous commercializing of peasant ignor- ance in England have' recenty reached the consular offices at London. Pos- ing as expert "fixers" and assuring would-be British immigrants that they would have uno trouble upon arriving In the United States, if they would just allow their affairs to be fixed up properly, these unscrupulous hasards of' the American's good name charge their innocent 'clients anywhere from $5 to $25 and then disappear from the the scene, allowing things to take their own course. A large portion of these profession- al "inside men" are Americans and the influence which their operations are producing upon the peasant popu- lation of England is anything but fav- orable to this country. Guiding 'their clients into supposed centers for con- sular examination, they get them all prepared for their journey and as the date of making final arrangements for passage approaches the whole under- hand trick becomes'evident. Although the British-authorities are making every possible attempt to track down the perpetrators of this malicious treatment of their own tit- izens, /it behooves the American gov- ernment to take some sort of action in the matter, if it be only a proclam- ation stating the actual immigration conditions. This would eliminate any possible chance foil misconstruing the actions of the consular officers when refusing applications for passports. Under the prevailing conditions the position of the United States is im-' periled as far as the population of Europe is concerned. We never have had any too many friends in our international relations and cannot afford to have these con- sciousless fakes operating on the oth- er side of the Atlantic to the detriment of our good name now. WATCH OUT FOR POWDER Coincident with an increased real- ization of civic responsibility the pre- cedent of celebrating a "safe and sane" Fourth of July established it- self throughout 'most of the country a number of years ago. While the 'necessity for such a'restricted observ- ance is markedly less here than in any large city, it is'imperative that the statutes of Ann Arbor be observed to insure positive safety during this pa- triotic commemoration. There was atime not very far dist- ant when Independence Day meant little, more than the explosion of tons of fancy fire-works all over the coun- try. Now, with much of the celebra- tion taken out of the hands of pri- vate individuals and established as a function of public amusement by many municipalities, the dangers which frequently manifested themselves through fatal accidents have for the most part passed. Some few, how- ever, not realizing the purpose of these protective measures, insist on giving their children money for fire-works which may be purchased just outside 'the limits of Ann Arbor. But that they could comprehend the dangers that are let loose with the ignition of every little fuse wire! Here is one case in which benefiting by experience is not a particularly wise policy for the dangers of the in- itial experience are unfathomable. It is not for the observance of the law that we plead as much as the motive behind the formulation of it. It is the powder to watch out for and not the policeman. Ten thousand aliens have entered the port of New York, Five thousand more are clamoring for admittance. Immigration officials will labor des- perately for two days and the country will have taken upon itself several thouspnd more responsibilities. Good, charitable, big-hearted Ameriea! "Business is rotten," says the tax- payer. "Business is good," says the real estate man. The national budget was balanced this year with a surplus of $310,000,000. "Business is good," says the director of the bureau of the budget. The vote is two to one. Living costs in Gerniany tripled last week andshow further-indications of rising. Apparently another country dn i oknow that the war is nver. Mimes Will Give Summer Spotlight One of the few purely student the- atrical offerings of the Summer ses- sion will be the.annual Summer Spot- light, a vaudeville performance given by Mimes of the Michigan Union, the dramatic .organization that produces the annual Union, opera. The Spot- light will take place on Thursday, July 19, in the Hill auditorium. Be- cause of the fact that it is staged there the only device that 'is is possible to use is the spotlight and from this it derives its name. As this is practically the only op- portunity for students to do anything on the stage during the Summer ses- -sion, there is always a better array of talent available for thi sperformance than for the similar productions pro- duced in the spring when there are other outlets for dramatic ability. Students here from other schools for the Summer session are eligible to appear and are urged to come out.' Tryouts will be held anytime that itj is convenient and can be arranged by calling Jack Briscoe at 131. 