I L t Photo Of President Shows Him Suffering Strain E P Peace 00 to A ird Promises of Best TO F SOMIE G PEACE I ie American peace award created Edward W. Bok offerse $100,00 to author of the best practicable plan vhich, the United States may co- ate with other nations to achieve preserve the peace of the world. he purpose of the award is to the American people from coast oast a direct opportunity to evolve an that will be acceptable to many Lpa of citizens who strongly de- to see the United States do its e in the prevention of war. Open to Everyone he contest is open to every citiz- of the United States, by birth or iralization. Plans may be sub- ed either by individuals or by or- [zations of every kind, national, e, or local. he winning plan must provide, a Aticable means whereby the United es can take its place and do its 'e toward preserving world peace. plan may be based upon the pres- covenant of the League of Nations nay be entirely apart from that in- mont. Other Prizes Offered nce the plan finally selected by jury of aweird may be a composite, nore than one plan, there are also} red, in addition to the main award 100,000, second, third, fourth, and iawards of $5,000 each for any is' or portions of 'plans used by jury in a composite plan. 1I papers must be received at the e of the American Peace Awar4 12 o'clock midnight on Nov. 15, . It is expected that the jury will ble to announce th eselection of a 1 in time for the plan to be pre- ed to the senate early in 1924. 146 Entered In Canada Contest pronto, Aug. 3.-(By A.P.)- 1461 rers, the largest number ever en- d in any event of its kind, have ted to play today in the 72 hole id for the Canadian open golf upionship. Sixteen of the entrants from the United 'states. 1. A. Watrous, 'of Redford, Mich, won the title lat year, ,Jhi rows, the young prpfessional of Lronac, N. Y., and John Hutchin- of Chicago are among the Amer- 1 stars. Cotton Spinners Refuse Council he Litte Entente conference has, -By more than a 2 to 4 vote the ter cotton spinners raeted the i of an. advisory epuncil to coutrol :uction Classified Advertising Rates: Two cents per word >er day, paid in advance ; fif- :een cents per reading line per lay, charged. TYPEWRITERS cisions as to the cause of 'death. In a statement issued last night and sign- ed by all of them they declared .it was due to "apoplexy or a rupture of blood vessels in the brain near the respiratory center. The statement emphasized that death from such a cause might have occurred at any time and came after recovery from the acute illness he had suffered for a weelk was in pro- gress. Illness Was Acute The statement showed conclusjvely that the physicians as well 4s every- one else believed up to the minute the executive was subjected to the apoplectic attack that he was on the road to recovery. T'hree hours before the end came the most optimistic bul- letin issued since the president was taken ill was, made public . It said that he had spent the ,"most comfort- able day. since his illness began". The bulletin was- tined 4 30 p. m. "Theevidence's of infection are sub- siding, but he has been left in a very weakened condition by the hard 'bat- tle he has made," the bulletin added. "This afternoon the temperature is remaining normal, with the pulse rate aroun 100 and the resiprations averag- ing about 30. Other factors remain the same." Recovery Looked For The bulletin was so optimistic that there was a general letting down in the watchfulness that has attended the president's illness. Members of the cabinet and their wives, the per- sonnel of the executive's staff and many of the newspapermen went out to dinners, where most of the talk was when the trip back to Washington could be started. At no time since the president was brought to San Francisco Sunday morning was the vicinity of the presidential suite as deserted as it was about 7 o'clock Thursday night. BASEBALL CEASES FRIDAY IN RESPECT FOR HARDING All games in the American and Na- tional leagues were postponed yester- day out of respect for the late Presi- dent Harding. The way to rent a room is with a ~Daily Classified".-Aav.I UNITERSIT MEN PAY JRIBUTETOHARDING (Continued from Page One) prayers and sympathy of the nation will be with the wonderful Mrs. Hard- ing in her sorrow. She will continue' to be the 'first lady of the-land'."' Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale who also enjoyed the personal friendship of Mr. Harding for 20 years, said: "I knew Harding for 20 years- He was a quiet and unassuming man, but I haven't the least doubt that when the big event transpired, he could measure up to it safely and dispassionately. I knew McKinley also, and as far as capacity' .and ability, went, they were about equal. Harding was a,big, good heart- ed middle western man. The last time I saw him was at his, home just aft- ter he had been nominated. He came out to the automobile In which I sat in his shirt sleeves, and talked four or five minutes with Dr. Sawyer and myself." "The ,Unpretentious American" Mr. D. W. Springer, one of the lead-' isg members of the Republican party, and a friend of the President, said: "He was a great human likeable chap, and he didn't change after he became the President. His oustanding char- acteristic vias that he was an un- pretentious American citizen. He was' confronted with a problem such as no man has ever faced, and I am wasn't entirely his own master." wasn't entirely his ow nmaster." Bevan Brotoers Visiting In C Varsity Coaches Fielding H. and George Little have as their gu mover the week-end Larry and I Bevan, both well known high scl football mentors in Ohio. The former is director of sp at Steele high school, Dayton, has turned out- a number of ch pionship football teams in that while his brother Roll has had no success with gridiron teams at W high school, Toledo. VAN TYNE TO SPEAK UPON INDIA TUESDAY AFTERN (Continued from Page One) with his policy of passive resistE is carrying on a most successful olution, gives him an understan 'of 'the situation that few can b Professor Van Tyne has writte 'book upon his observations of In 'politics while abroad, which is with the publishers. VISIT historic -:'. Walker Cavern -: COR CHICAGO AND MONROE PIKES Gatrhay to Irish Hills CHICKEN DINNER : ET I! I"]P, 0 President and Mrs Harding, snapped just before he 'was stricken Ill at San Francisco . This probably is the last photograph of President 'and Mrs- Warding taken before he was taken ill on his arrival in San Francisco. It is evid- ent that' the western trip was too great a strain on the President. The exertion of the tour is plainly shown by harding's face, . Today- Tom Mix in "ROMANCE LAND" Stan Laurel in "CUfFS and COLLARI" Sun. thru Wed.- Johnnie Walker in sTHE FOURTH MUSKETEER" By H. C. Witwer. Snub Pollard in "JACK FloST" Coming-"TNELMA," by Marie Corelli, with JANE NOVAK. Monty Banks.in "A/QUIET VACATION." Today- Constance Talmadge in "A LADY'S NAME" Jack Cooper in "SWEET AND PRETTY" Sun.-Tues.- Edward (Hoot) Gibson in "OUT OF LUCK" Bull Montana in 'GLAD RAGS" Wed.-7Zurs.- Conway Tearle in "MAROONED HEARTS" Jack Forde in "THE HOST" .W---, ters of standard makes t, sold, rented, exchanged. d and repaired. O. D. MORRILL els Arcade Phone 1718 (Continued from Page One) Ohio he represented his native state for six years,' Funeral Services Wednesday} The funeral services will be held in the capital rotunda late next Wednes- day and the body after laying there all day will begin its final jourIey to Marion, Ohio. Arriving on. the morn- ing of Thursday at Marion, among the home folks the dead President loved best, the body will be given the ten- der and loving care of neighbors and friends until the following day and further services 'wiJl be held and the National day of mourning will be held. Then it will re'st in, the Marion cemetery, rs. Harding obtained some rest last night, retiring at one ,o'clock and slept peacefully until morning. Throughout the day she moved about the rpresidential suite, always, ac- cording to those present, more mind- ful of others than of herself. - Notables Send Condolences Supporting 'Mrs. Harding in her be- reavement were niessages of sympa- thy from all parts of the world. Tele- grams poured into the hotel all day. They came from two former. Presi- dents, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft; from members of the oabinet; from governors, and may- ors, and from rulers of foreign coun- tries, and persons unknown beyond the .borders of their own spheres. Much of the' work of making plans for