J U1VA1V.LLjF~I Yl. 111s1 it. Vi...'1 L 1 A except Monday of the Associated Press. The As- Press is exclusively entitled to the epublication of all rews dispatches to it or not otherwise credited in and the local news published here- / at the postoflice, Ann Arbor, as second class matter. >tion by. carrier or mail, $1.50. Ann Arbor Press Building. nications, if signed as evidence of i, will be published in The Summer the discretion of the Editor. Un- mmunications will receive no con- The signature may be omitted in n if desired by the writer. The Daily doe not necessarily endorse nents expressed in the communica- EDITORIAL STAFF elephones 2414 and z76-M MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHUE or ..............William Stoneman ......Paul I~ Einstein trs.. Nathan Davis Robert.Ramsay- Assistants [eidemann Ada Phelps Geddes Andrew E. Propper gaper~ Regina Reichman Mitts Margaret Stuart oran Lucy Tolhurst yer Matilda Rosenfeld BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ,. BEAUMONT PARKS ........Hiel M. Rockwell a .................. L. Pierce ................A. S. Morton ..........John C. Haskin Assistants Bartholomew George Stracke S. Griffiths John A. Barrett histicated urban life are beckoning.] Then there are the pleasures of sum- mer resorts with bridge and tea and tennis as star attractions. Or per- haps you prefer the quiet enjoymtnt of your own home with cumfort and ease and plenty of sleep. Theie ai e s( me of the ways in which . to idi- away a ph4isant six weeks and no doubt many more suggest themselves to an inventive mind: But wake up you tea hounds, you re- sorters, and you sluggards! Wake up and hear the call of the wild! Have you ever gone camping? Have you ever spent your days and nights in the pure outdoors with the whole world as your tent, with the soft pine needles for a bed, and the twittering voices of the birds for an alarm clock? Have you ever smelled the frying bacon and the boiling coffee in the early mornings? Have you ever fish- ed for trout in the' silvery streams, or listenced to the soft music of the moun- tain zapids? Have you ever watched the .tars come out and the moon ride as I&u sat near a camp fire and won- .T:red about man and this whole mesa * all civilization? If you have you are 'lucky. If you nrver have then cast aside all thoughs of 0i0ps and summer resorts and golf a'id bridge and what not: get out itL.J th' -'cods for a few weeks and tty t'e Wmyle life. You "i' come ba(k feeling rather humble and like a small boy. Your efficiency will have been increased 50 per cent and your un- erstanding even more. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1923 1 Night Editor-H. A. DONAHRU], "STALLING FOR TIDE"' Evolving from the attitude of retal-' ion for the wrongs Germany visit- upon the French republic during] 3 late war, an underground current ected to disrupt the present Ger- .n state is apparently the primary tive which has retarded open and [plete action on the problems, mght up in the British note. Poin-a 'e and his ministry have been ac- sed of "stalling for time" more than ce during the past week but now dr part in awaiting the economic struction of Germany assumes a dif- ent aspect. k Paris dispatch printed in the Chi- go Tribune of yesterday makes the lowing remark: "It is no secret in ench official circles that a policy of lay dominates the attitude here in firm belief that the total collapse Germany is only a matter of days. e French government was bitterly appointed that the demonstration yesterday (Sunday) for a republic the Rhineland was such a failure. Poincare, however, is determined to take any action to force the ne or openly to aid Dr. Doren, the ineland separatist leader, realizing ,t it would invite the" severest crit- sm from London, Washington, and Mme." Destruction , complete collapse of rmany's economic structure, is im- nent and unless something unfore- n appens, little other than a eck of the newly organized systetm government can be expected. While Itain is spending every effort to ell the disturbances in the occupi- areas as well as in northern Ger.- ,ny, France is praying for the worst'. e knelt by the bedside for nine ys with the British note in her nd, and on the tenth she turned a ply over to the British ambassador 11 remaining by' the bedside in al supplicatt i.. The, answer, as: r as any one knows, might as well ve been left unwr."en, for the con- ssions which Poincare made were so ght that they w.11 not alter the per- us situation hi the least. Fortunately for all concerned, thr- ench premier is sensitive to the asure which woti I be passed upon. m if he were to :)penly aid in the rmation of a Germa n separatist ate. Intense fear of desertion is the 1y thing which prevented an open eak between Wrance and liritain in e current corr; 4.fioneflee, and now is fear alone whb *h -retards French tesmanship from meddling in Ger- an politics whict would immediately ad to the complete disintegration of- e entire govertimc ii; i system. UP YOU SLUGGARDS! Oil men are planning to shut down during the month of August to "stab- ilize the industry." ;Why does not someone suggest the same thing to the farmers. They ought to stop raising food