Past Month 9.2 Pe 'r Than for June Y MUSIC AND MUSICIANS! Haigh Concert Andrew ,Comstock Haigh will play at the fourth concert of the Summer r Cent Faculty Concert series at 8 o'clock on the evening of Wednesday, July 25 in Hill auditorium. Mr. Haigh is' a bril- LUSE liant pianist as well as a composer. T~tT He is a graduate of the University PATES and of the School of Music. For the past year he has been working under >rtiality the direction of Lhevinne. ed in! The public is cordially invited to t year- hear the following program: .chigan Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor. at 73.2 ... Bach-Liszt ousan Sonata, Op. 101.........Beethoven figure Allegrettofi ma non troppo en the Vivace alla Marcia. s Adagio, riia non troppo, con affecto Allegro itself Fantaisie Impromptu. ..Chopin' borni. Nocturne .. ......Chopin t of health states th Ad out of every the s is a much higher s in June 1922, wh -h rate was 64.0. gh Mark in March ent year has proved ourge for the newly -peo its ravage--c- me - n"-- 2. apex of its ravage~s came in Feb- r when the rate reached 107.6. then the decline h;ias been grad- ;narked, May showing a figure 2. en questioned as to' causes for nuly high rate of infant mortal- Lus far this year, Dr. R. M. Olin, issioner of health, placed much e blame on the general preval- of respiratory diseases. Consid- e scarlet fever, measles and ping cough lowered the resist- of the infants, rendering them victims of the respiratory dis- Urban Deaths Greater urban infant mortality exceed- at of the rural during June. eas the figure attendant on the r is' 77.5, that the country dis- is but 64.6. The birth rate of irban population is 26.3 and it is in excess of the 21.6 rate for iral folk. LINTFERS WANTED TO E'L BoYs' CAMP TAGS unteers who wish to assist in 'niversity Fresh Air camp fund ay which w-ill jbe held tomorrow equested to call at Lane hall to- nd leave their names, .directors e camp announced yesterday. drive will be held in an ef- o raise the $400 'necessary to maintenance of the camp during emainder of the summer ef Joe Domi~~tus, the Idian, who een teaching the boys at the the art of basket weaving, will Lane hall tomorrow with samples s wiikHonl display, it was an- ed last night. Jews Attacked in Russia rsaw, July 23-(By A..)' ty Jewish tradesmen ,'were. (ed, several of them fatally and r'e to Jewish property estimated ,e million marks was done dur- n attack by a mob at; Litilov in' Thlora District according !to re- reaching here today. attack. which took place during Lnnual market fair was carried y visiting peasants. Afterward nob broke into Jewish homes tripped them of valuables. nember "Jimmie the adtaker's" ier-960.--Adv. ronize The Daily advertisers. Valse .... .......Chopin Ballads in G Minor.........Chopin Novelle................... Meitner Prelude in B Minor.........Haigh Two Preludes........Rachmaninoff Etude Caprice. ..... Donnanyi H~iE EFRLDED BYEXPERTS Experts of the bureau of stand- ards of the department of commerce believe that within the next ten years the United States will see an exten- LITTLE CI1TY NE[WS Local Professor in Pamphlet Says That Municipal Government Data Is Insufficient BOOKLET TELLS AMOUNT 'OF NEWS RUN BY DETROIT PAPERS With the declaration that "the pro- portion of the news in our daily pa- pers which relates to city government is insufficient to gi vve the public the information which it needs in order to pass intelligent judgment on mun- icipaf questions," a pamphlet, survey- ing the municipal news as appearing' in the three Detroit papers, the News, the Times, and the Free Press, from January 1, 1922 to March 31 of the same year, sys, "The government of Detroit on the'average receives less attention than the daily performance of the Tigers. Ty Cobb gets more publicity than the mayor." The above and the following fig- ures were compiled by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science de-: partment. It is done annually for the purpose of assisting public author- ities in obtaining information con- cerning municipal affairs. The survey states that during the ninety day period in which the three papers were observed, the Detroit News -devoted 2-1 perceiit'of its news to municipal problems, the Free Press 1.6 percent and the Times only allow- ed 1.0 percent. In terms of cohlmns, the P ws -gave 142.5 colunms, the Free Press 108 and the Times 57. The following articles are classified in the survey, The Mayor, the budget, the council, the Health department, the fire department, the railways, po- lice, court decisions of civic interest, and stories related to any branch of city government or life. Europe Prospers, Says Walsh New York, July 23-(By A.P.)- David I. Walsh, Democrat, Massa- chusetts, who has been traveling in Italy, France and England returned on the Leviathan today. 