[da V. Jenks, '24, recently appointed esident of the Woman's league for O Summer session has had to discon- tue her studies because of poor alth. Hr place 'has been filled by ances Baird, '23. Other acting of- ers of the league are: Elizabeth cltlanus, secretary-treasurer, and ace R. Doughty, '2, social hair- an.. Classiied Adertising Rates: Two cents per word per day, paid In advance; fif- teen cents per reading line per day, charged. TYPWRITEZS rpewriters of standard makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged cleaned and repaired. 0. D .MORRILL Nickels ArcadeRIPhone 1718 1-tfr SFO SALE WO ROOMING houses close to Cam- pus. One can be had for $100.00 down1, and the other' mostly funish- ed, for $2,200.00 down. Gorton Real Estate Agency,' Wuerth Arcade. 8-2 HANCE to save ten dollars on a new bicycle; ridden only 60 miles. Own- er buying car. See A. H. Pollard at Chubb House, 209 S.'State St. after 5:00 P. M. U.F.N. QOD SIX room house close to State St. Suitable for instructor. Can. be bought for only $5,0130. Gor- ton Real Estate Agency, Wuerth Ar- cade. 8-2k )OD SIX roomhouse with large lot and double garage . Southeast sec tion. Only $500.00 dcwn. Gorton Real Estate Agency, Wurth Ar- cade. 8-2 )R SALE- 16-foot Detroit canoe newly refinished. Two new pad- dles. Call at 1229 Traver Road or. Phone 2884-R. 9p 3R SALE-Bargain for quick sale. Bb Clarinet with double case, $20. call 991-M. 1026 E. Uniy 8-2 OR SALE-A set of "Harvard Class- ics." 712 Monroe St. 9p WATI 'ANTED-Roommate- Front suite, everything new, leather upholstered chairs. 1 1-2 blocks from campus. Rate'$.00 pezl week. See Albert H. Pollard at Chubb House, 209S. State; St. Phone 3083-J. tn ANTED-- Student to work nights 7-12 at U-Lunch. Also students to buss and wash dishes. Jobs good for summer and next fall. Apply C. J. Fingerle, Arcade Cafeteria. 8-2 FOR RENT OR RENT-3 room furnished apart- ment, hot and cold running water, semi-private bath, $35 per month for summer, lease for year if desired. 619 Church. -3 OR RENT - Three rooms at very reasonable price. 1321 Forest Ct. Phone 617..,9c OR RENT-Cool clean single or double rooms. 204 N. Ingalls St. 2044-R. 9' OR RENT-Single garage, 1233 Vol- land St. Phone 2482-M. 9c LOST OST-A gold fountain pen on cam- pus, Friday P. M. Reward. Call' 516-R. 9p OST-Gold fountain pen. Call 904-R. 9c-2 MISCELLANEOUS . NORMANTON BILBIE, Teacher of Violin, Piano, and Harmony (on fac- ulty of the Detroit Conservatory of Music) will take pupils through the summer at 307 N. Main St. Phone 611-M. 4p-21 ,OARDING-Sanquist Inn, 615 Church St. A good place .to eat. Rates $6.00 for two meals, $7.00 for three meals. Mrs. E. M. Batdarff, man- ager. 9p-3 VE HAVE room for four more board- ers at our table. Private family, 8}6 E. Washington St. Phone 2448- R. 8- re-Inventory sale at the Phot-Craft Shop. Bargains in cameras, gifts, etc. 9 ee those bargains in frames and framed pictures at the Photo-Craft Shop, Nickels' Arcade. 9 WZIS f 1N. r -WEIGNT 6 FT1T l2 if. POQE-ARM,14-i N. 8rCrzPS l14 1. 1 NC)( 17ll -EIGI4T 6 FT %ir t C E A R 'MBC P 4 ' y S NECK 16 1 W'tT 7 "f *4 I. version of Edward Nverett Hale's "The Man Without a Country" which will be shown Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday of next week at the Arcade theater. It is not a war story but rather a story of adventure an(d romance made piquant by dashes of mystery. There. is portrayed in the picture every char- acter of love from the love of a man for a maid to the passionate love of, country said by philosophers to be the greatest of all. , The pictur'e is being exhibited throughout the country under the sponsorship of the American Legion. in Ann Arbor it will be presented un- der the auspices of the Erwin F. Pries- korn post. QGAC9 " iit~ C aT NOQMlifAt. 42 I4 y CELT EXPANDED 41114, CHEST NORML 4014I CAP-ST EXPANt*D 4 IKt., Tryouts for the editoria business staffs of the su Daily are wanted. Studeni siring to do any work of kind are requested to co with, the managing edito tween 7 and 8 o'clock any this .week at the publicatic fices in the Press Building The Daily affords ;pra training in newspaper work in the editorial and busines j partments. Patronize The Daily adverti DEMPSEY G I TOMMY 188014$ 7. ..- TODAY THRU TU TIC K3 23 . f 4, 3''f "The Lights of New York" COMING- "Cameron of the Royal Mounted" Oh- --'N C 16 tN. N m A TODAY THRU TUESDAY GEORGE ARLSS in "THE MAR WHO PLAYED i4N I(LE 9lt . - - --- - ANWLE 8 tA4 LBS. 6 WMG I GWT 1$4 L BS. W1=1CUT 171 Half-Sections .of Jack and Tommy Few championship contenders have entered the ring faced by more handicaps in their opponents than T'onmy Gibbons. The above picture illustrates sharply how the odds stack against the challenger. But Tommy has speed and'more speed that Jack may find somewhat dazzling. The power and punch behind Dempsey's 78 inch reach is the thing that Gibbons must avoid on July 4. His fight will be a consistent fast defense and counter.I STARTING TODAY Wm. DeMille s AT THE THEATERS' - "Only 38," a comedy of character, featuringt