EWSPAPER OF THE rY OF MICHIGAN iER SESSION ymorning except Monday er session. Associated Press. The As- exclusively entitled to the ion of all news dispatches not otherwise credited in elocal news published here- Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, chigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $.t.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. 3Ontmunications, if signed as evidence of od faith, will be published in The Summer ily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- ned communications will receive no con- ,eation.The signature may be omitted in blieation if desired by the writer. The rmer Daily does not necessarily endorse sentiments expressed in the conimunica- ns. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHUE y Zditor.............William Stoneman torials...............Paul L. Einstein ht Editors...............Nathan Davis Robert Gs Ramsay. Assistants hard Heidemann Ada Phelps Lrgaret Geddes Andrew L. Propper C. Heraper Regina Reichman Frothy Mitts Margaret Stuart rena Moran Lucy Tolhurst K. Boyer Matilda Rosenfeld BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER L. BEAUMONT PARKS rertising................Hiel M. Rockwell blication....... ..D. L.. Pierce counts..................A. S. Morton culation.................John C. Haskin Assistants sabeth Bartholomew George Stracke herine S. Griffiths John A. Barrett FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1923 Editor-WM. H. STONEMAN THE PRESIDENT Harkening to the summons of the Almighty, Wyarren G. Harding today' inds his way back to the soil from whence he came. Mourned by the na- ion as a single living soul, this lov- ed and loving leader of a great demo- cracy, the man who won the nation by his genial personality, his loyalty and valiance, finds his eternal resting ;lace among the simple folk of whom. Le was a part. He was indeed, always the Ameri- can. However great the honor paidl him, the chief executive wNs always at me with his millions of compatriots. Simplicily was fthe keynote to his life, and so in death, amidst the hon- ors of a national hero, simplicity narks the final rites for the great Ameican. Let us not bemoan his fate too much, for indeed, that which God rives, He also has a right to take away. Let us rather render thanks to Him rom whence he came, gratefully praising Hii for having sent upon his earth, one who left it so much the better for his having lived. The end was untimely, but alas, as one mane passes on another always comes to ake his place. .L A: L 4 7 VJYYA5.5.Aa.d AT&.1 5&1J' J4ri tional. These indeed are not charact- President Hayes was buried at Fre- eristics of the effeminate, if we in- mont. terpret Mr.. Wells correctly. Neither President Garfield at Cleveland. are they proper terms to use in con- President McKinley at Canton. Test B 00 sw nection with an honest appraisal of _________________T x o k our college men. We suppose that when Wells accuses us of effeminacy, he attributes this to excesses of the s~r D LL things his fellow Englishmen say we lack, and similarly, a lack of those I which the others say we have in ex- LETTER WRITE c. T his is the consistency of the A LETTER copnment which we receive from those who do not know the actual situation, To Editor of Hon. Toasted Rolls, and moreover, do not know us. Who Know Everything over the fence into the next yard; he ~ Mr. Wells, however, must have some Dear Sir: I have recently akwired can hardly carry it further down the definite basis for his statement. Still, the radio bugs, and are write to you block and leave it on alien doorsteps. where can he substantiate his stand? for ask several answers. Set were It is a wonder he didn't, complete The majority of men who our coun- this story of the wickedness of non- try sent across tie ocean as officers constructioned by myself and are German-races by asserting that the and as privates during the late war refrection of karacter, being very Hohenzaelerns who betrawed the Ger- were products of a co-educational sys- simple? For ariul, have make use of man people were an English family. tem. Can they be called "sissies"? bed spring which give troubles. Also " Their bravery was in every way equal statik have gave me considerable bub- to that of the Englishmen of Oxford bles in think tank. DE T NITED LINES ahd Cambridge, and their citations for Not only do it sound like Eord with ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE valour equally as many in proportion asthma and make butt-in at most im- Eastern Standard Time to the number of men we had on the portant times, but also bite me when (Effective July o, X923) field of battle. If Yankee pluck and I effect retire? Have unhook ariul Limited axnd Express Cars to Detroit . --:o a n7:o A.M., 8:o a.M, 90 5 spirit, as demonstrated on the battle- from set when finissh, but frekwency a.m. and' 7urly util. :oo P.m. fields of France show the American's of itch are ditto. Would you advice Limited Cars to Jacksoi-8:47 A.m, effeminacy, then other nations must grounding or what? p.m., 6:47m., 8:47 p.47. envy us our "sissies." Ain likewise try to make cat whisk- Express Cars tJa:ckso (Loal stops It is hard for anyone who has spent ers detector and would like your de- every t wo hur Arutil9 47 a.m four years at a co-educational school sign to fit a yellow one which sit on LocalCars