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August 11, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-08-11

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No. 43




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Ann Arbor Joins In Observation
Of Funeral Of President Harding


Marion Minister
Officiates At
Harding Burial


Ann Arbor took on doi h-like sil-
ence yesterday afternoon, while its
entire pcpulation mourned the pass-
German Dikmci
Gets Credit For
S .an'$ G e i y

Tells of 'the Achievements of Short
Administration Under Dead
Persident's Direction
As principle speaker on the Harding
memorial program at :dill auditorium
esterday afternoon before more than
4,000 persons, Prof. Thmas H. Reed,
deliveed an inspiring and fittig ad-
dress, 'HIs text, whci was entitled,
"Warren G. Harding, His Chara ter
and Services," follows:
From the moment of his election, a
President, creature of a party though
he be, belongs to his country. By
some indefinable prqcess, in spite of
.criticism and rancor, he takes a place
in the hearts of the whole people. If
he dies in office the nation grieves.
He represents for all of us the en-
during forces of safety and order. He
is the visible embodiment of the con-
tinuity of our national life. When the
torch falls from the. failing hands of
one President, there is another wait-
ing toltake it up. Not the least of the
constructive'acts of President Hard-
ing was that for the first time in our
history he invited the Vive-President
to sit in all cabinet meetings. As a
result, President Coolidge comes to
the office thoroughly conversant with
every natinal policy.
For this high office the American
people have never made an unworthy
choice. The 30th able and high mind-
ed citizen has just taken up the task,
As the procession of Presidents re-
cedes into the past, some, i the re-
vealing perspective of history loom
larger than others-but the least of
theit is above the ordinary stature of
man. To be named a worthy member
-of such a company is praise enough
to lay on the bier of the proudest.
No .ran unendowed with elements
of greateness can reach the White?
House. No such man can endure the
toils and responsibilites of the Pres-
idency without a broadening of every
power. Yet, before his death, there
were few who would have pronounced
Harding a great man-least of all
Harding himself. He often expressed,
a sense of h'is own limitations and
leaned heavily on wisely chosen ad-
visors. He was great, however, with
a greatness unthought of by the mil-
lions who raised him to the chief-mag-
istracy, unrealized by himself, veiledI
from the intellectually supercilious
critics who saw in him only a "small
town"' man elevated by accident to
At the very basis of true gentleness
lies ,humility, and Warren Harding,
was humble, genuinely hunible.. It led
him ty surround him'sei with the
ablest cabinet Washington has seen
in a generation. It lost him credit
for some of his real * achievements,
but it helped achieve them.
In the hundreds' of estimates of thef
late President's character which have
come from political friends and foes_
alike, these adjectives have occurred,
with impressive frequency: kindess,;
patience, calm, loveable, genial, affa-]
ble, courteous. No kindlier man ever
sat in the Presidential chair. It is1
easy to interpret such qualities into
a species of amiable weakness. To do
so in the case of President Harding
is to do him a terrible injustice. He
was a confirmed and reasoned believ-
er in contagious character of good
will. Our greatest psychologists con-E
firm his judgment. Two years and a
half of continuous good will in the
White' House have appreciably assu-:
aged the bitternesses wjhich marred
our national life in 1920.'
He desired to serve mankind but he

loved men. This was the foundation
of his political success -at home and
he conceived of it as the means by.
which the rancors of nations might be
soothed. He had no elaborate formu-
lae of political regeneration, no newd
devices for world organization, no new
social creed. He was above all a prac-
tical man discovering workable solu-
(tions for immediatje prfoblems. So

ing of the nation's late chief execu-
tive. Had the funeral services been
held in the city itself no more solemn-
ity could have marked the actions of
every person, student and townsman
alike, who ventured out onto the
streets during the afternoon.
While the memorial services in Hill
auditorium were in progress, State
street was as desolate and forsaken
as ever it was in the middle of a cold
winter's night. Every store and shop
was closed from 1 to 5 o'clock and
only a few eatirig houses failed to
close their doors',from a feeling of ob-
ligation to the public.. A tourist laden
autom/ile passing every now and
then was the only thing to break the
silence of the streets.
As the hour of 4 o'clock was struck
and the church bells tolled, people
who happened to be on the streets
paused and bowed their heads, as a
token of their feelings toward the de-
parted President. Most of the people
hurried on after a moment, not await-
ing the end of the five minute period
which had been designated as a time
of prAyer, but very few failed to stop
for a moment to show their feelings.
Even the theaters which had not
closed their doors in the afternoon
since the influenza epidemic of 1918,
gave proof of the spirit which pervad-
ed the city by cancelling their mat-
Never since the day McKinley was
buried has Ann Arbor made such a
display of her feelings as she did on
President Harding's funeral day.
One Act Plays
Please Audience

