Li r Deluge Continues r S ED fWontinued rom. Page One)' sor Prayer sai, "Rather than con- demn France for her occupation ofj the Ruhr, we should pity her and, with her bemcan~ the fact that it wasl necessary for her to seize the coal lands of Germany. Germany 'refused to pay heer indemnity, and, sino?, fFrance has spent immense sums of money in reconstruction and in penl- sions, she, needs money.. England and America would, not guaran~tee her protection and she was forced =to seize the Ruhr. England was luke warns on the subject of German reparations, for she has the German navy, her ma- rine and her colonies, all in fact that shie wants, but France with her back to the wall faces the Spectre of a Ger- many ever increasingIz n strength and population, and with that will grow a terrible hate for France. What is uppermost in France's mind ;Js that 'it must not happen again."Gemn HPa IThe great danger today according to Mr. Prayer is that Germany, with her rapidly increasing population will Ioutstrip France which she certainly m iust and will fight a war of revenge. "Germany will pay, her indemnity," F~rance what she owes, bunt in the endl said Professor Frayer, "she will pay she will be the conqueror, and France will be the conquered." Professor John R. Brumm of the de- partmnent of Journalism will speak at 4 o'clock. this afternoon on the sub- ject "The News and the Citizen, and at, 8 o'clock Dean Hugh Cabot of the~ medical school will speak on "The Safety of Surgical Operations". Botk lectures wil be in the Natural Science auditorium. tot-1os S;mld, -TWO oirr TODAY AND TC COLLEEN MOORE. in BROKEN' CHA COMING Florence Vidor in "Dusk to ID I, fiC '':y4 EY °@ i LAST TIMES T1 pBERT LYTEI n "THE--RIGHT OF W. B~Y SIR 'GILBERT PARKER ALL WEEK s ARC I, , r ,.i. euly.. i :e +.Le re. j.i . + ..i -- - - -------- I Slop of olcno, t. tnaaken just before the eruptiona slio'ing one of the villages sice detroyed.. Map shows) f oo location of M1t. Utna on Nsand of Sicily Mt. Etn~a continues to belc h for;h rcks; , hes- 1n1, ForrRoadster. Miust sel imme d'Iately as owner is leaving town. Car is equipped with tarte demountable rims and is in good sLiap e, Well sell cheap for quick sale. Call. Christie, _960' or 1 80-M. ,4c FOR SALEHousehold goods includ- ing small refrigerator, ,rockers, screens, tabile, couch covers, pic- ture- fruitcan, and crating. Call a51TopcnSt. 4p FOR SALE- Ford Touring. Phone 131. 1015 Chiurch St. 4p 11 Saturday Evening. Po s~t Come in and let us give you, a demonstra- tion of this remarkable light-weight motor. SCHLENKER'S H ARD WARE 213 West Liberty St. a9 °ry THlE ANSWER IS I1 SMASHING SENSATI .PHOTOPLAY STAN II V AL REGINALD E 1 .. - r w rw' rw IN SF\l SAQCLQN fli ;A OH.1ITIE -COMEIDY AND INTERNATIONAL NE LOST F 1: 11,0" -Small black address book and diary with sumn of pioney between leavei s. Namne in book, E. L. Young. Lost in Winm. L. Clements Library or on stre;et Wed 'nesday, June 13th. Find- er liberall--y(rewarded. Telephone Mrs. F. C. Wheat. 741. 2p-2 'I NOW SHOWING. First Time Ever Shown in Screen Form DAVID BELASCO'S F Eternally Famous f . ACTION B StARTING WEDNESDAY FOR, Fb1 R °DAYS I T A Light ,Breezy Story of Our Most Fashionable Bathing Resorts is- Tyipewriters of standard makes bouight, sold, rented, exchanged, cleanied and repaired. 0.A1), MORRILL 17 Njikels r m3de Phone 1718 1-tfn MG~ISCELLANEOUS E, NIIMATON 31'.,,1E, Teacher of Violin, )Piano, and harny (on fac- ulay of the Detroit Conserv atory ofj Mus ic) will pupzTils through the summer at 307 N . -Main St. Phone :. . .-. I.. r .., .. , « .,. "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN, I= a WEST"9 C with its WONDER CAST SThe play that Belasco gave to the stage; that Caruso immortalized in operatic form; and which afterward was recorded as one of Ethe greatest literary successes. STAGED? AND PLAYED IN BRILIANT MANNER AGNES ~Raider" 1 1' ' Note- IT'S 8SO GOOD YOU WILL ENJOY1 THROUGH THlE SECOND TIME. D~ailyT "Classiffied"sColumns