itrOut 4,71Iatiij 4- I DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE L I I V. No. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 192 PRICE'FIVE I' - j CHIEF EXECUTIVE PASSES AWAY INSTANTLY WHILE CONVERS- ING WITH FAMILY ASSEMBLED AT BEDSIDE; APOPLEXY IS DEATH BLOW FRlENCH AND BELGIAN NOTES BLOCK HOPES OF PEACE-IN, RUHR DISPUTE1 STATESMEN FEAR REBULI I Presidential Headquarters, Palace Hotel, Sah Francisco, Aug. 2-(By the Associated Press) -President Harding died in- stantly without warning tonight at 10:30 Death came to the chief executive while he was conversing with the members of his family, and according to the official statement issued by physicians was apparently due to some strain, probably an apoplexy. The statement said: III I "Mrs. Harding, who from the beginning of the president's illness had expressed com- plete confidence in his recovery, did not break down. On the other hand, she continued as from the beginning, the bravest member of the group.: "When she realized that the president had actually passed away she turned to those in the room, who in concern had turned to her, and said, 'I am not'going to break down.9 k Warren G. Harding was born on a farm, near the village of Blooming Grove, Mor- row County, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1865, the eldest of eight children. His father, George T. Har- ding, was a country doctor whose forbears came from Scotland. Before going to Ohio, the Hardings were residents of Pennsylvania, where some of them were massacred by Indians. Others fought in the revolutionary war. The mother of Warren, Mrs. Pholbe r e' t 1 T r 71 . TT ti 71 1 r "i t [1 T T1"r } Dickerson, was descended from an old-time Holland Dutch family, the Van Kirks. In his youth Warren Harding lived the life of a farmer boy attending the village school. until 14 years of age, when he entered Ohio Central College of Iberia, from which he was graduated . As editor of the college paper he first displayed a talent for journalism.. He was obliged to stop school now and then and earn the' money with which to puisue his college course. At one time he cut corn, at another painted barns and at still an- other-drove a team and helped to grade the roadbed of a new railway. At 17 he taught a district school and played a horn in the village brass band. At odd times he worked in the village printing office, in time becoming an expert typesetter and later a linoytpe operator. He was a practical pressman and a job printer, and as a "make up man" is said to have had few equals. The luck piece that he always carried as a Senator is the old printer's rule he used when he was sticking type. In 1884 Dr. Harding moved his family to Marion. A short time afterward the father purchased for Warren Harding The Star, then a small paper. Warren G. Harding brought to the presidency an infinite patience and kindness in dealing with public questions and men which enabed him to handle the problems of governmen t without the stress and worry that handicapped many of his predecessors. Whatever else historians may say of him, there probably will be little dispute that few executives came to office in peace time facing problems more complex in their nature or greater in number. , All international affairs were unbalanced as never before, with many principal settlements of the great war still to be effectuated. At home the work of reconstruction had only just begun, with business depressed, agriculture prostrate and unemployment general. How Mr. Harding measured up to the task before him must be left to the historians, but his friends said that coming to the presidency as he did with an open mind, a desire for counsel and an intimate knowledge of the processes of government acquired in his services in the senate, he was the type of man needed for the job at such a time. Preaching upon every occasion the doctrine of Americanism, he set his foot resolutely against "entangling alliances". While thus adhering to what he was pleased to term the principles of the founding fathers, he nevertheless lent the moral as- sista'nce of the government in the effort to bind up the wounds of the world. That influence was once declared by him to be not inconsiderable, and so America under his guidance had a part, silent though it was in the main, in effecting the settlements of many vexing word questions. Its chief contribution was the Wash- ington Arms conference at which the principal powers covenanted to limit the size of their navies and thus lift from tax-weary. peoples the burdens they had been under in reaching for naval supremacy. Along with the proffer of counsel in effecting world settements went