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August 01, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1923-08-01

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r Richard Heidemann)
the land of the morning
land of peaceful peoples and
lie political disturbances and
>f the present day, as serious
nay be, will never disinteg-
e peoples and the tradition;
ey have as a result of more{
0 years existence as a na-
his was t'he keynote of Prof.
Rufus' illustrated lecture,
'ial Survey of Korean Civil-
given yesterday in Natural
Fraced to 2265 B. C. .
history may be divided into
rate periods, said Professor
o Tangun Dynasty which be-
e year 2265 B. C. and con-
r more than a thousand years,
Dynasty which began in 1122
e Three Kingdoms period,'
hich Korea was divided into
erent kingdoms, and the more
lynasties of . Koryu and Yi.
use of colored slides Profes-
s showed many objects of in-
hch were built nearly four
years ago, including Tan-
rship altar and burial place.
ttions showing Kija's coming
were shown next. He wasI
person to introduce agricul-
Korea, the occupation upon
ore than 80 per cent of the
ere today are dependent. An
le great wall which was built
his dynasty was 'shown in a
state of preservation after
for more than three cen-
of the period of the Three
s were shown which disclosed
on of the old Koreans, some
bsurd superstitions and their
characteristics. For instance,
shipped dragons, according to
efs, one of the celestial drag-
ther the cele~ctial white tiger
ey believed was the guardian
stern wall. During this per-
ge rock foi'tress was erected
e capitol city for protection
nvasion, which stands today.
eans, however, have- always
peace-loving race, asserted
>eaker then told how Korea

ation, Says Rufus
became known throughout the Far
East and was over-run by the neigh-
boring peoples of China, Japan, Russ-
ia and even the Straits settletnents
and India. Worship temples of the
old pagoda type were illustrated in
which the old kings used to make their
heavenly offerings. In 1392, said Pro-
fessor Rufus, a heavy high wall was
canstructed about the Seul, capitol,
which also remains today, just as it.
was first built.
One of the most interesting of the
slides was one which showed some
metal type bearing Korean letters of
the alphabet. These metal types are
known to have been used in printing
50 years before the time of Gutten-
burg, the German, who first used print-
Developing Rapidly low
In conclusion, Professor Rufus stat-
ed that Korea was at the present time
in a state of transi ion. At this point
ie .used several slides showing street
scenes in the cities of Korea. Here
the most modern street repairing and
cleaning machinery could be seen, in-
cluding a late model of street roller,
a street sprinkler, as well as modern
type of trolley cars and other vehicles.
Koiea has ah area of 80,000 square
Imiles, or about one-third as large as
the state of Michigan, on which she
has eighteen millions of people.
Exchange Notes

British Expert
Joins American
Financial Firm


The way to rent a room is with s
"Daily Classified".-Aav.
Find that lost pin through the clas-
ifited Ad will find it for you.-Adv.
Patronize The Daily advertisers.
We recommend
Marinello Antiseptic and
Bleach Lotion
for that disagreeable and
unsightly sunburn. We
also aarry a full line of
MARINELLO Cosmetics.
Stoddard. Hair Shoppe
767 N. University Ave.
Eastern Standard Time
(Effective July so, 1923)
Limited and Express Cars to Detroit
-6:oo a.n. 7:ooa.m.,8 :0o a.m., 9:05
a.m. and hourly until 9 :o5 p.m.
Limited Cars to Jackson-8:47 am.,
10:47 a.m., 12:47 p.m., 2:47 p.n., 4:47 !
p.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 p.m.
Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m. and
every two hours until 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars to Detroit- 7:oo a.m.,
8:55 a.m. and every two hours until
8:55 p.m., ii:oo pim. To Ypsilanti
Only-i :4o P.nm., x1:15 am.
Local Cars to Jackson7:5o a.m.
and then12:xo a.m.
Connection made at Ypsilanti to
Saline and at Wayne to - ymouth and
Nor thville.
GAR RICK h^rs.T s". 25-50c
14Th Annual Season Nights 25-50-75c-$1
In Richard % Aalton Tully's
"Th Bird of Paradise "

with Mabel-Ballin
Joe Rock Comedy
Tr.-Sat. -
Tom Mix in
Stan Laurel in "CUfFS and COLLARS"
Jcohnnie Walker in
By H C. witwcr

Bert Roach in "WON'T YOU WORRY?"
Constance Talmadge in
Jack Cooper in "SWEET AND PRETTY"
n.- Tues. -
Edward Gibson in

Bull Montana in

William Faversham in


Sir William Guy Granet
Sir William Guy Granet, English fi-
nancier and former general manager
of the Midland Railway company, has
just become a member of the Ameri-
can financial firm of Lee, Higginson
and company. He is with the London
Smith Leaves for Vacation
Secretary S irley W. Smith will
leave today fo Georgian Bay where
he will join his family in a vacation
for the rest of.the summer. He will
return to the University about the
first of September.
The College Inn has reopened and
will serve you as usual.-Adv.

