I A THE M~ondayf ed every morning except e summe~r session. ember of the Associated Press. The As ted Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches ited to it or not otherwise credited in paper and the local news published here. tered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor. dgan, as second class matter. becription by carrier or mail, .so- lces: Ann Arbor Press Building. ofmunications, if signed as evidence or faith, will b published in he Sumer ofat the i sretion of the Editor. Vn- d communications will receive no con, tion. The signature may be omitted in aion ii esired by the writer.rThe mart. aily ,does unt necessarily edorse Ntlments expressed in the communica.- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones a4x4 and i76-M, MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHUE )tor............Wilam Stoneman >rials .............Paul L. Einstein t Editors.............Nat an Davis kobert G. Ramsay. Assistants ra edemann Ad Phelps raret Geddes Andrew E. Propper 3. kleraer R in Reichan th MtMats MargaretStuarta na Moran Lucy Tolhurst S. Boyer .Matilda Rosenfeld BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER1 L. BEAUMO'NT PARKSi rtlsing..............Hiel M. Rockwell cation .... ............D. L. Pierce nets ..................A. S. Morton ltion ................John C. Haskin Assistants r4h-' artholomew George Stracke eine S. Griffiths . john A. Barrett 'HURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1923 ght Editor-H. A. DONAHUE )TR, CHANCE OF EVAING ANEW WAR . h his return fro mthe peace strick- tuntries of Europe, Senator John- stated on the basis of an exten- knowledge of the facts, "Anothert dy war is in the making. I would ent it if I could; but if that dy war is no concern of ours and s from causes of which we are art, I would not send a single Am- tn soldier across .the seas." Since address of the sentor, we have sufficient proof to , demonstrate his remark was based upon a ser- condition which the involved na- 5 of the continent seem determin- o maintain, regardless of the per- hich they set in their own by- believe, however, that America hold herself aloof from the con- which at present threatens thec nes of Europe, 'indeed ''requirese most optimistic of attitudes. At outset of the late war, we were tier concerned nor to blame for its ence. After several years of neu- ty, years which were anything but re for the United States, we fin- found ourselves "in it," despite fforts of our President and legis- rs to "keep Amneica out." No, wea no direct interests, but no such needed. another war should come, it wouldd ith the savagery of 1917 many increased. With the post-war ac- lishments in the ifleld of aht- the discovery of new asd ever terrible weapons of assault, and lack of respect for humanitarian ests which will certainly accom- such barbarousness, could theT ed States remain apart from it~ Much as we might desire to seea it wo'uld be impossible. ice the armistice, America has ned the unquestionable leader-t in economic affairs of the world. d, then, the greatest producing' of the world, exist under isolation the other consuming nations, na-v which have so great a part in Ibutng to the industrial successf :is country. Yes, we could get g on a basis of isolation, but how ? It would be less than a yearI a unemployment and social strifeI d wreck the morale of the work-C classes and we would have our little war right here. nerica cannot rely on a policy eutrality. We have assured our-s s of a prominent position ina d affairs and whether in war or eace, we will not be able to re- from the limelight. With this1 tion before us, the task of dedic- g ourselves to the prevention oft thus becomes a matter for ourf ediate concern. War, when itE s, will affect us, therefore, if wec ot appreciate the fact before, we now see the importance of main-l ng world peace . R MAXIMUM APPRECIATION the recent conference of teach-f >f English held at Columbia Uni-e ty the subject of the teaching ofl theory that the most effective way in which to impress the student with the meritoriousneso of >literary men is through making an exclusive appeal to the aesthetic sense, others were of the opinion that the merits of such men and their works could only be fully comprehended by a historical in- terpretation and an evolution of the contributions in terms of their influ- ence upon social forces and ideals of their time. It .has become an increasingly hard task to instill in the younger genera- tion a whole hearted support for mon- umental literature, but the reason for this can possibly be traced to the over conscientious attitude which has been assumed by many professors in inter- preting the writings to their students. Contrary to the old method of purely historical treatment, the instructor now undertakes to interpret for his students. It is here that the student is deprived of the thing for which lit- erature was primarily intended, name- ly a personal interpretation of the words of a great genius. 