85 ENROLLED T OoLO6ICAL CAMP Students at Douglas Lake Begin Study in Science; 'New Buildings Erected1 I I ENLARGE LABORATORIES TO ACCOMMODATE LARGER GROUP Work at the University Biological1 station, located on the shores oft Douglas Lake, began yesterday witht about 65 students enrolled.t The camp is maintained by the Uni- versity as a station for research and instructon in biology. It is open for the eight weeks July 2 to August 241 Inclusive and operates as a regular part of the summer curriculum in science. Such an Interest was mani-~ fested in the camp this year by in- quiries sent to the dean of the sum-t mer session that it was thought neces-t sary to erect two more buildings to house those attending the camp. In addition two new laboratories have been constructed. The country about the camp offers fine opportunity to study formations and the topography of the land is such that it offers chance for" research not found in any other biological camp in the country. The camp is under the direction of Prof. George R. LaRue, of the Zool- ogy department. He is aided by a staff of University assistants. RLY 7 ENROLLMENT SHO4W [HLEINGESE Freshman registrations in the Uni- versity for next year show an in- crease of 10 per cent oer the num- her registered at this time last year.I A total of 440 applicants had been accepted up to yesterday afternoon; according to Registrar Arthur G. Hall. The enrollment for 'last year alsoc showed a 10 per cent increase overt that of the year before.. + Although this i'crease would seem to indicate larger total enrollment1 next year, Registrar Hall stated that+ such an early prediction could not be made with certainty. He stated1 that freshman applications will be re- ceived in his office at the rate of 20 a day during this month.1 22 ENROLLED IN' VOCATIONAL WORK, Twenty-two students are enrolled in the vocational training courses which are being conducted by the School ofl Education, at the Cass Technical high school in Detroit. According to of-7 ficials in that school, the Detroit in-; stitutioli .offers excellent opportunities for research work in this department1 and has good teaching equipment. Credit for the work is given in the School of Education. I Educational Club to Meet The men's educational club of the; School of Education will hold its reg- ular meeting at 7 o'clock tonight at the Union. A speaker will be pro-" vided to give a talk at the meeting.- TTLEBAT TLE AT|g Campbell Treats aEN ROILMENT I| T II TLELIT , On Modern DrE IlULili i TO-C STwo aspects of the modern drama TOL Swere treated by Prof. C. J. Campbell, of the English department, in a well attended lecture of the Summer ses- sion program at the Natural Science PROMOTERS ADMIT INABILITY Drama, which according to Professor OFFICIALS t CONFIDENT TO PAY REQUIRE D Campbell, is the greatest form of lit- PREDICTED FIGURE WI] $100,000 erary expression, has both its encour- BE REALIZED aging and discouarging tendencies to- KEARNS EXPECTED TO day.2902 STUDENTS Professor Campbell stated that two WITHDRAW CHAMPION aspects, fantasy and expressionism are IN ATTENDA the means by which modern drama Demplsey's Manager Waits for Mid- gives an insight into the mind of the Law School and Engineerng '4 night to Announce His Decision individual. With the Isben's discard- Show Decrease; All Othe On Quitting ing of the sololoquy, these two dram- Gain atic methods arose as a mnethod of Great Falls, Mont., July 2.-(By A. presenting psychological study on the With the Summer session P.)-The heavyweight championship stage, a field with which the contem-hsI fight between Jack Dempsey and Tom porary world Is greatly interested. ment figure at 2,902, Universt Gibbons at Shelby on July 4 was held Fantasy, according to Professor cials were confident that the ft in the balance by Jack Kearns, man- Campbell, constructs a world of, its tal would reach and pass the ager of the world's champion, hold- own, and in the modern usage'of thismarkwithin°afewdays. Thi0 ing the keys of the situation looking form, there is a definite purpose, for to-a complete collapse, of the battle. modern fantasies, such as "Liliom," ber does not include those reg Crisis Breaks instead of leading away from reality, in the Biological station, 'nor At The crisis broke this afternoon actually flood the play with greater attending the second engin when Mayor J. P. Lane, trustee of the reality. It permits a more penetrating camp, and those who are taking promoters admitted that the $100,000 search into an individual's mind than In the treatment of diabetes. due Dempsey on the $500,000 guaran- would otherwise be possible. The figures as they stand tee to be. paid before midnight to- Expressionism by setting' tespec-show and increase of 250 over t night had not been paid and that. he tator down in the mind of the leading ures at this date last year. Gi saw no prospects of raising it, unless character, Professor Campbell said the list the numbers attendi a bundle of money drops from the works to the same end. It is a forfi various colleges are; sky, that' expresses ,personality, s gColleg of Literature, Science, Major Lane said any statement call- an individual soul that is in the pro- andthe Arts ............. ing off the bout must come from Jack cess of struggle with it selements. Architecture........... Kearns, or Lloyd J. Maluney, of Great Professor Campbell stated that in- Medical sehol............. Falls, who signed the articles of erest everywhere in the drama is ac- Phrmcy cole ...... agreement when the match was made. tive, for people are more eager than rmacy college ........:... Kearns Silent formerly to read and see plays and es- Graduate school............ Kearns, who has held out for coin- pecially is this Interest shown by the School a lo....... plete performance of Dempsey's con- younger generation. S'chool fEducation....... tract said he would not have any state- Public Health Nursing ...... ment to make until midnight at which time the limit for the payment of . Dempsey's final $100,000 installment DRThe total 'enroll .mnent for lasi expired. was 2,803. The total for the 0 The heavyweight champion man- of education Inciudes the 10: ste ager gave indications, however, that registeredo Oinl o cc j"registeredATin.*the school of a he would leave town with the cham- administration.. Onlytwo pion unless the champion was paid. have fallen off in enrollment, th Wyoming Shows Decided Increase, leges of Engineering and Arc San Francisco, July 2.