I'1O WEll S AY II us umm hr ka 4 j ,4' :43 at t SOCIA PREP DAY AND NIGHT WI SERVICE XIV. No. 9. ANN ARBOR, M1VIICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1923 PRICE FIVE ( ,: , ELS ANS ARREST' HI RAI BOMBING E OF STREETS TO PEDESTRI- ANS IlESTRICTEDI IN PENALTY (DER CLOSING OF ALL PUBLIC PLACES EDITORIAL Englishman Gives British View Of American Prohibition Laws (The writer, as an English citizen, h as observed with interest the reac- tion of the English people to the pr ohibition movement in the United States). TIGERT DEPLORES .SLIPSHOD' MODERNISM IN LITERATURE1 URGESSTUDY Of CLASSI y hold Duisburg Mayor Aids. Wrecking of Troop Train and Duisburg, June '30-(By A.P.)- The Burgomaster of Duisburg, 12 other city officials and four prom- inent citizens were arrested this a fternoon by the Belgian military authorities in connection with the explos'ion of a bomb on a Belgian troop train crossing the line here. this morning. Nine Die in Wreck Duisberg, June 30-(By A.P.)-Nine elgian soldiers were killed outright y the explosion, one died later of s wound and 43 persons, 9 of them ermans; were injured . The latter who were on their way" work were in a car adAbining that cupied by the troops and were hit v the splinters of wood and nietal. rmy surgeons tonight said three of e wounded would probably die. Inflict Penalties The first penalty imposed upon uisburg by the Belgians after, the :plosion included the closing for an definite period of all Cafes, restau- .its, theatres and motion picture ouses and public gathering places, reet cars, automobiles, and motor cles are forbidden. The use of the reet, pedestrians and doctors ex- pted, from 10 p. M. until 5 a. mn. addition no German in this district ill be given traveling permits. ' The steel .bridge on which the ex-= osion occurred was badly damaged. ne line of track is out of commis- on and the other was repaired this ternoon.. IOMR D MA GI U EDITORSHIP] THE WAR VETERANS IN ERROR The veterans of the World war will not go on record for or against any political issue in the next election. This was the decision voted at their annualsconve tion Friday.t h It seems that the veterans have missed the point of political support. en masse, completely. Why do or- ganizations throughout the country continue to refuse open support or op- position to political problems? Thel word "politics" has become as' un- popular with the majorities as the pro- verbial snake in the grass. This mis- take is the result of muddled thinking and traditional prejudice against pol- itics, popularly conceived. There is a very great difference be- tween a political issue, and a political career, either active or indirect. When a great constitutional issue is placed between the millstones of a public vote it becomes, at once, the duty of every citizen to align .himself for or against its existence. The vet- erans have neglected this duty and thereby imply that "politics" hold for them a certain repugnance. In truth they have .shot clean past the mark. The country did not expect them to at- tend a politica'l convention or to cam- paign for a presidential candidate, but it did expect them, as one of the sub-f stantial organizations of the country,f to declare themselves on the wet is-! sue. Our United States needs a thinking majority as badly as it does an imma- culate minority.. taxation ,involving a higher price for his pint of beer, will arouse him ir- nediately and cause heated argu- ments at the street-corner or the neighboring public-house. There may be an earthquake in distant China, bringing death to thousands-but he will merely note the fact and dismiss t from his mind with the remark, "Some of those blooming Chinese killed". A murder or the results of the football matches are of far great- er importance to him. The Volstead Act was passed when the World War overshadowed every other event. Three thousand miles away a country had decided to go dry ; the Englishman saw it report- ed'in his newspaper; lwghed at such an idea; perhaps put it dlown as ain; effec't of the war and returned to the latest war news. Such was the amount of attention paid by the Eng- lish at that time. At the conclusion of the war people had become war-weary, and desired to obtain some relief from the four years tension. The newspapers had to# find some other topics of outside in- terest, and it was then that some at- tention was devoted to prohibition and its results. The tendency of the Eng- lish press conveyed the impresso-Vt that the Volstead Act had proved, to be a farce. Stories of the liquor- smuggling, secret drinking-parties in all stations of life from government officials to the lowliest commonert were dwelt upon in detail. The pa- pers tried to show that, if a nationt was to be debarred from liquor, any1 SUNDAY SERYICES IN * ANNARBHOR CHUCE By J. C. Heraper The Englishman .is by nature an means of procuring t would be Adopt- easy-going individual and is not af- ted. Prohibition in America was up fected by external occurrences unless as a thing to be laughed .at. The na- something comes along which touch- tion had gone 'dry' in theory, but in es him personally. An increase of practice it was as 'wet' as before thej passing of the act. The press derid- ed it, comedians on the vaudeville stage never failed to raise a laugh from their audiences, if they refer- red to it, and the general impression