toDetroit- aoa year sit8:ss a.m. and every two hiours until to see how mingling with women back fence every night and 'sing quite 8:ssP.m, ii:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti could be imagined as a cause for ef- piccololym Her wave length are same ocal Cars toJacksn.7:5 am. feminacy. On the contrary, it more as Shepards only more so. On foggy and then ra:zo a.m. frequently proves an inhibitive force nights, sound like a- saw on nails. Conetn s ade Wa t pl anti to qSaline ad at Wyet Plyouth and against the assumption of character- Last night she break forth into chords Northville. istics of the weaker sex, but someone throw fixed condenser which wreck her ampdifier consider - able.i Y SR ATuning coil are No. 4-teen cop, wire F 0 D alwrays tastes Y STjERDA Y wound on Hon. rolling pin. Slider much better if the By " SMYTHE make noise like watchmans rattul surroundings are right. and give detector case of neives when There is no pleaanter tuning. Would tike' something more Cheap Steel or Cheap Life q. t. and less on noise. What are plaCe in Ann Arbri A unit of workers at Gary, Ind., hunykone coils? Have silent respect whicha start on an eight hour shift next Mon- for busy bee and do not care for start TUTTLE'S LUNCH day. This heralds the beginning of anything which finish are doubtful, ROOM the end for the twelve hour day. It but if it can be fixed up with bees, MAYNARD STREET means a great victory .for the human would like to make install. machine, for the twelve hour day Hope this missile have not detrack was a destroyer of man. It produced you from editoring' and will look for cheaper goods at the cost of years in early and destructive answer. Your the lives of workers, and although, humbe servant, consumers may have to pay higher Tdkoifla Koko. prices under the eight hour shift, nev- * * * Farmers & Mcclancs ertheless the bargain in the end rests Takoma Koko: Advise you to elim- with the American community. Health inate the Radio Bnugs from your sys- Bank in the men and women of the nation tem immediately or your case is liable comes higher than cheap steel. to assume a chronic nature. TARIK. -TTWO OFFICES- A report published by the National Industrial Conference board and based 101-lOS. Main St. 330 S.State t on a study of conditions in plants em- EDITORIAL COMMENT Nickel's Arade ploying 600,000 workers, states that American wage-earners arenow r en- ioying a new high peak of prosperity., THE DESTRUCTIVE SLiAV 1 .. ___________ The year 1920 has been considered , iQQ i fltt fl lR otez the most recent high-water mark for (New York Times) industrial workers. It is true that Count Harry Kessler's lecture at THE BOBBED H AIR wages during that period were high, Williamstown on responsibility for the. HAS GOT TO GO but living cost was also high. Today, outbreak of the war presents a view-.LasT ar f the investigators point out, the wage point fairly common among Germans. test i hair gbod for earner is better off than during the It may be summed up in that couplet dresin tupthe-bob. "peak months of 1920." which was as familiar, ten or twelve ieestuamiy three .ep- "peak arte stem wtchs $5.1 years ago, as the current complaint In spite of favorable industrial con- about the banana shortage:'Stoddard HairShOppe ditions there seems to be a current 707N. University Phone2652 idea that revolution is lurking some- I don't care if he is a hound- where around the corner. Every- Yo gotto stop kickin' my dog around. thing from prohibition to the agricul- tural situatiion is feared as a probable The Hohenzollern hound dog having cause. It takes more than beer or been so liberally booted, Germans na- wheat to loose the mighty avalanche turally look around for other animals of destruction and disorder that al- equally blameworthy. And Austria is ways accompanies revolution. While ready to hand. Count Kessler ob- NE EDED wages rise higher than the cost of liv- serves that it was "an offense of the Many VSCSaCies ing, and amicable settlements of labor gravest nature against the German problems continue there is no cause people" that "the German governme ht, for fear. secretly and without taking any guar- Wesimre TeacheS' AenC K w -y antees, handed over the destinies of 716 ld Natloal Bank Bldg., About Presidents .,the German people to a mixed lot of SPOKANE, WASrnNGTON Only two men in history lived to Hungarians, Poles and Czehs to gam- ; see their sons become President of the ble with at their pleasure." United States. The -first was George This was truly a piece of bad luck Harding, a physician of Marion, o., for the German people-and for sev- and the second is George Coolidge eral other peoples, including the Bel- who administered the oath of office to glan, for instance. The Austrian rub= his son shortly after the death of ing class could not safely be trusted President Harding. with anybody's destinies, even its own. Yet Count Kessler cannot bring him- self to malign even that small section of the German people which is includ-, from the state of Vermont to hold of- fice as President of the United States. They were- not. Germans; theiy were Loth candidates were elected Vice- "a m e lot. grans, tes and President, and succeeded' to office at ''a mixed lot of Hungarians, Poles and Czechs." . Now. it is true that the the death of the President. The first Austrian aristocracy