HE SUMME GANI -j 'T D ISCUSE (Continued on Page Three) ters of this knV' Because the source of the comic is tie naive, and because' use of the naive is no bar to the ex- pression of serious things, wise things or to the writing of satire. In fact, it is a help; for it furnishes the fun that keeps satire from returning like a boomerang upon its writer and at the same time makes it hit harder. There is nothing harder to bear than satiric laughter. And as for the ex- pression of wisdom, when TIuck Finn gets off some truth in his innocense,1 that truth is doubly forceful just be- cause it comes out of his naivete." "Most of his early work was pure- ly comic; that is, it employed the comic forms for their own effect, eith- er in' a kindly fashion or as satire. This does not imply that he was a, mere fun-maker. Most of the time he wrote comic satire to some ser- ious purpose, to expose foolish 'thingsl hypocrisy, political humbuggery, or something of the kind. His comedy always had point, even when it was most hilarious; but in those early days it did not penetrate to the well- spring of human emotions and become hunior." In commenting on his sense of hu- mor,.the speaker continued, "Wit is spontaneous sendpful expression in thpe comic forms when ordinary forms of expression are expected or proper. The comic that is produced by hard labor is not wit. It is true, of course, that we cannot produce comic strokes accidentally or painsta ngly in pri- vate, then spring them when oppor- tunity offers, and so get credit for< being witty. But this 'is only proof of the sca iity and the high value of true wit. True wit must be produced] on th espot, when needed; it must sat- isfy some de ire of its maker, in spite of the fact that there' is something else to be done, and it must at the same time do the something else. Laughable wit, then is a manner of producing the comic forms. .Now, wast Mark Twain witty? Because wit must be spontaneous, it would be difficult to tell from mere examination of his writings; but we know from those who have listened to his conxersa- Classitied Advertising. Rates: Two cents per word per day, paid in advance; fif- teen cents per reading line per day, charged', MISCELLAIAEOUS CLEARANCE SALE-Correspondence stationery. All clean stock at less than cost. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade. Qpen evenings. 28-c-4 tion and to' hisimpromptu speches that hte was :a wit of the first order, Because of this, and because of the stupend ns amount of his literary production, it is safe to conclude that most of his deft strokes were wittily produced, not dug out of the solid rock by hard labor. He could, and did, write at top speed when he was writing. One characteristic of Mark Twain's is the fact that his wit is so deftly inserted into easy-moving sen- tences. Unless you keep constantly alive, you will read by stroke after stroke. Mark Twain wrote as he spoke, putting down his thoughts with a sort of drawl, and never letting on that he knew he was saying something funny. In other words he played the innocent, seeming most of the tme to be totally unconscious of the same thing. It was the art with which he simulated innocence that made him such a forceful lecturer, and it con- tributed largely to his success as a writer. Artemus Ward, Bill Nye, James Whitcomb Riley and George., Fitch all practiced the art of inno- cence as it might be called; buttno one of them was the equal of Mark Twain in that art, just as no one' of them had his breadth in other ways." 1RYAN METS FAVO IN EOLUI ION f IGHT Atlanta, Ga., July 24.-Organi7aton of southern legislatures against the menace, as he sees it, of the teach- ings of Darwinism, agnosticism or *atheism in public schools, is apparent- ly the present undertaking of William Jennings Bryan. In the past several months Mr. Bryan has visited virtually every general assembly in the south and asked the legistlators to go on re- cord as opposed to the teachings of such doctrines. So far as known, he he met with more than fair success. Georga Intrduces Bible A measure cropped up in the Geor- gia assembly yesterday, which, if adopted, would declare that the "sense" of that body is against the teaching at all of atheism or agnosticim. and, as truth, Darwinism, in any of the state's- public institutions. The commoner spoke in behalf of such measures sev- eral days ago. When the Florida legislature was in session in April and May, Mr. Bryan