3 Could the historical element be pre- sented, so that the impression of the writer would be but suggested, and then the individual be free to inter- pret its meaning in his own way, the revelations of literature would be many times increased. Fortunately for some people's necks, the fresh fruits are beginning to come in now, and the banana ditty is pass- ing out of oge. We thought we were in London the other morning when we woke up and couldn't see the weather through the fog. YESTERDAY By SMYTHE It Might Hare Been , In the Republican nominating con- vention of 1920, Senator Hiram John- son, of California, said: "Under no circumstances xill I accept the nom- ination for the vice presidency. I must decline with thanks. We might as well have that understood now and end that sort of thing." This state- ment was designed. to put an end to efforts to satisfy the California sen- ator with second place on the Repub- lican ticket.- At that time Republican leaders had become worried about the showing Johnson was making in the' precon- vention campaign. His vigorous meth- ods, and what they termed his radic- al stand on many issues of the day led them to broach the suggestion that Johnson be contented with secoid on the party ticket and lepve the first place to a man of more conservative views and tactics. The suggestion is said to have come from men who had the controlling voice and could have delivered, But Hiram Johnson answer was an emphatic "No." Today it might have been Presi- dent Hiram Johnson instead of Pres- ident Calvin Coolidge. You never can tell. The False Red Alarm Newspapers for the last two or three weeks have given much space and at- tention to the possibilities of a Red revolution in Germany. The current belief was that a revolution was due and last Sunday was fixed as the date of its beginning. The day-passed with- out any unusual disturbances. Yes- terday we read that the Reds, 4.- manding bread, have instituted riots in Dresden. Large mobs carrying *lba and marching through the streets were said to have kept the Saxon cap- itol in an uproar the whole day. The fall of the Cuno government and the exclusive Socialistic control of the country is shortly expected and the popular opinion seems to be that Ger- many will be overrun by the forces of destruction and anarchy. A careful examination of the facts will reveal, however, that disorders such as those in Dresden are exagger- ated and highly-colored, and that grounds for this fear 'of a Red 'up- rising are insecure. Every German knows what revolution is, and what it brings with'it. The loss of millions of lives, the destruction of property, famine, crime, pestilence, and all oth- er results of a disruption of law and order-it would take extreme suffer- ing and desperation to force a clear headed and intelligent people, such as eth Germans are, to take such risks. People will seek strong reasons be- fore they ever attempt to dislodge the existing order of things. A few br.a4 line revolts, a few .fanatical anarch- ists, a few idealists, are not the mate- rials of which revolutions are con- OASTED ROL SOAP. FOR VRYHEADS Drunker-Sa, ah..hic..can you tell me where Z street is? Drunkest-Why, er..hi..yes, you know where the postoffice is? Well, hic..it Waut anywhere near there. A certain registrar received a letter from a wealthy farmer of which a part follows: "I would like to send my son to your school. Please let me know what are your terms for a year and will It cost anything extra if my son gets a lit- tle book learning along with how to drive a high powered car and such?" (Tbhax to B. ' W.) "Well at this rate I will soon be on my feet again," as the tramp said while inspecting the worn out soles of his much used footwear. WE WERE telling a friend from out of town the other day the number of civil engineers graduated from Mich- igan last June. H.e s'aid:, "The engineers \is all right; but its civil conductors that we want, doggone 'em." AN HE is right, yess sir! Wy the other day we wuz 'on a car and just for something to say (we had just come from a.barber shop and the sil- ents was so unusooal) we asked the conductor how far the bloomin car went? "Awgawwan, he says, "you wouldn't go that far if I told ye!" A man was askin' me the other cay when I thought women stood in the skeem of things. Well I knowed one place where they stand an thats in the street cars. Yep! By crickky! TARlK.- EDITORIAL COMMENT THE YANKEE WAY (New York Times) Col. John Calvin Coolidge, the Pres- ident's father, has all that reserve, habit ,of understatement,, dislike' of gush and ironic depreciation of com- pliment that characterize the old old Yankee stock. A Yankee is natur- ally non-committal, except for suffic- ient cause. He likes to qualify his praise. Excess is hateful to him. A schoolmate of the late H. H. Rogers said, when the latter was in his finan- cial prime: "Yes, I'm told Henry has not made out so bad, considerin'." There is an evident dry humor in this habit of depreciation; but the Yankee rather resents questions. He prefers to disclose his full opinion at his own time. As he says of certain cows, he is "a hard milker." "I think he'll do fairly well," the Colonel says of his son.fi ,"He did fairly well as governor, and I guess he'll do fairly well as President." That tempered "fairly well" is delight- ful. It is worth more, coming from such a source, than any flamboyant string of superlatives. For nearly three hundred years these Coolidges have been trained to work and to endure. There has been, it might al- most be said, "hard sledding," what would be called a "crisis" in the more emotional West, among the Yankee