Lois Wilson;uandElliot Dex- ter will attract, the students to the' Majestic theater from Sunday to Wed- nesday inclusive The scene of action centers around the exciting romance of Mrs. Stanley, a widow, and Profes- sor Giddings in a small'college town. The gay dance in the college gym, the college spirit, and other campus stunts are amusing as well as inter-. esting. "Masters of Men" will be the at- traction at the Majestic from Thurs- day to Saturday. This is a realistic story of the Spanish war period which is full of action and genuine excite- ment. Cullen Landis handles his role splendidly, and Alice Calhoun and Wanda Hawley .are attractive as pret- ty maids ,of-:'98. Glittering' lights and tense moments of excitement will appear frequently in "Lights of New York," a drama of life in a big city. which will be pre- sented by the Wuerth theater from No. IAutographic Kodak Special ANew I, Model Sunday through Tuesday. This picture is said to display viv- idly the life from the "bread line" to the great "gold line." "Cameron of the Royal Mounted" with an all-star cast will be shown Wednesday and Thursday at the Wuerth. Gaston Glass hero of "Hum- oresque," God's Crucible" and other screen successes will again play the lead. The story opens in Cameron's rooms in a college dormitory in Scotland. Cameron loses heavily in a cardr game, forges a check and leaves school to escape punishment. He obtains work on a farm where he is attracted by his employer's daughter. Teh jeal- ous rivals are entertaining, and the -complicating events entering into their romance will be solved in the pic- ture. Tom Mix in "Do and Dare," a thrill ing tale of the American plains and a South American Revolution will pro- vide romance, riot and revolt for the "audience at the Wuerth Friday and Saturday. The Orpheum theater presents George Arliss,in "The Man Who Play- ed God," Sunday through Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday Mitch- ell Lewis will feature in the "Code of the Yukon," a stirring and fascinat- ing drama of the Northland "The Poor Simp" with Owen Moore as the lead. will be shown at the Orph- eum Friday and Saturday. "The Green Goddess" will be the offering of the Bonstelle company at the Garrick theater during the week of July 4. The play is a romantic melodrama in a fascinating oriental] It will thr ll "The atmosphere. The action of the play concerns a triangle romance with the "Green Goddess" as an, uncompromis- ing deity who directs the fate of the Rajah in the mythical kingdom of Rukh. Historical scenes, dramatic incid- ents in the lives of leaders in Amer- ican development and a touching TRANSPOR TATION, TAXICAB COMPANIES AND BUS OWNERS! INSPIRITING ,COvMEDY OF C U3ARACTE It Y 3'8 WITH THIS GREAT CAST May McAvoy Elliott Dext George Fawcett Lois Wisa 1 COMING THURSDAY Alice Calhoun Wanda Hlawley Earle Williams Cullen Landis in "MASTERS OF MEN'" IN ADDITION BOBBY -VERNON in a Mermaid Comedy "TAKE YOUR CHOICE" THE ORFULLEST KIDS IN TOWN ARE KOMIN' IN "Penrod and Sam" II - i c1 4 f 4 1 |' }G ! TODAY-SUN JRn ve VI"I Ci 1 aCt tat I lrrned t O hI0 1or'5lily CoIvIIIerIS arrangedl to bold it over Surd rES rw A fi l l l' i (l l s i l l l l ll4 The state law requires you to carry insurance on your cars, covering public liability and property damage. We can write this insurance for you. Call and get our rates. DAY ONLY NOOKK E iisi 1iiisiaul production haS steal on and received ive nday. -mo aYier5 BUTLER INSURANCE 209 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.-Plione 401-M MACK1= rieal L The new SPECIAL is the greatest achievement in hand camera construction since the introduction of the Kodak. IT'S no bigger than your --hand-yet it has a Pic-, ture range hitherto associated with large cameras only. Seven adjustable speeds from x to I/too of a second, a sliding scale that automatically shows the speed to use and Kodak Anastigmat Lens f.6.3 -assuring clean-cut negatives -21 x 3Y inches.. It's on oui Kodak counter. Price complete $50 H-ere's ,what sl' e (1 a rearamountrpklr id : She Man without I"a 1 I Country Screen Classic Extraordinary with Arnold Daly and Mary Carr ARCADE 'THEATRE 11 Wolf Lake Michigan's most delightful Summer Resort An Ideal Place To spend a day or week-end or to get a Frog and Chicken Dinner' A pleasant motor trip of 28 miles from Ann Arbor. Take highway M-17 to Grass Lake, passing thru, turn left 4 1-2 miles (following signs) to Mack Island. lathing, Boating, Fish- ing, Dancing New Dinner-daice room may be engaged by private parties. Reserva- tions for dinners may be made by tele- phone. WILLIAM K. McINTYRE, Prop. GRASS LAKE fell in love with the world's champion woman hater-and got him! -'Ioo 0000- .. LYNDON & 00 719 N. University Ave. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Benefit American Legion Children's Billet Fund "FIGH TING BLOOD SERIES" ROUND SEVEN But 1HOW she did it-tha what gives you the laug'hs of clowns' convention-the stui of a circus-the variety o- vaudeville bill-the gowns of gorgeous fashion show. Ih i