appeared with a prepared speech against those who believe they descended from monkeys, the disbe- lievers and those who profess ignor- ance. A resolution placing that as- sembly on record as opposed to the teachings in the public schools of that state was passed. He also went before the Arkansas legislature and others. Opposition Blocked The sterotyped resolution written by Mr. Bryan for presentation in var- ious state assemblies has been mod- ified and has seldom encountered any opposition now. The insertion of the 'words "as truth" in the reference to the teachings of Darwinism has serv- ed to embarrass oppostion. Canadian Professor Praises Work Done By Near East Party (By Professor Tiomas Callanuder) Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Kingston, Out,. The fascinating address delivered Iizens. Those who regret the aberra- last Friday evening by Professor Kel- tions of party politicians and the par- y evidently made a deep impression alysis of the international nerve which oy t the disease of party animosities en- on the audience, and fc2 those who gende'rs will be glad to find that schol-r heard him smeak it, would be a waste lars and scientists, medical men, and Bandit Leader Shot To Deqth of woris to point the moral. For the benefit, however, of those who missed. the lecture, and those who know only in a vague way that under his aus- pices the University of Michigan has come to the front as a center of IHel- lenistic research and as owner of arch- aeological treasure on the grand scale,I I may be permitted to offer one or two observations: It is of the utmost importance to remember that there will never again be an opportunity like the present for rescuing and collecting trasure by and for the American people. No matter what the future may 'have in store, no matter how strenuous the search for precious remains may become, the total amount stowed away in the Near- Eastern soil is limited. All the civil- ized nations are striving to acquire a share, and each ought to possess a fair proportion of their common in- heritance, due consideration always being given to local claims.. It is well to hear in mind, therefore, that the ex- is! ing stock of material to be acquired is a diminishing quantity, although the supply appears to be inexhaustible. Again, every year sees the annihil- ation of much priceless stuff. In hundreds of localities inscribed stones and, other more fragile objects' are laboriously exhumed only to beruth-- lessly smashed to atoms.' The soon- erthese are rescued from the vandal, or at least scientifically recorde'd, the fewer will be the "irreparable lossses" whiclr the world must forever deplore. Every American must rejoice to think that in furthering this work their country is at the same time re- paying a debt to the 'antique culture which it is thus making more fully its own. Moreover, to comfort and sup- port the sorely tired peoples who oc- cupy the habitations of the 'ancient Jews and Greeks and Romans is a missionary enterprise that properly goes hand-in-hand ' with American Eastern studies, and gives to each ef- fort in that direction the touch of practical philanthrophy which should command the whole movement to the active sympathy of all intelligent cit- F O O D always tastes much better if the surroundings are right. There is no pleasanter place in Ann Arbor in which to eat than TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM MAYNARD STRUET missionaries are free to do a little where statesmen prefer to pass by on the other side. Much more might be said, of the prestige gained by American scholar- ship, of the useful affiliations formed with other nations, all engaged in this honorable rivalry, and the opportunity 6f coming into direct entact with the great antique world; but I shall add just one remark in conclusion. When Lord Elgin, in competition with continental collectors, brought to England his treasures from Athens he not merely placed the world in his debt by providing a safe home for these masterpieces, but he did a fine stroke of business for his country. It was with a bitter grudge that the Aberdeen ministry paid 12,000 pounds (less than cost price to Elgin) for the "marbles"; but today twelve hundred thousand would not shift the same. Genuine antiques never cease to ap- preciate in value as the years roll on,. and, on the this sordid ground alone, friends of Michigan will have reason to be grateful to the much* lamented Gregory who suggested American in- tervention in this field, and to Dr. Kelsey for so admirably bringing the idea to fruition. American Boston 6, Washington 1. Cleveland 1-3, St. Louis 3-2. Detroit 9-4, Shicago 6-1. New York 9, Athletics 2. National Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 4. Valpraiso fo Continue Chicago, July 24--(y A. P.)