until everybody gets so hungry that they will pay any price for .it. !' Headline over a scientific article in. a Detroit daily says, "United States to Take Lead in Establishment of Zoo- logical Gardens." This is quite na- tural when you come to think that we. have the greatest collection of animals, two and four legged, in the world. Unless }there is a check on the in- fluence of a few new political parties in this country we'll find ourselves, over-run by a new Know-nothing party. YESTERDAY By SMYTHE .A \4 is not exactly evident through his remarks. He says that high manners and refinement cannot accompany ef- ficiency in action. Still it is highly possible that deliberate and clear statements are equally as effective as gruffly sounded, crudely phrased ideas from one who boasts, "I'll make them hear me!" OASTEROLL , L GOOD MORNING AUGUST A BUDDING young genius, name unknown, recently figured that if all the gold teeth and bridges in the world were gathered in one pile they would fill the mouth of the Panama Canal and still have enough gold left to make bracelets for every person in Panama. We trust that they won't find out the name of the budding one. It would probably be a case of nipped in the bud for him. Attention Western Union The Column has a new slogan fore you to use if you want it: "MORE DEADLY THAN THE MAIL!" Don't Overwork Your Vacabula The Lickum & Stampit Correspond- enc school has added the following instructions to lesson Z9999 of their course on the English linkwitch for foreigners: "For handy reference we give be- 'low three phrases which all learners of the English language should mast- er. Their value lies in the tact that at any time of day or night when you do not understand a remark or ques- tion which is directed at you, you can answer with any one of these phrpses and always be both safe and interest- ing. In fact some people have been known to live for months with 'these three phrases as their sole conversa- tional matter. They are: "You know it!" "Ain't it the truth?" and "YES, we have no bananas." ,A Little Conundrum IF DAIVID was the father of Solo- mon, and J6ab was the son of Zer- uiah, what relation was Zeruiah to Joab? Zekal. IMost people, says Zekial, answer the I above by "father." As it happens Zer- uiah is a wimmen! Betrayed! The other NIGHT I went to a MOVIE WITH a low-brow friend. The ORCHESTRA played "The Little Brown Jug" And he thought it was NATIONAL anthem And STOOD up. I DID too DARN him. Question What made the tower of Pisa lean? Answer Rolo's Flesh Reducer.-adv. TARI. Y.' GRAHAM'S Both Ends of the Diagonal =i . I P soda fountains, golf and automobiling are also forbidden by law. The prose- cutor announced that he would en- force the Sunday laws-all of them. Instantly the people rose in their might. The police were instructed to ignore the, prosecutor's orders. Even the leaders of the law enforcement faction objected to such a narrow legislative view. "We just wanted the law enforced against dancing, movies, and. billiard parlors," says the president of the Swedish Methodist. Ladies' Aid society, who presumably has an automobile and perhaps even plays golf. And the Chairwoman of the Civic committee of the Federa- tion of Women's Clubs protests against wholesale complaints of '"technical violations." There you have it. If you violate a law you don't like, it is Bolshevism, treason and anarchy; but it I violate a law I don't like, it is only a technical violation. Twenty-Seven Died in Berlin Wreck Berlin, July 31.-(By, A.P.)-Twen- ty-seven persons are reported killed and 25 injured in a collision today be- tween the Hamburg-Munich express and a stationery train at Kreinsen station, near Cassell. \ -- HIS boy is paging us be- cause he knows that we can respond to any call for awnings. We use they - best materials and employ only the most reliable kind of workmanship. Lowest prices. We Keep Out the Sun" Awnings and Tents VISIT historic _,. Iijallier'tavern -.- COR CHICAGO AND MONFOE PIKES Gate/vaxy to Irish Hills CHICKEN DIsNNsER ETC F 0 D always tastes much better if the surroundings are right. Ther ii n o pleasanter place in Ann Arbor in which to e t than SUPERFLUOUS FAC IAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELEC VROIASIS SElectro-Cosmntic Service 224 Nickel's Arcade -t 1b. Farmers & Mechal Bak -TWO OFF.CNS- TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM MAYNARD STREFT I Oi.1O5S. MainSt. 330 S. State It Nicke's Arcade -3 =-' It lll tll tl 11t8 1 I tI lltlttll ill1 it11i Iil tll lllllllilll1 1 lll ll till llll llilllillt IWHITE SWAN LAU"NDRY CO. Launderers, Cleaners Dyers, Pressers : Cents' Suits.............$1.25 Ladies$ Suits.. 1.50 up ONE DAY SERVICE ON REQUEST PHON'Er 165 Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges x ' , Food For Hogs Word comes from wheat growing districts that farmers, blaming the market price of 90 cents a bushel, are feeding wheat to their livestock. Shipped-in corn is selling for almost a dollar and so farmers say they can- not afford to sell wheat and buy corn Many sections of the world are cry- ing for wheat. There are markets where all the great grain surplus of this country would bring good prices and relieve nations where food short- age is reaching acute proportions. Likewise farmers in this country are suffering because their produce is not fetching them a living profit. There is an excellent example of the way. in which the world. has learned to co- operate. One half the world is crying for wheat while our farmers feeid it to hogs. 603 W. Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, Mich. Noy 1 Autographi Kodak Special LAST TIRES TODAY A PLAY MADE BY' THE DIRECTOR OF "HUMORESQUE" "CHILDREN Of DUST J= f with JOHNNIE WALKER' PAULINE GARON LLOYD HUGHES SAND A NEW "THREE MERMAID COMEDY "STRIKES COMING THURSDAY THURSDAYJohnny HinesI IN A MILE A MINUTE COMEDY "LU iliil ii lii 11 i lil lill i1 l11 1111111 l 1 M III|| 11| 111|1111 11111llllllltl11111 =3 i. Daily Excursion to PUT-IN-BAY B c , One Round Trip $1 .25 Sundays Way (Return Same Day) Holidays teavet Detroit Daily 9 a. m. (E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Say-bathing-dancing-° groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, andPerrs historic monument. Connections at Put-tu-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside, 'E . Daily to Sandusky ThePut-lu-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, Sroves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven hours at Put-in-Bay! Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. in.; arrive back in Detroit 10.30p. m. Fare-Cedar Point,$1.50 round trip; Put-in- Bay, 80 cents. EDITORIAL COMMENT The Passing of a Referee The famous Ford-Tribune libel suit may have resulted, in little loss for a prominent Chicago newspaper, but it cast the life of Judge James G. Tucker, who was the presiding mag- istrate over that litigation. His serv- ice throughout the trial, which at first gave evidence of lasting only a few days, but dragged into months, was like ''refereeing a continuous prize fight." This is how the venerable jur- ist characterized the legal contest which sapped up his former vigor and left the judge an old man with shat- terd nerves. Once having undertaken the task of trying the case, Judge Tucker could not give it up, although both he and his friends realized that it meant the beginning of a physical breakdown. Here was a life unmis- takably sacrificed in the administra- tion of justice, the awarding of a few cents damages to the richest man in the world. Shouting From the House-tops Dignity and culture mean nothing to the newly elected cenator from Min- nesota who now censures the body he is about to enter for its refinement. He seems to believe that the breeding and education which are manifested by members of our legislative body are not conducive to applying common sense to the administration of the gov- ernment. Just why the "horse-sense" which Senator Johnson says he in- tends to use on the country could not be presented in the senate under the --- ^+- _ of n - a nl n~r1n+ v ". MAJESTY OF OUR LAWS (New York Times) Law, a sublime thing always, is still more sublime when it springs from the people. Jean Jacques Rousseau, the prophet of modern democracy, would be delighted with the statutes of this nation and its component states. They are based, as, he held they should be, on the general will. But' the general will, it must be re- membered, is not the will of the gen- erality of the people, but the will for the generality of the people; not the .opinion of all of us as to what each of -us should do, but the opinion of a forward-looking person who knows he is right' as to what all of us should do. Accordingly, nearly all Americans, radical or conservative, wet or dry, have about the same opinion of the laws. We all think that certain laws are right and should be obeyed, not only by those who think they are right, but by everybody. Many think certain laws are wrong, and may be disregarded by, those who don't like them. There is some difference of opinion as to which laws are right an dwhich wrong, but the funda- mental. philosophy is the same. In Ludington, Michigan, a group of reformers set out to stop dancing on. Sunday. They pointed out to Ithe prosecuting attorney that Sunday dancing is forbidden by law, which is true. Sunday newspapers, movies, The new SPECIAL i1 the greatest achievement -in hand camera construction since the introduction of the Kodak. IT'S no bigger than your hand-yetit has a pic- ture range hitherto' associated with large cameras only. Seven adjustable speeds from to 1/200 of a second, a sliding scale that automatically shows the speed to use and Kodak Anastigmat Lens f.6-3 -assuring clean-cut negatives _24 x 34 inches. It's on our Kodak counter. Price complete $50 LYNDON & Co. 719 N. University Ave. Dancing Moonlights Leaves Detroit 8:45p. m. FareWed., Thurs. 60c. Sat., Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Write for Map Folder Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line Foot of First Street Detroit, Mich. e Summer session is nearly over, the many who have attended the lar session for the past year and d to return to the grind again this are no doubt looking forward to six weeks vacation before the be- ing of school. Perhaps you area dering just how you will spend blissful month and a half in- -------.-h a ilI-- r, f , s Ni