3nus 1 nansc . fs To University' Cut King's Salary Says Labor Chief; Maybe He'll Strike received in the of- Fors of the medical college and the rec- of the President recently, conveys, i the president and the governors t. Bartholemew's hospital in Eng- their thanks and appreciation,.for message of greetings which they ived from the University of Mich- oh the occasion of their 800th an- rsary. The greetings, which were ared in the University press in the ary on parchment, were presented he Prince of Wales.by Dr. Fred- G. Noy, of the Medicals school, acted as the representative of, Jniversity at the celebration. The t occurred in London in , June was one of the most important rs of its kind ever held there. esentatives from all nations and . most educational institutions of world presented their messages ongratulations and greetings. Communication Bears Thanks e communication received by the ident bears the seal of tle .great ital and reads thus: t. Bartholemew's hosptal and the ry church of St. Bartholemew the t, London, E. C. I., 800th anniver- 1123-1923, he President and the board of rnors of the hospital, the.govern- -- -x- THE THE A TER Screen-Today ' lajestic-- Theodore Kosloff "Children of Jazz." )rpheum - Anna Little 1 "Chained Lightning." IVuerth- Harry Carry in "TI "Kick-Back." S in in f he n- ld tor and church wardens of the Priory church unite in thanking the Presi- dent of the University of Michigan for the kindly greetings which were broughtby the hand of Prof. Freder- ick George Novy, M.D., S.C,.I .,L.L. D., on the occasion of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the found- ing of St. Barthoelmew's hospital and the Priory church of St. Bartholemew the Great, West Smithfield, London, by Rahere in the reigniof King Henry the first. "The address is preserved as a treasured possession among the rec- ords of'the hospital." Murdered Battle Creek IPhysician Michigan Alumnus Dr. W. W. Shipp, of Battle Creek, recently murdered, was one of the most prominent University of Mich- igan alumni in Southern Michigan. He was shot and killed by a ment- ally unbalanced ex-seivice man Wed- nesday afternoon, while at work in- ,is Battle Creek office. Immediately after perpetrating the crime the mur- derer leaped through an open win- dow, six stories to his death. the motive as disclosed by a note found on the murderer's body, was said to have been an imaginary wrong at 'the hands of the draft board during the war, whichi assigned him to the in- fantry when he desired to enter the medical corps. Dr. Shipp had absol- utely nothing to do with the matter al- though he was a medical examiner of the draft board at the time. Born In Eckford County Dr. Shipp was born in 1876 on his father's farm in Eckford county, Mich- igj n. After attending the rural school he entered the public school at Marsh- all, Michigan. Finishing his prepar- atory work he entered Albion college an#l spent two years in preparing to tak enedicine. During his undergrad- ate days at Albion he was well known as an athlete, playing football, base- ball and being a member of the track team. After a year's interval after finishing his work at Albion he en- tered the University of Michigan Med- ical school, graduating in the class df '03. While attending Michigan he was well known about the campus and was a member of Sigma Chi fratern- ity s8U e-Th~s W eek David Kirkwood David Kirkwood, laborite in the Brit- ish house of commons, is advocating a cut in pay for King George. George draws $550,000 and he might strike if it were reduced. But that doesn't seem to worrk Kirkwood. DOGC LOVELL COMPOSES SONS F OLD ILAND Dr. Tom Lovell, T. N. T., L. L. D., P. D.Q. etc., poet and composer, has just received copies of his latest song, en- tiled "The Best of'Luck to You," which he is selling. It is a true Irish ballad ringing Ireland in each line and no doubt is destined to rival the most famous Irish songs now published, including "Down on the Swanee Riv- er." This is but another of the Doc- tor's efforts and will no doubt be re- ceived with great ovation. Rotasies to Torontto in 1924 Chicago, July 27.The council of Rotary International decided yester- day to hold the nect Rotary conven- tion at Toronto, June 16, 1924. -T- COMPLEXION POWDER S L RC T the shade best suited to your skin--there is certain to be one that exactly matches you flesh tones-and apply it precisely as directed. jThen go on your way without another thought for your ap- pearance. You are assured of looking your lovely best through hours and hours of strenuous shopping, outdoor sports, danc- ing, wgrking or what f will. It needs but one thorough test to convince you. A rm a n d Cold Cream Powder in .dainty pink and white box, exqui- sitely perfumed, $1.00. Other Armand Powders, 50 cents to $10.00--white, pink, creme, brunette, * and tint natural. BISHOP LECTURSO FIFTEENTH CENTURY BOOKS AND LETTERS ILLUSTRATES LECTURE WITH SLIDES SHOWING OLD EU- ROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS "There has always been a dispute between the Dutch and Germans as to just who started printing with mov- able type and this has never been quite settled," said Librarian W. W. Bishop last night in the Natural Sci- ence auditorium, in a lecture on "15th Century Books and Manuscripts,." Thespeaker illustrated his lecture with many slides of different old man- uscripts and pointed out the difference in type between French, German and! Dutch printers, showing the fine reg- ular type of Guttenburg, who made the strongest claim of being the in- ventor of movable type. Mr. Bishop also showed slides of several French woodcuts which were among the first ever made, and then showed an old German Bible illustrat- ed- by borders done - in colors and gold, and all accomplished by hand, a task which took a great deal of time because of the intricate designs which had to be traced. He explained what a task it was to cut one's own type and set it up, and then by illustrations showed the dif- ference between the originals and the facsimiles, which can hardly be de- tected except by the borders. Phone Company Taken Over Washington, July 27.