TINITED WARM XPERATURE. itrat I ~I~j I ASSOCIAT PRES Dmy A aNairHTWIRE SERVICE . XIV. No. 86 HR FOOD0 RIOT [EN AS FARMERS JUON PAPER MARKS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1923 PRICE FIVE President COn road To Gp'od Health i . 3 DATES -FOR -StMMER EXAMS A9N NOUN CED TeMts to be riven on Ann. 12. 16 and, 17-Must be Taken ini Courses For Credit COMPLETE SCHEDULE MADE LAST 'CLASSES 'WEDINESDAY Ann ual Summer Choral Union 'HRDpING 15 NEAR Concert Proves Big Success DPIrV fII FUSE TO EXCHANGE FOOD- I STUFF FOR WVORTHILESS NOTES OFFERED LDWIN EXPECTING TOj [ F T VEIL OF SEiCRECY ht Take PrarliaW'ent and Public Jpnto Confidence and Disclose Correspondence iiueseldorf, Aug. 1-(By A.P.)- eeffects of the fall of the mark' begininug to show themselves in ponounced food shortage through- the Ruhr. armers are refusing to exchange, d potatoes for badly depreciated ne, nd in consequence potatoes, at andi other staples are almost )bbainable at an~y price. This is e not qnly in the Ruh~r, but else- ere i erm~any. ggravalion of the present short. it is felt, would make food rdots imnprobable. warrn G.Harding COACHING SCHOOL CLSEt f~RfMfl lhIBOw~wsWuqwnuu op.d4 Aug. 1-'The recfnt expG-I io that Primne M4iiter' Baldlwin's Successful Year' Conmpleted In u41111uef epent in the house of commns1 u s' ' y with respect to the iego- lO ! 4 P?3.iCai lpiswith the allies Wpuld hardlyEdwto very informative has led to a be-. that the premier will explain the' HIGH SCHOOL COACHES FORMI cation fully, withdrawing the veill MAJORITY OF ENROLLED diplomatic secrecy, -which hitherto k~ept every one guessing. Tomorrow marks the closing of a fthis cannot be done Mr. Baldwin, I successful session in the school E ording to political writers, will- -Athletic coaching, Physical education e parliament and the public into Jiepce ad will give a 'rbal out-f and administraf' '' at the University, of hattieprfte co~repoId-Last year was the first that these wou~l iscos- courses were offered and there were To Consider Gor 93 students taking them. This year A h@ government's course, it is saidl more cmrhnieprogr~i as.Watr- J b epneidei sd tt po thre1ranged inll all om~~ses and there were twp O~ ~ ,1150 enrolled representing nearly ev- ji4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~cr m tng toayad qm Ie state in the Union; one student he res nnnastinislthatthe ceeing all the way fron the Philip, vernmont will decide to seek an Im- edlate separate agreement with Ger- any. ;ate Bulletin Of Chiet's Condition Presidential Headquarters, Palacel otel, Sank Francisco, Aug. 1-(By A. The. official bulletin issuied1 at 4:50 "restingconoutW aftter a som~e- , The t~rnperature reached normal rng thedayandthe pulse has, yap,-r ti from 10)1 and file respir'ation oin 36-40. There is evidence of ght improvement in the lung condi- on; otherwise there is no marked fanged. igned) C. E. SAWYER, M.D. RAY LYMAN WTILBUR, M.D. C,. M. COOPER, M.D. J . T. BOONE. fdUBERT WORK," AWIENTo S PEAIN 0M CProf. R. A. Sawyer of the physics apartment, will lecture on the " Lab- Ofs' at b 010 c tuday, in tthe au torium of the Natural Science build- Lg. Professor Sawyer will dwell espec- illy on the spectra of stars, the areties of stellar spectra, and the auses for some of the varities. He ill also tell abou~t the experirv1cts }ace isi thehlaboratories here,' d ~i ecture!' wjn lb'e' illustrtd by' ides" shoiwng'somie of the stellar d & } kBor~sl~y, deat f sti-' St~ , et foV. Harbor Beach yesterday 4lere he will spend i ls vacation. He ,ill retun toQtheUniversity eary pines to attend,# tCoursets in baisketball, football, baseball, track as well as practice in bandaging, caring for injuries and athletic training, were given, the ma- jority of the students enrolling in all of them. The greater numbers in these courses were coaches of high, schools and small colleges througlout the'. country, while several were PhysicaI' Education students 'v1;o srU 1' 6 io w~int( d to benef p tA tisin ItensiveI sa amer 'trainiu& T[here were 16G'women enrolled, which is' quite supris i inY,w- t thi filet ht tiih: is only the second year phyvsical training courses have been given, and also. that ,no provis- ion was made for them in the way of- special courses. Next year, however, i'f there_ promises to be an increase in the enrollment of women special~ courses will be given ;for them. One interesting cashe of how enthuts- iastic coaches ar6, becon'iv'V ° snf ;t Fr scfloo1 cotrses s 'at 6 'uhig A'biool1 cot ifrqm Kentuky carne hlere with three of- his best athletes1 to prepare for the