-HIGAN DAILY I .1 M wHIGAN DAILYMI IIAINE COMMANDER! y>: ; J"^7;:}° s '.'".tr;; : : ":u fL;: .J :": x : " - '' :7:7 :::..cc . f "-5". Y ,.. Co-ops Prosper in Bulgaria Germans Arrange Loan bW C.KERSHAM TOSofia, July 26--(By A.P.)-The Co- Berlin, July 26-(By A.P)-A operative Association convention of about $5,000,000 has been arrar shows about 500,000 of the 500,000 12 years, 5 per cent, some bond householders in Bulgaria are mem- be in denominations equivalent bers of co-operative organizations. $5. Former Cabinet Member Will Give Talk on League of Nations November 2 IS ACTING PRESIDENT OF AMERICAN LAW ,INSTITUTE Today- Fri. -Sat.- Judge W. Wickersham is to speak Harry Carey in Ann Little in here Nov. 2, according to an announce- "THE KICK-BACK" "CHAIN LI6HTNINB" ment by the League of Nations associ- Star; Laurel in Century Comedy ation under whose auspices he is to "E E E9"Sun. Thru Tues.- give the address. He was United THE WEAK-END PARTY",Owen Moore in States attorney-general during Taft's Sun. Thru Tes.- "THE CHICKEN IN THE CASE administration and is now president Lupino Lane in Pathe Comedy of the American Law institute of "A FRIENDLY HUSBAND W"Wed.-Thaur.- which Dean Bates is a councillor. He His first 5-reel comedy William Favershkam in is one of the prominent Republicans in Coming- "THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF" the organization of the League of Na Jane Eyre with Mabel Ballin - Bert Roach in "WON'T YOU WORRY?" tions, a non-partisan association the purpose of which is to draw within the advocacy of this momentous in- ternational question the real brains !Ill il ll 'lllltlllll [IiIl lll I 111111111 I of both parties. The Ann Arbor branch of this na- tional organization was the second one to be formed. The first was at Yale The local branch functions not only as a part of the national organization, but also carries on in-a peculiar way NOW PLAYING its educational activities. The associ- ation has three outstanding purposes.- O ETHING (1) To bring speakers to Ann Ar SOM ENTIRELY DI REN z bor. (2) To maintain a study group for students who wish to learn the EN facts and issues in the international world. (3) To send student speakers=+ over the state, carrying information E. about the league and our international.. 'Positon. O John P. Dawson, Jr., '124L, is active f'~~" ol g~*!.I.! student chairman of the local branch. d . Dean Bates is honorary chairman. R beyt (di Dean Hugh Cabot is one of the facul- E advisory council. r Barna, on 'Tuesday. The correspond-amount Cast ent's despatch does not bear out the W ith a NotablePara public report that the death list will ALSO JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'$ Famous Short Story Treaty Thought Turkish Victory " H E W H I T E M U S E " London, July 26-(By A.P.)-The London press is virtually a unit in With LEWIS S. STONE, WALLACE BEERY commenting on the Near East Peace[I AND ETHEL GREY TERRY treaty as a complete Turkish victory. 1 ! il i l l l 111 I N t l11 I I IH 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 H 1 II I 1 1 H Casket bearing Admiral Sigsbee''6 body being carried past the Old Guard by sailors. eterans of the army and navy and high officials from both branches of the service and the government n paying final tribute'to Admiral Sigsbee when the commander of the Maine was laid to rest. A meet- ve of the 18 survivors of the Maine disaster in Havana harbor pre ceeded the funeral services at St. e Divine cathedral, New York. ntists Experiment With Bugs And Plants In Research E. G. Anderson, of Cornell un-' , is performing a series of ex- ats with the common fruit fly University batanical, garden, on the southwest side of iack- eet just beyond the city limits. or Anderson is reputed one of st promising scientists is, the Fgenetics and he has done a Leal or research work in the biology,>f Ernest E. Dale, of the Univer- Porto Rico, is doing some ith the pepper plant; Piof. H. t, Dr. Bradley Davis and Dr. Blanchard ,in the University ing some general research N. :Two , paid nts per cents per word in,,advance ; fif- reading line per MISCELLANEOUS ANCE SALE-Correspondence mery. All clean stock at less cost. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' ie. Open evenings. 28-c-4 WANVID ED- An insurance solicitor. r stating qualifications and e number for appointment. MIC, in care Michigan 'Daily. 