-(By A.P.)- The Michigan State Telephone com- pany was authorized by the interstate commerce commission today to take over the property of the Citizens Tele- phone company which operates ex- changes in Grand Rapids and neigh- boring cities in Michigan. It will pay $3,851,737 for the property and will assume oustanding bonded indebted- ness. Remember "Jimmie the adtaker's" number-960.--Adv. Look over the values in the classi. To Turn Swords Into Pencils For Mexican People EVAS BEATS IN EXR .E F 11 1, I Gen. Francisco'Serrano Gen. Francisco Serrano, minister of war in the Mexican catbinet, is now on a Jtour of the United States. He says he is centering his efforts, however, in studying educational methods and plans to reduce the Mexican army and use the money thus saved in increas-' ing educational facilities in Mexico. Today- Harry Carey in "THE KICK-BACK" Stan Laurel in "THE WEAK-END PARTY" sun. Thru Tues.- nLupino Lane yin IA FRIENDLY HUSBAND" His first 5-reel comedy Coming- Jane Eyre with Mabel Ballin Fri.-Sat.- Ann Little in "CHAIN LIGHTNINS" Century Comedy Sun. Thrau Tues. - Owen Moore in "THE CHICKEN IN THE CASE" . athe Comedy Wed. - Thu rs. - William Faversham in "THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF" Bert Roach in "WON'T YOU WORRY?" Cleveland, 0., July 27.-(By A.P. Chick Evans, of Chicago, defend title hol'der, today defeated Jess Swe ser, national amateur champion, in Western amateur championship Mayfield, on the 38th hole. It was nip and tuck struggle for thirty- holes. First one and then the ot] gaining the lead, only to lose it. E ans was final dormie one but lost 36th hole. They helved the 37th par four to Evans won the 38th a nervous demonstration of golf which Sweetser took six strokes the 345 yard hole while Evans hi self took five. CORRECTION Alexander Dean, director of the I tle Theater, Dallas, Tex., will spe here on Monday, Aug. 6. Thursda -ssue of the Daily stated that he wo appear here next Monday. Michigan banners, blankets, p nants and pillows at Wahr's Univ sity Bookstore.-Adv. Patronize The Daily advertisers. GARRICK MATS. Tues- 25-5 14th Annual Season Nights 25-50-75. THE BONSTELLE C In Avery Hopwood's Dashing Comedy "THE COLD DIGGERS' NEXT WEEK-"The Bird of Paradise" k (Detroit) le company '- - ~ - The Bo in "The Go him for you. -Adv jm '4 ites: Two day, paid cents per charged. AdvsrtisIng cents per word In advance ; f- reading line per For the Balance of the Summer *FOR SALE SALE-Household furniture, also tdents' doubledecked beds, desk, ble, and boQkcases at 824 Arph 1t. le closes Mqnday. SALE- Ford peedster-good tor and tires, $65.00. Call 47- so-p- - - YPYVRJTIN - - RWRITING AND MIMEOGRAPH- G promptly and neatly done.. pewriters cleaned and repaired. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade. 28-c-4 TYPEWRITERS . st models, high grade machines, rted and sold Hamilton Busi- ss College, phone 342-R. State d WilliaTi Sts. 10c-21 TYPEWRITERS 3vriters of standard makes ught, sold, rqted, xchanged, eaned and repaired. 0. D. I iRRIT IL Nice~s Arc~dg gu 1718 PO 1iRENT t RENT - Furnished rooms for ght housekeeping. 710 W. Liberty. ione 930-J. 31-2 LOST AND FOUND T-Gold bar stud with small chip amond at Observatory or between bservatory and University Hoe- tal, Tuesday night.Please call 22. 30.-p0 T-Ring set with tVo rtibes and rg opals. Thursday afternoon. Call 12. 31-2 if-Rider fountali pen, Thursday ternoon. Name ou barrell. p ~l Eks, 960Lo A5 EU MSCELLANEOUS The Summer =-- s' - Mmmm- .- ^ Americani League Washington 10, Boston 7. NeW York 7, Athletics 3. National League Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 3. Phillies 3, St. Louis 2. Pittsburg 8, Boston 5.M Bazzard to be Retired Lewisburg, W. Va., July 27,.-Wil- Liam Blizzard, concerning whose guilt on an accessory to murder charge a jury yesterday was unable to agree, will be retired Aug. 7. Michigan Daily WILL BE 75 CENTS 1. It i1s delivered morning every- Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. .. ; --- - + i except Monday thruout the ses- sion-or mailed anywhere with- out additional cost. Are there enough Dailies at I: , I -LAT TIMES TODAY your house? Make sure of SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT plenty, for they're only, 75c, by. calling 9 60-and 'ordering., QL The Summer Daily has im- portant notices in it-and also important news. 4 W7ith, a, ot~b1c 'Paramount Cast t ALSO Don't Miss It JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S Famous Short Story "THE WHITE MOUSE" With LEWIS S. STONE, WALLACF BEERY AND ETHEL GREY TERRY Call 960 Today I I,