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July 27, 1923 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-27

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. v




r m r r i t r m r t t t t r m m r t r r v r t r r r r rr r r t tr

ON ,


ry morning except Monday
-imer session.
e Associated Press. The As-
is gcclusively entitled to the
:ation of all ews dispatches
or not otherwise, credited in
helocal news published here-
the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
cond class matter.
by carrier or mail, $t.so-
Arbor Press Building.
ns, if signed as evidence of
be published in The Summer
scretion of the Editor. Un-
cations will receive no con-
signature may be owitted i
deired by the writer. The
does not necessarily endorse
expressed in the communica-
Ies 2414 and i76-M

-.William Stoneman
... Paul L. -Einstein
....Nathan Davis

:r, , eaa tesmanm"
s Marg'Lret Stuart
rd IPluer Tolurst
Matilda Rosenfeld
Telephone g6o
....el M. Rockwell
....... ... . L. Pierce
.A. FS. Morton
....hn C. Haskin
-thomonew George Stracke
Grifths John A. Barrett
DAY, JU(LY 27, 1623 °
e accord!" This is a phrase
until now been unable to
chaos of western Europe
signing of the Versaailles
sterday a press dispatch
sels caI-ried the word that
i Belgium have reached an
ing oi all points of the
e and are now considering
ify of joint action in re-
he document. At last the
p which alone can *iitg-
sent criis has been stim-
there are 'hopes that- the
hich only a few days ago
remote, may be achieved
care has announced that
eply to the British note has
m tompleted, he will make
t Ito have it in the hands of
government before the ad-
>f the parliament on August
Arary to -popular 6xpecta-
uhr blockage which has is-
>ccuped area from the rest
y, has been lifted, and the
V auppear to sympathize
lgian plan of "invisible oc-
Th y have even gone so
express an inclination to-
ting the proposal for or-
n American commission of
set'tlb the reparations dig'.
ed as this action is, the
horities could not have but
eir precarious position aft-
elgian allies threatened to
united action Il the Ruhr.
evidence of reconciliaton
e French and British lead-
j occupied area 'was aso
but two days ago when the
r-in-chef of the latter's
red the French quarters for
mne in. many months. Die-
:es between France and her
been numerois, they are
led, but it is apparent that
Ic realizes that the tri-col-
maintain friendly relations
>horts unless she ia willing
a from her origina- policy
t a losing war.
y a prominent clergyman
the United States is a very
ountry, that the American
opped to the lowest moral
d by woman in all history
ie men are no better than
tion o the word "history"
ul of other equally absurd
Oh have been concocted ac-
the well known and oft-
formula, "historical inter-
Everyone (except Henry
Mfagnus Johnson), believes
r has a high value in just-.
present and predicting the
wnch Interpretations require
investigation tempered
e of fairness and when the
ided the sweeping phrase,

horrors, a French reign of terror, an
American recon truction, a Henry
VIII, the social ethics of a Boccaclo,
or the more recent code of a "Cassan-
ova," must all be taken into consider-
ation If the clergyman wishes to prove
our moral status by means of histor-
ical comparison. And anyone of the
above stellae in the firmament of so-
cial visciousness makes a tin lantern
out of our present day evil.
While no normal thinker would ven-
ture a justification for immorality, he
will think twice before he absorbs as
truth such wind-jamming as the min-
ister, the authors of Town and Gown,
or ether mirrors of morality are di-
posed to foist upon a worried and cred-
ulous public.
Eucation a Ia'Klu Klux will be the
latest menace to the harriers of the
Klan, if Valpariso university becomes
the official center of learning for that
body. It doesn't require much think-
ing to classify the president of Val-
pariso who. has suggested that the
hooded night-riders take over the
The lack of German paper marks
of large denominations makes theft
a pretty tough job in Germany. They'd
have to use even larger trucks than
the wholesale bootleggers in the Un-
ited States,
The policy of considering only what
. candidate for election has left un-
done, rather than what he has done
is +etting a pretty firm hold on half-
informed critics of the national part-
Hiram on the Warpath
Sen. Hiram W. Johnson, of Califor-
nia, after a tour of four and a half
months in Europe returns to the Un-
ited States and makes all the politic-
ians sit up and take notice. The sen-
ator takes a slap at the proposed
American participation in the World
".Cl it court or what you will,' says
Johnson, "its genesis is the League of
Nations. If we become a part of what
is happening abroad, we should be
but the dupe or the prey of the one
faction or the other." A few more
flaying of the "World court idea like
that which Johnson administered, and
politicians will soon be playing an-
bother tine." There are no high minded
allusions to making the world safe for
democracy, or dobig away with wars;
the whole speech is simply a some-
what blunt -expsition of the secret
diplomacy, selfishness, stupidityand
schemes of Aexploitation behind joint
European political relations.
Johnson shows that American states-
men are willing and consider them-
selves qualified to settle European
problems when they have been iun-
able to cope with our own mining,
railroad, or farming questions.
"These simple problems of our sim-
ple American- environment are too
stiff for us; but we are told, and in
many cases actually believe, that the
infinitely sti'ffer and deeper prob-
lems of Europe need only the applica-
tion to them of American wisdom."
That is wholesome sarcasm a d a
good deal of it will be 'highly bene-
tfIcial to the Republican party.
No Law Against Laughing