an insistence that American rights be recognized. With a directness of expression that was not to be misconstrue d, the world was given to understand that the United States freely respecting the rights of the other nations, asked for herself only that to which she was entitled in simple justice, and that she could accept nothing less. Vice President Calvin Coolidge,' who will succeed the late President, will assume his position as Chief Executive immediately after the interment of the late President. In his position as Governor of Massachusetts during the strikes occurring there just previous to his election to the vice-presidency, it will be remembered, Mr . Coolidge admirably handled a most difficult situation by enlisting the services of the state militia.' BRITISH GOVERNMENT HOPES TO BRING PRESSURE TO BEAR ON FRANCE POINCARE PROMISES TO1 PUBLISH FRENCH SIDE France Does Not Refer to Belgian Note; Refuses Joint Note to Germany London, Aug. 2-(By A.P.)-Sel- dom has Parliament separated for a long vacation under such an ominousl cloud of difficult relations with an allied power as it did after graveI statements today by the Prime Min- ister, Stanley Baldwin, in the House1 of Commons and the Secretary forc Foreign Affairs, Marquis Curzon, int the House of Lords, revealing an ap- parently insurmountable diverengce' of views between England and France as to how to deal with the repara- tions question. Although the minis- terial statements revealed much more than, had been expected of the de- tail of the negotiations with France and Belgium, showing, for instance, that England in her draft note to Germany painly advised the GermanE government to withdraw her decreef admitting passive resistance in the Ruhr yet the statements stil leavet the country in ignorance of the Brit-t ish governments next step, and judg- ing from Lord Curzon's speech, the ministers themselves are not yet de- finitely decided on this point.' The government clearly hopes that it may still be possible to bring pres- sure to bear on the French govern- ment through an appeal which they indicate by through a new tribunal, namely, the "civilized world"-. It is indicated from Paris tonight that M. Poincare has no objection to the publication of the French side of the case so that within a short time public opinion will be put in posses- son of all the details of the recent negotiations. In the commons polit- ical quarters tonight on the minis- terial statement, the worst feature ofa the 'position as revealed today was considered to be that France in her reply did not begin to even refer to the French note to Belgium and in no respect could they attempt a joint note to Germany. It expressed/that the French note insisted that'the ques- tion of passive resistance to which all other questions were incidental, was not even touched. All advices from Germany have indicated that the German government is unlikely to withdraw its resistance decree and even in the hands of the policy will continue just the same. Bulletin Great Britain and France standl even further apar in their atti- tude toward Germany than the British people and probably the world at large have understood This seems to be the conclu- sion drawn from the explanations Prime Minister Baldwin aendLord Curoii, the foreign secretary, gave the two houses of parlia- ment today of the position result- Ing from the latest British at- tempt to lay the foundations of a united policy. The ministers revealed that the latest communications from France and Belgium furnished no material for an alleged ans- wer to the German reparations proposals and they brought to light a surprising dealdlock in the CorresponGence, PREMIERDECLARES SETTILMEN1 OF REPARATION QUESTION ' IMPOSSIBLE BALDWIN AND CURZON i eFAIL IN SETTEMEN' Leaders Year Delay' Will Prove Fatal; Italy lInclines to British Side London, Aug. 2.-(By A.P.)-PrirE Minister Baldwin, joined with Lord Curson, the foreign secretary, in in- forming parliament today that the re- plies of 'France and Belgium to the British reparation note seemed to hold out no prospect of a settlement of the Ruhr situation in the near future nor the opening of a discussion regarding reparations. Great Britain had 'submitted to the other allies the draft of a joint allied reply of the last Germany reparation communication and Great Britainha attached very great importance taofth dispatch of such a reply, the premi Z said. Neither France or Belgium however, had mentioned this replays 'their answer to the British communication and Great Britain, to the regret of her government,; was unable to sind& these responses sufflciet interial for the dispatch of a joint allied