-Act- ing to put at rest persistent rumors that the institution would not be op- ened next fall, the Board of Trustees of Valparaiso university today made public an emphatic statement that the university will begin its 51st year on Oct. 1, "all rumors to the contrary notwithstanding". (Panchio) Villa fate wrote finis the last chapterin the life of most colorful figure in Mexican tory. Peon, soldier, bandit and I Hood was the famous Mexican for ten years defied the. might of ico and the United States. Patronize Daily advertisers.-At GARRICK MATS. Tes.25- 14th Annual Season Nights 25-50-7 THE BONSTELLE C In Avery Hopwood's Dashing Come "THE COLD DIGGERS N XT WEEK-"rhe Bird of Paradise h- -C B t x I& rb THE colors in our awnings will not fade under the hot rays of the sun nor will they "run" during a heavy rainstorm. They are guar- anteed, against the elements. They are reliable. "We Keep Out the Sun" -i Pancho Villa With the assassination of Francisco FOX TEXTILE Cl Awnings and Tents 603 W. Michigan Av YpsilantiMc. .. ________________._________________________ Today- Barbara LaMarr, David Butler and Zazn Pitts in "POOR MEN'S WIVES" Charlie Murray in " THE PILL POUNDER."' Thurs. Thru Sat.- Harry Carey in "THE KICK-BACK" Stan Laurel in ' THE WEAK-END PARTY" folk ] I I Today- William Fairbanks in "THE SHERIFF OF SUN-00" Neely Edwards in "BUM SLICKERS" Fri.-Sat.- Ann Littlein "CHAIN LIGHTNING" Century Comedy Sun. Thru Tues.- Owen Moore in "THE CHICKEN IN THE CASE" Pat1he Comedy I Read The Daily "Classifed" Colun .___ . 923 Michiganensian. O. 17 Nickells' Arcade 2S-C-2 D. WANTED-Man to sell soda fountain supplies and fixtures in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, all or part time. The Connors Ice Cream Co. 28-c-2 WANTEia- An insurance solicitor. Reply stating qualifications aid phone number for appointment. Box MC, in care Michigan Daily. 28-c-3 WANTED-One porter and one cook for the next school year, Applic- ants apply by mail or in person to F. L. O. at 325 S. Fifth Ave. 27-c-4 .. TY PE W IRITIN TYPEWRITING AND MIMEOGRAPH- ING promptly and neatly done. Typewriters cleaned and repaired. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade.' 28-c-4 TYPEWRITERS Typewriters of standard makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 1718 s-tfr LOSTI' AND FOUND Read The Daily "Classified" Columns Daily Excursion to PUT-IN-BIAY' .P U c One Round Trip $1.25 Sundays V Way (Return Same Day) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m. (E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay mzsea. the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare-$L.50 one way. Speclal Friday Excursions to Cedar Point A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels, groves, and all outdoor amusements. Pour hours at Cedar Point and seven ours at Put-In-Bayl Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. m.; arrive back in Detroit 10.30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in- Bay. 80 ents. - - - -.- -Write for Map Folder "_ Illiiil lli i i 1111111 11111111111111111 1111111111illi1 ilIiI lIIII ll III llliiiii11I ,~}~ Intrested 1 Help give them an outing gt'the UNIVE.R SITl AIR Supported by Univer- S sity students and faculty. This year the Fresh Air C Patterson Lake, will furnish 5 ten day outing. The third s now in session and the fourth which will care for 120 boysj off if you don't give today. BUY A TAG. l- 4llnlIBlllnll Bllll I INIIitlt llilltt l lllt itllUliIlliIItlllnlli lllll ll vt 4~1 I 4 4 '. 'Y FRESH ponso re d by the Student Christian A ssociaton amp, on the shores of 00 poor boys with a section of the camp is h section of the camp, may have to be called / LOST-A pair of glasses between Un- iversity and Packard. Call Miss Har- ris, 904-1R. 28-c LOST-Small brown pocketbook con- taining slips with address 1503 Washtenaw and change. Please re- turn. 28-c LOST-Phi Beta Kappa key. Esther E. Pearce. Call 2246-J. ' 28-c-3 LOST-Ear ring wNith green set Sun- day evening, somewhere along Washhtenaw. Call 452. 27-c-2 HELP A KIDDIE - U 'o ho o I- r Daily "Classified" Columns