season, ne xt ear axed to teP (he 11in, good 4raljninr 4. if this plan is successful, the /high school is going to offer scholarsl~ips in these cburses at Michigan for their most deserving students nd atllletu M. Gr'eat intei (-O. 11 t (,ntliiUSITsm lt been sown bIy oll the students in these 'Physical Tr ain ing coturses and all say they havre benefitted greatly 'by them' and many of them expect to return next year M All students', In. the e lleges of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts; En- gineering and ,Archtecture; Pharm- acy; School of Nducatiom, and Library (IMethods who expect to receive 'credit for .their suimmer's ;work will he ex- pected to take examinations from Wednesday, Apzg. 15 to Friday, Aug. 17, according to the fellow ng ached- ule; Classes that meet at 7 o'clock wil ~hold examinationis on Friday from 10 to 12 9Plock, these 'Ineetng at 8 o'clock will be examined on Thrg- day frogn 8 to, 10 'ciockg,9$ o'clock cgasses will hod examination on Wed- nesday from 2 to 4; 10 o'clock classes, 'Thursday from 4. to 6; 11 o'lok classes hold eamiatins on F day from, ~to 1Q 'cclcl. 13. 1N. I s s Kthedale Qlse .that meet in ths afternoon will be examined according to the fol- flowing schedule:' Those that meet at 1 o'clock hold examinations on Fri- day from 2 to 4; those meeting at 2 o'clockt on Thursday from 2 to 5;, O'clock classes hold exmnations on Wednesday KrQml 4 to, 0; 4 allclock classes have examnjatons on Thurs- day from 10 to 12. Irregular casses meet on Friday at 4 o'clock for their examination., This schedule can be found in tle regular officil buil~etibn 4 tkie Summer session on Pp S~ 1. In addition it will -appear in the Daily Official Bul- letin of the Summer lchigAn Daiy. f The examinations wi~A01hle helo to the same rooms in1 which the classes; ar held. Attention is called by the Summer session offle that classes will continue up to noon on Wednesday. "Ma tty"-Sm alidon Is ,Reassigned To Michigan R.O. T. C. Sgt. Matthew ,A. Sia'o,dpn, hse regua rnt nzy tntexpired Q~ July o this year, has reenlisted an has again been assigne to his, dutis at the University of Iv~ch~.gwn v- T. rP, na don, w, a is at peset wilih ~ ttery i, s any arRy lean of' vast experiaece, having served for 22 years, two and one-half years in Cuba, two and one-half years in the Phil- ippines and for nearly two years in France during the World war. Word that he has reenlisted and will continue in his former 'capacity here in the R 0. T. C. is receMvA&wjhu pleasure by all, wl, i lrew UiM he. hav~ni L~ e~one1a campus carcter. ardnd A lnn\Arbor, especialy ie lj commonly called, l~e t frien t 4 vey ~' vNrktl Wbotti e Coxg in cntpt, Iis heery disposi - ti~making him popular with all stu- dents. While Sarent Smalldon's as^ ment here is one of i ~ r44hlxi~b it is hoped h 4 will reuaPx fo Tn- t'ie l 04g peiod of 'tithful and ef- ficient servce His faithful service In the past has earned for him an enviable reputation, oe which will not be soon forgotten regardless of where he goes from here. "twas lidnigt On the v r'Jt By Margaret Stin~t The chorus work was marked by Under the direction of George Os- good attack and ensemble, expression car Bowen, the Summer Choral, Un- was' ably handled. The Choral Fan- ion presented- their "annual program, tasia from, "Lohengrin", a piece / of successful beyond measure, with a work -difficult to carry out, was per- precision in detailed work as well as formed so as to reflect great credit an exhibition of feeling found only upon those :taking part in it-the di- in true artists. The audience Was rector, the chorus, the soloists, Mrs. highly appreciative and by far the Konold, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Adams and largest of those attending the con- the accompanist, Virginia Tice. Tihs cert series of the Summer session. chorale includes the famous Lohen- grin wedding march, and also in the love song appears the leit-motif of DEAN 1 JELL F The ~child violinist, Emily Mutter. shoeda technique and, a musical OR9M9 ICS, ON IV personality which can only be the result of a mingling of inherent abil- companiments were ;played by Mrs. Lecture of Interest Because of Grow- Emma Fischer Cross. The group of ing Little Theater Movement Ranchmaninoff songs by Wheeler In Country were in well chosen contrast to the - rest of the program. Mr7AftI rLut1~~jiJ ALLANiT, 'A; OPINIONS ARE WIDELY KNOWN Alxander Dean, director of the Little.