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Dr. Von Slahmer
Dr. Von Stahmer, German ambas-
sador to GreatBritain is being given
the credit for the diplomatic coupe
which, it is said, was responsible for
the frowning attitude of the British
'foreign office on further occupation
of the Ruhr by France and Belgium.
His achievement causes him to loom
on the German political horizon as a
possible (strong man"
An exhibition of the work done
by the class in Out-door Sketching
will be held in the West Gallery of
Alumni Memorial hall, on Monday,
week. Together with the best work
of the class will be shown a group
of water-colors by the instructor, Jean
Paul Slusser, '09, of New York. Af-
ter leaving Michigan Mr. Slusser stu-
died for two years at the Museum
of Fine Arts in Ploston, and three
years with John F. Carlson of the
Art Student's league of New York, as
well ps- abroad. For severa years he
has maintained a studio .in New York
City, and has contributed to numer-
ous exhibitions both there and in oth-
er Eastern cities. He has just return-
ed from a year spent in study in
France, Germany, and Italy, and some
of the sketches shown in Memorial
hall are the fruits of his -latest trip
abroad, though several were made in
Ann Arbor.
The work of the class in, out-door
sketching is taking is place as one
of the features of the Summer ses-
sion in the Colege of Engineering and
Architecture, this being the third
summer that Mr. Slusser has conduct-
ed the class. Designed primarily as
an aid to students of architecture and
land-scape gardening, it has attract-
ed year by year an increasing num-
ber, including some who elect the
work for its general cultural value.
The class has often been seen
sketching on the campus, in the yard
of Martha 'Cook building, or on the
grounds of the Homeopathic Hospital.
The exhibition is open without ad-
mission charge from 10 until 12 o'-
clock and from 2 until 5 o'clock on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week, and will be under the
direction of Mr. Sluser who will an-
swer any questions concerning the
pictures shown.
Early Arrest ExpleOted
Police are anticipating an early ar-
rest of the burglars who entered Don-
aldson and Dunn's sport shop some-
time Thursday night and took $75
from the safe.
According to the police, entrance to
the shop was gained through Gold-
man's store, the basement .of which
connects with the store which was


TheRev. George X. Landis
The Rev. George M. Landis, pastor,
of Trinity Baptist church, Marion, O.,
who officiated at the funeral services
for the late President Harding in his
home town. The Rev. McAfee, for
years Harding's pastor, died several
weeks ago.

A capacity house was delighted -by
four one-act plays, put on by the
classes in Play Ptoduction, Thurs-
day night in University Hall. The
program was very well balanced, and
all four plays showed expert directing
and untireing effort on the. part of
the actors.
Christopher Morley's "Thursday Ev-
ening," directed by William P. Sand-
ford, a comedy of married life and
mothers-in-law, amused the audience,
and although the cast was slightly
stage-struck in the beginning, it was
very well done. The parts were ably
taken by Mrs. Veta Nebel, E. H. Jack-
son, Mrs. Ruth MacPhail, and Edith
M. Cherrington.
"The Exchange," by Hether Thurs-
ton, and directed by Mary H. Tischer,
showed buman beings ever 4nsatisfied
with their lot in life and brought roars
of laughter from the audience when
they .drew something worse in' "The
Exchange." The 'play showed good
directing and the whole cast was fine
laurels going to the Imp. This part
was played by Mary Alice Scott. Oth-
er members in the cast were Henry C.
Klingbeil, Ellis Armantrout, Viola
Rather and Nathan H. Schlafer.
Emma J. Leonard, known to Ann
Arbor people through former success-
es, again delighted the audience with
her artistry, this time as Sarah, sac-
rificing sister in "The Grope" a trad-
egy of a-girl drawn into a rut by the
unconscious selfishness of her family.
Mildred La Rue, as Constance, also
did some good acting in an extremely
difficult part. The play was directed
by R. C. Hunter.
The program closed with "Joint
Owners in Spain," by Alice Brown, the
best acted and directed play of the
evening, and owed much of its suc-
cess to Lela Duff as Miss Dyer, an. in-
mate of an Old Ladies' home who
"couldn't get along with anybody."
The audience forgot for the time that
it was an audience at all, but found1
themselves really present in the Old
Ladies' home, enjoying the fantastical
playing. of the old ladies. Mrs. Gun-
boy Gray acted as the director of the
home and the other inmates were Jes-
sie Werner and Golda Zook. The play
was directed by Thelma Dawson.
Mr. Leonard Falcone's orchestra,
furnished the music between the plays.
'Christian Resigns
Marion, Ohio, Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-
George B. Christian, secretary to War-
ren G. Harding, as United States Sen-
ator and as President- announced to-
night that he had submitted his res-
ignation as executive secretary to
President Coolidge. Mr. Christian
made his announcement soon after he
had returned from the funeral service
for his dead chief.