existed that the Volstead Act was but a name . America had passed a con- stitutional amendment, which it was unable or unwilling to enforce. Pro- (Qontinued on Page Four) I 75,0 0ALIENS will ENTER U. S. OA IU. S. COMMISSIONER OF EDUCA. TION HITS CARELESSNESS IN WRITINGf SAYS CLASSICS ARE NECCESSARY STYLE Little Progress Made in Polities SInce Aristotle, Speaker Tells Audience An appeal to Americans to better their language and to bring their in- tellectual ideals, their art, and their legal and political systems up to the standard of their achievements in science,.by study of Latin and ,Greek authors, was made by John J. Tigert, United States Commissioner of Eiiu- cation, in' an address "Shall We Cn' tinue Greek 4rd Latin in Our Schools", before the American Classi- cal league, I i Natural Science audi- Ships Carrying Immigrants port; Thousan(is Will Sent home Race to Be 1IANDSHAKE PSYCHOLOGY Even though some may be unwilling to admit that character can be logic- ally judged from a man's handshake, the fact remains that in everyday life the magnitude of one's traits is con- stantly judged through that means. The average college man meets at least two new individuals each day during his stay at the University and the sincerity with which he accents these introductions is in no small neasure reflected in the handshake. It is the impression gained through the momentary contact of a first hand- shake which often forms the only im- pression of a new acquaintance, anl upon the character of this depends the future of a companionship which may or may not develop into a perm- anent part of one's life. Either the handshake is strong and impressive, urging both parties on to closer friendship, or it is weak and flimsy, causing a feeling of indifference. It either rubs the right way or it rubs the wrong way. Watch your own handshake that you do not have to start at a disad- vantage in forming new friendships. SEVENTY-FIVE INSPECTORS READY FOR. EXAMINATIONS New York, June 30.-(By A.P.)- Sixteen steamships, their rails lined with 7,000 aliens rode at anchor out side Ambrose lightship today waiting for the stroke o midnight to dash for quarantine with admittance to the United States of their immigrant passengers as their goal. Fully 18,000 passengers are aboard 20 steamships that will enter this port tomorrow and Monday. Most of them are immigrants. The midnight race will be timed by three official watches so that there will be no dispute about the first to reach quarantine. One watch will be kept by the Postal Telegraph, another by the Western Union, and the third by Ellis Island' officials. , Many aliens on slow vessels still steaming the'Atlantic will have made the journey in vain. They will be sent back to Europe without charge on the steamships which brought them. Seventy-five medical inspectors were ready to begin examination of immi- grants at Quarantine early today. During the day the inspectors will be able to handle but 2,000 immi- grants. Cramped conditions are ex- pected at Ellis Island as there are only beds for 600. Many immigrants will be held on board ships for four or five days. League Plans Party July 4 Herbert S. Case, '23, editorial board chairman of The Summer Michigan Daily last year, has accepted the posi- tion of editor of the Birmingham Ec- centric, one of the oldest country newspapers in the state. Case specialized in journalism, while a student and was active in the work carried on by Sigma Delta Chi, na- tionl journalistic fraternity., 140 Students See Eord Auto Plant One hundred forty summer school students under the direction of Carl- ton Wells were shown through the Ford Motor company's plant in De- troit, yesterday morning. The visitors were taken through the machine shops, motor manufacturing plant, crank shaft room where great metal sheets are pressed into shape for the crank shafts, were allowed to watch the assembling of the car on the conveyor belt, and were taken through the, stock rooms and power plant. After the tour of the Ford plant a group of about 112 students had lunch in the cafeteria of the Highland Park high school. The lunch was served >y a summer class in home economics. In the afternoon some 90 people were shown through the new Detroit public library. Five guides explained o the visitors the system of the mun- cipal libraries. The library occupies. a large city block and is luxurious hroughout with its mosaic painted windows and mural paintings depict- ing the early history of the city of Detroit. The various departments in- cluding technology, civics and fine arts were visited. Venezuela Vice-president Assassinated Caracas, Venezuela, June 30-(By A.P.)