No, reformers have not yet started
campaigns and there is no law against
Charles Bethke, of Dolton, Ill., was
laughing even at a village constable.
fined $10 and costs for laughing when
someone hit the Dalton constable
with a brick. The merry brick heaver
escaped and when the constable re-
turned from a long chase, hot and
boiling over with rage, he found
Bethke in paroxysms of laughter.
Bethke was taken before the local jus-
tice of the peace and fined. The de-
cision was reversed yesterday.'
Poor 'ittle Is
One genial philosopher who sym-
pathizes with the drab realism and
seriousness of the collegian's mind
has in a spell of light reflections sug-
gested that we establish Chairs of
Pire Nonsense in our universities. He
deplores, calling our crude and Cin-
ical realism "devastating." We may
lack knowledge of the merrier moods
but it has seldom been evident in Ann
Arbor. Nonsense sounds sympathetic
to ,the heavily murdened student but
common sense .would be a bit more
Communists Win in Germany
Berlin, July 26--(By A.P.)-Com-

GESS YOU have all heard of that
daily column in an internationally
known Chicago newspaper,;entitled,
"How to be Happy Though Married,"
by Doris Blake? Well, a contrib who
sines no name suggests that all our
readers should not*fail to get another
little work which is recently out along
the same lions. Name being, "How to
be Sad Though Single," by Boris
ANOTHER BOOK we wish to call
to attenshun of dear readers is that
noteworthy volyum not long ago writ
by the head wardin of Sing Song pris-
on, named: "Birds I View."
Dear Tarik: When I was at the
Circus which spent a few hours in Ann
Arbor a few weeks ago I overheard
the following conversation:
Willie: Look ma, aint that elephant
big as h-
Mother: William! How shocking!
Willie: What's the matter?
Mother: Haven't I always told you
not to u~e "pint."


Michigan banners, blankets, pen-
nants and pillows at Wahr's Univer-
sity Bookstore.-Adv.
Eastern Standard Time
(Effective July 10, 1923)
Limited and Express Cars to Detroit
-6:oo a.m., 7:o4 a.m.., 8:oo a.m., 9:05
a.m. and hourly until 9:05 p.m.
Limited Cars to Jackson-:47 a.m.,
10:47 a.m., 12:47 p.mu., 2:47 pm., 4:47
P.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 p.M
Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops
west of AnnrArbor)--9 :47 a.m. and
every two' hourS until 9 :47 ,p~m..
Local Cars to Detroit-7:oo a.m.,
8;5 a.m. and every two hours until
8:55 p.m., i1 :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti
Only--i:40 p.m., 1:1 5a.m.
Local Cars to Jackson-7:5o a.m.
and then 12:io a.m.
Connection made at Ypsilanti to
Saline and at Wayne to Plymouth and
S Northiville.
FOOD always tastes
,much better if the
surroundings are right.
There is no pleasanter
place in Ann Arbor in
which to eat than

'.11+.7"3R ; [l.'


Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges
GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the U gonal

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Daily Excursion to
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The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the PI' :n-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable )>ne. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeter a aboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-'ly-athing-dancing-
groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
histeric Monument.
Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland. Toledo and Lakeside.
Daily to Sand usky
The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point
A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
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arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in-
Bay, 8o cents.
Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folder N
Leaves Detroit 8:45 m Ashley & Dustin
*Fare, Wed, Thurs . Sa.. steamerDuLin
Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Steamer Lin
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mich.


Contribs! Contribs! To the res-
It is sed that many humorists have
had to face life with a dime, lacking
a nickel to read their own jokes.
A BIRD told us about a man lhe
=new who thought he'd left his watch
at home and took it out to see if he
had time to go back and get it.

' i






(New York Times)
While sociologists are shaking the
head and wagging the beard over the
'prospect that civilization will be
swamped by the mass of the unedu-
cated, the Younger Generation is
grappling with a more serious ail-
ment. In London, a few days ago,
money was raised for the hospitals by
(a debate under the Presidency of Lady
Astor on the subject: "Resolved,
That education is the curse . of the
country." The best undergraduate
talent of the Oxford and Cambridge
Union Societies was drawn upor to
argue the matter. True to their ob-
seurantist tradition, two of the three
Oxford speakers took the affirmative
Cambridge, forward looking as usual,
stood for the higher things.
The charges brought against British
education were serious. "Forty
years ago newspapers were written
for the instruction of parents and
not for the amusement of children."
But this is to ignore the possibility
that education has been so brilliantly
successful in recent years that chil-
dren no longer need instruction, while
our realistic age has understood that
for parents it comes too late. What
'could be said for education? One
speaker ventured into perilous depths
'by arguing that "the public schools
did produce gentlemen." Innocent
cisatlastic people had- supposed that
Divine Providence produced - gentle-
men, who thereafter were sent to
English public schools for training
in the technique of their vocation. It
seems that this is wrong.
The pro-educationists seem to have
realized that -they were getting the
worst of it, for their last champion,
no less a person than the President of
the Cambridge Union, -boldly defied
the movers of the motion by denying
that England was- suffering under
any curse at all. If this is so, a
great number of professional literary
men have been misleading us. Fur-
ther, said this monumental optimist,
"there was no good calling education
a curse, because it was a fact of
nature and inevitable." This gen-
tleman has obviously never been priv-
ileged to observe American statesmen
of the Era of Normalcy.
Altogether, the anti-educationists
seem to have had all the better of the
argument, but the audience followed
the best British tradition in voting
for education by an overwhelming ma-
joi'ity. Of course, this is not final.
Mr. Wells might ask what either
Oxford or Cambridge knows about edu-
cation, that they should discuss it so
glibly. A sounder criticism of the de-
bate was made 'by Lady Astor as its
conclusion. "Here were brilliant
young men not believing a word they
said, and yet saying it with wit and
charm. It made one feel a dread about
the future of democracy." Educated
and uneducated should ponder this.

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/f .





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may seem less irksome and life 'more pleasant! This sahI of bathing suits will
prove advantageous to those who need a new suit.

(Mack's, Second Floor)



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