the future was done by George T. (1hristian,; Jr, who has served as Mr. Harding's secretary for years. Mr. Christian was ;in Los Angeles whep the chief executive passed away having gone there to read to the Knights Templar of Hollywood, what was the President's last public mes sage, and the was hurriedly carried back to San Francisco by a special train. The four cabinet members in San Francisco, Secretaries Hoover, Wallace, Work, and Attorney General Daugherty, assisted in this behalf.' Burial in Home 'Town The burial will be made at Marion, O., the small Ohio: city which Warren G. Harding made known around the world' because there from poor and humble surroundings, he struggled upward until the American .people awarded 'him the highest gift and paid him the greatest honor within their power to bestow. PresidenthHarding was a mantwho loved "the home folks", and if he had had time to leave a parting word last night it undoubtedly would have contained instructions that he be buried in the town that knew him as "Warren" and where he called most The trip across the continent is be-- ing made on the same train'that car- ried the chief executive, a well and happy and hopeful man,-'to the Pa- cific coast. Its route will take it through Reo, Ogden, Cheyenne, Om- aha, Chicago and the'nce to Wash- ington. It will make no stops ex- cept to change engines and for other operating purposes. The body of the president will be borne in the car which carried him to the west. It will be acconipanied by the same party which accompan- ied the executive when he left Wash- ington June 20 with the addition of Attorney General Daugherty, Gen. Persling and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Remsberg and family of Santa Anna, Calif. Mrs. Remberg is a sister of Mr. Harding. Has Military Guard Naval and military honors will be paid the dead commander by the ar- my and navy throughout the whole trip. TwR 'soldiers and two sailors, members.mf the guard of honor of 16 enlisted men ,and two officers stand at attention beside the casket. The car bearing the body is to be lighted at night and the whole train probably will be draped in black. The five physicians who attended, the president were united in their de- ' " y t Cake Eater 1-tfr FOR RENT SE~ FOR RENT-On East Kings- St., one section oubNehouse five rooms and garage, $50.00 month by the year. Phone 1564- WAJIYUD TED-An insurance solicitor.' ply' stating qualifications and )Te number for appointment. Box C., care of Michigan Daily. 34-c-3 TED-Rooms for twelve men for iter- session in one house. Call 7-M after 6 P. M. 36-p-6 TYPEWRITING CWRITING AND MIMEOGRAPH- G promptly and neatly done. pewriters cleaned and repaired. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. tfr STATIONERY -RANCE SALE-Correspondence tionery. All clean stock at less .n cost. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' cade. Open evenings. tfr :iilii 1111I 1111111 i i 11III illi1111 ~ ISaturda4yOnly! 1= - OFF ON ALL LIGHT " PATTERNED SUITS' TWEEDS, HOME SPUNS-ANDE CASHMERES YN PLAIN -OR SPORTMODELS Sensat~gnacl_ Reduction- Extra Special - 2doz. WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS. 181-2 Knee 17 1-2 Bottom $12.00 values....915- IRMA OEM- Publlshad i the interest of Else.- trlcal Deeelopmie t b an Institution hat will be helpedy whet- ever helps the Inudustr. esur -modelof'1900 He was called dude and dandy then, but YOu recognize the type. Hre.majored in haberdashery and took his degree with honors in soxology.A As if that were not enough, he evolved some variations on the cake walk which made them stare. He even found time to develop a remarkable proficiency on the tandem bicycle, and on Saturday nights he .was good enough to bring pleasure into Another's life by wheeling away to the "Ten-Twent-Thirt." To crowd all this into four short years would seem enough for any mortal. Yet in spite of his attain- ments there ,are times, in after life, when our hero wonders. The glory of his waistcoats has long since faded, while his books are still fresh and clean.. Did he perchance put too much thought into the selec- tion of his hats and too little in what: went under themn Electr4 Company Sinc 1869 makers and diatribu t mf gekctra. equflment LUTZ Clothing Store DOWNTOWN [k ,