farmers : most of the time. They work hard and shut up. In better for- tune they do the same. Prosperity and distinction they take as unde- monstratively as they take a refrac- tory soil, bad crops, the weather or the bull calf "actin' like all possesed." It won't do for a Vermont father to re- veal the pride he has in his son's achievements.. That would be con- trary to the rugged discipline of labor and duty, the silent but understood en- couragement, the personal self-respect that never permits itself to be daz- zled; and "boys," of whatever age, mustn't be "spiled." So Colonel Coolidge doesn't think of his son as President, but "just as a good and honest boy who'll do his best with any job given him. He always has been that way, and I guess. he always will be.." Calvin wasn't precocious or extraordinary. He did his work at school and. at home. "He was a great hand on the farm." He wasn't brought up to any system of rules. "If there are rules," says the father shrewdly, "it gives a boy a chance to break them. "I told Calvin algrays to do. his job well. And he always did. That's what my father taught me and that's what his father taught him." Calvin Coolidge has always done his job well, done his best in every em- ployment. He was brought up to do his best and say little about it. He begins his enormous task at Washing- ton without flutter or elation. The nation knows that he will do his best and "guesses," with his father, that Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonal _ "he'll do fairly well as President." That means excellently well, as may be expected of a man of trained intel- ligence and judgment, honest, efficient,. fearless," dreading praise, not blame." lemember "Jimmie the adtaker's" number-96Q.--Adv. DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Eastern Standard Time (Effective July 1o, 1923) Limited and Express Cars to Detroit -6:0o a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:o5 a.m. and hourly until 9:05 p.m. Limited Cars to Jackson-8:47 a.m., 10:47 a.m., 12:47 p.m., 2:47 P.M., 4:47 p.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 p.m. Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m. and every two hours until 9:4. p.m. Local Cars- to Detroit-7:oo a.m., 8:55 a.m. and every two hours until 8:55 p.m., zxz:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti Only-1 x:40 p~m., r15 a.m. Local Cars to Jackson-7:50 a.m. and then 12:xo a.m. Connection made at Ypsilanti to Saline and at Wayne to Plymouth and . Northville. VISIT historic CHIcAOo AND MONROE PIKES Gatelvay to Irish Hills CHICKEN DINNER :: ETC ~F COMPLEXION POWDER ELECT the shade best suited to your skin-there is certain to be one that exactly matches you flesh tones-and apply it precisely as directed. Then go on your way without another thought for your ap- pearance. You are assured of looking'your lovely best through. hours and hours of strenuous shopping, outdoor sports, danc- ing, working or what ,you will. It needs but one thorough test to convince you. Armand Cold Cream. Powder in dainty pink : and white box, exqui- sitely perfumed, $1.00.' Other Armand Powders, 50 cents to $10.00-white, pink, creme, brunette, and tint natural. h- !.l 11111111111 111 In lllli i WHITE Lau Dye La ONE D rF raP ar r lfilliilliR SWAN LAUNDRY CO. nderers, Cleaners :rs, Presser' mm an UU EU ents' Suits.!.......$1.625 adies' Suits...$1.50 up AY SERVICE ON REQUEST 'HONE 165 Cool Lunches l for hot ,days 709 N. University I i _ "Something T' Ea PERFECTLY normal instinct prompts grc ng children at all ho between meals- want '.'8omctinf/ t' 6 Your dealer always has CONNOR'S in the tasty e- conomical brick form. Fresh vanilla cream daily;' delightful "specials" for the weak-end. The logical way to satisfy those healthy appetites is to give them CONNOR'S Brick Ice Cream-often. CONNOR' S in the sanitary car- ton is finest ice cream in its purest, most convenient form. Made entirely by machinery in spotless sunlit factories, it is never touched by hands or ex- posed to the atmosphere. Next Sunday Special Brick FO O D always tastes much better if the surroundings are right. There is no pleasanter place in Ann Arbor in which to eat than MALL0-NUT and MAPLE MOUSSE I Ak 11 lII I I i' TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM MAYNARD STREET MACK Wolf Lake Michigan's most delightful Summer : Resort :- An Ideal Place To spend a day or week-end or to get a Frog and Chicken Dinner A pleasant motor trip of 28 miles from Ann Arbor. Take highway M-17 to Grass Lake, passing thru, turn left 4 1-2 miles (following signs) to Mack Island. Bathing, Ioat ing, Fish- ing, Dancing New Dinner-dance room may be engaged by private parties. Reserva- tions for dinners may be made by tele- phone. WILLIAM K. McINTYRE, Prop GRASS LAKE 11 - '.. " A FREE TUBE Ton Tested 'WithEach Vacuum Cup Tire In addition to the New R Cup Tires, we are offering a Sp TUBE FREE. See our prices! home. eduction in prices of Vacuum pecial Reduction, also giving a Buy now, before 'you drive Have you seen the "Auto Camp" Trailer? We have just received some of the very latest models. Before you make any-plans for a trip, or for a drive home, see this trailer. Nll Come in, let us demonstrate. VERNON J. McCRUMB 113-115 South Ashley Street Dealer in Penisylvania Vacuum Saginaw Auto-Camp T Tires and