ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ot the sity. Copy received in the Office of the Summer Session uma 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. M.. taturday.) a 3 FRIpAY, AUGUST 3, 1923 -N'nbcr It . r x WELLS ADMALLOY JO*IN IN FINAL LAPI W ,...r....r- 16 Year Old Star Covers Self Glory in First Day's Matches With erology 3s: [he final examination in Bacteriology 3u and condition examinations in erIology 3 (Laboratory) and Bacteriology 2 (Lecture) will be giv-en r at 8:30 a. m., in the Medical Building. *PHILIP HADLEY. rsion No. 12: Consumers Power and Jackson State Prison.. Party leavys in spelial at downtown D. U. R. Stateion (116 West Huron street) at 8:47 a. m. lng will be spent in inspecting power and gas plants of the Consumers er Company under special guidance. Luncheon at noon, with special .res furnishes by hosts, will be provided by Consumers Power Com-n . One p. m. visit State Prison and Prison Annex (farms and textile. ; three miles out of Jackson). Women will not be allowed inside prison , but will see guard room, hate prison methods explained by prison lain, and visit the Annex, including the textile plant. Total cost $1.50. especially important that the e9xtact number leaving at 8:47 a. m., be m by Friday at 6 p, m to allow adequate transportation, and other ar- ements at Jackson, to be made, Please leave names, therefore In Su . Session Office, University Hall, before 6 p. m' .,Tiday, August 3 CARLTON. WELLS. hology of Advertising 25as:, Professor Adams expects to meet hisclasses again lay, August 6. Members of Professor Adams' classes should see boil- board on second floor of Natural Science building for assignments. C. H.'GRIFFITS. neering Students: )ne or two draftsmen )vith some experience in detail work are needed art time work (a couple of hours a day) on the campus. Those inter- . see the undersigned, Room 341, Engineering Building, between : 12 a. m. or 1 and 3 p. m. F. W. PAWLOWSKIJ bers of the Cosmopolitan Club: 5 kn invitation has been received y the Club from Mr. and Mrs. Fred- -W. Stevens to a garden party at t eir home at 1245 Ferdon Road on ay, August 5; from 4 to 6 p. m. Members and foreign stulens who ar e ested in the club are requested to be present. WILLIAM C. WANG. erence on the Social Sciences in the Public Schools: )n Friday, August 10th, a conference- on the Social Sciences in the ic Schools will be held from 2 to 4:45 p. i. in the Auditorium of thp ral Science Building. , Professor T. H Reed, of the department of Pol- 1 Science, will preside. Addresses will be given by Professor William 'rayer of the department of History, Professor C. 0. Davis, of the' 01 of Education, Professor A. E. Wood, of the department of Sociology, Mr. Philip Lovejoy, of Benton Harbor. There will be an opportunity eneral discussion. All interested are cordially invited to attend. A. E. COURNYER, Chairman WHAT'S GOING ON FRIDAY 5:00-Lecture, "TieHistory of Am- erican Mathematics up to 1800." Prof. L. C.. Karpinski. 8:00-Lecture -. ecital. "Maebeth." Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, University Hall. [ SATURDAY 8:47 a. m.-Excursion No. 12. State Prison and Consumers Power com- pany plant, Jackson. Trip ends at 4 p. m. FOUR MICHIGAN PLAYERS STILL IN GOLF CONTEST Special to. The Michigan DaIly John Malloy, 16 year old Ann Ar- borite, covered himself with glory in the first "Ray's gof matches for the. state championship at the Kent Coun- try club. He won handily in the morn- ing. In the afternoon, paired against Lewis Bredin, former state champion,' he won a sensational match on the nineteenth hole, displaying the cool- ness and courage of the most sea- soned veteran. Malloy won through accur'ate shooting and excellent con-. trol of all shots in the pinches. Coming to the eighteenth all even, l>Friintwas close to the hole in two vwith a ten font putt for a three, while Johnny was fifteen yards short. Then he chipped his next boldly, dead to the hole, getting a half when Bredin missed. A par four inthe first extra hole clinched the match for the youthfur Ann Arborite. The{University of- Michigan has four players in Frid4y's play, Carle- ton Wells, State champion, wvho won his matches comfortably, Hugh Smith. John Winters, and Myron Crosby. All but one Detroter, Earl ,Cain, were eliminated, as were the Grand Rap- ds favorites. Friday morning, Johnny Malloy will+ be paired with his clubmate, Carleton Wels. This match promises to draw the largest gallery, and the crowd, i as on Thuwsday, will undoubtedly bef wishing the youngster success against his more experienced opponent, Carle-( ton Wells. TUESDAY S :00-Lecture, "Reniiscences of In- dian' Politics." Prof. C. H. Van Tyne. 8 :00-Miseellaneous Readings. The Class in Interpretive Reading. (Un- iversity HalL) Ju-NOTICES Summer session students desiring to use the Union Building this summer must obtain card at desk. A di- rectory of all students has been com- piled. Russian Christmas, December 25 Moscow, Aug. 2.