Several prominent faculty men, in
addition to an outside- speaker, will.
speak at the conference on the Social
Sciences of the Public Schools which
will be hled from 2 to 4:45 o'clock on
Monday, Aug. 13, in-the auditorium of
the Natural Science building. The
conference had been scheduled for
yesterday, but out of respect for the
late President Harding, was postpon-
The conference will tae up the
problems of social studies and their
place in the high school curriculum,
and opportunity will be given for gen-
eral discussion of the subject. It will
be presided over by Prof. Thomas H.
Reed, of the political science depart-
ment. Addresses wi-l be given by
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his-
tory department; Prof. Calvin' . Dav-
is, of the School of Education;' Prot..
A. E. Wood, of the department of so-
ciology, and Mr. Philip Lovejoy, of
Benton Harbor.
The meeting is being held by re-
quest of the National Coupicil for so-'
cial study. A committee, appointed
from Professor Reed's class in civics
60s, which is studying the problem
of social science in the high school,
has undertaken the work of organiza-
The place which such studies should
occupy in the high school curriculun
will be considered, as well as what
prepatation of attention: should be
given to each branch of the field,
which includes history, political sci-
ence, sociology, and education.
To Leave MexIco l
Mexico City, Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-
Despite declarations in the newspa-
pers of Mexico City that the delegates
of the United States to the Recogni-
tion Conference wil leve for Wash-
ington on Tuesday at the latest, both
the American representative Charles
B. Warren and also John Barton
Payne declined today to 'admit that
the negotiations were concluded or
that their plans were settled enough
to permit a statement that they would
leave that day.
Facisti Number 1,000,000 ...-
Rome, Aug. 9.-(By A.P.)-A recent
meeting of the Grand Facist council
issued a communique stating that the
Fasctsii position is regarded with en-
tire satisfaction, and claiming that its
adherents now number more than a
Harding's Life Insured
New York, Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-
President Harding's life was insur-
ed for $52,100, according to a state-
ment published yesterday by the In-'
surance Press.

Large Crowd Assembles to do Honor
to Dead Chieftan; Many Vis-
bly Affected
With the chime in the great Frieze
Memorial organ tolling the hour of
four and the first solmen strains of
Chopin's funerial march breaking over
a hushed audience, 4,000 Ann Arbor
citizens and University students paid
tribute to the memory of Warren G.
Harding yesterday afternoon in Hill
The lower floor and first balcony of
the building were filled shortly before
4 o'clock with men, women and child-
ren. The center sections were reserv-
ed for the Knights Templars who at-
tended in uniform, the boy scouts and
other city organizations.
Lewis Reads Proclamation
During the five minute period im-
mediately after 4 o'clock only the
faintest notes of the funeral march
were audible as the audience sat with
bowed heads, Mayor. George E. Lewis
read President Coolidge's proclama-
tion and introduced Judge George W.
Sample who presided over the serv-
Judge Sample praised the character
of President Harding, stating that he
had died a "death as valiant as any
of the nation's soldiers. He passedj
from us at the peak of his career,"I
he said. "He has passed and the crit-
ics 'harping tongues' are stilled."
Following his brief eulogy, Rev. R.
Edward Sayles, pastor of the First]
Baptist church, read" passeges from.
Scripture following with a prayer.t
"Lead Kindly Light," President Hard-
ng's favorite hymn, was sung by R.
Winfield Adams, accompanied by Prof.t
Earl V. Moore, of the School of Mus-
"Taps" Close Service1
Prof .Thomas H. Reed delivered an
eloquent address on the statesman-t
ship and ideals of the departed Presi-
dent, the text of which is printed in
another column on this page. The au-1
dience remained standing until "taps"
was sounded. As the silver notes died
from the instrument in the hands of1
the bugler at the rear. of the stage,
it was taken up by another far -in the
distance, who repeated the last lonely
signal of the day -and for the dead1
executive. Ann Arbor had paid its
tribute but not without shedding, a
tear. One littel woman bent with age,.
bad to be assisted to the street at the
close of the services, so great was hera
emotion. And. many others left the
building with damp or misty eyes.
Arrest Villa Suspect
Mexico .Ci'ty, Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-
Police in Monterey today arrested a
suspect believed to be Jesus Salas,
the deputy from Durango Whose name
was signed to a letter received by
President Obregon in which the writ-
er confessed that he directed the as-
sassination of Francisco Villa near
Parrol July 20, to avenge Villa's mul-
titudinous victims.
Four Hour Pause in Athens
Athens, Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-A gov-
ernment decree was issued Thursday
calling for all official business of the
Greek government in Athens to cease
for four hours today during the fun-
eral of the late President Harding.t