P Enoi~ hirst"
You can always get good
company to join you.
1Deicious: and Refreshing

Wisconsin-More interest is - being
shown in the politicl science courses
offered at the University of Wisconsin
this summer than ever before. The
six courses have an enrollment of
more than 270 students, an increase
of at least 33 per cent over that year.
Wisconsin-Four thousand, six hun-
dred and eighty-three names are list-
ed in the new summer session direc-
tory of students, which has just been
issued by the University of Wisconsin.
The 1921 directory of the surmer
session had 4,470 and in 1920 there
were 3,585 listed.
O'ne hundred and thirty-nine' stu-
dents are enrolled in the federal train-
ing school for vocational education.
Last summer 54 disabled soldiers were

The Cocas.Cola Comp,

Let "Jimmie the

adtaKer" find it'



nn has reopened and
s usual---Adv.
d Advertising
o cents per word
dI in advance ; fif-
er reading line per

ers , of standard makes
sold, rented, exchanged,
I and repaired.
Is Arcade Phone 1718
LE-Who wants my corking
ord runabout? Fine running
$75.00. Call Barney at
. 34-P
FOR RENT-On East Kings-
one section of double house
rooms and garage, $50.00
nth by the year. Phone 1564-
D-Unfurnished suite for fall
access of University Hospit-
rite in care Box G. T., Daily
D-An insurance solicitor.
stating qualifications -.and
number for appointment. Box
care of Michigan Daily. 34-c-3'

Chicago Art Instiute-As soon as
funds now being raised for the new
school of industrial arts are complete-
ly subscribed, the Chicago Art . Insti-
tute plans to gather together a group
of America's most noted craftsmen.
Directors of the art Institute expect
the new school to be the largest and
most distinguished of its kind in the
country. They are supported by the
leading manufacturers of fine furni-
ture and other artistic products.
$200,000,000 is needed to carry the plan
through and the greater part,-of that
amount has been obtained.
Instruction in the desinging and
manufacture of g1Asswareanpottery,
ironwork, jewelry, weaving and beau-
tiful typography will be given.
The College Inn has reopened and
will serve you as usual--Adv.
Patronize The Daily advertisers.
One Week
MORE to take advantage
of our

Engineering Sells, Too!

A whole lot of the make-believe has been
eliminated from selling operations in the
past ten years. The old idea that sales-
men were born to the sample-case, that
they carried some sort of a special diplo-
ma from the University of Pooh, has had
to break camp, along 'with the other
exploded theory which insisted that a
salesman must be a "good fellow", a man
of strange habits, tremendous stories,
and unquestioned qualities both as a
mixer, and as an assimilator.
Now we believe,-nay, we know-
that the best salesman is the man who
knows most about his goods, and can
talk most interestingly about them.
This being the proven case, it isn't so
queer thatengineering should find a real
and effective application in the selling

field, especially if the merchandise mar.-
keted is an engineering product that is
bought and operated by engineers.
Every engineer who now engages in
the sale and distribution of Westinghouse
products feels that he is -doing work
worthy of his training-for he is carrying
Service and Sincerity to Industry, and
to mankind! He is out where the fighting
is often the fiercest, and he is putting up'
a battle for the things that he believes
are right. And a man can't expect, nor
ask, a bigger chance than that!
Sixty percent, approximately, of the
engineering graduates who come to
Westinghouse, find their way eventu-
ally into some phase of selling. And
we are proud to have them there-and
they are glad to be there!

Reduction, Sale

of our

and neatly done.
leaned and repaired.
17 Nickels Arcade. tfr



For Fall!

All clean stock at less
O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels'
pen evenings. ' tfr


in pen, Thursday
on barrell. Call

You will save
Clothing Store


wNed tin


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