=Theater at Dallas, Tex., will speak at 8 o'clock next Monday night ,in the Natural Science auditorium, on "Dramatics as a community asset". In view of the growing interest which is being shown in the Little Theater movement which is sweeping tbo country, the lecture will b of par- ticular importanc@ . W Dean is wide-I ly knowig *1rou~hout 'the United te i dramatic circles because of his Idea of the travelling theater. Graduate of Dartmouth Mr .Dean is a graduate q p'art- mouth college, later did graduate woik catIHar%T#, *Ad spent five years on the lejltimate stage. He was for som~e time connected with tble Ing- {ish department of the 1ai~versity of 1Montana, and w~t from there to Dal- las wharq o toot charge of the Dal- las players. Ha has been engaged by the Sum- mer session~ to conduct a special class in the public speaking department for the last two weeks of school here. He will take up the problems of stage management, When he leaves here he will go to the Drama Con- ference and Festival which will be held at Petersborough, New Hap,- shire, which convenes AnXW.A,' V., 141: 18. WmI\JU, tq, Ann Arbor. he, wil speak~ twij.c, once o his' ned idea o< " U', Travelling' Theatre" ajia wb o, "The Community tliea~tr kW ita s- TPAS WILL BE GIVENfi Semi-professional skill will be' ex- hibited in the grolMj 4plays ba be /given by ?Pi.,.",- A T% Aotexs , 1.l J.. lY~prO~dUmn tion. t j 9C'iclZ,k 4thrS ~Y anc Friiay eveii Q k nAext week izn, givesiy.let; ljh . Fog~j.: T~g. ty tevenng will co j i ' 4re-at plays: "Thurs- dy ~ v@?tig' by Christopher Morely; "TIhe Exchange" by Althea Thirstok k "Jo~it Owners in Spain";M ~t Middleton's "The w , ~", kse plays have >t tid tor public prS'It ~1% h group of one act .l1.r given 'before the class. The I ne-act plays are directed by mem- bers of the class in play direction most of whom are graduate students, the majority being experienced dire- tors of high scblggQan oJllee dra- matics, * 4 ea ln& roles inr. Oscar Wilde's ~"The Importance of Being 'Earnest", will be pt by members of the cast o( "'phe Rivals" presented here 144 aui'mer. This play will b@.,k rected by Professor Holjlstar hiself. The admission pi~ie" t3 fifty cents. No -bs ArelIn Leipsig Germany Word 14, een received of the ar- ivnl of Prof. Frederick~ C. Newombe and Mrs. Newcombe in Leipzig, Ger- many. Dr. Newcombe was formerly head of' the botany department and he 'retired last' sprin. Professor New- conmbe is expected to return in the fall but he will leave shortly after- wards for Honoluula. His position is temporarily being filed' by Prf. H. ;H. Bartlett. Chicago, Aug, .-'(By A.P )-Walter Wesbrook of Detroit, advanced to the semi-fianls~ of the Western, tou-rament today by defeating Wray Browui of St. Louis, 7-5, 6-4, and 6-. IJohnny Hennessey 'of. Indianapolis, present uhrnpion earned a chance to defendj his title in the semni-fianls when he defeated Art Hubbell, Chica- go, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, and 6-3, Walter Hayes, Chicago, . defeated Alex Graveans, California, i -4; 6-4, and, 6-0. EDUCATIONAL PICTURES WILL BE SHOWN TONIGHT Four reels of educational motion' pictures will be shown tonight at, 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the Na- tural Science building. Two one Teel pictures, "The Orange Indjstry," And "Horseback After.. F!j ,"which yhave already provd popular with the Ex- tenalo divtsion, will be run. ,The othi-3 eur- awos reels will be on a single sub- ject, "The Manufacture of Portland Dement," alleged Tidd nSlayer Held Kalkaska, Michk, Aug. 1.- Bruce Williams, alleged slayer of E. F. Tidd, Sharon, innkeeper, has been held to the September term of circuit court' on a charge of murder. He wave OX- amination ,yesterday. i _ e# t l 3 1( t i , OF IL ES PAB' "I FFEEL SAFE THAT WVE HAN PASSED' PEAK OF TROU- BLE"-SAWYER BOTH PRESIDENT AND MRS. HARDING CHEER FU] '[alsk is' No to Bing About Oomplei Recovery in Convalescence, Say Doctors Presidential Headquiarters, Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Aug. 1-(By A. P.)