28-c-3 ED-One porter and one cook he -next school year. Applic- apply by mail or In person to 0. at 325 S. Fifth Ave. 27-c-4 [ON WANTED - By capable for fraternity, for coming l year. Call 1780-R, Friday or 'day after two. 30-p FOR SALE SALE-- Ford Speedster-good r and tires, $65.00. Call 2547- 30-p-3 TYPEWRITING VRITING AND MIMEOGRAPH- promptly and neatly done. writers cleaned and repaired. . Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade.. 28-c-4 work on the maize and clover. Prof. E. G. Gustafson in performing a series of experiments with ti corn and its juices. Dr. Gustafson is endeavoring to determine the chemical analysis of corn and the amount of basic sub- stance contained in it relative to the total acidity. tA collection of growing plants for teaching and exhibition purposes is belng developed Mrs. Carl Erlanson has made a collection of several hund- red species of American wild roses from all parts of the iountry, Any- one interested in outdoor botany is requested to send representative roses from their locality to the botanicall garden for examination. The University acquired the 20 acres of land now being used as a botanical garden in 1913. Its physical equip- ment includes at present four green- houses, workshops, a modernly equip- ped boiler room, and a two-story brick laboratory,. An important feature of the greenhouses is the provision of five separate rooms for individual re- seacrh, each with an independent ven- tilation and automatic heat control. JFacilities are provided for the profit- ,a.ble propagation and cultivation of plants for experimental purposes. Amerien League Washington 6-15, Boston 7-3. New York 4, Athletics 3. National .League Chicago 11, New York 10. Cincinnatti 9, Brooklyn 2. Phillies 5, St. Louis 4. . Pittsburg 8, Boston 7. Grace Sentenced for Two Years Denver Colorado, July 26-(By A. P.)-Father Walter A. Grace, Arvada' Priest, was sentenced to two years in federal prison on each of ten counts for forgery of application for liquor permits this afternoon. Sen- tences are said to run concurrently. Just call 960. when you have a want.-,Adv. sails, students can' stop to have their breakfast. Before breakfast, howev- er, Professor Rowe suggests that .round-trip tickets for Put-in-Bay be bought. These will cost eighty cents. At Put-in-Bay arrangements have been made to visit two of the four caves: Crystal cave which is not very large but beautiful 'because of its or th e I crystal lining; Mammoth cave, Para- dise cave, and Perry cave, which is the largest. These caves are famous for their stalactites and stalagmites. Other points of interest to be visited at Put-in-Bay are the Glacier Groves and Perry's victory monument which is 350 feet in height and which has an observatory room on the.top frome which a view of all the surrounding M country can be seen on a clear, day. Reduced rates for these points of in- terest have been arranged for. low POINTS OF INTEREST INCLUDE IADMLOTH CAVE AND PER-t RY'S MONUM.ENT Aboust one hundred and fifty stu- dents are expected to attend the Put- In-Bay excursion tomorrow morning, according .to Prof. J. P. Rowe.' They will~ leave at 6 o'clock at Packard and State streets where spe- cial cars will await. the party. Ac- cording to schedule, Detroit will be reached at 7:55 o'clock and between thin and 9 o'clock when the boat 41~ o LUInt~iLna~ ~o -Jno'o LU n'hirnve iir Dalance of the Summer The. Sumiper, chigan Daily Eight Killed in Belgium Paris, July 26-(By A.P.)-A des- patch from Sofia, Belgium, said eight persons were killed and 20 injured in a train collision between Sofia and GARRICK MATS.&s. 25-50c lath ATnual S.ason Nights 25-50-75c-$i THE BONSTELLE Co. In Avery Hopwood's Dashing Comedy "T HE GOLD DISCE RS" NEXT WEEK-"The Bird of Paradise" dhe Farmers & Mechanics Bank -TWO orrICEs. r101-105 5. Main St. 330 S. State St Nickel's Arcade WIL L BE 75 CENTS It is, delivered' every morning except Monday thruout the ses- sion-or mailed anywhere with- out additional cost. Q, Are there'enough Dailies at your house? Make sure of TYPEWRITERS - -., iodels, high grade machines, and sold Hamilton Busi- ollege, phone 342-R,. State illiam Sts. 10c-211 TYPEWRITERS rs of standard makes sold, rented, exchanged, and repaired. O. D. MORRILL s Arcade Phone 1718 W HITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO. .Launderers, Cleaners Dyers, Pressers :: : Cents' Suits.............$1.25 Ladles' Suits.......1.50 up ONE DAY SERVICE ON REQUEST plenty, for they're only 75c, by calling" 960-a10nd order ing,. C The Summer Daily has im- portant notices in it and also important news. d 1-ttr LOST AND FOUND ... id bar stud with small chip tory or between Jniversity Ros- Don' Mist It Call 960 Today kN