represented an was Chester Alan Arthur who became extraordinary assortment of races COMPLEXION POWDER President, Sept. 19, 1881, upon thef death of President Garfield.fused by intermarriage Yet Count t d__t__Presdn Garfid.Berchtold, who pushed the buttons e ski-tere that started the war, was predoin- is certain to be one that exactly Only one other Vice-President ever antly German. So was Field Marshal matches you flesh tones-and took the oath, following the death of Conrad von Hoetzendorff. It is well apply it precisely as directed. a Preside ft in shorter time than did known now that the most Magyar ot Then go on your way without, President Coolidge who was sworn in Magyars, Count Stephen Tisza, the another thought for your ap-' three hours and seventeen minutes strongest man in Hungary, went to pearance. You are assured of after Warren G. Harding died. The war with considerable reluctanc T looking your lovely best through other was Andrew Johnson, who of- Poles of Austria, though they usually shoppingd outdoor sports, daen- ficially became President two hours supported the government in paria- oing, working or what ,you will. and thirty-eight minutes after Lincoln ment, had no more to say about the It needs but one thorough test died, April 15, 1865. starting of the war than any other to convince you., group, since parliament had -not been A rim and Cold Cream President Harding will be the fifth in session for several months and was Powder in dainty pink chief executive whose grave is in the not assembled again till the war, for and white box, exqui- state of Ohio. Four other of the five Austria-Hungary, was as good as lost. sity perfumed, $1.00. died in office. As for the Czechs, most of them were Other Arnand Powders, William Henry Harrison, the ninth against the war from the first. pink, creme, .brunette, Prsident, was the first to be buried in Count Kessler has done as much an . aemetn+r.tte VISI T historic. -Mathea Cavern - cHTCAo A ND aONROE P1K ES Gatdray to Irish fil/s CHICKFN DINNER :: ETC i ,; ', i - a!1 VER since the time of the Prodigal Son rings have been a token of love and respect. W. W. W. Rings are more than that. They are a sign of good taste and true appreciation of values on the part of the giver. They are gifts worth giving because they are right up to the minute in style and are only the very best in workmanship. W. W. W. Rings offer you the new- est thing in white gold settings. The gem set rings are fully guaranteed. See our window display of these rings Saturday. ARTHUR H. ARNOLD STATE.STREET JEWELR'Y s301 S. STATE STREET x.I and Supplies for All Col l. -Both Ends of the Diagonal . fJ "Something SUPERFLUOUS FACIAL HAI] Removed Permanently by £:LEh-rROLYSIS Electro-Cosmetic Ser 224 Nickel's Arcade T' E UZ.3~E~3~3 PERFE A ormal prompts o9 ing children at all h -between meals- Want "something C The logical wa: satisfy those he: appetites.is to give 1 CONNOR'S Brick Create-often. ' CONNOR'S in the sanitary ton is finest ice cream it purest, most convenient i Made entirely by machiner spotless sunlit factories, never touched by hands or posed to the atmosphere. Your dealer always has CONNOR'S in the tasty e- conomical brick f'orm. Fresh vanilla cream daily; delightful "specials" for the week-end. , Next Sunday Special Brick Ii MALLO-NUT and MAPLE MOUSSE Ic / Daily Excursion to SOC One Round Trip $1.2 yWB (Return Same Pay) :.. ,- .- A- - ' -i. , a ,-.- tom- s'- 5 Sundays Holidays CO-EDUCATION AND "SISSIES" Although H. G. Wells has not made known the historical basis for his most recent verdict upon American educational systems, we fear that his regard for institutions of the past has blinded him to tle successes of those of the present. The great English histo-critic says that co-education is "ruinous to American youth," and con- tinues with the indictment that "The boys in America become soft enough under the influence of women teach- ers in the lower schools, and co-edu- cation finishes the job of making them sissies." This is not the first time that charges of this nature have emanated from gentlemen who, having received their education in exclusively mascu- line universities, think any other kind must be conducive to effeminacy. The' co-educational system has been in ef- fect at Michigan for almost half a century, and to date we find no mark- ed traces of feministic qualities among the male members of the University. In a moment of hasty comment, our English contemporaries. in fact even Leaves Detroit Daiy U a. m. (E. . The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes thistrip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Per-y's to monument Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-Ia-Bay nW k * the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point A spedal excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point'-the fresh water rival to Atlantic Cit-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, and aoutdoor amusements. Four houws at Cedar Point and seven at Pt--Bsay Leaving Cedar Point at 5 P. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. i.; , back in Detioit P. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in- ? y, 8 Cenits. " Done ft Moonugbts Lves Detomt 8:4p.n Pu~~e~uas'~. Write for Map Folder Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line Foot of First Street Detroit, M A I.. U'