'He said he DAN CING Every afternoon . . '. Also Sunday afternoons and evenings Brown's Pavilion, Lakeland, Mich. had not observed any chaos in Eur- ope. "The people seem to be pros- pering and still believe the U-ted States will cancel their war debt. We talk more about them than they do about us." BOSTON .MAN TALS O PLANNING__OF SHOOLS C. D. Kingsley of Boston university, formerly supervisor of Education of. Massachusetts, and expert on school, construction, in a lecture. yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditor- iui on "The Essentials of Modern School Building", stated that the arch- tect who specializes in building schools should be familiar with ev- ery detail of school construction from an educational standpoint and should comprehend fully the most ad- vanced ideas held by educators in this respect. He discussed, with the aid- of slides and plans, the latest theories in re- gard to school construction, wih spe- cial regard to site, location, lighting, heating, gymnasiums, auditoriums, li- braries, machine shops 4nd other de- partments in view of getting the best results from the students' work. - Mr. Kinglsey also emphasized the fact that all schools should, be con- structed so they could be enlarged easily if the necessity should arise. He showed several plans he had drawn of showers which could ac- commodate whole classes 'of 20 or, more students in a comparatively short time because of their construe- tion and efficient handling. He also displayed charts prepared to show the various factors import- ant iip the construction of school buildings including the width of stair- ways, fire escapes, the placement of drinking fountains, lunchrooms, and every thing that should be taken into. consideration when planning a school. American Cleveland 9, St. Louis 2. Nitional St. Louis 8,, Cincinnati 7. New York 8, Phillies 4. Chicago 12, Pittsburg 3. ium with which Shakespeare the movies and other forms of whic are interesting the pea day, all are a menace to the to of Shakespeare." Universality of Dramatis (Continued from Page One) H~UiestVro rmt v, However Professor Boas de "Political movements have an ef- j "Not till God makes man of a feet upon the study of the drama al- ent metal will such persoiiali so, Prof. Boas declared, "The Tudor Shakespeare created cease to . London of Eliabeth is not the Lon- I believe that time will touch I don of today nor is the colonial and Macbeth as lightly with his America of Shakzespeare's tim~e what the speaker declared, "as 1 it was then. National democracy as touched Achilles and Hector. S it is known today in America was not pearean dramas embody the dreamed of then, nor was it even an- tructible elements of permanei ticipated by the great thinker. To- ilization for which the wai lay, Shakespeare would be a conserv- fought. Whatever ramiflcatior ative," Prof; Boas said. "Walt Whit- wrought in outward society," I man described him as 'the incarnation sor Boas said, "the elements of of feudalism in literature,' while Tol- nature remain the same. stoi declared him to be 'the friend of the rich and the powerful, the enemy Get good values cheap, thi of the oppressed and poor'. Modern Classified columns.-Adv. Bolshevism would place Shakespeare in the index of expurgatorius of a lit- Find that lost pin through th rature. efled Ad" wili find it for you.- '"All these influences have tended to lessen our interest in his plays. In Patronize The Daily advertis addition are the innovations introduc- ed into the drama by Ibsen, the Scan- dinavian dramatist, the advanced psy- SUPERFLUOUS chological studies, that make his FACIAL UAIF dramas what they are, and give them Removed Permanently by the interest they possess, the fact that ELECTROLYSI modern ears are no longer attuned to Eectro-CosNietic Se r the blank verse. which was the med-_2____ cke____Arcd_ )n of the use of aircraft for business d pleasure somewhat similar to the tension in the use of automobiles ween 1905 and 1915. Airplanes will used more and more for carrying il and perishable goods, while it is impossible that people of moder- wealth will find them useful for. nmuting, for business trips, and week-end and vacation trips. Boon to Business Man :f the visions of the experts mate-, Lize, people whose business requir- only occasional visits to the city' a live almost anywhere they choose. )althy men can spend their winters Florida and their summers in Nova, >tia, and still keep in touch with sness ,interests in New York. The ect of the airplane, if it is developed is expected, will be to greatly ex- d the distance to which trips can made in a given period.of time. irplane traffic will not be evenly tributed for flyers are bound to go ere landing facilities are best pro- d. The town that first provides ?se facilities it is said, should be- ne popular