-General Juan C. Gometz, First Vce-president of Venzuela and gov- ernor of the Federal District was as- sassinated last night says an official THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY The Summer Daily is edited and published under the direction of stu- dents of the Summer session. Its staff membership is not restricted to a group of experienced newspapermen and women. It is a laboratory in which practical journalism is taught. Every member of the Summer ses- sion student body is eligible to cont,i- bute to the columns of The Daily eith- er as a staff member or through the news and editorial columns. The Campus Opinion column furnishes an outlet for student and faculty opinion. Th. ehumor column is also open to contributors. The news columns are the work of staff members many of whom are beginning newspaper work this summer. The Daily will attempt to furnish news of the campus and the world to its readers and in turn will welcome contributions and communications for publication. The postal census shows that Ann Arbor has a greater number of par- cel post packages leaving her offices than any other college town. This may or may not be something to brag about for there must certainly be some reason aside from the monetary consideration that obliges Michigan students to send their laundry home. The auto-stop boulevard system will prove a great source of revenue to the city of Detroit. They netted 34 men for violating the new ordinance the second; day of its operation. The French are trying to stretch their claims on Germany a little far, it seems to us. Morning worship will be held at 10:30 o'clock in the Congregational church. Rev. Herbert Atchinson Jump will begin a series of studies in "The Deeper Message in Some Recent Nav- els", taking up H. G. Wells' "Men Like Gods". Robert Dieterle will act as musical director. Miss Eleanor Hut- zel director of the Woman's division, Detroit Police department, will* dis- cuss "Girls and the Night Life of the Great -City" in the monday open for- um for summer school students. At 6 o'clock Mr. Mitchell will conduct a social hour for all Congregational students. Holy Communion will be held at St. Andrew's Episcopal church at 8 o'clock. At 10:30 o'clock Holy Com- munion and a sermon by Rev. Henry Lewis'on "Why Keep Sunday?" Wed- ,nesday from 4 to 6 o'clock will be open house at Harris hall. Thursday at 7:15 a. m. there will be Holy Com- mnunion in the Williams Memorial chapel at Harris hall. Rev. A. W. Stalker will speak on "Law and Liberty: Personal and Pa- triotic" at 10:30 o'clock at the First Methodist church. The Student Sun- day school will be at 11:45 o'clock in Wesley haH. Wesleyan Guild devo- tional meeting is to be led by Dr. T. M. Iden at 6:30 o'clock. Bible school will open at 10:30 o'- clock at the Church of Christ (Dis- ciples) /Lane hall. Professor Mac- Dougall of Valparaiso, id., will speak on "Labor and the Bible" at 10:30. The Students class at 12 o'clock and at 6:30 Christian Sndeavor. A'service will be conducted in Ger- at 6:30 Christian Eendeavor. eran church. Bible school will be at 10: 30 o'clock and at 11 o'clock Rev. T. Hinch will speak. There will be an organ period' at 10:30 o'clock in the Unitarian church. 1 Rev. Sidney S. Robbins will preach at the Sunday service at 10:40 o'clock on "A Present Day View of Darwin- ism." Community Vesper Service on the plaza in front of the university libra-, ry at 7:30 o'clock p. m. will be con- ducted by 19ev. Herbert Atchmnsor Jump. Mass singing will be under the direction of George Oscar Bowen. torium yesterday morning. . Decries Careless Writing "One of the great values of the clas- sics is the facility of expression thy give to the student not only in the art of writing, but in speaking. The slipshod style of our modern litera- ture in all domains of thought, par- ticularly in,the up-to-date novel is apparent to all scholars. A thoiough grounding in the classics makes for elegance of expression, for literary style and diction. The scientist above all others' needs clarity of diction, an extensive vocabulary, and logical, methods of thought. To be without the mental discipline of the humani- ties is for the scientist to be greatly handicapped. "The ingenuity of man," he con- tinued, "his application of science to machines of destruction, his progress in physics and chemistry, have made possible the suicide of the human race in the absence of some corresponding progress in social, moral, racial, and political relatonships which will serve to check war, greed, and man's inhumanity to man." Little Progress Since Aristotle "We have made comparatively lit- tle progress in politics since the time of Aristotle," he declared. "His treatise on that subject remains un- surpassed to this day. The greatest moralist of today would suffer in comparison with Socrates. No Plato has appeared since the time of Christ." Our civilization is grounded in that of the Greek and the Roman. Our culture, our laws, our political sys- tems, our art, our intellectual ideals are all adapted from these ancient peoples." In reviewing the decline which has been suffered by failure to study the classics during the past generation, Mr. Tigert said that the time for the revival of the classics was now 'at hand. "It is the age-long proclivii;: toward materialistic and sensuous liv- ing against which we must renew the battle. The coming generation must have a background in the humanities which will enable Yt to properly re- late man to his machines and con- merce. The world is weary of war, gross materialism and injustice." Library Terrace Will Be .Scene Of Vespers Tonight Community vesper service conducted byRev. Herbert Atchinson Jump, and mass singing under the, direction of George Oscar Bowen of the School of Music, will be held on the front ter- race of the Library this evening at 7:30 o'clock. This is the first time in a number of years, with the exception of the annu- al senior sings, that mass singing or services have been held on the Mich-1 igan campus. z It has been customary for seniors during the evenings pre ceding Commencement to gather