The As- led to the dispatc~hes lished here- nn Arbor, beauty wholly without precedent. But the end is not yet, and a time will,~ come when a city of air castles will be a practical reality. Why wouldn't it be a wise idea to try to stop the bootlegging in the UT. S. before meddling with the outside' nations who are transporting liquor? If we can't catch the bird in our own back yard, what kind of a chance have we? Someone asked uas thud other (lay It' Doctor g'lom Lovell (of' 'voution) was the founder of the Institute of Hollowv Letters. He appazrentlv ly idn't realize that each one of the patriot's titles had a very ;!uiirait meaning behind it. $ I .30 vidence of e Summler itor. Un- _ kno COf- omitted in iter. The ly endorse :omunica- It is said that we don't know how1 talk intelligently any more. But all depends who you are 1- 4lkingt and about. tii It to Leman ggins Z'Einstein I;: Chiryst TOASTED ROL *Today'slWijner of the (hoos eflesh 1Y'rize for Collich. Comies Chilly old street car - Cold as can be. Beautiful co-ed Sittinig by me. i.R ockwell eirce IHaskin ' g_ YI the super-satur'- eir sta.nd for the everages. They mise on a five Hlow the heavier ie board. After ve that th~e peo~- tates were not ssed the Volstead dicate that they forc~e it. is attemtpting to age of King Al- The result is anl L1 election. When passed, the vot- irrevocably on -en1forceme~nt to machinery has ragged-edged in- mnt but on the by virtue of the ad of the voters Cute little tootsies- Come-hither eye, Blonde disposition, N~ot very shy. "Don't care for street cars, Much' rather wal- Awfully lonesome, Crazy to talk." Supper at Parker's Everything swell Three bucks and war -tax,' All shot to he-1. Supper all over, Taxi to coipe. Thinks I'm. a dear! Brat must hurry home. "'Don't ,ae for movies- is pun~k, _______rotten Grills are the bunk." "Thanks for the dinner; Thanks for the ride; Hjiere i's your hat- Don't come inside," EDTLORIAL LCOMMEN 'ITSS .BARtKER'S =CASEĀ° -l6etroit Free Press) jThe case of Margery Barker aganst. Bryn Mawr college has ended with a legal victory for the college, but tMe interesting 'question, involved n the litigation remains unanswered. Miss Barker, .who was a student In the col- lege, was dismissed without explana- tion or justification, ,other than that she was regarded as undesirable. She denied the charge and demanded re- instatement. Behind this. demand lay the desire of the young woman to clear her name from the many, suspicions which in-. stantly attached to ber because of the mysterious nature; of the charge against her. All of the unexplatined offenses that had been committeed in and apround the college were not un- naturally attributed to her in the gossip the whole affair stimulated, Nothing is more natural in that sit- uation than that the accused person, unless conscious of guilt, should de- mand'an explanation, and it is difficult to deny that the demand is : Morally justified, But the court to which Miss Barker appealed hlas ruled that Bryn Mawr is a private :institution which governs the relations between itself, and lie students by contract, and that the ontract actually in frce war- rants the college in dismissing a stu- dent for any reason'that it cares to give. That seems to'settle the legal differ- ene of opinion, buit it does not dis- pose or the question' whether an insti- tution like Bryn Mawr, may properly incumber ,a young woman's future with a vague charge that can be' in- terpreted by malice in a great variety' of unfavorable senses" when she bold- ly demand a slowdown. TILE COLLTEE TRUTSTEE (The Philadelphia Public Ledger) Do the average university and co- lege trustees held 'or hinder the de- velopment of American institutions of learning? Is it true that their tend. ency is to extend their Infuence be- yond. its legitimate limits in 'caring for the economic interests of these in- stitutions, to the extent of throttling freedom of research and teaching? Should profesorships be open only to those scholars whose leanings and conclusions, are 'acceptable In that realm of high finance with which the majority of. American colleges and universities are inseparably associated Aiy reason of the inadequacy of their endowments? ~Tese are difficult questions to which no definite and 'unqualified f- Jrmatlve or negative answers can be given. College trustees have much to answer for; but when one contem- (Continued on Page Three) \JE WISH to announice to the 'general public that we are ,keeping open this summer. We solicit your patronage. Dancing ait Jim Burlie's Pavilion, Whitmore Lake, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights:--Adv. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor 'and Jackson TIME TABLE (,astern Staindard Trime) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:ao a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8.oo a.m.,' 9:o5 a m,. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops ' west of Ann' Arbor)-9":47 a.m., and every two hours to 9 :47 p..n. Local Gars East Bound-7 :oo a.m. and every two hours to 9 :oo p.m., x t :oo 'p mn. To Ypsilanti only'-i 'x:4 p.m., i :z5 a~m. To Saline -Change at Ypslanti., Local Cad's West Bound-, :5o, I2 :10 p.m.1 To Jackson and Kalamazoo -- Limi- 1 ited cans 8:47, 10:47 a.nTI., 12:47, 2.47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing - Limited at 8:47 p.m. a u G A R R I C K T h a s .& Sa -2 5 -5 0c 14th Annual' Season Nights 25-54-75c-41 THE, BO3NSTELIXE CO. in the Dashing, Sparklinjr'Comedy "6TO 'THE ,LADIES" } Next Mon.-"THE GREEN= GODESS" SHORTI SECRE J U ,HAMILT( STA]l SUMMER TER(M II GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonui I JAND, TYPE WRITIN( :TARIAL TRAINING [ERCIAL TEACH ING y. j . VISIT hiistoric } (COR. CHICA6O AND MOrpOE PIK:ES) Galivkay to Itrish Hills GHIGKRN DINNER : ETC. NE 25-iAIJGUST 17 )N BUSINESS COLI FE AND WILLIAM STS. - T 11 DOROTHY B. LOWRY SCHIROPRACTOR 606 First Nat'lIBa 'e'z g. Hours-1:00 to 6:00 P. im. Phone 4014 SOpen only Mgtnday;,Wednesday - and Friday during July and August i1N 1 11111Ii111'i11111111- '' FACIA EM~ Electro-~C 224 Ni La''U'0d Text Books ai VAN LAUNDRY rers, Cleaner 1' ' 1 Dyers, Pressers. U. EU !o ONE DAY SERVICE STUDENSTS' LUNC H 409 EAST JEFFERSON ST., jI a 'PHONE 1 5 HO0ME COOKING SAL:ADS - LUNCHES, ,TODAYAND Si i XURDAY Comdiarn The Originating Chilly old street ar Cold as the deuce, Beautiful vampire - Oh' What's the use? Hum *Names localized by Ed. ,Y. W , C. ,A. C'afeteria 50$ EAST WILLIAITS WILL Buge., e Fords, the =riks have nes from the iveries. Pro- r, will pre- xploiting the ilties of his cquired from con~fined to sting's ,inven- s the electric the autoino- government example by WVEN WE start to discuss poetry for sum reason it mnakes us think of those famous words of Taylor Holmes: "It is better to close your mouth and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt". Mr. Tarik, My dear Sir: I am ritin'{ yu to inform yu that I'm off of ghosts for life. Neverthele'ss I will recomit for your ainoosement this astoundin' experients. It was, trooly orful. The settin' wuz in my library an' I was ree din' some ghost stories by Nath- daniel Skrokum. I was lest at the m osest excitin' pint w en JI hears aso n ne r t e w d r! I l ks u with a start. Out of the de~ep shad- ders a dim. figger emergedi---silent, gliding, ghosty! Bein.' as.l am a brave man I was unscared an' knowing, that, the oney way to get on with ghosts is not to be afreerd of em. I say : "HowdydojTr. Ghost," but hip says nary a word. So I calmy walks itp- stairs thout even a turn of the head. Et I dew say it myself that tuk nerve. Nor did I ever see any more of that ghost. Next. morning wen I came cown- stairs I found all our silverw aro waz minus (D As ever, Sir giatz. "We found some wonderfui tips ir that chapter in the gun hook, '17The. Parking Question." We are niow on Chap. IV, entitled, "Gum ais a' Dailyxecs. Hot weat her never bothers the person who keeps fit, The best may to beep it is to eat the pure wholesome foods " that me serve here. Its ROGE The merry farce , "BOYS WILL BE BOYS" TUTTLES' LUNCH ROOM Maynard Street A picture for everyone to enjoy 4 -I 11 I t ELF Reliance is an asset that BREAKFAST Served 7.9.30) DIN~NER Served" 11.1 SUPPER Served 5-'7 ]No Sunday Breakfast COMING SUNDAY ^Vi. DeMille' "ONLY 38" with MAY MACAVOY GEORGE FAWCETT, EL~LIOTT DEXTER LOIS WILSON every person I" isaid, "4You can't fool all the time," he for- :essiona'l boxing. We Dempsey' is in poor; lacking steam, en-- st. This is to whet the the gullible public that A fare ,and~ puts up the see a couple of low- ch other around. a can- e is no public that is ,led as the American a teacher, experience .ecided failure. s in the Air argest sk~yscrapers in ea population of 51,- tainly is an-4 arresting sm~all area, more hu- e acounted for than for, say five centuriesf yexcept the few larg- er is Amuerica's most trbutioni to archite- skyscrapers were er- _884 and 18.90, and New ~that here she had a should possess. I~lilSome are Ior~ ________with iti but' the large majorily have to culti- vate it. One of< the best ways to increrse your, self- reliance is *to always have the correct time. Bring your watch to us for ex- pert repairing and cleaning. Winken and Blinken and Nod, one night,.