with aircraft and, if oth- desirable characteristics be com- ed with the good landing field, it >uld become the fashionable sum- r resort of the future. Landing Fieldq Important the requisite dimensions, propor- ins, and the equipment of landing ds have been thoroughly studied by pests and the best modern knwol- ;e on the subject is embodied in the tional Aeronautical Safety code ich is now beingbprepared under auspices of the bureau of stand- Is anI the Society of Automotive gineers. This code specifies the thods of rating and grading landing ds and it further specifies the di- nsions that landing fields of differ- grades must have, and the extent which approach to them may be tructed. Locording to the code, a grade'"A" ding field shall have a firm run- y of not less than 2,500 feet in any ection, and all approaches shall be ar of obstructions. It slanding area ould be nears plane and firm in wet ather. Any high obstruction at the ge of the field is assumed to reduce effective length of the field in that ection by an' amount equal to seven nes the height of the obstruction. Government Offers Advice The airways section, office of the' ief of air service of the war de- rtment, is the registering agency landing fields in this country. The partment is pirepared to furnish vice regarding the design and or- nization of landing fields and in- mation published by them is amail- le to aviators all over the coun- 'E, K . ,. Today- Barbara LaMarr, David Butler and Zazu ?itts in "POOR MEN'S WIVES" Charliel Murray in "THE PILL POUNDER Thurs. Thru Sat.- To be announced Coming-FLOENCE REED in "THE BLACK PANTHER'S CUB" Today- Nazimova in Ibsen's "A DOLL'S HOUSE" Bull Montana in "A PUNCTURED PRINCI Wed. - Thurs.- To be announced Coming-OWEN MOORE in "THE CHICKEN IN THE C t 13t i, ,I' Sure to See } I WHITE SAN LANDYO a A t Laundere rsCleaners, Dyers, Pressers U -- Cents' Suits.. .$1.25 c Ladies' Suits.. .$1.50 up - ONE DAY SERVICE ON R E'QUEST PHONE 165 .'jiriiniii,. i tiriti liii r lit ii iIIilirri lIIiIllIlIir Iljrra i iIrr iIIr I lii iriri r I 1111 ili Advertisement of ti The Full Page, In This Week's Issue of ,Saturday Evening P Come in and let us give you a demonstra- tion of this remarkable light-weight motor SCHL 213 ates: Two4 day, paidi i cents per charged. Advertising cents per word in advance ; fif- reading line per the dir ANTE f tim ED-One porter and one cook T the next school year. Applic- iih apply by mail or in person to'ca O.'at 325 S. Fifthl Ave. 27-c-4 par for, - --I Y v', YOU CAN SAVE ( )}rhalf your clothes bills from no ' on. Heretofore= you sold you clothes or gave them away whe they became spotted. Now a you have to do is send them tot and they are good for anoth period of wear. It certainly 4 econo'uy to have them dr' cleaned with Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer, '~i Com f nyrre . w ur en all us er: is y- Daily Excursion to COne Round Trip $1 125 Sundi Soc0 Way' (Return Same Day) lfida Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. em.(E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted f Its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra ar dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing grover for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perm historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakesi Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare- $1 one way. Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point A special excursion is made every Frfday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rid to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world/-large summer hote groves, and all outdoor amusements.. Four hours at Cedar Point and sev hours at Nut-in-Bay ILeaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round" trip; Put- Bay, 80 cents. -Canoe cash card; Call Miller, 2619. $9.50 26-c TYPEIWRITERS . . I test models, high grade machines, rented and sold Hamilton Bust- ess College, phone 342-R. State md Will/am Sts.: l0c-21 TYPEWRITERS pewriters of standard makes. bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. - 0. D. MORRILL Nickels Arcade Phone 1718 1-tfr T 11 Ar ' E'fi. !T'h A very direct and, cheap form of advertising-classifieds. -Adv. i t1 Dancing Moolghts Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m. Sun. and Holidays,75c.f Write for Map Folder Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line' Fet of First Street Detroit, M HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS AND . PRINCIPALS See the display of elementary, High School and College text books on display on the fi-st floor of Tappan Hall. Miss Florence Storms, '23, is in charge of the display. PUBLISHED BY TUC ti n pDmK iun en ----- _ - - ."~ ' Call and Deliver PHONE 2508 209 SOUTH FOURTH AYE. Prerssing Cle'tfiing Repairing 1:1 ,, F uU