-President Harding is slowly, but surely winning his way back to health. Every "official statement from the at- tending physi*cign today contained ev- idence of improvement ,and every re- port from 'the 'sick room told of goodly steady progress. Tonight the physicians are almost ready. to announce that all danger is past. They recognize, however, as 'they said in a bulletin issued shortly after 10 o'clock' today that every care is necessary to, assure freedom fromn further, complications. With this situation existing, there was a settling down during' the day to the task of bringing about a comn- plete recovery-a' task\ that will re- pudiate on any ;definite number of days, most of which willr be spent here in 'San 1francisco. / Comnf!ortaible After Sleep " The foremost day bulletin is spok- en of. as President Harding's. being fairly comfortable After .a night's sleep which was the best hae has ob- tained since he was taken ill and less labored breathing with only a slight cough. .egular and satisfac- tory e1'4ination , on a' lung condition about the same as yesterday whenu it was said there were subsidors of the central patches of broucho-pnue- ionia." The amount of nourishment taken by the chief.:executive during the day still was small, but as one of the physicians saidI, quite sufficient. E Receives First Visitor Another indication of progress' was that he received his first visitor in two .days, Mrs. E'. Rensberg, of San~- ta. Anna, Calif., -his sister, with her two daughters, Kathline and Helen, who spent several minuites in her brother's room but was instructed by the physician, not to talk,, with him as it might tire him. Attorney General Daugherty arriv- ed during the 'day having journeyed, here from Seattle 'when . the Presi- dent's illness became' alarming.. League Party' Yostponed 'The thirdX Women's league party / Faculty vs. Supers\To4day =IYh was to, have been held Saturday The faculty. of the School oif..du- afternoon, Aug. 4, In Barbour gym- cation 'will play the superintendents x-sinm, has been indefinitely post- in the baseball game this-afternoon at Rovillaiu GivesI teresting; Talk In FYench On Memories Of Sailor ..._.. . ...,,_.....-.,...a r RAQEJ O 510ET TO EGVN0USA The Tnp1ii banquet for all Sum- ur students will be given at the Michigan Union, Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. This banquet i sjjonsored by the Melk'*a and Women's educational clubs, but all University students and their friends are invited. Tickets will be on sale on campus and at the various classrooms today, and throughout the remainder of the weea .~ The speakers of the evening will be: Commencing with a brief autobiog- raphy of his life from when he ran away from home at the age, of elev- en to become a cabin-boy on a Frencha sailing vessel to the present time,' Prof. Eugene. E. Rovillain of the Romance languages, department of the University gave ;an interesting lec- ture yesterday afternoon on "Mem- ories 6f 'a Sailor". He told how he had been. strongly influenced in his childhood by the sad sea songs which his, sea-faring uncle sang to him every evening. He crossed France on foot and enlisted as .a cabin-boy, a position not 'to be Eenvied, as they are treated as serv- Iants by the sailors, who are generally rude and ignorant. Prof. Rovillain gave a vivid descrip- tio n of life on a sailing vessel,tl- tel ing of the drudgery and hard _work, the monotony of which is only re- ieved, by ;Sundays. On that day the sailors do their washing, say pray- ers, play cards, and dance to the music of violins and bagpipes. His First Voyage On his first voyage he witnessed a gale 'at_ sea in which 19 mhen were' carried off by the waves while try- ing to furl a sail. The storm lasted 21 days with no sway to keep the course and the dhip foundered oni a ,reef. After four days of expos~- ure and with the. loss of fiver more men, the ship was able to be turned in the direction of Montevideo. How- ever being unable to make the port. they at last succeeded in reaching Ri& de Janeiro where the ship sank. In Rio, de Janeiro eleven of the remaining crew died of yellow fev- er, leaving eight men alive out of the fifty who had sailed from France. Twenty-seven months ' after starting on the voyage the ship arrived at the French port m'anned by a crew of several :different nationalities. The families of the sailors had long: since given them up for lost. Sailors' Superstition Professor Rovillain gave an in- teresting account of the superstition of the sailors, especially during a storm when the masts are filled with peculiar phosphorescent lights. They are called by the sailors ."St. Elmos fire" and correspond to our, "will of the..-wisp". When the sailors see these lights gittering about among the masts dur- ing a heavy gale, t4hey fall on their knees and pray, refusing to go near the masts for any purpose. They be- l ieve that the fires are the souls of sailors lost at sea who have not had proper burial. He described tropical nights and Not a destroyer was in sight! As she twined, his arms91% her neck 'she lost ;xr, gp~gsge- mentu Wluat would the war at hone say when he heard that. He should say;, THE AD. TAKER 960 Ful to 1Returni Arthur G~. Hall, w vho has' AND FIND IT