rplay to Germany. Urged Expert Advice Realizing the danger of the Euro- plan situation sinking into irretrie- able ruin during prolonged negotia- tions amog the allies, the British government, holding that the problem cannot be evadedil the statement said, has invited the allies to agree to the publication of their communications in the hopes that these documents to- gether with those prepared by Great Britain, may convifice- the world 0 the necessity of prompt and united ac- tion. The prime minister, in the house o commons, and Lord Curzon, in the house of lords, began their identical addresses by reciting the history1 the recent _negotiations-' They the broke new ground in this manner "In this draft reply the British 'gov- ernment dealt with the various 'pro. posals contained Pa the German mem- orandum and expressed the opihiiol that while nothing should. be don which was inconsistent' with the stip ulations of the treaty of Vesalles advantage would be derived by in ex amination, by impartial experts, in co operation with the reparation con mission into 'Germany's capacity t pay. Sought Ralir Peace "As regards the guarantees offere by the German government the Brit- ish government went on to point ou in the draft replay that the value o any such guarantees must largley de pend on factors of which the Germea !government in its memorandum ha made no mention such as stabilizin the mark and balancing the Gera budget and that on guarantee coul be effective unless provision weri made for some form of internationa control over the German ,nanclal ad 'ministration,." Italy is Favorable "The reply expressed the belief ta such action on the part of German would involve reconsideration by thi occupying powers of the conditions o their occupation and the gradual ,re turn to. the normal features of indus trial life' in the Ruhr "In th covering note with which this draft reply was sent to the allie governments the British governmen INATIKONF 12 HB DAY DECIDED the formal announcement said theI ges to be Adjusted to Afford Earning Equal to 25 Per Cent Increase RY ANNOUNCES CHANGE- EFFECTIVE WHEN POSSIBLE qew York, Aug. 1-(By A.P.)-E1- nation of the 12-hour day in the el industry will begin immediately I wages of employes where hours reduced from 12 to 8 hours will so adjusted as to afford an earn- equivalent of a 25 per cent in- ase on hourly and base rates, Dir- or of the American Steel & Iron change would be effective as rapidly as the supply of labor would permit. He said it was impossible to say when the changes would be completed, but declared there would be no unneces- s ary delay on the part of anyone. It is estimated thatethe shorter working day will -necessitate the employment of between 60,000 and 65,000 addi- tional laborers and will add approxi- mately $45,000,000 to the annual pay roll of the industry. Employes who are now receiving' $4.80 for a 12 hour day will receive $4.00 for an 8 hour day. American Express Raises Chicago, Aug. 2-(By A.P.)-In- creases ranging from to 3 12 cents an hour were granted employes of the American Express company and the Southeastern Express company in a decision of the United States Rail- road Labor board made public here Md~Anvr Convention ences PROMINEN WIL UNIVERSITY PLANS CIVICS CONFIERENCEi Will Discuss Social Si- as Taught in High Schools T FACULTY MEN L SPEAK ON PROGRAM The conference which is being plan-, ned will be presided over by Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the political sci- ence department. Address will be given by Prof. William A. Frayer, of the history department, Prof. Calvin 0. Davis, of the School of Education, 'Prof. A. E. Wood, of the department 'of sociology, and Mr. Philip Lovejoy, of Benton Harbor. It is in response to the request of the National Council for social study, that the meeting is being held. The work of organization wag unedrtaken by a committee appointed from Pro-; fessor Reed's class in Civics 60 which is studying the problem of the study yof social science in the high school. The conference will consider what place such studies should occupy in the curriculum of the high " school, and what porportion of attention, should be given to each branch of the field, history, political science, sociol- ogy, and education. A conference on the Social Sciences in the Public Schools will be held from 2 to 4:45 o'clock on Aug. 10 in thy auditorium of the Natural Science building, which will take up the prob- lems of social studies and their place in the high school curriculum. Sev- eral prominent faculty men will speak, in addition to an outside speaker, while ample opportunity will be given for general discussion. of the