declares Massanosuko F'ukU- atest of the Japanese tennis s, appears better to him than imagae or Shimizu did when played in this country. Fu- 4 years of age. ssified Advarising s: Two cents per word ty, paid in advance; fif- ents per reading line per barged. WANTED VIERIJAN 5IAIims kes Great Fight Against hoppy Waters and Baffling Tides BODY oF HARDING- WILL REPOSE IN MAUSOLEUJM Baptist church, the late President's To Stay in State place of worship when in Marion, will ( In order that Mr. Hardin conduct the funeral services, folks and friends of his nat Among teitative plans vetoed by Imay have the privilege of a IMa TO. BE PUT IN RECEIVING VAULT . XNDING BUILDING OF STRUCTURE Marion, 0., Aug. 8.-(By A. P.)- President Harding will not be buried beside his mother and sister in the Marion cemetery. His body, after the funeral services here Friday after- noon, will be placed in the receiY- ing vault at the cemetery and held there pending erection of a mauso- leum to receive it. This was part of the funeral ar- rangements. agreed to by Mrs. Hard- ing. The funeral plans approved by Mrs. Harding call for the utmost sim- plicity. Mrs. Uarding was for Troo'p B, Ohio National Gua; d cava',y, to act as an honorary escort at the funeral. The troop will attend the .funeral but will not act as escort. This iwas said to be in keeping with Mrs. Harding's re- quest that no military display be made at the funeral services conducted byl the late President's home folks., , 'at their departed friend, Mrs. Ha ing's plans call for the body to lie state at the home of his father fi soon after its arrival Thursday 9 or 10 o'clock that night and ag for a few hours Friday afternoon. . Get good values cheap, thru Classified columns.-Adv. TED--Ford Roadster, model 1921 1922, with starter. Call R. Rice, 41-p TED- A single room with two lows, well heated in cold weath- and near the campus. Senior. : C.B.A., Daily. 41-p-3 FOR RENT RENT-Single room, near cam for fall. No other roomers in se. 518 Cheever' Court, 2889-M. 41-c RENT- Front suite and large M. Both'have good closets and t. 427 S. Fifth Ave. 41,p-2 FOR SALE SALE-Ford Speester, good con- on, cheap. Call 374 after 6:30 p. -41-c-3 TYPEWRITERS vriters of standard makes ght, sold, rented, exchanged, ned and repaired. O. D. MORRILL ckels Arcade Phone 1718 IN WATER FOR,27 HOURS, 25 l1N.;.THIRD TIME FOR FEAT Dover, Aug. 8.-Observers who were in the small boat that accompanied Henry Sullivan, of Lowell, Mass., on his swim across the Englih channel,' say that in the final stages of his great , effort the American showed a marvel- ouis degree of dogged determination. Sullivan had the misfortune to meet one strong tide setting from the IFrench capes, and the captain of the accompanying motor lugger estimated that but for this the swim would have been accompanied in six hours' less time. As it was, Sullivan performed the feat in 17 hours, 25 minutes. Held Back by Tide ; Because of this baffling tide it took the swimmer from 6:15 a. m. until 8:05 p. m. Tuesday to make the last six miles of his journey. The trouble was due to the flood tide which was run- fning two hours behind its normal schedule. The last 12 hours of the swim prov- ed to be a tremendous endurancetest. At 8 a. in. Tuesday the pier lat Calais was a little more than three miles ahead, but for the next two hours the swimmer's relative position to the land was unchanged. Then the tide set off the coast and Sullivan was forced to make a great fight to retain his advantage. Landis to Preach Rev. G. M. Landis, pastor 1 . of Trinity THE ANN ARBOR PRESS OFFICIAL PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN and \ ITS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS PRESS BLDG., MAYNARD 'tEET PHON N.I RUNNINC DAY AND NIGHT / THE ANN ARBOR DRESS . 1-tfr TYPEWRITING UTING AND MIMEOGRAPH- romptly and neatly done. riters cleaned and repaired. Ylorrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. tfr STATIONERY NCE SALE-Correspondence ery. All clean stock at less ost. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' . Open evenings. tfr LOST 'AND FOUND D--$25 for return of suit and knickers taken from Sigma Nu Friday, August 3. No ques- sked. T. N. Goddard. 41-c 'opy of Hamsun's "Growth of il" on campus last night. call W. K. Greiner, 1003 E. JMhone 909. 41-p ider fountain pen, Thursday on. Name on barrell. Call 960 or 558. 31-p-16 Dover, End, Aug. 8.-(By A. P.)- Mrs. Clemington Carson, the American long distance swimmer abandoned her attempt early this morning to swim the English channel from Dover to Calais. She was then only a few miles from the French coast but thp task was too;great for her. She had then covered a little over 16 miles and had been in the water 14 1-2 hours. Find that lost pin through the clas- sified Ad" will find It for you.-Adv. GARRICK MATS. Tues. 25-50c 14th Annual Season Nights 25-50-75c-$1 THE BONST ELLE CO. ,in the "High Power Hit" "SiX-CYLINDER LOVE" Next Week-"The Fox and the Gander" SUPERFLUOUS FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by N LECTROLYS S Electro-Cosmetic Service 224 Nickel's Arcade " S .. : Mwar r ry i S i MI . . . t: ]pDID t The Engineering in a Curling Iron Sin' eature program. alton in "EAWDUST," 1-Star Cast in Toaay- Conway Tearle in. "MAROONED HEARTS'" Neely Edwards in "THE HOS" Fri. -Sat.- Roy Stewart and Kathleen Kirkhiaumin "BACK TO YELLOW-JACKET" By Peter 13. Kyne Sun. -Wed. - Jane Novk in "COLLEEN OF THE PINES" Stan Laurel in "MUD AND SAND" Griffith in : TRACK" 1 m What sort of engineering is it that makes a study of the needs and the interests of women and creates prod- ucts to satisfy them? ;Does it seem that, in practice at least, this sort of thing is a little different from your understanding of what an engineer really is and does? After all, when you come to think df it, engineering is concerned with all the facts of life. It takes the old facts and interprets them in "new and broader ways; but its big job is the very big job of making more living, -fuller living,-readily available. It is, in every aspect, a thing worth do- ing, whether it concerns itself with curling irons or converters, or any of the thousands of products in between. This is truly the day of the engi-. neer. His judgments and his equip- ment are sought in almost every phase of living. Engineering is remaking the business of housekeeping. Its methods are being applied to merchandis- ing, to distribution, to the wrapping of bundles and the packing of boxes, to the lighting of streets and the hun. dreds of things that, a few years back, were strictly "rule-of-thumb". By the time you are at work out in the world, there will be more-though there are only a few of them left. Whatever is worth doing is worth engineering; engineering effort digni- fies itself. Whether it puts more use- fulness into transformers or curling irons or turbines does not matter. The thing that counts is the work, the creative, constructive service that is going on for the lasting benefit of mankind. r I U:;*STARTING TODAY --' Well Entertained! , .: While amusement shopping make sure that the theatre you attend is presenting a play that has in it that which you like to see - SUSPENSE, TIMELINESS, ACTION, ROMANCE' I1 THOS. H. INCE'S story of circus life that's a circus to see THE SOUL OF THE BEAST" SUNDAY "THE LAW' OF THE LAWLE SS" with Dorothy Dalton Theodore Kosloff Tully Marshall I I 1 nghou1Se iI Also BULL MONTANA In a Great Comedy 'NOWED UNDER" - -, ,1 I1 0 ACHIEVEMENT OPPORTUNITY