on the terrace of the Library and singa college songs, but the' services this evening are novel to the present stu- dent body. Reverend Jump, who will conducte the services, is a graduate of Amherst college where singing en masse and class services are customary. EDUCATORS OF COUNTRY GATHER TO DISCUSS TEACHING OF CLASSICS KELSEY CHAIRMAN OF LOCAL COMMITTIES Faculty Men of Seven Universities Compare Present with Past in Literature Educators from all over te coun- try gathered in Ann Arbor yesterday to attend the fourth annual meeting of the American Classical league, 'which held its 'large open meeting in the morning in the auditorium of the Na- tural Science building. Addresses by members, leading men in the geld of education and classical literatur'e, were given following a business sea- ,ion comprising the reports of the 9resident and other officers. Prof. 2rancis W. Kelsey, of the Latin de- jartment, who was chairman of the local committee, on arrangements gave an address of welcome to the mem- bers of the convention for President Marion L. Burton, of the University, who is away on his vacation. Faculty ?len Speak The list of speakers at the meeting includes such names as S. Dwight Arms, specialist in: the ancient langu- ages in the' department of education in the University of the state of New York; Stephen S. Colvin, professor of education, - Teachers college, Colum- bia; Walton Brooks McDaniel, pro- fessor of Latin in the University of Pennsylvania; John A. Scott, professor of Greek at Northwestern university, and John J. Tigert, United States commissioner ofeducation. Th meet- ing, which is the fourth of the leage, was open to th epublic. The American Classical league re- ceived the impulse for its foundation during the 'war in the classical con- ference held at Princeton university Its purpose is to perpetuate the in- terest in the classics and bring them and the necessity of knowing them before the public. Gives Survey of Latin With this . end in view, Prof. S. Dwight Arms read the first paper of the meeting. Speaking on "A State- wide Survey in Latin," he stressed the value of classical study, and urged the necessity of procuring better teachers in secondary schools. "Latin," he said, "not only holds strongly in general enrollment, but is far ahead of the other foreign languages in its holdiig power in the third and fourth years. Its gain in 1922 was better than that of any other language." The speaker weni on to prove by means of figures and percentages that Latin not only holds a first place in high schools, but that it bids fair to retain that position' The need, he said, is for better teach- ers, and this may be procured through directing the 'attention of the better pupils to teaching Latin. Prof. Stephen S. Colvin read the sec- ond paper of the meeting on "Trans- fer in Learning." Speaking in de- fense of the doctrines of such psychol- ogists as, James, Woodworth, and Thorndyke, he said: 'Psychologists today are substantially agreed that transfer in learning is an established fact, tat it is possible, and oftep act- ual; so that it is reasonable to believe in teaching of the' Classics that cer- tain important and far-reaching trans- fer values may and under proper con- ditions, do occur. Quoting Thorn- dyke, he read: "The study of the Lat- in language does discipline the facul- ties and secure to a greater degree than other subjects the formation and growth of those mental qualities which are the best preparation for the busi- ness of life-whether that business is to consist of making fresh mental ac- quisitions or in directing the powers thus strengthiened and °matulr'ed to professional' and,other pursuits." In- vestigations have shown that pupils in high -schools who are taking class- ical courses are as a rule superior in mental ability to those who are taking other courses. "The study of Latin is broadening," he said, "and as such, a complete mastery of it should be striv- en for, not for the sake of the mental discipline but for the sake of cor- rect learning and definite mastery of a great body of knowledge, The first Women's league party of the season will be held from 4 to 9 o'clock in the evening on the Fourth of July on the lawn between Betsy Barbour house and Helen Newberry residence. Both dormitories will hole open house at this time and the party will take place whether the weather be fair or foul. There will be tables laid for bridge, music, singing of college songs, and other entertainment. A buffet supper will be served between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock and as' a culmination of the evening's fun there will be dis- play of fireworks. Every woman who is enrolled in the Uniyersity is automatically a member of the league and all women are urged to attend the party. Free Beer on Atlantic Liner New York, June 30-(By A.P.)- "Free Beer, Drink Your Fill" reads a sign on the deck of the President Wilson a Cossulitch liner which will dock here tomorrow. The captain of the vessel hung up the sign when he was informed the liquor would be con- fiscated upon arrival. Wreck Survivors in Port Port Louis, Island of Mauretius, June 30-(By A.P.)--Passengers of the vessel Teresa, which sank in mid- ocean a month ago arrived here to- day. Only 60 of the 120 were saved. The survivors experienced terrible suffering from lack of food accord- ing to the ship's officers.