-(By A.P.)- Connecticut Among ture showing a decrease of 82, The Pacific coast will not be repre-"Lowest the Law school there's a corre sented by any great number of fans at ing falling off of 27. With the the Dempsey-Gibbons fight at Shel- NEBRASKA SHOWS DECREASE exceptions however, the colleges by, Montana, Wednesday. Railroad of- IN INFANT MORTALITY RATE a marked increase over the tots ficials here today reported "scarcely last year. more than a handfull of San Francis- Birth'and mortality figures for 19 cans have departed for Shelby." At recently published by the Departmn Las Angeles about 40 tickets weresold reenl pbise bT 1.Deatmn for Shelby. Two special trains that of Commerce show that the birth rateR 'had been spoken for from San Fran- for the past year in the 25 states un- E Eogfl W cisco were cancelled when reports der survey is lower than that for. the ) were received that the fight managers same sections in 1921 while death were having trouble with their finan- rates for 19 out of the 27 states In New York,. July 2.--(By A.P.) es. which they have been computed for number of immigrants who have the past two years show a small in- examined and allowed to enter ti crease. 'Infant mortality rates for ited States since the new alien 91TflflITNRT the two years are practically equal pend .Sunday passed the 3,000 The highest 1922 birth rate, 344 today. These people many of per 1,000 population is shown by the travelled as much as 5,000 mile cities of Wyoming and the lowest, have spent the entire trip wo 16.5, by the rural districts of Connec- whether they 'would arrive in I ticut. The highest death rate for the enter the country, hurried o Summer session excursionists will past year 21.8 per 1,000 populatIon small ferry which runs into Man third excursion of the program. The appeared in the cities of Mississippi dividing their attention betwet 'and' the lowest, 7.4, in the rural dist- friends who rushed to meet the students who make the trip will be ricts of Montana. the towering buildings of furnished with guides who will ex- Only ten of the 25 states in which Broadway. plain the workIngs of a metropolitan infant mortality rates for the past Some 9,000 others stilr are newspaper. two years have been compared show held' at the immigration station The mechanical side of the putting increases in 1922. awaiting aboard ship for the out of a daily paper will be emphasiz- South Carolina cities had the high- amination. Thousands will b ed in the inspection trip. The lino- est infant mortality rate in 1922, back without ever Setting foot type and stereotype machines will be showing a mortality of 105 out of ev- United States. .explained by the guides. And the ery thousand, while the rural dist- The quota for Asia and Afri presses, which turn out 504,000 16- ricts of Nebraska had the lowest of ready has been filled, and more' page papers, printed, cut, folded, any state under survey, losing only exhausted when the ships now i counted and delivered to the maining 55 infants out of every 1,000' born. have been examined. room per hour, when going at ca- pacity output, will be in action dur- MAJESTIC OFFERS FREE MOVIE PHI DELTA KAPPA WILL GI ing the trip through the building. TO COACHING SCHOOL STUDENTS NON-RESIDENCE RIECE] Other departments of especial in- terest to visitors include the raido Students in athletic coaching and Phi Delta Kappa, national ho: sending outfit, WWJ, from which are physical education have been invited educational fraternity local ch broadcasted daily concerts, speech- to attend a free showing of the slow will hold a reception for all es, baseball returns, and various fea- moving' pictures of Ohio State-Mich- town faculty members of the fi ture numbers. From this station the igan football game of last fall to be ity at the Union, at 8 o'clock, receiving operators on both coasts, presented at 12:45 this noon at the nesday, July, 11. and as far north as Hudson Bay and Majestic theater. A lecture by a mem- All members of the fraternity as far south as Central America, can ber of the coaching school will be from the local chapter and I listen in on these wireless programs. given with the picture. ' men from other institutions are Visits to the composing rooms, ed- Officials of the athletic department ed to be present. itorial departments, the always busy are enthusiastic over the results ob- mailing room, and the most complete tained from the 'cuse of the "slow University Movie To Be She reference department in the newspa- movie" in demonstrating how the in- Prof. D. L. Rich, of the physi per world, will be a part of the tour dividuals make each play in a foot- partment will deliver the lectu of the morning. ball game, connection with the first educa Pictures of the other Varsity games moving picture to be shown o Liner Wrecked; Passengers Saved of last fall will also be shown. summer program next Thursday Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 2.-(By at 8 o'clock, in Natural Science A.P.)-All passengers and crew of the Monster Fosil Found in China torium. steamship "Advance" which went a- Peking, July 2.-(By A.P.)-A corn- The picture will illustrate th shore on Shetland island today in a plete fossilized monster has been and construction of the audion dense fog were taken off safely by tug found here by members of the Am- which has played an importan 'boats this'afternoon. The vessel later erican party sent out by the Amer- in the development of radio and broke in half, ican museum of natural history. distance telephony.