A Naval Demonstration
Paris, Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-A nav-1
al demonstration in Chinese waters'
by European powers is under con-,
sideration, it was learned yesterday.
Harvest Trouble Feared
Helena, Mont., Aug. 10-(By A.P.)-j
Federal aid was asked yesterday in
averting trouble in the harvest fields
attributed to agitators.

' Employees of Marion Star Take Li
Farewell of Editor; Body Will
Rest in Vault
By Graeme O'Geran
Marion, O., Aug. 10-(Special to t
' Summer Daily.)-Marion laid her fa
orite son to rest at 3:20 this aftb
noon. General Pershing preceded t
funeral procession, taking place
the right of the tomb, slowly folo
ed by personal friends, of Preside
Harding, including many senato:
Thomaa Edison and Henry Ford.
solemn procession accompanied t
body,*led by army and navy office
and the cabinet led by President Co
idge and Ex-President Taft.
Leaning on the arm of Secy. Chr:
tian and Dr. Sawyer, Mrs. Hardi:
wended her way to the side of f
pier. Next came the- employees
the Marion "Star'" to pay their l
tribute to their chief.- Mrs. Hardi
bore up bravely, and only for a im
ment did she waver as the servic
'opened with "Lead Kindly Light", fc
lowed by a scripture reading. T]
services closed with "Nearer My G
to Thee" which was sung by a mixe
Mrs. Harding Enters Tmb
Not until then did the throng rea
ize their great loss and full grief, a
strong men wept as children. T
casket was carried to the tomb ai
taps were sounded.
Accompanied by Secy. Christia:
Mrs .Harding entered the tomb for
brief moment to be.alone for the la
time with her dead husband. As the
withdrew President and Mrs. Coolidj
entered the tomb for a moment, The
the' solemn crowd turned away lea
ing the earthly remains of the des
President in care of the militai
Simph'city marked every feature
tie Harding's life at Marion. H
faher's home was unpretentious. T
"Star" office is small and dingy, a
the President's swivel topped chair
draped in moifrning. The Bapti
church is a plain homely buildin
through which thousands passed t
view the Harding pew.
Thousands See Funeral
Thousands of people poured in
the city during the past two day
many walking the streets all nigl
others slept on steps, in autos a
on lawns. Lines of people more th
twelve feet ,deep and more than
mile long waited hours to have a la
look at President Harding's kind b
care' worn face.
From early morning thousands e
1 -'
teredathe cemetery to gainpointsu
vantage, making it necessary to m
ropes to k4ep the throngs' back;
make space for the funeral proce
sion. Beautiful floral tributes tro
every state and nation were bank
about the tomb.
Mr. Frank Pickell, superintende
of schools in Mont Clair N. J., spol
on "What is Education," before ti
members of the Phi Delta Kappa fr
ternity, at their annual outing<a

Whitmore Lake Wednesday afternoo:
Mr. Pickell analyzed the differei
factors of education and discussed th
various means of cutting expense
without reducing the salaries.
This outing is a special feature
the Phi Delta Kappa program ever
year. A 12 inning baseball game, en
ing with a tOe between the ewo team
was played at 4 o'clckh A ste
supper was served to the membe:

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