-(By A.P.)-The Soviet council of commisars has fixed church holidays so Russia this year will celebrate Christmas simultane- ously with the rest of' the world. Patronize The Daily advertisers. American League New York 4, Cleveland 2. Washington 5-2, St. Louis 0-1. Chicago 9, Boston 5. Detroit 6, Athletics 5. National League New York 3, Pittsburg 2. Cincinnati 2, Phillies0. Chicago 5, Boston 0. The way to rent a room is w "Daily Classified".-Acv. MONDAY 5:00-Lecture, "The Serious Side Play." Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell. of ,, GO1LF SUPPLIES. A BAG OF MacGregor Clubs WILL GIVE YOU CONFIDENCE AND JMPROVE YOUI GAME. w AHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTRES PA m Pmwmmm CAMPIN G, TOURING AND OUTING SUPPLIES We can furnish most of your needs h'hich will add comfort and a o make your vacation a real pleasure. A FEW OF THE MANY ITEMS: Knickers and Breeches for ladies and men $2.25 up. Sweaters, Knit Coats, Golf Hose, Puttees, Navy an Whilte Duck Trousers ".1 w 7 tion Pictures. Shown Last Night .r reels of Educational Motion es were shown in the Natural ce auditorium last night. The of the three pictures was "The e Industry." The growth was red from the bud to the matur-I the fruit and the method ofI ng was pictured. The second of eries, "The Story of Portland it", was a two reel picture. The live, plant which is necessary for ianufacture of the cement was d. Beginning with the bla t- f the limestone, each stage 'o rocess to the packing and the ng of the finished product was1 ated. The third picture, "A back After Fish on Untrod was of a fishing trip in the ful Kootenay region of Canada. arty rode to the virgin lake on >ack and found the water teem-' ith trout. idscape Class To Visit Detroit . A. Tealdi's class in Civic In- g and City Planning, will visit etroit city parks today. The will meet at the Michigan Cen- epot at 630 o'clock this morn- Busses will await the arrival) party in Detro~it and will con- vey the students through the Detroit praks, drives, and bouleva:rds. Seter al park officials will he " resent to e plain Detroit's parking system and point out the interesting features of the trip. . The party will return' shor ly after noon. j .i 6 Injured in Explosion. Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 2-(By A. P.)-W. J. Maher, son of L. K. Mahler. president of the Maher Collieries Coal company was probably fatally burned this afternoon in an explosion of gas n the Marcoll mine of that company at Woodlands, Virginia, according to word received herd. There wer six others injured. The explosion occurred when the men were making an inspection of the A T T HE :T I --- Screen- Si Majestic - John "Luck.". Orphxeum--oonst in "A Lady's N Wuerth-Tom Mi Land-" Stage-Th jCarrick (Detroit stelle company Of Paradise." Remember "Jimm number-9GD.-Adv. ance Name. x in 'HEj Toda nny ATERS I y Hines in Talmadge "Romance 'ek I The Bon- "The Bird O D. Khaki, and Poplin Army able for warm weather wear. Shirts. - Palm-Beach, Linn and, Caps, etc. Kha~ki Trouser, Rain Coats, Cravanettes, Ponchos, Rubber Boots. Sport Suits, Hats, Shirts are neat and Also Pongee Dress comfort- and Sport TENTS is W All kinds, in khaki or white, Wall Tents, Pup Tents, Children's Play, Mosquito, and )} lit Auto-Touro Tents hoist. l1 IBernhardt's Dome to be Hotel ie the adtaker's" Diamond Edge U. S. Army Axes with carrier . ....1. 35 New Reg. Navy Ha$3mocks Paris, Aug. 2.-(By A.P.)-It has become known that Sarah Bernhardt, shortly before 'she died, sold he Belle Isle country home (off the coast of Brittany) for $20,000; a summer hotel is to be built, with a jazz band apd 'dancing in the first floor. .SUPERFLUOUS FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS Electro-Cosmetic Service 224 Nickel's Arcade GAR RICK Ts.-&t 25-50c 14th Annual Season Nights 25-50-75c-$T THE BONSTELLE C .l In Richard Walton Tully's "The Bird of Paradise' NEXT WEEK-" SIX-CYLINDER LOVE" Patronize The.Daily advertisers. VISIT historic ale cavern -.- & COR CHICAGO ANiD IM01IHOE PIK(ES. U Gatvay to Iljsh Hills CHICKEN DINNER ETC t 0. D. Wool Army Blankets, Auto Robes and Steamer Rugs Gold Medal Camp Furniture For Cottage, porch, lawn, or touring. Folding cots $3.25 Stools, Chairs, Tables, Stoves, Grub Stakes, Folding Baskets, Canteens, Duffel Bags, Auto Covers, Luggage Racks and Coverings, in fact everything for Campinig. Surplus Supplies Store, 213 N. 4th Ave. "It pays to walk a Jelps blocks" 'e tudents S pply l11 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE- 5tore t .1 _ , . k U if Daces Every Saturday Even'g BEST FLOOR IN TOWN II U TICKETS AT DOOR r